I really like the Vita. (I like the 3DS too.)

I really like the Vita. (I like the 3DS too.)
I can't understand why only weeaboo games come out for it though.
I mean, one idea factory or compile heart game is ok every now and then, but it feels like that is all that ever comes out for it.
Why didn't more companies support it?

>I really like the Vita (and 3DS too)
Same, I've been playing my Vita way more often and have more upcoming games purchased for it as well.

>Why only weeb games came out for it
Because that is all that is selling on it. The handheld versions of big console titles aren't things people who buy handhelds generally want.

>Why didn't more companies support it?
Because the 3DS became more popular and the memory card prices are a bit anti-consumer.

Because phones nigguh.
Why waste time an effort on a project that may not make a profit when you can shit out something in five minutes and throw it on the app store for easy cash?
Even the 3DS was heavily affected. Its library is nothing compared to the original DS and 3DS sales are lackluster compared to Nintendo's previous handhelds.

>Why didn't more companies support it?
Because Sony hardly supported it. It came out, had low sales, and then Sony just gave up on it.

Can't wait for someone to hack it so I can play lots of emulations.

where you been, that happened in the past week

Phone games just don't do it for me. Usually feel shallow, control scheme is horrible(fuck virtual buttons), every game feels like a scam with its price gouging.

They just lack soul and charm in my opinion.

I'm a nintendo junkie who plays his 3DS daily but I'm excited for my vita memory card to come in the mail (holy fuck sony your prices are riddick)

Think I'm gonna get GalGun, the concept sounds silly enough to justify checking out. Hoping it's actually a good rail shooter too.

This along with the phone games excuse.

It's a shame because it's a very well made piece of hardware, and the few AAA games on the system painted a bright future for what could have been, but ultimately Sony dropped official support for it which gives it no hope at all now.

I hope your Vita isn't on the latest firmware.

well that's what happens when no one but suits take your platform seriously.

>I can't understand why only weeaboo games come out for it though.

Because it's popular among those types of devs in Japan, at least has some nice rhythm games

The launch was so terrible
>$250 for 3g model
>$100 for 32 mem card
I can see why no one bought it but I love the damn thing

Sony burned all goodwill with the retail outlets by 2013 and by then had PS4 ready to go.

At release 3DS was outselling it in a 3:1 margin or better. The only real release hype was a Taco Bell $5 box.

It coasts through summer

Black Friday 2012:
Hey here's a $180 bundle with $350 worth of stuff Amazon. Consumers definitely won't take this as an impending price drop and hold off buying one.

Hey, I guess the 3G didn't work out well did it? Take it off our hands at the official Sony and AT&T stores for $200 and we'll throw in two games. That's $100 less than Gamestop, Walmart, Target, or Best Buy

What can we do with all these returned units? These random deal websites will take them and sell them for $120.

We made a cheaper model and all units are now $199, yes even those that have been sitting there since last Christmas for $300

Not him, but I'm on 3.55 (was lower but had to update to play Trillion). How screwed am I?

It's a hack on firmware 3.60 so you're good.

We just had a PS Vita bashing thread not long ago that reached bump limit...

Take a break or something, we know everybody releases their frustrations on this device because its an easy target but give it a rest, please man

The Vita has now not been mentioned at a major Asia press conference. It's over. Go to /r/Vita if you want a safe space.

Plenty of western games have come out on it like Borderlands 2, but they're frequently terrible ports. Seems like publishers don't interpret this as 'vita owners don't like bad ports' but rather as'vita owners don't like western games'.

They tried really hard to push the entire home console on portables. Shit don't go too well because consolefags aren't interested on portables.

On japan vita was just following the psp steps with ports and aniplex shilling stuff.

But the marketing strategy and fucking memory cards pretty much killed the thing.

Americans drive. Can't play games while driving.
Japanese take train. Can play games while on train.

This is literally it.

Japanese companies support it because Japanese gamers support it. Space is limited in Japan, there is a culture of being courteous to others by taking up minimal space, and Japanese prefer RPGs, VN and the like. Therefore handhelds are popular.

American companies don't support it because American gamers don't support it. Dude bro shooters, big screen TV and loud sound systems are the mainstream in the US. Therefore home consoles are popular here.

>there is a culture of being courteous to others by taking up minimal space

it has the last good killzone on it

Because shit like a very mediocre Uncharted title came out at or around launch and nobody liked it because it was a lazy poor man's version of the console games so the companies making these games took it as "there is literally no one buying anything on Vita we might as well never touch it again"

Unlike Japan, western gamers don't do the portable gaming thing.

Nothing else really sells. The "big" games are on PS4 and the "quickie handheld" games are one phones.


Ha more like final nail in the west.

>I can't understand why only weeaboo games come out for it though.
Because sony america ahtes vita

I'm on 3.60 had the vita in airplane mode sitting on my desk for the past 3 weeks. IF i hack it can i still get Vita games coming out later this year like Dragon quest builders and hollow realization? or will i be fucked from playing those?

There are virtually no AAA/AA western development studios making games for dedicated handhelds. Only western "devs" are making mobile garbage. Indie devs tend to make ports as well since Vita is easy to develop for and Sony makes an effort to entice them to do so.

Japan's gaming market is largely dedicated handhelds, so any games we get are localizations/translations of jap games, hence all the weeb shit.

PSP killed any incentive for western devs to make PSP games since it was piss easy to pirate games on it. Also, since a lot of the west, especially america travel by car and not public transit like japan does, few people bother unless they plan to just play at home. Nips have so little time to play vidya nowadays, that a lot of them get their gaming done during breaks at school, on the train, etc and usually eat dinner and go to bed to prep for the next day. (Also keep in mind that a Japanese school week is 6 days, not 5)

People get their quick fix of gaming done on their phones. Yeah it's shit, but the most people are happy playing FUCKING SOLITAIRE on their phones and calling it a day. Also a Jap bedroom is usually the size of Happry Potter's cupboard, so you'd be lucky to find a TV in their room.

Just one question.
Why the fuck do you care how good or bad it sells? Why the fuck do you care if it gets "games" or not? (protip: it gets games)

Handheld games are a tough sell. Making a game for the Vita simply isn't profitable. If you're going to make a cheap game it's fine, but it might as well just be made for mobile. If you're going to make a nice big budget game, you might as well just make it for consoles.

Personally I don't know why they don't make more games for it that aren't super intensive and just make it for PS4 and PSVita. A lot of people seem to be playing God Eater 2 and that's basically what it is. A remake of a PSP game for the Vita ported to PS4 and the PC. Cybersleuth, Gravity Rush and Tearaway are examples of Vita games being ported to the PS4 as well. Every game doesn't have to be this huge step forward in technology, they can be simpler. If they made less intensive games they'd save money and put out games for the Vita and consoles.

I wish more good games would come to the Vita. It's really my dream handheld. I love it to death.

>Every game doesn't have to be this huge step forward in technology, they can be simpler.
If they aren't up to a certain level and they're western they don't sell. Western games sell on tech and presentation before all else.

I don't believe that because of how successful indie games have been in the west.

My only complaint is not enough Match 3 games for phones.

>shitty harem service DRPG
Doesn't get any worse.

did you see the gameplay?

>consolefags aren't interested on portables.

Fucking normies.

Different market. Talkng big name retail games

Thanks to all the porting companies encourage of indie games, it's the same market. They don't have to be big name retail games, they can just be games.

Vita is pretty big in japan, more so than home consoles or pc gaming, which means a larger audience when developing for it, so devs tend to do that. This is further amplified by the fact that weeb games generally have low production values and do not cost much to produce compared to other games.

They also have an audience that is not particularly hard to please. Since weeb games are usually developed by pretty small companies, it makes sense to choose to make these games instead of something more risky.

tldr; Faggots have shit taste, blame them for buying this shit over and over.

I wish there was another capybara games. Clash of heroes was best of nds, best the gen. They could make 3ds and vita game. They did do super time force but... not my thing

So then what is the lament then? If you think indie titles are filling the niche you say isn't being filled what is the problem?

I wish monster hunter was on the vita. It looks more comfy to play on that.

i just ordered my memory card but oh boy i really hope more games i want get dumped, really want UMvC3 for on the go fightan, for some reason MvC always had a special place in my heart.

>tfw have a vita
>only have mh clones and not proper mh
>don't want to play mh on the 3ds because 3ds as a machine is fucking abysmal compared to vita

end my suffering

We should get a better dump tool later this month

>dropped official support
but they still feel the need to continue to drop system updates that break things -.-

a lot of companies support it. a lot of them are weeb makers

yeah can't wait,
literally just ordered a vita this week and i want to catch up on exclusives i missed, heard gravity rush was good so i'm excited for that to get dumped but for now downloading p4g and some indie games like risk of rain.

You can play the PSP MH on the Vita

Its almost like theyre japanese people with japanese interests making games for the japanese market

hey u queer, i'm not disagreeing with that. i have a vita too

P4G is pretty much what you get a vita to play. oh and fyi megaman legends 1 and 2 are out in the classics

so whos dick do i gotta suck to get the megami tensei games onto the vita?

>inb4 they wont sell
they are doing mighty fine on the 3ds, the vitas hardware would put a nice shine on them

>more compile heart shit
Why do people buy these games they are terrible 90% of the time and when they aren't they are mediocre time wasters at best

havent played either, worth checking out?

its the same people who buy all the waifu pillows and all the vinyl dolls. they just want more moe blob shit talking.

They have nothing else to buy and enjoy "Japanese" products, so the fact that it is Japanese raises it from a 5/10 game to a 6.5/10 or so to them. Why they don't just go play a Platinum or Atlus game, who knows. Then they'd get 7.5/10s that go up to 9/10s

Japanese devs develop actual handheld games for it.

Western devs think they can just port their console titles and have them work as well on it.

The west has different demographics compared to Japan. The most popular games are a mix of AAA shooters and action games perceived by "industry people" as fun and mindless and indie games perceived by those same people as "deep" or retro or whatever. There's just not much of a market for everything that comes in between because despite what you read online, most people in the west just play the biggest latest console release or that quirky retro looking indie game they heard good things about. AA titles in the west pretty much died last gen in the west and those are the kind od games that would work best on handhelds.

most assuredly, and for 6 bucks each you cant go wrong.

>warning: they are not cannon megaman per say. so you might be confused if you know the cannon to the series.

i also recomend: wild arms 1 and 2, parasite eve, ff 7 8 and 9, legend of dragoon and chrono trigger/ chrono cross. all clasics and all under 10 bucks.

Wild Arms and Legend of Dragoon aren't really great and the only reason they're remembered fondly is because most people played them as kids. Not to say that they aren't good, they're just not really the games you'd mention on a list with the PS1 FFs.

Dont be retarded it wasn't a port

to be honest I'm getting the vita because it is now hackable, therefore i basically wouldn't be using my own psn for fear of getting banned so its basically whatever i can download.

wild arms i can accept it being left off the good list but legend of dragoon was really good. just played it through again a few weeks back. i encourage you to take another look at it.

>that music
>that lore
>that story

im assuming that you will be able to download it all.
also surprised that the vita wasn't hacked sooner considering its lack of support.

>>don't want to play mh on the 3ds because 3ds as a machine is fucking abysmal compared to vita
you're juist a fucking scrub. git gud

vita sucks, deal with it

>3ds as a machine is fucking abysmal compared to vita

but he is right. for that type of game the 3ds is shit.

I have vita and 3ds but I'm disappointed in the games out for both of them.

>play MH on 3ds
>have plenty good time with it
>still lingering feeling that I'd rather play it on something else

I love my Slim Vita, but I'm considering getting one with the OLED screen also.

It's pretty expensive though, since they aren't produced anymore I guess. Playasia have them for like 350 dollars.

I'm not just talking about playing monster hunter on it. The 3ds is just an inferior console overall.
>only 1 stick
>worse resolution
>worse processor
>worse pretty much everything in the hardware department

All for what? Some 3d gimmick that no one cares for anwyay? It really is a shame since it has a better library of games than the vita.

we don't know yet. at worst you could update and lose your homebrew to play those games.

he didn't say it was

>Shantae coming next month
>One way heroics is getting a release
>Valkyria Bhikkuni next month
>Currently playing Shiren the Wanderer.

This thing is like a mini Dreamcast to me. Got it only a few months ago, and I have a ton of games to go through over the next few years.

Monster Hunter generations killed my interest in the 3DS. It looked WORSE than 4U did. I'm not a graphics whore, PS2/PS1 games look fine to me, but to go DOWN in quality on the same system is unacceptable. I sold my 3DS just a few weeks ago after that.

The Vita version of shantae I'd cancelled.

source? sounds like only PS3 got cancelled.

Yoshida, the head guy at PlayStation, is focusing all efforts towards the neo and vr right now. He's a retard. He can't see through a project. He's gonna drop the vr as soon as the next fad pops up.

Well with that attitude, Xbox and PS should just quit and jump into the app business.

I was talking to my workmate today and according to him, at the eb games he used to work at, the only one who ordered a vita was him. Shit is so dead here in Aus, poor thing.

currently waiting for steins gate 0 and valkyrie drive

Why not get one of those chink devices like the gpd?

PS3 and 360 were cancelled
Vita is still going out, I even had my backer reward code changed from a 3DS to a VITA code just last week.

I get this feeling that Vitas and physical VITA titles will be pretty rare/valuable in about 10 years time. How many are out there?

Bought a vita.

Its got a lot of fucking little dings in the frame but its OLED and below 3.60 so its goog enough i guess

Everytime I look at the Vita, I commend on how good it looks.
I own an old 3ds myself but that shit is just ugly in comparison. Only really bought that thing for the monster hunter games and with the age of CFW, I still use the 3ds even though it's so ugly and feels cheap.

I hope for the day that CFW also reaches the PSVita, it must feel so good using that handheld and having a big responsive and crystalclear screen.

One of my last days at walmart was spent boxing Vita, Vita accessories, and games to ship back to our distribution center. This was some time ago, like 2 1/2 years ago, and no one working can ever remember anyone buying one, but we had sold a couple of games. All that's left Vita related are some cases and Terraria games that have been reduced to $10.

Only place around to get games is gamestop and the selection has been really poor.

I picked up terraria for $1.89 last week because the manager didn't even know she still had any, she told be it was off the system but she still has to charge me something for it.

Yeah, believe it or not, you can get away getting somethings pretty cheap, especially things dealing with discontinued products. If something isn't sent out on time then they're stuck with it and would possibly rather give it away, if they were allowed, than let it rot on the shelves or in the back.

I don't know what the rest of the world is like and obviously there are online retailers but literally every store I go to there are 3 or less vita games on the shelves. Shit usually doesn't even have a sign indicating the vita stock is there you just have to find it on accident.
The only upside to this is that if you do somehow meet someone who also owns a vita and actually uses it, you're almost guaranteed to hit it off easy as.

Currently waiting for a fucking confirmed release date

>a budget spin-off looked worse than the main release
no fucking way

>bought a 3ds over vita to pirate
>no good anime games or jrpgs worth pirating
>hear vita is now hacked

Sony doesn't make their own games so that chocked it up to the 3rd party companies. The only 3rd party companies that develop games for dedicated handhelds these days are japanese companies and japanese companies cater to japs who like weebshit and nothing else.

Name 5 western based game companies that developed games with physical cartridges for the 3ds that were decent. You probably can't because western devs only care about big black boxes that have big numbers or phone games that can rake in the shekels, there's no AA anymore and indieshit is 90% pretentious trite. It was sadly doomed in the west from the day it came out.

>no good jrpgs

Hang yourself my man

My local Target still carries Vita stuff for whatever reason. Granted, it's basically just one "Line" vertically in the PS4 section, and the two Vitas they do carry are behind the 3DS section in a glass case you have to bend down to actually look into if you want to buy one. Managed to snag Lumines for like $9 and Lego Chima for $4.98, it's absurd how cheap stuff gets. Saw Freedom Wars for like $20 a couple weeks after release, Soul Sacrifice was also $15 every single time I saw it.

Gamestops only sell used copies of extremely random games(Saw EV on the Vita in the last one I checked), Best Buys have a whole section but it's usually just pre-owned games(They used to have extremely niche stuff), and Walmarts don't know anything that's not a 3DS, Wii U, PS4, or an Xbox 360. The closest K-Mart like 20 miles away doesn't even know what Amiibos are and they still sell PSP and PS2 games, so...