>Star Trek is 50 years old today
>Still hasn't had a single good video game
Star Trek is 50 years old today
But that's wrong
It had plenty like 25th Aniversary and bridge commander. They are just really old now and presumably came out before you were even born you little cunt.
You're supposed to use the Dukat copypasta, user
>has never played Star Trek Online
Literally the only ST game to make you feel like a captain of a ship.
I am not a manchild anymore so i don't care.
anyone else going to the screening of first contact at the alamo tomorrow?
All the movies are shit except Wrath of Khan
Download Star Trek Online, it's a good game. Also Star Trek Legacy back on the 360 was really good too.
star trek pinball
There are several good games, you pleb.
>implying star trek the motion picture isn't the ultimate kino
The original series had episodes that were better in literally every aspect except for sets and effects.
>not liking the one with the whales
>ST Legacy
I really liked the game but fuck Picard's first mission. It's really cool commanding the stargazer but you're dropped into a TNG era mission with shitty TOS era ships and expected to defend against a shit ton of planetary debris. God help you if you're trying for the Enterprise era ship achievment and have one of those clunkers around
There's a bunch of great Star Trek games
These for example
My personal favorite is The Fallen, story and atmosphere is just great and the game is rather challenging so that's a plus
That movie is overrated as fuck. The Voyage Home, Generations, First Contact, and the 2009 reboot are the best ones.
not him but wrath of khan's reputation is well deserved, it's really a great movie
such a shame they could never really get it right with the next generation movies, it wasn't just some action show, it was more philosophical. Something like this could never have happened in the movies.
The best
I just started watching Next Generation.
WHY do they push Wesley so fucking hard?
Did audiences hate him as much when it was airing?
I cannot stand it. They even have a whole episode dedicated to "DUDE WESLEY IS GONNA BE IMPORTANT".
will the new series suck ass?
>WHY do they push Wesley so fucking hard?
He's Gene's self-insert.
>Did audiences hate him as much when it was airing?
More, probably. He gets better, though.
Yes, a lot of fans hated Wesley and were very vocal about it back in the day. They dial that back later and he leaves the show halfway through season 4 aside from a few guest appearances in later seasons. I never got the hate personally, although Wil Wheaton is kind of a douche nowadays.
Almost certainly.
>gets better
>They dial that back later and he leaves the show halfway through season 4
Oh god, you have lifted a weight off my shoulders.
I can absolutely deal with him for that long.
>I just started watching Next Generation.
cool, I hope you enjoy it. Just know that the first 2 seasons have a lot of weak episodes, it doesn't really pick up strong until s3.
>WHY do they push Wesley so fucking hard?
Gene was self inserting
>Did audiences hate him as much when it was airing?
absolutely, he gets written out after s2 and only comes back in a handful of other episodes
>I cannot stand it. They even have a whole episode dedicated to "DUDE WESLEY IS GONNA BE IMPORTANT".
yep, that episode was pretty good otherwise though
stick with it, it gets a lot better
no one will know because its being put on CBS's literally who streaming service that has ads despite being behind a paywall. Literally dead on arrival.
This game is legit god tier though, no joke.
Unfortunately, I think it will. They're pushing a feminist agenda hard and pretending there has never been a female main character in Star Trek before, apparently ignoring Voyager. Also it is going to be a plot driven show rather than episodic serial like the others and edgier because they want the Game of Thrones audience.
ds9 and enterprise both had season long plot arcs
>there are people in this very thread that havent seen DS9 the best television of all time
it's also pushing LGBT. there's going to be an mtf tranny as a main character
You're not fooling anyone, Dukat.
>ds9 and enterprise
>b-b-but the two worst shows had plot arcs
I absolutely love TNG but I will readily admit that the first two seasons are very rocky, and that's being generous. The first season is dogshit, second improves on it. The quality of a Star Trek series is based largely on whether or not a major character has a beard
>Riker gets a beard
>TNG starts to get good
>Sisko gets a beard out of nowhere
>DS9 suddenly starts to get decent
>No beards on Voyager
>no beards on Enterprise
This can't be a coincidence
I'd rather watch seasons 1 and 2 in all their retro-cheese than season 7 (except for Lower Decks and the finale).
Every single episode is going to be structured around the main plot, not just recurring with other stuff going on. They've made this very clear that they felt the old style of Trek episode is not how the new series will be because it doesn't fit the tone they want and isn't a successful format nowadays.
I'm not sure I'd go that far, but it's the best Trek series, no doubt.
I can understand why some people don't like it though- it barely feels like star trek once they get into the depths of the war.
>this is the best he can do
The dominion war lasting a whole season, let alone multiple seasons, was a mistake
I can't stand DS9 and I still think it's better than Voyager.
That's stupid. I'd say it's alright if they get a female actor to play it, but genetic resequencing is still something frowned upon in federation society.
until you get to the fucking mines
I get lost every single time jesus christ
also ship combat fucking sucks
I'm just saying don't be against the idea on principle simply because the other shows did it differently. Lets wait and see how it is before calling it shit.
>Nimoy didn't live to see a good Star Trek game.
Fuck everything.
What was the last piece of Trek media that wasn't shit?
Just wait until you get to my main nigga here
best Star Trek character of all time. Best episode feature of all time
>set phasers to frag
I miss the early 00s.
Star Trek Online supposedly has the best online multiplayer ship combat out of every game currently out. The ground missions are putridly bad, though.
It could turn out great, I certainly want it to, but it seems like CBS is intentionally sending it out to die and just trying to use it to push an agenda and Jew people into subscribing to their shit streaming service since they aren't even airing it on TV. It'll probably get cancelled fast when that tactic backfires because they just want to hold Trek fans hostage for the money that NCIS and Big Bang Theory fans aren't diehard enough to give them.
>Dominion War could have been ripe as fuck material for a film
>fuck it, we asshole space amish now
I tried it a couple years ago
The ground combat is like if Mass Effect was programmed by blind indians huffing jenk
ship combat was a mashfest of cooldowns but granted I didn't get very far
all the m'ress porn continually being made by furfags
That movie is actually great. Really captures the spirit of Star Trek, is really funny and has a solid and cool villain. Reminded me a little of The Voyage Home's tone with more action.
I totally agree, I wish Into Darkness never happened and Beyond was in a better direction.
I found it disappointing personally, it was an improvement over darkness that's for sure, but not enough of one. For a film called BEYOND it felt very by the numbers. My biggest gripe was with the villain though, he wasn't nearly interesting enough and just felt like the bad guy in a marvel movie.
I have a hard time believing a species with a language that limiting could develop faster than light technology.
They have a pretty complex writing system, so it might compensate for how restrictive their language is.
Numbers are just numbers, nigger.
Voyager Elite Force was awesome. Never played 2 but I heard it's good.
science is more than math
Not really, no.
On the contrary, I think a species that can have a thriving society using a language based entirely on metaphor and describing a story to contextually relate to any other given thought, concept, or situation must be pretty intellectually advanced. They don't need to communicate with other alien species to achieve space travel and they have a universal language for their own race since they all know what the phrases are referring to.
petaQ! You dishonor your house with your ignorance.
>he never played Bridge commander
>he never played Bridge commander with voice commands
Imagine if they remade it. in full glorious 4K. too bad the faggot that demonstrated it kept skipping over the conversations.
Was Picard ever madder than when Ro betrayed his trust?
I unironically love 2009 reboot and Beyond.
I was almost tearing up when the enterprise gets shot down, despite how reddit that may make me sound.
DS9 is the best Star Trek series btw.
>liking Abrams Trek
>when the Jem'Hadar walked through the containment shield on the bridge
then i knew this series is going to be amazing, miles is best character
What is with the posts ITT that are maligning the upcoming Star Trek series for being 'feminist'? Have they even paid attention to the series at all? How can they be surprised and/or annoyed by it?
meh, the fact that its a prequel has fucked me off already
Miles is my fuckin boy, he's so great because he's still ultimately pretty average, and that's a unique perspective on a show that struggles with showing anybody other than Paragons of Morality, yknow. Star Trek is avowedly anti racist and stuff, but you still had O'Brien being kinda shitty about 'cardies', which at least gives ds9 more depth than any of the other series, the characters were people rather than cardboard cutouts like on TNG, as much as I loved it, yknow?
Yeah, I do. 2009 doesn't get enough credit. I will admit into darkness was mediocre though.
Star Trek was egalitarian, not Feminist. learn the difference.
The first film was ruined by the stupid shaky camera crap that the director thought was a good idea. Beyond was pretty good though.
Apparently it's between Enterprise and TOS which is at least interesting because that era isn't really explored in any Star Trek shit
>despite how reddit that may sound
thinking in those terms makes you sound reddit
People forget the show always pushed cultural boundaries and get mad now that it is pushing their current ones. Show was the first to ever show an interracial kiss.
I wanna stick my thumb into those things the Cardassians have on their foreheads
>streaming service that has ads despite being behind a paywall.
You mean like the extremely successful hulu?
I'd imagine a lot of die hard fans will pony up 6 bucks a month, while casual fans will probably wait for all the initial episodes to be out.
I don't know if I'll pay yet, maybe I'll wait for reviews. They'll probably cater more to the mass market, considering catering to star trek fans very isn't profitable.
i know, as much i would love to speak star trek with all you cunts, im heading to a billy joel concert.
A component of egalitarian societies would be feminism, my dude. Egalitarian isn't it's own ideology, it's an adjective applied to ideologies. Please don't be this thick in a Star Trek thread.
As long as the Tholians appear I'll be happy
You dont just stick your thumb into a Cardassian forehead-spoon.
>tfw a Romulan Warbird decloaks.
Fucking MLK Jr of all people convinced Uhura to stay on the show! It's always been ~sjw~ or whatever, it's part of why I like it so much, frankly. Not afraid to wear it's heart and ideological convictions on its sleeve.
Why not? They flaunt their spoon heads for everyone to see!
I say they're asking for people to stick their thumbs into them.
What about the neck trick. I always imagined it to be really grotesque
How did he get promoted from Transporter Operator to fucking Chief Engineer on a space station
Shouldn't he have to go through a few other posts first?
star trek was always progressive, it's probably one of the most liberal shows ever made on television
Fuck, I forgot Martin Luthor King Jr liked Star Trek. It seems so weird to me. I don't usually think of them together.