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Why would you want that? HDR lighting looks like dogshit.
I didn't even know about HDR till after today and all I can say is from looking at comparisons it looks like a meme.
>they could have shipped HDR in 2013
>They waited 40 million people to buy to release it
It's a pretty good meme if you ask me
Your mom
I am a bit lost, do you mean new games will come with HDR or I can "force" it in any game?
Forcing an effect in a game that wasn't made to fit it will just look stupid.
Can I turn that garbage off? I much prefer not to have bleed out whites and crushed blacks.
Nice imaginary 1080p HDR TV
Did the Ps meeting get a sticky?
if you dont own an HDR tv, its not going to matter to you.
it will only use HDR if your TV is HDR ready and you enable in the settings
>I hate color accuracy
Huh? You do know you can use an original PS4 on a 4K TV right?
also devs have to patch it in
HDR is basically bloom out of your screen
In games, colors are RGB values, that go from 0 (black) to 1 (red, green and blue, which combined result in white).
You can make those values go higher but you can't see a brighter colour. Instead (if the game has the "bloom" feature) it wil have a glow around it.
HDR is requires a HDR screen, which makes the light coming out of >1 value pixels brighter, thus creating a glow effect IRL, instead of on your screen
This will break many games, and it's nothing too impressive, either. Even less considering how shitty lighting is in most games
So, does this mean I should not buy a PS4 Pro?
Should I just go and buy the slim instead? I need one of them at least.
I have a 55 inch sony tv
Please tell me its hdr ready
Every HDR TV I checked so far has tons of input lag in HDR mode.
Is it 4K?
No? Then no.
HDR isn't 4K you twat.
was it advertised as an HDR tv?
Fuck, I was about to start looking into 4K TVs without even considering input lag. Is there a good site to compare TVs based on input lag?
Also, what would be considered a low enough input lag?
How idiotic are you trying to be? HDR is only available on 4K TVs. That is why I figured user said "Nice imaginary 1080p HDR TV", since you can't buy a 1080p HDR TV.
inb4 user links some chinkshit TV
>people dont even know what HDR is
>people dont even know what 4k is
holy shit. this proves that people are literally bitching about nothing because nobody fucking knows what they are talking about.
40ms is about where I stop being able to tell. Here is the new Vizio P series. And remeber as well once you add things like AA and other PP effects the input lag is only gonna go up
Honestly, I don't even know what my TV has, I bought a Sony Bravia ( probably really old model ) years ago.
But I guess it's just a shitty feature to count as extra for ps4
Jesus fucking christ dude. What are you playing? Chess 3D?
Just being honest. Even playing fairly fast FPS with KB&M anything under 40ms blurs together for me
Can someone explain in layman terms what HDR actually means?
How will it visually alter existing games?
Who are you quoting?
fucking memes mam.
it's blast processing all over again.
blacker blacks, whiter whites. not dark green blacks and light grey whites.
>Sony releases HDR support for free across all PS4 consoles
>You have to spend $299 on a new Xbone to even get to play that
Wait... Some games already have HDR. What's so special about this one?
4k and hdr are the biggest moneysucking waste of time since the whole 3dtv thing back in the 2000's
Seriously its a complete waste of time.
The tiny difference in picture quality is pointless and for most movies 4k doesnt make that much of a difference anyway unless you have like a 80" screen and sit right in front of it.
The real reason they are pushing this shit is really for VR which isnt even ready yet and only supports a paltry 2k resolution and no hdr
what even is HDR? This is literally the first time I've ever seen anyone mention it.
What does it do? What do I, a humble memetender, have to gain from this?
Not that kind of HDR
Wasn't HDR a feature that came default with PS3? I remember using that feature.
I want to know about it too. Might be the new buzzword of this "gen".
Oh right it was full dynamic color or some shit like that.
Too lazy to make your game look less shit? Add some HDR to your shit.
It's honestly not a buzzword and is probably the only decent new feature to come along in a while.
You guys need to take a trip to Best Buy or something and check out the difference. It's very noticeable and looks pretty good.
Useless for gayman, though. The input lag would be unbearable and gaming mode turns it off.
Only high end 4K TVs in the last one to two years have them. You're absolutely out of luck.
>Useless for gayman, though. The input lag would be unbearable and gaming mode turns it off.
Depends on the TV. My TV supports gaming mode and HDR.
wider color depth, the most popular new HDR spec for displays is 10 bits per pixel (HDR10), Dolby Vision is better but more expensive and is 12 bits per pixel. HDR TVs are also supposed to have much higher contrast rations than non-HDR TVs although the actual requirements vary.
The PS3 and PS4 already supported Deep Color which supports 10, 12, and I think 14 bits per pixel, which is probably why the PS4 is able to be updated to support HDR10.
It might, but Eurogamer tested a bunch of HDR tvs and found that almost all of them added extra input lag in HDR mode, even with "game mode" activated.
>Literally BLAST PROCESSING bullshit.
Is Sony dying?
Set the hdr option in Oblivion
It's pretty obvious what it does
The only good news about any of this garbage is that the standard PS4 becomes alot cheaper on the lesser markets.
you wish cake boi
not the same as what's being called HDR today, which is a video standard using the Rec. 2020 color space
>microsoft says the highest quality pixels at the Scorpio announcement
>somehow it is spun as Sony saying it
What is HDR and why should I pretend to care
It's almost like sony is trying to use the ps3 to push their shitty underperforming 3d tv sales...
Oh gosh I'm sorry it's
>current year
It's almost like sony is trying to use the ps4 to sell their shitty underperforming 4k/hdr compliant tvs
>Implying I dont play my ps4 on a monitor anyway
The rtings review of my TV does show that it has more input lag with HDR but not noticeably more. 115ms outside game mode, 20ms in game mode and 22ms in game mode displaying HDR.
>20ms in game mode and 22ms in game mode displaying HDR.
you've got one of the best ones on the market then, congrats man
hopefully Sony and MS actually release shit that supports it in the near future
i love learning about haytch DR
PC had HDR in games at least as far back as 2006.
Why are sonyponies shitting their pants over this?
>He thinks HDR lighting and HDR rendering are the same thing.
The fuck is wrong with you boi?
HDR is an ambiguous term now, there's at least 3 different meanings
>What we have now
256 shades of red, green, and blue
2563 = 16.7 million colours
1024 shades of red, green, and blue
10243 = 1 billion colours
More closely approximates the colour range of the human eye.
different thing
2563 should be 256^3
10243 should be 1024^3
What the fuck I hate Sony now.
Has Sony announced what games will actually have HDR support when this firmware goes out? All I've seen is that the firmware is supposed to be out next week but no word on what games will actually make use of it that day.
It would be on the developers to do some kind of patch.
I don't really understand. Shouldn't it be 256*3 & 1024*3 instead of cubing them? Correct me if I'm wrong but it doesn't make sense to me the other way
>haitch d r
Why did that get on my nerves so much?
HDR ruined a whole generation of games, I don;t want another one.
Ill wait for comparisons.
For an RGB image, you have a red component, a green component, and a blue component. Consider if there were only 2 possible shades for each colour, so that the full list of components were RED1, RED2, GREEN1, GREEN2, BLUE1, and BLUE2. There would be 2x2x2 total possible combinations, for 8 total unique colours.
Here they are, if you're still confused:
So, if you had 3 shades, there would be 27 total combinations, 4 -> 64, 5-> 125, and so on.
Sounds like modern day Blast Processing.
>Xbox One S supports HDR
>PS4 supports HDR
>What the fuck is HDR sounds like bullshit
> not being aware Sup Forums is anti
There's a reason why Nintendo and Sony get flake and it's not console wars
TV's are rated by their ability to utilize HDR as well
So if you can't even afford a high end TV, it doesn't even matter lol
So which monitor is that exactly?
It's not the same as the tech demo in Half-Life Lost Coast, you double nigger.
when will PC get HDR?
>Bloodborne gets HDR and then soon 4K
Greatness await.
You should at least try to skim the damn thread before you reply.
>owning a gaming pc
you spend more time updating hardware and software and looking for mods then you do actual gaming
pc gaming is the equivalent of smoking crack or shooting heroin, it takes the addiction of gaming to ridiculous heights
I don't understand how the console itself needs to have HDR enabled. Isn't it a graphic engine thing?
Isn't it a thing that Half Life did like 10 years ago with Lost Coast?
>want to upgrade PC
>just go to the store and buy upgrades
>want to upgrade console
>have to wait 3 years for Sony to let me do it
who is REALLY wasting their time?
>introduce certain feature as a selling point
>show no comparisons or examples at all
so if the console supports HDR but your TV isn't great with HDR, it doesnt matter?
or does the console do all the work that the shitty TV with the shitty HDR capabilities cant do?
Did you watch the conference?
>implying retail stores have GTX1080s and such
>have to spend $799 USD minimum for a single part every year that's barely an upgrade from last year's hardware to only still crash constantly and play with nothing but cheaters online
PCucks, everyone
It's kind of hard to show a comparison if you don't have the hardware to see it.
No computer monitor has HDR.
If you want to see the difference, go to a store that sells TVs.
hows that sub 30 framerate going at not even 1080p. im sure you'll get a 4k upscaled slideshow.
because Xbox didn't show HDR as a selling point, Sony is making a huge deal out of it and pretending it's revolutionary
>wow PC is so expensive!
>what do you mean you don't want to pay for basic online features and rebuying all your old games, what are you poor?