Anyone else misses buying physical games? tearing down the shrinkwrap...

anyone else misses buying physical games? tearing down the shrinkwrap, comes an awesome smell and a magical feeling as you touch the game

i don't miss it 2bh

maybe the manuals

I do mainly because I'm a Vita-fag and games take up too much damn space!


Not really.

More I miss the feeling of going into a store and seeing a bunch of games I didn't even know existed. Then picking a game based on the back of the box alone and experiencing something really special.



i remember renting mmx2 because of the bike

I miss physical manuals that were longer than 2 pages.

Sauce? Alternatively, you nerds should look up Menthonium he's a very good artist

I miss the art work and depending on the game character bios.

are you retarded

Stores still exist

>an obscure PC-CDROM version of S&3K for $10
that was a great idea

This, it sucks going into stores now.

>Go into local FUCKING GAMESTOP yesterday due to being in the general area
>Storefront is full of Pop figs and FNAF shit
>nothing interesting, no fuckhueg special editions for handheld games or SEs in general
>360 my way out the door

why haven't you posted source OP? wtf?

I only buy physical games. The magics dead anyway, don't delude yourself.

No manuals, no inserts, the DVD cases are the thinnest pieces of shit you will ever touch.

If you buy WII U games, they even cuck you more by cutting the recycle symbol into the case. So your cover art just has a permanent recycle dent if you even so much as look at it funny.

If last thread was any indication, OP will continuously be a faggot and not provide source

I sure don't because I buy all my games in physical copy. inb4 consolefag

I miss the amazing box art on big box PC games. Back then if you bought a game it was a big deal, because you would be playing it for potentially months. When you got that big box, when you weren't playing the game you'd be staring at that cover image or reading through the wealth of printed material contained within. Buying the game and opening that big box signified a certain level of commitment towards playing and mastering it.

These days there are so many games coming out I get to play them for a few weeks and then something else is out and I have to drop it. It gets forgotten in my Steam Library until I'm bored and start chipping away at the backlog again.

Cause OP is a faggot who gets off on knowing but not sharing unsauceable shit.

it's just not the same anymore. the games have shitty packaging and the stores are garbage

like they said

are you stupid
I do this all the time with PS4
Physical copies are almost always cheaper than digital and superior in every possible way

I still buy physical because I get a discount from Best Buy. Unless it's something on sale, I buy a disc.

Because global rule 3 and it's furry.

No, because I never stopped.
I only buy digital games on my PC and Xbone, because I game share with a friend.

He could still give us an artsist name or title.

And before you say "just google it", that shit doesn't work because Google's being faggots and put a new unpassable safe search thing on their engine.

is it really furry? wtf? doesn't look furry from the OP, but link anyway pls, you can just reset your router and get a new IP in two seconds after you get banned

Not everyone has dynamic IPs, sorry.

Good recommendation, man.

are you retarded? that's clearly a man/boy holding a woman. he's just falseflagging with the furry shit

I stopped buying digital since The Division
I'm tired of over hyped games being shit and I'm stuck with them


I found shit like VTMB and Titan Quest because of obscure PC titles hanging around in stores.

Now not only is the PC section small as fuck, but half of the shit in there is either the usual standbys or shit that's so terrible you wonder how you never heard of it before.

>people are acting like physical copies of games don't exist anymore

just tell us its fucking name then

kindly askin' for sauce


might be just me, but when the thread is about chinese cartoon butt, it lasts a lot more than chinese cartoon breasts. maybe because it's harder to find good hentai with good butts or, the most likely scenario, the hot pocketeers prefers butts

Why wouldn't you just buy physical copies if you're this nostalgic about it?

give the name nigga
someone will drop the sauce at some point if we know the artist

Well, I still buy them...

Just give sauce and I'll be on my way

I still do it for my Xbone.

The degradation of manuals in game cases has depressed me.

This is why Sup Forums calls us the worst board. Because blatant idiots like you run around begging for obvious shit

Mah fucking nigga

Are you surprised someone who still types "wtf" in 2016 is a retard

Now we have Steam where it's literally impossible to find a fucking thing because of 0 curation. What an improvement.

More likely its because Google deliberately fucked their image search.

Except I, at least, tried to reverse search it. Nothing came up. Isn't it proper Sup Forums etiquette to ask for the sauce after you've tried to reverse search it?

yeah, like we can track unsourceable shit

Who gives a fuck what Sup Forums, especially Sup Forums, thinks of other boards? Who especially takes the idea that hiding information that you know is a good thing? Begging is annoying as fuck, but the more people who know about it, the less you're likely to run into it again, because more people will fucking KNOW.

here's your (you)

>posts a bait thread with a glorious ass
>cropped to hell and back so Google wont work
>SauceNao not even working

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Name or name or artist, otherwise fuck off.

Only has a point. The image search buttons are fucked because Google fucked their image search up so now you can't see anything NSFW. That and iqdb is utter shit

Yeah, I miss when games had a simple disc check. I hate that everything is locked behind Steam or Origin or whatever.

Any proof/source that Google did this?

Why the hell is the mod keeping a Ruggarel thread up

Like what, its only offtopic shitposting if you post porn?

Easy, the & trick doesn't work anymore.

>buying physical for 8th gen
The fact we're forced to install shit on 8th gen consoles turns me off from buying physical. In all honesty this gen has me buying digital like crazy because of this forced install bullshit.

Why would I miss it? I still buy games primarily physical. Hell, I've got a couple games at home still in the shrinkwrap.

>funposting hours
>why is a funposting thread still up

they removed it because we were using it to find porn. they even removed the & thing. fucking cuck sjw google employees

>forced installation
They may as well not exist at all.

Eh, it's not that big a deal for me. The process is pretty fast and my console is right next to my laptop so it's no biggee.

But yeah the waiting to play that shit really grinds my gears sometimes.

Not him but I mostly play on the handhelds this gen so physical is still largely viable.

Rugg/foolz shitposting illuminati runs this board, not janitors/mods

There's a difference between the mods being dead, which they're not, and the mods being lazy bitches.


>the & trick
that shit was mindblowing the first time i tried it

what a shame

>cropped image
>thinks anyone can search for it without any tags or link code
>t-this is why other cancerous boards think we're cancer!
Lurk more you crossposting double nigger.

iqdb is used for finding non manga pictures and is pretty good at it.
Seems to still work for me.

Again, source of this being changed? Also reverse search doesn't work perfectly if op makes hardly noticeable changes to the image.

Whats the & trick?

>get disc after spending time going out to get it
>have to wait a couple hours in order to play
>have to go to bed already for work later
Whatever nigger decided this needed to be done deserves torture

&safe-search=off or something like that.

Wait seriously?
It takes me at max 30 minutes.

Its just some retarded ass janitor. They never give a shit about doing their job properly anymore after the first week.

Hell that Pokemon Sup Forums thread is still up after 3 hours.

>tfw waiting for sauce
> its probably not even that special or great but because I dont know what it is I goddamned need the sauce anyway

Fuck you retard. You know reverse image can't find cropped shit worth a damn. Kill yourself.