Don't let down best boy
Trails of Cold Steel II
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I'll save him.
Choose a more topical OP image next time.
>tfw can't force his casual clothes on him
>tfw ywn take sharon's hand in marriage
I'm not.
>implying Rean won't join Ouroboros
>Exceed! starts playing
Mecha battles may be cool and Valimar is a bro but holy shit just let Rean let 'er rip and go RULES OF NATURE against some soldats PLEASE
If I could get closer to Vita I'd join Ouroboros too
>implying he will especially after the ending
I feel like this game HAS to have a moment like that at some point.
I'll be extremely disappointed if it doesn't.
>Exceed! will never be a playable battle theme again
Rean is a loser :/
Rean has had enough. It's time to make Erebonia great again.
>punished rean
Olivier, Toval, Victor, Sara, Schera, and Anelace for CSIII
Stores in my third world country still don't have it in stock. I've been hyped all week
Stop posting this.
>anelace hugging the fuck out of rean
C'mon, Falcom.
>Rean will never use The Great Power to turn Crow into a girl and then fuck her
Will his nine tails fox powers be explained? There's a limit to how much extra power you get. First some demonic shit then the chosen one to pilot an Ashen Knight?
>Portrait is smiling in Sen 1
>Neutral expression in Sen 2
>Frowning in Sen 3
>also fuck you crow everyone knows your a mishie scammer fagot
Gets me everytime.
>my real dad
Is there a cheevo for getting all the Gambler Jack books like there was for getting all the Red Moon Rose books? Because so far I'm on track for getting them all and I'm not actually trying to even get them.
After playing the game this becomes a whole lot funnier
I want her to beat the shit out of me.
I'm sorry, but you've got that wrong. Good taste though.
>Will his nine tails fox powers be explained?
He's a True Ancestor just like his father.
That's likely the explanation they'll give in Sen III along with explaining literally everything else they failed to in the first two games (read: basically everything).
>Rean will never tap that and make his real father proud
>implying he won't tap this instead
Does that mean Crow is one too?
Aidios bless his soul
Must be some great yogurt
What's the name of this set?
[Hachiyou] Iro no Kiseki IV (The Legend of Heroes)
Isn't there a NG+ dungeon? Anyone got there yet?
Nope, he's not. Just has the same hair/eye color for no reason.
If he was he wouldn't have died.
Thanks senpai I'll take that bite gladly.
dat ass
Inb4 some asspull happens
So its confirmed that the only thing that is converted are some bonus items and the scene when you first meet your dance partner?
>MFW 35,000 EXP and a 3.9x exp bonus fighting a hidden sidequest boss
and to think I could've missed this entirely
For someone who never played a Trails game before, should you start on hard mode or normal? I tried the first few battles and had little idea of what was happening. Does it explain its battle system more after the prologue, or should I go normal for my first go?
You should start with Trails in the Sky
Some really irrelevant bits of dialogue pertaining to your CS save also come through. Like when you first get your fishing shit again, Rean will recall whatever fishing rank you had him at in your CS save.
Pretty sure this got patched
Forgot to mention this is Cold Steel I I'm talking about.
If you're talking about the first cold steel game, you end up going through a whole dungeon in which the game laboriously explains how the combat works.
bareahard. some lady at the church
Only played TiTS a little bit(read prolouge) and hard wasn't too bad. Some bosses are tough, like the chapter 5 boss if you don't have nightmare gear equipped and the fight with C at the end of chapter 6.
Patched in or out
What are you talking about user
Truly best boy.
Thanks for the info. I'll keep going on hard to see how it goes for me.
I'll pick it up on a Steam sale; only got CS since it was half off on the PS store.
>crawling around air ducts
>Alisa complaining about it
>as soon as she finishes the thought, "OH A TREASURE CHEST"
A man deprived of his husbando.
Rean's dad prepared a harem for him but the kid still hates him.
Mint is for bullying!
Crow is dead
Did anyone screencap it?
What a shitty son
I miss you, Crow
> Alfin is nopan
Best girl
Don't talk about my girlfriend like that.
Why is scud ripper so broken?
>Use Fie's conceal
>Spam scud ripper
What's the money exploit this time? I tried doing cheesy omlettes with Fie but they don't sell Red Beast Flesh, at least not in Ymir.
Did Millium's voice get LESS annoying?
yeah, it does seem that way. I like it.
Salty Onigiri with Emma, Claire, Towa, or Elise
You could have done it as early as the Prologue
I wasn't in any need for money then so I didn't bother but I wanna stock up before leaving Ymir now. Thanks will try now
Alisa cucked by Millium when?
>Meet up with Alisa again
>This long ass hug
>The "promise" she made before Valimar took Rean away in CS
>Even though I loaded a cleared save where I never danced with her and that scene never happened
best girl
>Invited Rean to sleep together
>He played dumb instead of cuddling with her
Into the trash can.
Just ignore her, it's for the best.
Wait really?
I don't hate Rean. I hate Falcom for writing Rean like this.
>Go in expecting to figure out who best waifu is
>End up wanting to bang the cat
Falcom what have you done to me?
A cat is fine too
I would do unspeakable things to that girl. Things that would make growing up as a jaeger look like a picnic
>Tfw Sen 3 will NTR girls that Rean got close to by making Rean/ Alisa canon in the epilogue
On one hand I wouldn't be surprised
on the other hand Rean's so fucking retarded, even more so than Lloyd, that I can't see him getting much more than another dance event equivalent with undertones that ultimately matters little
Maybe Rean is just asexual
Towa is the better loli
Its one of those dorm conversations before ending the day, so easily missable. Caught me off guard because is not something you would expect from someone as stoic as Fie.
Towa is older than Rean..Not a loli
Is Ymir Valley's river the new Trista Pond? By which I mean, can you catch missed fish there?
i mean yeah you're right but she looks so small.
Imagine seeing a actual loli and she says, "Dont worry, I'm 24"
Her body type is a loli not her personality.
Wow I was all nervous for the start of that motorcycle race and it turned out to be easy as fuck
>All the Alisa shilling in the game
>When Jusis exists and is superior in every way besides not being able to bear Rean's children
>And even has better chemistry with Rean
Pretty sure Fie wasn't asking sex.