So how can I see the difference on my non-HDR monitor then?

So how can I see the difference on my non-HDR monitor then?

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's dynamic contrast
>with a fancy name

Literally just get tv with IPS panel and calibrate it.
Dont be idiot and fall for buzzwords.

"HDR" is just a fancy way of saying general picture quality is improved on TVs that support it. People are freaking out over graphical progress. The reason why it confuses people is because to enjoy the change you need a new display as well as console. No, don't buy a new TV right now just for 4K and HDR, that's stupid. Wait a few years to get the same thing for a much lower price.

People's heads are spinning because this time you need to buy more than a console if you want super pretty graphics. Once again: Do not buy a TV right now just for this.

>picture quality is improved on TVs that support it.
Every fucking TV that is not from Chinese brand and doesn't cost $200 has a panel that supports this.
As of right now nobody use it for their marketing and was referred to as Dynamic contrast.
That brings others issues to the table considering picture quality and thats why its not advertised much.
But its ok when Sony does it so people can flip their shit.

Thanks, I was literally about to buy a TV right now just for this

Is it really the exact same thing as dynamic contrast? Because I disable mine because it crushes the blacks

>>picture quality is improved on TVs that support it.
>Every fucking TV that is not from Chinese brand and doesn't cost $200 has a panel that supports this.
>As of right now nobody use it for their marketing and was referred to as Dynamic contrast.
>That brings others issues to the table considering picture quality and thats why its not advertised much.
>But its ok when Sony does it so people can flip their shit.

That has nothing to do with HDR. HDR tvs are TVs that use Rec. 2020 colour space, no TV but a modern OLED can display it with full range support.

Holy Christ, why is Sup Forums as technologically clueless as the average grandparent?

>caring about color accuracy when 99% of HDTV panels are 6bpp
hdr is pure marketing bullshit

What a fucking retarded post, the only TVs that have HDR are not 6bpp.

nice memes
>HDR support goes back as far as September 4, 2013
>its something new guys

You sound like a shill

Fucking shills

Sup Forums - Where knowing what you're talking about instead of talking out your ass means you're a shill.

No wonder the default response for retarded posts on Sup Forums is

>Just jacks up the contrast / colors / brightness

But really what would surprise most people is they can change picture settings on their TV. Most people use default, and it looks muted as shit. I'm amazed at so many people that play video games and spend thousands on shit, most never actually mess with their TV settings EVER. I was at a buddies house, playing co-op, and the picture was so bad I had to change some settings for him, and he was shocked at how much better it was. Said it was like he just got a new TV.

No setting in your non-HDR TV is going to allow you to pass R1G1B1, retard

Sorry, I don't want my black to be gray.

Thanks Sony marketing employee.
We will consider buying your new TVs.

>no one actually has answered op question

It's the damn twilight zone in here

>i dont know how to set it up
>i will call it gray

You literally can't. Black level is the biggest flaw of IPS panels.

Fucking Daiz does it again

When is superior CIE coming out with better alternative?

Damn, guess I'm #SonyHDR4KULTRAHDTV now

HDR is a fucking meme. What we have now is literally fine.

You can't, It's barely visible unless you're in a dark room. It's a worse meme than 3D

You can't see the difference on a display that doesn't support HDR content.

Sup Forums, for your own mentally retarded self, go to a TV store and ask them to show you their HDR TVs.

Imagine being this retarded

You can clearly see the difference in the OP without a HDR monitor

>Bloom, high contrast and saturation, and dynamic contrasts
Whoaaaaaaaaaaa I'm so amazed
I'm gonna go drop a couple grand on a new TV right now
Or just go into the settings on my TV and fuck around for five minutes to make it look exactly the same - Then change it back because it looks awful

>company who relies heavily on TV sales promotes feature in order to sell tv

Am I the only one that thinks the HDR looks worse? It looks like someone fucked up while editing their picture on Instagram.

>literally just boosting the Orange & Teal contrast

Hollywood has already been doing this for decades now.

you guys pay attention when brightness sliders in games tells you to put it where "Set the bar when the dragon on the right is not visible". right guys?
I set that a bit below of where they tell me to, and get amazing colors.
some retard the other day was blaming skyrim for being to unrealistic at nights where he said
>dude i'm clearly visible why can't he see me
he had his brigthness quite up, which doesn't reflect the game's intended visibility.
skyrim is shit for player detection tho

I agree but I assume that's to do with the quality of the actual image.

You cant lol its just a deeper range of colours, i can because i have 4k hdr and 4k bluray player and its very noticable when you go watch say tv after watching an hdr film, everything just looks bland.

What have you seen and what set do you have?

>As of right now nobody use it for their marketing and was referred to as Dynamic contrast.

>My TV supports hdr

so don't buy a 4k tv yet? ok

what's your opinion on the console itself user?

The problem is that often when you set that bar where you are supposed to, dark areas become virtually impossible to see in.

kinda happend to me in gta v at night. couldn't see shit, i raised it a little bit so I can see a bit better. and still looks amazing

Not him but I was genuinly worried that this thing would be guaranteed to at leasr double the performance on every game out there forcing people to upgrade every two years just so that their games would even run.

As it stands this thing is a pointless piece of crap for people dumb enough to buy into the 4K meme and doesn't even increase base performance so fuck it.

Xbox One Scorpio is still dangerous, mind.

why don't you just look at real life instead of worrying about all this video games HDR shit

Real life is boring. Too few girls who know kung-fu, too far away.

Find me one of this in real life.
To do whatever i want in VR.

In case anyone actually wants to know and isn't just hopping on the shitposting bandwagon, it's because the video isn't captured directly, but "secondhand" from the screen.

All imaging sensors, including the human retina/eye, can only "capture" a certain range of lightness values, almost always far less than the actual difference in the amount of light reaching the sensor. To compensate for this, most sensors have adaptation, that essentially "resets" what light values are considered "white," "black," and "medium grey" to best approximate what's actually hitting them. In humans, this adaptation takes some time, which is why your eyes need to adjust upon walking into a dark room, or from inside to outside. When Cerny enables HDR on the TV, the light hitting the camera changes, so it readjusts its exposure level, resulting in a different picture. There was no guarantee that the change in the display, in combination with the new exposure would actually result in an appreciably "better" image on the livestream, but they probably spent awhile picking out that exact picture and tweaking the light values so the difference would be noticeable.

As for whether HDR will actually improve visual quality in gaming or otherwise, it's a bit tough to say. Most modern media is very careful to set up lighting so that the limited dynamic range of current displays doesn't become a factor. It's also possible that some people might view HDR imagery as "fake" or "worse looking," much like how 48fps film was viewed, since people are used to exaggerated/crushed blacks which are common in SDR images with high contrast. Also, the difference is most obvious in images like the OP. Regular daytime scenes will likely be negligible for most people.

>skyrim remastered in psneo wont look like this and wont have mods like this

Fucking, thank you. I honestly could not have explained it better myself. You have restored my faith in humanity.

that shit is bullshot for the simple fact that if you don't have a HDR screen yourself you wouldn't see a difference.

Go read

dont say that.
You will offend the Sony employee here.
Jesus have some respect he is only doing his job.

You're like fundamentalist christians, "I can't explain it so it's wrong". Meanwhile the 4K shit is bullshit, all they said about that is that they're faking it.