What game has the best nuke? Call of Duty?
What game has the best nuke? Call of Duty?
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jesus christ that's horrifying
Civilization III
two wasn't enough.
They should make an anime of Nanking
It'd be like Gate except with even less self-awareness.
I'm surprised it took two to get them to surrender. We waited like three days for them to surrender before dropping the second one.
Source on beautiful clip?
...hm...i love the mini nukes from fallout...
So this is what happens when you fuck with America? Also Turok has a good nuke gun and the nukes in fallout 3 are always fun to use.
but Nanking never happened.
Supreme Commander.
Or the Jap-Russo war.
There wouldn't even be any remnants of their bodies left
They would literally disintegrate immediately
three days is no time at all for an entire nation to surrender when it's not ruled by a single tyrant.
also you guys demanded an unconditional surrender meaning they had no guarantee you weren't going to march over and enslave every man, woman, and child
>Take off from aircraft carrier with SR-71
>Shoot some planes down with your gun
>Launch your nuke
>Bright flash of light
>Sky turns yellow for a bit
>Visible mushroom cloud
>Actually not all that useful, especially since it's the only weapon with limited ammo (One nuke only)
This game is weird.
We told them surrender or we drop another one. They legit didn't think we could do it again and that we only had the one bomb. We actually had two ready to go, a third almost finished, and bombs four through six were in various stages of production.
jap denial is strong here
Nothing but shadows left. Spooky shit.
implying they wouldnt support doing the same 100%.
Found the Japanese student
They were u ited under one person though. The Emperor. His word was law. Also
Pretty accurate.
>shows debris killings
>shows half body burned
>shows direct meltings
>shows glass/wood fragmentation dangers
This webm always gives me a raging justice boner.
Fuck those gooks.
Never forget Pearl Harbor.
One day the Japanese will get revenge for this
Golden Kamuy is a post-Russo-Jap War set in Hokkaido and its pretty great
Not really about the war though
all you had to do was be willing to discuss the terms of surrender
Should have thought of that before attacking Pear Harbour, Hiro.
At the end the bombs were more of a shown of strenght to scare the Soviet.
raws please
They literally started it. Fuck their revenge, the nukes were our revenge.
Sick quads but this was long overdue payback for the shit the nips did in China and the Pacific Islands.
And the alternative was a Rusky-Burger army invading Nipland and razing it.
America was vaporizing cities made of paper, enslavement wasn't on the table.
you can't forget something you never saw
fuck you
wtf i hate america now
Supreme Commander has a pretty good animation in it.
the MOAB in CoD is just a bloom and blur.
MGS3 probably has the best representation of a tactical nuke in video games.
you lost like three ships that were about to be decomissioned anyway and maybe a dozen soldiers, so you wiped out two major population centers and also burned down their capital city with napalm
that person got it lucky, they didn't even get blinded by the light before just vanishing into thin air
I can't imagine there's anything quicker than getting vaporized into a shadow
Just so you know, the Emperor of Japan did in fact receive notice that the US would drop two nukes at specific dates and to evacuate its citizens since the bombs were simply going to be an example of what the US is capable of.
The Emperor never ordered the evacuation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki's citizens.
>Translator's note: "Banzai" means "charge"
Me? No.
My grandfather? Yes.
I'm in that pic I posted by the way...
>third almost finished
no it wasn't
The rare times America was ever a victim they exploit the hell out of it. Guess victim mongering is part of US culture anyway.
world in conflict
To be honest, you've gotta respect the japs. They got shit on for being so technologically inferior to the west, so instead of bitching about it they adopted what they could from the colonial powers, modernized to the point where they could easily fuck up china, and then one of their admirals got a little silly and decided it would be a good idea to slap America a little. They get bombed twice, surrender, and then like 40 years later with relatively little complaining about getting pretty much kicked by the USA and Europe for the past few hundred years, they decide they still hate the chinese more and get friendly with the Allies and do pretty well for themselves on their little island.
nobody cares
My ass.
Yes. Don't ever fuck with the U-S of A. Lesson learned.
>be a bombardier dropping a nuke
>aim at that one tiny fucking bridge
find it yourself, he told you the name
it also doubles as a cooking manga
2,403 people died
Let me guess, the edgy faggot with the mohawk?
the bridge did nothing wrong.
fucking burgers.
i miss the kind gentle god emperor.
we also dropped scores of fliers days in advance from flybys warning the citizens of the coming attack.
whoa... that's like more than 2 million...
It's very sad how there is no option in that picture where you don't look like a fag
they surprised attacked a country that didn't even want to get involved in the global war in the first place
for almost no reason
people starved to death in the wreckage of ships because there was no way to get then out of the air pocketed parts or to know they were there
>hp starts at full
>as soon as he pulls the trigger the game comes to a near complete stand still
>nuke fires and his hp is already at 50 just from firing the nuke
>mfw I get more pussy in a week than you do in a year when all I do is walk into bars wearing my BDU
Get fucked nerd.
those people were about to be decomissioned anyway
japs have been bitching about the murrican military bases installed every year
>started it
You sound like a kid, well America was and is basically a bunch of children.
>provoke them
>they finally do it
>うわあああ he did it first, sensei!
It's not like the Emperor really had much power anyway like supposedly he wanted to surrender after Hiroshima, but the government went around him and continued to fight. Or at least that was the excuse to let him off and preserve some respect for the role of Emperor while taking everyone else in the government down.
>when it's not ruled by a single tyrant
Does the name Tojo ring any bells?
wtf i love america now
great post
i bet you are super excited to taste donald trumps cock after sucking on obamas for so long. Did you get to taste dubya's dick too?
ayy, I was just about to post that.
No doubt, but surely it was also just as much to save massive resources of a full scale invasion and giant loss of lives of troops?
In first person perspective probably Fear and Crysis Mods.
In rts it's always World in Conflict.
upvoted ;)
Battletanx has to be up there
Fliers talked about how some cities were being targeted.
Somes found in Hiroshima listed 11 cities. Hiroshima wasn't in that list.
the US remade Japan into one of the greatest countries anyway. The ends justifies the means >:^)
then look what happens when we talk about letting japan have their own military. they start literally fist fighting each other in protest against it. i want to see the usa pull out of all the countries. i want to see these fucking savages burn. fuck the entire ungrateful world
shouldn't you be showing off your sleeve tats somewhere you chincy E4
video games
Yeah actually it was, it was used as a test device a couple months after the second bomb dropped.
>Every Akbar's face now
The man who drew the manga that is sourced from was literally there and experienced it, and surviving in that place afterwards.
He's the little boy that sees the girl get half melted.
This is from Barefoot Gen. Greay movie, but really depressing. The director/mangaka lived through it as a kid and it its based on his own experience. He also has another manga which is autobiographical about it.
And you know why they attacked? Roosevelt had the nerve to embargo them unless they stopped raping and pillaging in china.
I also know that Germany thought that their (under) reports of American heavy industry was a complete and total lie, it was so much.
Perhaps the Japanese had the same thing going on.
Are you a nigger?
lol faggot!
Who cares. They have no say in what we do with their shit tier island.
Japan was already searching for ways to surrender. They just wanted to keep the Emperor the Emperor
America said no and bombed the shit out of japan.
The Emperor remained the Emperor.
That's really only the places where there's military bases and especially in Okinawa where there's a lot more trouble with the US military than other places which is why they're moving the military off the island and to Guam. The Japanese are often very thankful for the US as an ally against North Korea and China and for helping out after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.