Is Jade Empire worth playing? Also should I play it on an original Xbox or the PC version?

Is Jade Empire worth playing? Also should I play it on an original Xbox or the PC version?

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PC version obviously and yes it's quiet unique. Black from the past when bioware had imagination

Its alright. Doesn't really matter as long as you use a controller.

I thought it was pretty neat, a bit short though. Really wish there were more rpgs that used that kind of setting.

>framerate, AA, AF, resolution and texture quality doesn't matter, particularly in an old ass game
abandon thread

The right one has a penis.

Why is a turkroach representing Japanese games?

i love this meme

Poor Anzu. Why did she think is was safe to walk alone at night in Turkey.

WRPG has substance and character while JRPG is cookie-cutter, shallow and doesn't hold up to close inspection?

I agree

OK, thanks guys.

anzu a cute

i will take the one on the left because she looks like a real women and not a midget goblin

22 hours according to my steam, not that short

Framerate is the only one of those that really has an effect on gameplay and it isn't much of an issue on console.


Has the best gameplay out of all Bioware's games. It's pretty fun even if the RPG aspect is lacking

>i will take the one on the left because she looks like a real women and not a midget goblin
This. She looks like an actual human; weebfags need to accept reality and get over their shitty cartoons.

I hate these kinds of screenshots.

>game never ran at 16:9
>instead of running it with black borders on the side let me stretch the fuck out of everything for muh immersion

only on PS4 Pro®

The only RPG (if it is) i've beaten. Loved it, funny dialogues and shit. Unexpected plot twist.

>picking on Anzu

For shame

>left girl takes the dick like a pro
>moans "daddy" and "fuck me harder" in your ear
>has actual hips and thicc
>pussy nicknamed super soaker
>her real appearance not covered with two inches of makeup
>saturday night: "user, the new season of stranger things just came out. want to watch with me? I'll order some pizza and sweet tea"

>right girl can barely take 2 inches without screaming
>annoying japanese screech right in your ear
>no breast, no ass
>pussy feels like two chicken bones rolling across ya dick in the middle of an arizona summer
>takes off makeup becoming literal who
>saturday night: "OmHG!! raaave to-nite D: u cumminggg? DJ bl4kkk will be thur!!"

Should've stayed in Japan, shame that she got run over by a tank during the coup;

huh game supports widescreen and nothing is stretched check your eyes

>15 Lire have been deposited in your account

you wish WRPG girls looked that good

>I'll order some pizza and sweet tea

Lol what a dumbass who orders sweet tea.

She (he) is cute.

>they both are crazy and stab you in your sleep

t. girl on the left

Neither do, but Sup Forums would like to make you think otherwise.

Improved 1000%

thanks mrs. skeletal

F-fucking normies

>Inuit wearing a crucifix


What am I missing here



theres something about her giant unflattering shekel detector that gets me absolutely diamonds
i want to impregnate her nose

She jumped on the bandwagon when atheism vlogs were a thing.

I don't get how this became attractive, cause it makes me diamonds but if you think about it, it's weird as fuck

She's not wearing Groucho glasses here?

>Anzu is a atheist

Daddy has always been a term for things other than biological father, like "suger daddy"

But she celebrates Christmas and mails out Christmas cards.

Christmas is no longer a Christian event.

She mailed out cards to people that gave donated to her stream. She celebraresd Christmas being she's a confused as fuck bisexual atheist neocon.

God damn, excuse these typos.