Which one Sup Forums?
which is most OP? which is fun?
Which one Sup Forums?
which is most OP? which is fun?
I picked Hunter/Defense.
Rolling round like a hoplite. Stabbing bitches and making them bleed.
Dream is definitely the most OP mastery.
I went Hunting/Rogue and cut through Act 1/2 like a hot knife through butter.
nature is the most OP
>most op
dream or hunting
>most fun
Do different difficulties give different exp gains?
I'm playing on 'Very Fast' and the game feels incredibly slow. Levels come very slowly, and it feels like I'm running through a lot of fields without anything interesting going on.
Act 1 is basically easy mode until you reach Athens and then the difficulty gradually starts increasing. By late Act 2 and Act 3 you'll die in seconds on very fast.
>I'm playing on 'Very Fast' and the game feels incredibly slow.
imagine what it was like playing at normal speed for the last decade
>By late Act 2 and Act 3 you'll die in seconds on very fast.
yeah, this is the worst part. they tried to fix the game's terrible pace with that setting, but it's unusable once you hit the overtuned enemy burst dps areas where you die near-instantly if you aren't farming for the right resits on gear. playing at "normal" speed after getting used to very fast is excruciating. they fucked up.
I might stick with Grim Dawn for now. It's literally TQ with 10 years of progress in the genre.
Something about TQ is just not clicking with me.
you hit 35ish by 3 hours into the game unless you're the slowest man alive or have a awful char. very fast is hilarious, you could probably do a whole 3 runs in 9 hours.
The uninstall mastery.
Game is fucking trash, all diablo clones are.
Shitty fucking genre, sweatshop job tier.
git gud
>im shit at the game: the post
What the fuck is Dream?
I'm currently using it and the spells are weird.
Dream is a Hybrid mastery that can go either Melee or Ranged/Mage, it basically makes a good combination with any other mastery in the game.
rogue + spirit
storm + spirit
earth + nature
ternion attack boyz
ternion was so fucken broken on release holy shit
squall is where its at now, that plus nature for refresh
>defeat Kronos
>he only drops yellow shit
I'm doing warrior/nature. not currently planning on going down the ezpz ancestral horn route because I'm not a huge pet fan. basically I'm just being a more survivable warrior which is okay
I had a really tough time deciding what route I wanted to go when I started though.
might try out spirit/storm, but I don't know how I feel about magic
magic is infinitely more entertaining than melee
I'm liking Hunting + Rogue
>use Take Down to 1HK group's mage/strongest mob
>Flash Bomb so nobody can touch you
>proceed to smack down the rest of the group one by one with your godlike pierce damage
And I heard AE fixed the way poison and bleeding scale too, so that they might be viable beyond normal, which opens a few more possibilities for you.
I think I'm gonna go Nature/Dream and focus on pets. I haven't actually played the game yet, I've just been planning my character. I enjoy theorycrafting.
Just found my first purple item in epic act 1. I guess ill have to make a mage character to transfer this to now.
I've absolutely breezed through on a dual-wielding harbinger, started a new sage.
speaking of which, is it possible to play a character who mainly spams left click (or onslaught or any other melee skill that replaces left click) to kill enemies while jacked up on auras and other buffs? i want to try a build that runs on sustained skills but i hear you can't play a character who invests in both str/int.
any advice?
think of it as non-elemental magic
It's what would be psionics or psykers in other settings, pretty much.
You can absolutely play Battlemage. Most of the Earth spells have a physical damage component which is modified by Onslaught's buff. You don't really need to add any INT at all.
doesn't earth enchantment or whatever it's called get buffed with int, since it's elemental damage?
Is there a way to enable quick cast for abilities in Anniversary? After grim dawn the lack of it hurts me an aneurysm
what attribute do you go into for dream?
I went nature + rogue for my Anniversary Edition playthrough. Plague for aoe and utility, wolves for tanking a little, physical dmg and buff, rogue attack and poison.
I don't remember playing much Titan Quest in the past, but poison works great now it scales with dex.
I skipped the first mastery level entirely and went half on phantom strike and lucid dream, then went to level 3 and started on dream stealer and premonition. get dream stealer up to level 5 and watch the bodies fly
I physically cannot outdps the Athens boss health without being melted in like 10 shots.
Any tips?
Dream is the "Jack of all trades, master of all".
I have a Harbinger lvl 46 (Warfare+Dream), a Hunter lvl 24 and a Stormcaller lvl 18. I haven't yet picked a second mastery for the two later, but whatever I choose, Dream will most likely have more synergy and make it stronger than any other class, that's how op it is.
>if you aren't farming for the right resits on gear.
Act 4 Machae master/grandmaster archer with low poison and pierce were insane for me.
what mastery are you
You don't have to add INT to increase your damage though, the stats are mostly for equipping items, with DEX being OP because it adds Defensive and Offensive Ability which are super important for Melee characters. The damage is just a slight bonus.
Alastor was the first real jump in difficulty i noticed
gotta protect yourself against vitality and cold, kill all but 2 of his summoned skeletons and don't kill them or he'll summon more. i ran around and healed then went in for the kill over and over until i could stabilize my hp loss with health regen armor and the occasional health pot.
Original Masteries are pretty cool and I played the shit out of vanilla, but some mods with new Masteries are way more fun.
Above is also true for Grim Dawn.
Scrolls of Storm Witch and Elemental Damage weaponry.
He didn't feel this hard before.
Melee Hunting/Warfare was pretty enjoyable with vanilla. You can get huge health regen with right skills and item enchants. Shitty health regen and shitty pierce resistance make for a shitty melee character.
buff with art of the hunt->ensnare->marksmanship
get some regen armor and use health pots for big heals
I just found staves to be pretty boring. I know at higher levels they'll be used less, but I have a tough time thinking like that.
I'm playing this game for the first time and chose the warfare mastery. Now I'm asked to choose a second mastery. What would be best for me? I want to stay melee (preferably something like a tank).
You don't have to decide now. Defense is good.
Pyromancer is the truly GOAT class desu
>mfw encountering nightstalkers for the first time
>mfw demon archers
If you want more damage you can go Hunting or Dream if you're dual wielding.
Defense, Nature, maybe Earth
if you want to take a look at the other trees to try and find some synergy
defense is the obvious choice for a tank though. nature would also work, but that's more pets + healing, while defense is damage mitigation + shield use
None of them are fun because it's a shit game.
Play Diablo 3 instead.
stop spamming this you aussie cunt nobody cares
Shit this game's a blast from the past. Had so much fun with it back in release in 06. Remember being wowed at the ragdoll physics on loot and bodies even though my toaster could barely run the game.
how to really enjoy this game:
play through all acts on normal at least once, take in the story and enjoy the locations, get a really good feel for the game.
then use defiler and make a fuckload of level 60s and dick around with class combos and see how they play and feel. find something that really suits you and take that combo into legendary and get raped by skelly archers and keep refining your combo. normal mode is a pretty bad representation of the real fun this game has: fighting complete fucking dickface rapists like archers, mantis, tiger fuckers, those god damn storm djinns, and of course everyone's favorite dragon fucking shit asshole motherfuckers. it's so satisfying killing the jerk monsters and getting a nice purple.
Want to do a summoning build.
I know nature is pretty much mandatory, but what about a secondary mastery? I'm looking at earth, spirit, and dream right now.
Dream+Hunting combination is terrifying.
I've played it with a shitty FX5200 at 1024*768 with everything on low for the first time.
Still enjoyed it a lot.
How the fuck do I make Hades drop the Overlord? I've killed him about 5 times already and gotten nothing.
1 step above brigand for babymode.
The first time I played TQ and beat Hades he dropped that key to the secret area.
I didn't know what it was so I just banked it.
Later I was looking up some shit and found out it unlocked the Developer Area and I went, "oh."
I had some real dogshit integrated chip on my compaq shitbox at uni. But yeah, the atmosphere is really charming.
You farm him.
I got mine after 20+ runs, I was unlucky, the average is 10-12 I think.
Kill him some more. Use xmax if you can survive well to save time.
I've got it on my first try.
>about 5 times
nigga please. try another 50 times
>Know nothing about the game
>Pick Dream
dunno. the fire Core Dweller from fire was also a tanky golem addition to the team.
>5 times
does defiler work on anniversary edition? I downloaded the most recent grim dawn defiler and couldn't get it to work. it loaded my saves, but I couldn't edit them.
>Want to do a summoning build.
what do you want to summon? all the pets suit different purposes. e.g. if you just want some extra damage then wolves, if you want a tank then core dweller, if you want a temporary one that will roflstomp everything for 30 seconds then outsider, if you want some extra cc then nightmare, and so on.
It does. I've made a copy of my character in order to respec him for a more farm oriented build and just leave him at certain fountains across different difficulties for when I want to farm.
Maybe the saves are on read only but it's unlikely.
>grim dawn defiler and couldn't get it to work.
Are you that dumb? You want TQ Defiler.
grim dawn defiler claims to have support for titan quest bruh
old net version worked fine for me, AE uses the same savedata paths you just have to point both regular and it directories at your anniversary install folder.
>Earth + Defense
>nigh immortal with incredible HP regen abilities while shitting out fire damage in both shotgun and grenade flavors
I just want a shitload of summons and buffs to put on them
>very fast
what teh fuck are you guys talking about?
most of the pet buffs are passives you get in the skill trees, and you don't really get a shitload of summons. if you want a skellymancer you'll have to stick with d2.
>5 times
i killed him 154 times, counted, in tq vanilla
the defiler doesn't work anymore, along tqvault, this means that i will have to farm it again
life is pain, user
Stand near the door, equip bow or staff and hold shift. It's very slow but you can still cheese him.
>get my first purple
>its a weapon that changes my dps from 300 to 800
So this is the power of purples huh, to bad it it's a fucking club... a rogue item thats a club.
for fucks sake
Defiler works though. Not all of it but you can refund mastery trees and skill points. You have to show defiler new paths to tq.
Go to options and look at the bottom. It changes the default game speed.
Very fast feels how it should've been from the start.
It's always like that.
You crawl through normal, then once you get to epic and have one legendary drop you just steamroll through it and have no difficulties at all until the very end of act 3 and 4.
Then you start to choke on legendary and actually require some farming and grinding.
Epic is the easiest difficulty.
dream is that good only on normal
This is literally bis for Assassin.
Nature+Spirit for maximum summons.You just walk around as your army mows down everything.
That's my build, it works well. a few hiccups under athens, at typhon and in act 4 normal, then it's smooth sailing.
>never played the game before
>choose spirit
>see LICH KING in ability tree
>rush it
>spooky motherfucker one shots everything with explosive lightning
Oh baby
>playing paladin build
>finally got my wisp and storm surge
Man, this is a good feel. This is a super rough idea of the build I'm thinking of going for. Dunno whether to take Eye of the Storm or not but I'm thinking it's a good idea, given how much elemental spike damage I'll be dealing.
Only took 4 gorgon boss runs with xmax x3
Most magic spec has a skill buffing auto attack, adding effect to it but Imo it's boring
All I remember is that Rogue is fucking shit because of how the level scaling works, if you're not poison Rogue you're worthless and even poison is extremely poorly matched against other specs.
Might've changed in the update.
they fixed it
Anyone know what the win10 safe mode does?
It scales a but still DoT seems pretty inefficient later on when you can just poke stuff for 10K with other classes.
harbringer. warfare/dream. you take the duel weild tree and the onslaught tree and then all the lucid dream tree with the damage auras
Jesus fuck, i thought that IT act never going to end holy shit. No way i'm going though it again fuck that. And here i thought i can finally beat legendary this time. Thank god for a lightning bolt and volcanic orb. There is no way you can get though this game without aoe spells and not trying to kill yourself.