What if Sam was sent to Shadow Moses and Snake was recruited into Third Echelon?

What if Sam was sent to Shadow Moses and Snake was recruited into Third Echelon?

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Sam probably wouldve gotten far until Mantis or Wolf

Snake would just get kicked out since he fucking sucks at Stealth


I think sam can handle a sniper. Only supernatural shit is questionable.

It's been a while. Did Snake ever stop to interrogate any of the Genome Soldiers? How much of Shadow Moses could have been avoided if it wasn't and inside job and he had better intel?

He didn't actually interrogate in that game, but it's not something he can't do. I think MGS4 let him do it, I know you could in 3 for sure (even if it's a different Snake). As for Shadow Moses, probably literally the entire thing.

Have you seen the training requirements for Foxhound recruitment? I think being able to Interrogate someone is mandatory. It just didn't come up as a gameplay feature until 3, and even then, the Genomes were brainwashed, (cept johnny) they probably wouldn't have said anything useful. They're like the heavy trooper you can encounter in peace walker, who just tell you to go to hell if you try.

Sam had training as a marine recon and krav maga. He also developed weapons for TE, specifically the SC20k, along with its goddamn 20mm sniper rifle parts.

Isn't Sam's main advantage hiding in the dark? Not much use inside Shadow Moses proper.

Grey Fox would murder Sam

The shadows have never really been utilized as a stealth stealth tactic in mgs. Its always been more... Uh, arcadey? Running around and hope you're not spotted.

I'm sure if the games had proper lighting, Sam could sneak pretty well.

Reminder that this 'fight' ignored its own rules right out of the gate.


Well yeah. Sam's just human. Snake went through several types of gene therapy including the Super Baby method. That makes him Super human.

Its really the only reason he won against Fox in shadow moses.

Fuck, what a good post.


>Lambert, you're going to think this is crazy but there's some kind of... ninja. Almost the cheap movie kind, hacking people apart like they can't get the red stuff out of themselves fast enough but he's also wearing top of the line exoskeleton of some kind, moves like you wouldn't believe. I don't like being left in the dark, this whole island is a DoD candyland but what aren't you telling me? And as a side note, I want it on record in my file that I want one of those.

Different tools for different jobs.

Snake is basically a walking squad of black operators rolled into one man, like a battering ram. If someone is being naughty and it doesn't matter if the alarm sounds, that's when he's useful. Like a battering ram that won't fail and will send a message to whoever you sicked them on that they have gone too far.

Sam is like a lockpick more than a battering ram. When it's absolutely imperative that no one even knows that you had boots on the ground, until it's too late. When plausible deniability isn't enough, that's when Sam shines. He'll get in, rig the nuclear device to fall into the ocean and get out without making a peep.

Snake is like a CIA doorkicker, Sam is more your standard espionage affair, except a little more tactical.

This is distressing to look at.

Shut up, Fisher.

Fuck you Lambert I'm glad I shot you.

Manipulating me via fake daughter death- dickweed.

well, alright, I'll take your word that he isn't our boy. Suppose I have to trust someone in my old age. As for whoever is listening in on this call, you can tell them their suit is vulnerable to electrical overload, a few sticky shockers did the trick nicely. I won't bother taking this tin can apart, guy is out like a lead balloon and I secured him in a closet, the janitor is in for one hell of a surprise when he reports for duty. Two more things, I've changed my mind, I don't want one, and, more importantly, I've made contact with Emmerich. He, uh, has an issue with bladder control. Not exactly taking up armed resistance. What do you want me to do with him?

I don't recall snake being able to crouch-walk as effectively as Sam so snake is fucked.

as long there is a small shadow, sam is invisible to enemies

doesnt matter if is day light and he is under a tree

he is still invisible to the brain dead enemies

Should add onto this:

While Sam isn't "superhuman" like Snake, Conviction showed that he is just as adept at door kicking as Snake is. He'd have no trouble ghosting through Shadow Moses and completing his objective, but I also doubt he really would have had that much trouble shooting his way through either.

Sam would have no problem planting headshots in every "Boss" and there's no reason to assume that this wouldn't instantly kill them. The only reason it doesn't in MGS is because that doesn't make for a very fun action game if you can just one-shot the bosses.

Considering Mark and Execute is a canon feat (disregarding whatever you may think of it as a mechanic in the first place) and just how fucking insane the amount of skill, reflexes and fine motor control to pull that off is, not even Greyfox would prove that big of a challenge. He'd back flip into the room and upon the third flip Sam would have fired the round that would tear apart his cerebellum halfway through the fourth flip.

>sam in weapons dev

got a source? Although the game has to use generic brand it is the F2000, Lambert even calls it that

the sniper mod is insane no matter how you try to justify it though

MGS2 already proved that genes don't matter, and he's not the only capable soldier.

Gray fox can deflect bullets with his sword thought

Sam is fucked

not with his guard down he can't

not while he's backflipping and expecting a chance to give his anime-tier monologue that sam really isn't interested in hearing.

Sam having to time for anyone's bullshit would be the best thing about this crossover.

it doesn't work quite so well in reverse, I don't think MGS characters fit clancy plots well

Gray fox only did monologue because he knew snake

against soldiers he didnt know, LIKE SAM, he just make then into a helicopter blades to his helicopter sword

he is also invisible most of the time
only getting visible against the snake, because his memories were fucking the system

What if Raiden was sent into Sarif's manufacturing plant and Jensen was recruited by Maverick?

Snake had the bad genes so that doesn't even count. What I like about Snake is that he comes off as an average guy, Yeah he's big boss's son but he always made it happen even when he was setup to fail

All the hostages are dead, and Jensen wouldn't get past the first Metal Gear.

honestly sam's more proficient with firearms than even revolver ocelot. He'd probably have no issue taking grey fox's deflecting swords into account when blowing his brains out.

I guess it depends on if it's third echelon fisher or if it's "WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER" fisher.

conviction wasn't a very good stealth game, let alone a splinter cell game, but it was very good in it's narrative and it really did an excellent job of painting sam in an absolutely terrifying light without it coming across as contrived. I doubt even master chief could stand up to sam. That part where he goes into a blood rage and clears out third echelon paints it very clear just what he's capable of.

Could Jensen fight any of the Winds of Destruction though?

what if an Eversor assassin took Raiden's place and was given a storm bolter and a power sword for whatever stupid reason?

Are we talking newly augmented HR Jensen or endgame MD Jensen?


>I doubt even master chief could stand up to sam

You're joking, right?

>missing the point of the post

Where else could Freeman be effective?

Monsoon or Sam could take him

Everything gets dead, much, much quicker.

Eversor koolaidmans through EXCELSUS's armor into the cockpit, let's out a "REEEEE" and tears Armstrong limb from limb.

You can't just expect to say something so stupid and not be called out on it. It discredits the rest of the post.

it's called an exaggeration.

Its from the first book. He moved back to the states after his wife died and got a job with the CIA studying and developing weapons both conventional and informational, so he could stay in the US and look after his daughter.

I dunno about you, but I'd hire Gordon as my chief of security.

Nothing would harm my company.

It's called a bad comparison.


in a mental ward


Sam is already quite scary. Conviction Sam is on another level of "terrifying shadow monster out to get you."

Nothing until Double Agent really pissed him off, where Sarah "died."

How are the books?

>CASIE describes his personality as "Alpha"
Is Sarif really that baller or was Ubisoft meming

They're pretty good. The first 2 books are written by the same guy who wrote the original James Bond novels, but under a pseudonym for some reason. I've only read the first one and Operation: Barracuda, but I liked them a lot.


>but under a pseudonym for some reason
Video game novels are up there with movie adaptations as far as credibility goes.

Not the kinda shit you want to be linked to if you value your career.

my major gripe with blacklist is that it completely threw out all the good narrative precedent of the previous two games.

now this would have been fine, I mean leading up to release they were excusing the replacement of Ironside with them wanting to portray a younger Sam, and were implying that blacklist takes place before double agent.

but instead they were just lying and came up with one of the worst handwavy plots I have ever seen, including third echelon being disbanded and "fourth echelon" being a thing, a post-conviction sam coming to work for "fourth echelon" and having absolutely none of the character development present that was given in the last 2 games. I would have preferred if it was a prequel, or even if they just never made another game. Conviction was a good stopping point. Hell, if they made it about kestrel and that other operator that you played in conviction's coop I would have liked it better.

Snake is at least near Captain America levels of super even if his genes are worse than Liquid and Solidus's. I mean shit if we're taking Twin Snakes as canon the guy can dodge bullets plus all the other shit he does in the series.

Ian Goddamned Fleming did not write those

mostly because he was dead

About that...

This was their best battle


I'm not good with names. Whoever wrote the 1971 and on book.

Archers Dead, Dave.

Korbins a sick fuck for dressing his corpse back up in his splinter cell suit and putting him in a body bag. You can find his body in the first level of Conviction.

he will fit right in with the scientists in the zone

For as actiony and memey as Conviction was, it had a lot of good twists and developments. Like Lambert being ultimately responsible for manipulating Sam into infiltrating JBA via underhanded means. When Conviction was said and done, Sam just seemed really done with the wetwork and shady deniability of black ops.

But then Blacklist happened and we got an edgy younger Sam.

I still have no idea why they didn't go with the idea of having Sam become your handler and you play as a younger, newer agent or something like that. They would be able to have Michael Ironside as Sam, whoever the fuck they got for Blacklist Sam to play the new agent and have a swell time playing some new gen vs old gen humor between the two. Instead they made Sam into Benjamin Button and is getting so young that he and his daughter sound more like husband and wife with how little age difference they have.

Shit is so fucked up. It's not so fucking necessary that we play as Sam Fisher for fuck's sake. It's necessary for him to be played by Ironside.

overall it's a good game despite barely being a stealth game. graphics still hold up really well despite being 6 years old, gunplay is solid and feels good, art direction is great, music sets a good tone, good story that doesn't really overstep it's bounds...

it gets a lot of hate because a lot of people were expecting more PT/CT/DA, but taken as it's own thing it's a really solid game.

Sam reason new dude sex stars Adam Jensen again, Fisher is marketable, he's a name people know well enough that Ubisoft thinks they can use him to sell their product even if the character is nothing like the man the name was originally attached to, he's a part of the brand.

do you think ironside misses playing him like david hayter misses playing snake?

>I never noticed this
I really want to go back and play the coop missions now, but I'm 99% sure the game is dead.

Yeah but it's not necessary to play as him. We played as two nameless SC agents in coop and had fun. We played as Kestrel and Archer in coop and still had fun. What was important was having Fisher's character there, his personality and banter with Lambert and co. Blacklist has Fisher appear in name only. He had none of his previous personality, he had a new voice, got younger and is around 10 years older than his own daughter judging by their voices.

I don't deny that they did it in order to be able to market the game as a "FISHER IS BACK" kinda thing. I'm just saying it was the stupidest fucking move because it did nothing right. Which is a shame because the actual game is pretty good and definitely a step in the right direction after Conviction.

So stupid.

>no fun allowed

As expected from babby's first FPS.

It's a kids version of "my character can do this - well my character is better than yours and can do that and this - well mine can do that as well and it is the strongest in the world".

Sam would probably get killed in a boss fight, Snake only takes line of sight into consideration and would fuck everything up stomping around like an elephant.

First four are good, 5+6 are meh.
That's depressing.

Two developers answered it.
tldr, they told everyone to get real

Sam would probably do fine until Grey Fox or Mantis, but assuming Snake would play by his own game mechanics in a different game doesn't make any sense.

>Sam would probably do fine until Grey Fox

What exactly stops Sam from punching Gray Fox several times?

>Desert Eagle .50AE

although i think we're all forgetting the biggest issue of sam not being able to fucking jump in blacklist

Sam still plays by his own game mechanics in a different game, too.
Otherwise, if Snake can take on all this crazy shit, I don't see why Sam wouldn't be able to do the same.

That WebM is so artifacted i cant tell what is going on

Gordon died in the Zone. Didn't you find his corpse in SoC?

did they die

yes you do. he has one of my favorite handguns in the game on him.

>Lambert out


A new challenger enters

Assuming a human is controlling the characters and they operate the same as in their own games, they would both be fine.

If we are talking about their cannon strength and story, then Grey Fox would just see him as another soldier to kill, and go all invisible ninja on him. Punching Grey Fox also didn't stop him, he didn't actually die until Rex smashed his shit. Even if Sam managed to get past Fox, he still has to deal with Mantis and Rex. Sam is just way to grounded in reality to handle all of Snakes goofy anime shit.

>Sam is just way to grounded in reality to handle all of Snakes goofy anime shit.
Then Snake is too goofy anime shit to get reality down properly.

He'd just have to shoot the statues.

What if 47 took Snake's place?

Mantis would pick him out instantly

Suddenly every boss ends up having an accident

he was sick of the character by the point double agent was finished

>Just got done finishing the first two Splinter Cell games.
>See this
Well. This is funny.

I like the games. Well the first two at least. Only played a bit of the third. But I think that will be good as well.

Sam would have pretty easily snuck past any and all security. He also wouldn't have fallen for the metal gear activation key plot since he would have stuck to Grim's advice.

Snake would likely do well but ultimately get fucked pretty hard in more crowded areas.

Sam would have a shotgun and explosive devices.

Yes, that was the original point.