"i have 0 skill" the character

"i have 0 skill" the character

Other urls found in this thread:


>I have 0 skill: the game

>ana not listed
feels good man

mada mada

Quick question, why do people take this game seriously. The skill floor and ceiling are so low that you'd have to be retarded to invest your time at "getting good at it"

If you think overwatch is fun then go ahead and enjoy yourself but if you are a serious "competitive overwatch player" do the world a favour and just kill yourself m8

Genji is the highest skill required champion you twat

that's mcree

he is stupidly easy to play.
>impossible to die when playing passively
>spammable projectile to fill ult quickly
>ult where you can use all your abilities and even if you get stunned it continues

"I'm bad at Overwatch and am upset when people want to play seriously and get better."

See man, that wasn't so hard to say.

>be OP
>playing Bastion on offense as usual, just chilling in the corner
>see an enemy genji player
>start shooting at him
>he fucking deflects
>keep shooting for the entire deflect, hopefully it will wear off before I run out of ammo
>his deflect fucking kills me
>go to boards.Sup Forums.org/v/ and start a thread

WTF is up with this no skill press E to win shitstain???

Just saw someone do this to bastion in a POTG.

>I play CS and/or LOL and have a superiority complex

it's pretty late, don't you have school in the morning?

Feel good games like OW don't have any semblance of a high skill ceiling

Roadhog needs buff

>If you're completely worthless you won't die
>He can attack people and charge his ult. Broken?
>Not channeled ability doesn't get interrupted when you stun him wtf?

I don't play either of those.

how 2 play genjo: by me

see this button? NEVER stop pressing it

you win

t. bumblasted overwatch kid

literally a point and click adventure game with mcree

highest skill cap is winston bar none

dodging niggers by weaving in and out of shield and calculating jump trajectory so you get the jump pound damage off

>calculating jump trajectory
>This is what Winston players actually believe they are doing

How is it possible to be bad at Overwatch?

Im genuinely curious, if you have the base skill to play any FPS to a competent level then you've already mastered everything there is in Overwatch, because the game mechanics are so restrictive in depth of tactics or scope of the mechanics.

No movement options beyond "walk slowly", hit scan weapons up the ass, hit/hurtboxes the size of trucks, extremely restricted tool kits etc etc.

What im asking is where is the demanding/challenging aspect of the game that demands improvement?

Go win a tournament boys. I'm sure three more people will show up soon saying the same thing. You'll be able to form a team and win thousands of dollars pretty easily!

Or you're all just a bunch of retarded shitposters with nothing better to do.



>If you're completely worthless you won't die
yeah spamming from a high place and picking off low health characters with his new combo + escaping is worthless
>He can attack people and charge his ult. Broken?
it fills really quickly
>Not channeled ability doesn't get interrupted when you stun him wtf?
it's inconsistant with the other ults in the game

>play CS:GO
>has terrible hit rego and has had terrible hit rego since release
>various unpatched hitbox bugs when shooting certain character models from certain angles (some have been patched like jumping hitboxes but there are still some that are fucked)
>only around 50% of your clientside hits actually get picked up server side even when you've got less than 50ms ping
>play overwatch
>hit detection is perfect
>but the hitboxes extend halfway across the map

Why can't I just get a game where a hit is a hit and the character models are representative of the hitboxes?

If you'd ever played overwatch you would know how it is possible to be bad at overwatch because that's what 90% of the playerbase in competitive is.

If they marketed this game as the casual shooter that your little sister could pick up like it is, this wouldn't be so laughable.

They take it so seriously like it's csgo level competitive and it's just hilarious.

Git gud

"G-go win a tournement if you are so great"

The last line of defense of retards agonizing with the fact that their game is as shallow as a puddle.

I also appreciate that by Overwatch standards the immediate response is to point to League of fucking Legends as a high skill cap game.


>I can't play games for simple fun anymore

Neck yourself.

pretty much OP. Genji is for casual weebs

Let's just be honest here, Overwatch is a game that is mostly played/watched by 20-30 somethings who enjoy having fun and don't really care about tryharding. Where as games like CS and League are played by mainly pre-teens who scream about how much skill their game takes and are mostly just upset because they just got their braces tightened.

Genji and Reaper are the main reason I use Roadhog as they fucking hate him.

>Play Roadhog
>See a Reaper trying to sneak on the point where team is
>tfw he sees you at the last second but it is too late and he used his ult
>tfw he is conscious of you for the rest of the game and he realizes you will never let him get his ult off

>>hit detection is perfect
for some reason when i'm in skirmishes the hit detection is complete shit but perfect in actual matches

its actually funny how a gorrila is the only non-braindead easy character in overwatch

No I'm serious. If the game is so fucking easy to learn and play there is absolutely no good reason for every decent FPS player to go and win 300,000$. Give me one good reason you aren't out there signing up for free money right now.


Its a fucking casual genre that morons try to take seriously.

>Top overwatch team has 3 cheaters
>Nobody bothers to ban them
>Blizzard doesn't give a shit

Just as bad as CS:GO. But that game actually has some depth even if the competitive scene is a joke

>thread is literally about making fun of people for playing different characters because they don't take as much "skill" to play
>spbp btfo of the entire thread
>w-why can't you guys just have fun anymore it's always muh skill muh skill

Blizzcucks everyone.


>counter strike babies don't realize that the argument about how "competitive" their game is has been done and dusted for years now

I actually legit think the reason why this problem has persisted for so long with zero acknowledgement from Valve is because they have implemented a random variable serverside that tells the server whether or not to count a hit to introduce more luck into the game. This makes it more noob friendly because since high skill engagements come down to the first 3 shots usually it means noobs have more chance to spray and pray before they get their heads blown off. Valve makes their money off skins and the majority of the playerbase are in trash ranks, if they get frustrated and quit because they don't get to feel pro in ranked then valve doesn't make any dollarydoos

First post best post, fuck off overbabies

>another fucking thread of some dude whining about genji
holy shit just kill yourself already

Literally this
amazes me when people think "press Q to team wipe" the game requires any skill

Super Mario 64 is an easy game to play, but with high skill you can do amazing things like collect a star with only half an A press.

Your point is moot.

>CS video
>Sail starts playing

fucking lol.

Please try just mindlessly jumping into an enemy team as reaper above bronze rank and try and get a single kill with his Q. I'd love to see your hypothesis tested

>m-my pride is worth more than $300,000! I-i could win it with my eyes closed but I just don't want to!

You're dealing with a shitposter user. As the name implies, they post shit.

Nobody likes the song. We get it. The video is about hit detection (which the maker wrongly presumed was due to tick rate, I've played games with WORSE tickrates by far than 64 hz and they have much better hit detection)

What you just described is a high skill ceiling, which was the exact argument in the first place you fucking idiot. holy shit are you really that dumb or are you trolling?

1) I cant stand playing game with no depth, simple as fuck games like League and Overwatch bore me to tears and I prefer fighting games and strategy games.
2) I hate team games (for competitive play) because having team mates to blame/carry you is awful for me
3) Im "alright" at FPS's, which by Overwatch standards is amazing but still not enough for me to try to base a career on
4) It has absolutely NOTHING to do with the point im making that the game has no depth, which nobody will refute because its true.

Now run along now, keep playing overwatch and getting mad at your "team mates being shitters" and "WTF Roadhog hooked me through a wall".

shh shh shh Tracer thread

What point? You said the game has a low skill ceiling. Why the fuck are you bringing up SM64 when all I said is all the detractors in this thread should go sign up and get free money?


What I meant.

That's one fucked up picture of Junkrat, OP.

>when Ana ults my 76

My point is that the game has a very low skill floor, but could have a high skill ceiling. I was illustrating this with SM64. You are focused on the skill ceiling which is a corner case like using short overflow glitches. The vast majority of the playerbase is on the skill floor which is what matters.

Blizzdrones I swear.


>It has no skill ceiling
>But I can't reach it so I guess I'm calling myself shit

Good point?

I won't argue that it's not very deep because that's certainly true. But you're just plain wrong when you claim the skill ceiling is low. I'm not saying it's at the level of a lot of other games but it is not as braindead as you think it is.

So what you're saying is the game has a low skill ceiling and yet you're still too shit to reach it, and too stubborn to try and team up with all of these other amazingly skilled FPS players on Sup Forums. Am I getting this right? Because you not liking something isn't a good reason not to go and collect thousands of dollars for free.

counter him with winston if he's annoying you


No, that's not what matters you stupid goalpost-moving fuck. It was being claimed that OW has a low skill ceiling, that claim was being countered, then you replied with your retarded mario post.

>weeb wet dream is best countered by the monkey that tickles

No thanks.

I dont think its hearthstone levels of terrible, but i feel like its like League of Legends, by that i mean the skill is in team coordination, counter picking and metagaming rather than you know... player skill, sure player skill matters to a point but the point where it matters is very low comparitively to other shooters but it doesnt have anything to compensate for that absense.

I said I could probably do alright at OW (Get high rank hell maybe even be in a competitive team if i tried hard enough) but i dont want to because investing myself in a team game is unfun for me and investing myself in a game were individual skill has diminishing returns is unfun. Nice strawman though

I can deal with genji. Tracer is the bigger problem. Not even monkey beats her because she can always stay outside his range. it's not that she's unkillable, it's just that you have to work like 10x harder to do it than the rest of the cast and I fucking hate it

>it's inconsistant with the other ults in the game
Bastion's, Torbjörn's, Winston's are functionally the same as Genji's, they neither dissapear when they a stunned

So you suck ass and can't reach the skill ceiling despite claiming it's easy and make yourself feel better about your worthless life by shitposting on the internet about how popular things suck and you're better than everyone who likes any popular thing.

Glad we could clear that all up.

Too add to this to reiterate, how shit or not shit i am has nothing to do with the game having no depth which to this point nobody can even begin to argue against.

Phantom Lancer
Troll Warlord, to an extend
Phantom Assassin, unless they really really fucking suck dick


Ask the people that are always low ranked. Ask the people that are always high ranked and immediately climb to top 500. There is clearly a huge skill ceiling.

Fuck you people are retarded. And may I ask what game is faster than OW? Not TF2. So then what?


you mean Toon

>Find a game boring and dont like team based games so I don't want to play said game, I also feel the competitive element of the game is really limited because of the games casual nature and restrictive gameplay
>Lmao thats not true you just suck, you are just bad and a loser LOL and you hate popular thing because contrarian kek

All i said is the game isnt very competitive, you'll see in my first post i even said if people have fun go ahead thats cool its just weird to take the game seriously given there are many other games even in the same genre with way more competitive depth but again nice strawman.

>people think Genji takes skill

yeah man shotgunning with M2 and pressing the ever so skillful Deflect sure takes a brain, oh and don't forget Swift Striking away if someone is smart enough to not shoot Deflect which has a hitbox 3 times the size of Genji's body.

Real fucking skill bro.

>I don't want to to get free money because it isn't fun
Have you by chance ever heard of a job? Because playing Overwatch would be an incredibly easy and well paying one. You'd only really have to work maybe once or twice a month. It doesn't even require any skill or education. All you have to do is know how to press the q button on your keyboard.

Anything requires zero skill when you're good at it. Maybe you're thinking of "effort."

Have you considered he's also adorable? Fuckin' weeb

>How is it possible to be bad at Overwatch?
Idk ask everyone below rank 2500

Oh would you listen to that. It's the sound of $300,000 NOT appearing in your bank account because it's just too boring even though you could totally do it in a day if you felt like it. But oh just too boring.

I can't even imagine what kind of crazy high paying job that also happens to be a nonstop blast of fun you have if you consider earning $300,000 by playing a few tournaments beneath you. What is that job?

Is this... supposed to be argument? I'm really confused here.

>with way more competitive depth

Other than Quake I can't think one, and even then its just a shooter, the genre itself isn't deep at all and the difference of depth between shooter is negligible.

>Overwatch is literally just teams stacking ults and using them when they make a play
How deep

I'm not moving the goal post I'm putting this discussion into perspective.

Yes the game can have a high skill ceiling as most every game does. There's a high skill ceiling to solitaire of all things.

Which is why comparing games JUST by the ceiling is narrow minded as every game has a good case for a high skill ceiling. Comparing the skill floor is a better comparison as it is the baseline of the game and represents a larger amount of the playerbase/gameplay.

Now please insult me more and continue to get your $0.02 shilling for activision.

Jesus you are retarded. Ok first to play overwatch competitively i'd need to invest a fuck ton of time grinding ladder, getting noticed, finding a team, practicing in that team, weeding out shitters, finding replacements, avoiding drama, skirminshing etc etc etc. I dont want to do that shit and i dont have the time to do that shit even if i wanted to. I COULD take this gamble and invest this time if i enjoyed the game and had the drive to put in for this massive commitment that could even not pay off but i dont so why the fuck would I. These things combined mean i dont, there is your fucking explaination you incredulous mongo. As if this HAS ANYTHING TO DO with overwatch being trash in a competitive format.

There's a lot of ways to describe FPS games but "deep" isn't one of them. The most competitive FPS game ever made is Quake and the pinnacle of competitive level play in Quake is using nothing except rocket launcher, railgun and maybe lightning gun if you get them low enough. Everything else comes from memorizing the maps and trying to fire rockets down empty corridors the enemy might appear in

No. Saying you don't want free money because it isn't fun is an argument though, albeit an incredibly shitty one that doesn't make sense to anyone with a brain.

How to tell your team is fucking stupid
>get killed by a 100% charge Zarya

Then does Roadhog take like -1 skill?

>Launch Week
>Everyone agrees Genji's is a bad pick because he takes more skill than everyone else to get the same degree of damage
>Months later
>Genji gets nerfed
>People pretend he was always a shitter character anyway

What happened?


Those are kids that'll just play the game for an hour than fuck off to hang with friends.

right because the enemy zar isn't covering allies that are getting shot at/jumping in front of allies that are being shot at

Some of those people are above level 300

>waaaaaahhhh my entire sense of identity revolves around calling mainstream popular video games easy so I can fee like I'm more skilled at video games than those people but I have absolutely no proof of actually being good at anything so all I can do is argue like a middle school student and avoid every real point

I bet you don't even have a job do you. You live with your parents or off autism welfare and haven't left your room in days.

I see we have had another pee vee pee flip flop.
Youngfags... we would have had a great laugh at you shitters back in the 00's

Cool meme friend

Overwatch isnt deep. Cry more faggot.

low skill floor high skill ceiling is ideal game design you cuck. Here's some other human activities like that: chess, soccer, sprinting, and piano. Guess those are all for no skill casual babbies too.

>First week
>Higher than average skill ceiling character
>Everyone is new to the game so they're bad with him
>People slowly start to learn Genji to the point where he's almost broken
>Gets slight nerf to remove a glitch that allowed him an even more broken kit than he already has
Lesson to be learned, Overwatch players are fucking retarded. None more so than the braindead fuckbuckets who post here.







>tfw Im a Zarya main and am almost always above 75%