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I was excited for you 15 years ago.

not really. I'm waiting on the FF8 remake.

Yes, I remembered having to pay $180 over 18 months


the trailer showed everything this game is gonna be: pure shit like FFXV.

people got excited because of the name "final fantasy 7 remake" only.

cannot believe how people got hyped for that.

you all know it's gonna be shit, so don't pretend otherwise.

>FFXV is gonna be pure shit.
>7 Remake will be pure shit
It will if they try to add anything compilation of FF 7 relate to it whether it's BC(Zirconiade), CC(Angeal, Genesis, all those Zack bullshit stuff) , DC(Deepground).

Yeah, you can fuck off along with FFXV.

Now where the fuck is Type-Next?

Barret wearing sunglasses at night is the worst offender from the trailer.

They've already confirmed the Compilation changes are included.


>Compilation of Final Fantasy VII: “If there are any areas [from The Compilation of Final Fantasy VII] where we can use the settings or the characters, we do want to try to incorporate it in there, so it gives off that sense of nuance and those other stories existing,” Kitase said. “But, of course, it would be difficult to follow up on everything that happened in this universe. So, maybe some of the characters who weren’t as famous won’t appear or be mentioned. But in terms of the characters and instances that remain in the memories of our fans, we do want to try our best to integrate that in some fashion in the world.”

Get ready for that Gackt faggot to show up during the Nibelheim flashback.

>in the world
>not in the story

You've got ten seconds to beat it before I add you to the list of NSF casualties.

>Hate XV and 7R
>Love Type-shit
With that shit taste you might as well eat XV and 7R up too.

Opinion discarded.

Meh, just fuck my shit up, Senpai. I'm gonna hate this shit.

Type-shit is shit and you're shit for liking shit, shithead.

I'm calling it right now. remember me when it's time...

final fantasy will be the worst "remake" of a game ever. it will not even live up to the greatness of the orignal in any way or form.

Can you try saying that in coherent English next?

Opinion discarded, boi. Maybe try not to replace parts of a game's title with "shit" like a complete retard next time. And get some taste.

Why are you even in this thread shitboy? To shitpost about your Type-shit?

Ah yes, you were the parlor trick that "won" Sony E3 2015.

What a farce that was. And how easily everyone ate it up.

What's the status of Honeybee Inn? I need to know whether to cancel my preorder.

nah, im only hoping for and looking forward to FFXII: Zodiac Age being released on PC

XV actually looks good, 7R will never be.

>XV actually looks good

Reminder that if the remake sucks, it will ALWAYS be remembered as a spinoff.

Last I check, Kitase and Nomura said they will made it in to the game.

Compilation relate stuff will fuck this game up though.

Remember that trailers this early in development do not reflect the final game in any way.

We literally have not seen ANYTHING that's going to be in the game yet. I bet those character models won't even be in it. Might not even use the same graphics engine as that 'demo'.

Now, make no mistake; it will be pure shit, but we can't tell that from the 100% fake not-from-the-actual-game trailer. We can tell that from experience and pattern recognition.

>XV actually looks good
Kek, even PS4 Pro and Scorpio can not help that turd.

>Zirconiade worst thing from BC
>not jade weapon

I think this time they will use unreal engine for sure though, it's more easier and faster to use unlike Agni shit engine.

Trying to forget. SE hates FFVII so much they're purposely fucking the remake up to piss off the fans.

other way round bud

Hey man stop saying rude things about my favourite game I've never played :^)





I don't know why you guys hate him so much.

This seems so fucking gay, as in literally homosexual. Did the devs get bored of making female characters?

What I want to know is if there's going to be a special edition console being released with the game. I'm half anxious, half worried that it will be announced for preorder while I'm at work and it will be sold out in 17 seconds, and I'll be extremely upset.
I missed the Majoras Mask N3DS because of this shit, and I'll kill myself if it happens again.
Any word of a console?

Calling it now, controlling all characters will be nixed just like it was from early versions of versus XIII/ FFXV. Release version of the game will have you only control Cloud.

>tfw Old Noctis

I don't know why anyone supports this game, it lost any hope of being good when Nomura left the project.


Too technically demanding for modern console bruv. Same reason XV chopped it out. Switching at any moment like that on PS4 or Xbone tier hardware would fucking TANK the FPS. Probably crash the game a bunch too.

GTA V does it just fine on last gen consoles bruv.

wow this is awful. I haven't been into any of square's games since FFIX but somehow I'm never prepared for the next disappointment.

I don't hate Gackt, kinda love his song actually but Genesis is just...wow, dude.

He's the reason this game felt so homo, it's just unexpected that Tabata/Tabby just make it even more worse than Nomura. It's like dude's secretly a homo.

Yeah, with a fucking loading screen in between. That's what the whole zooming out thing is. And even on the select missions it is possible, it absolutely does effect the frame rate. It dips to low twenties, or even teen numbers occasionally. Especially in effect heavy missions, like Bank heists.

Still impressive that they made it work at all, I'll grant you that.

>complaining about homo
>in FF

Is it just because of the all-male cast? because fuccbois aren't exactly a new thing in FF.

Tabby is actually trying to appeal to the fujo crowd, whereas Nomura wanted to make realistic bromance based of real life friendships with his highschool buds etc.

Not when the characters are next to each other in the middle of a mission

They're making the game on Unreal, not some homebrewed shit that's twice the headache

>controlling all characters
No? from the trailer(that will not made it into actual game for sure) You can not control all the character just one character at time, it's possible.

XV kinda fuck because of the warp strike and open world.

That's what I meant by select missions. It is possible occasionally, but it always ruins the frame rate. Especially on PS3.

Only to be disappointed not even half a year later.

Well now we've got the PS4/Pro and the FFVII party will always be in the same vicinity unlike in GTAV where the characters can end up on opposite ends of the map

Fucking Type-0 has character switching. A PSP game. How the hell would it be demanding in any way?

I saw it coming a mile away and I'm still mad. I can't wait for massive flanderization of the whole cast, Gackt to be crowbarred into iconic scenes, at least 50 Zack flashbacks per episode and even more retcons and asspulls that take a steaming shit all over the legacy of the original game.

This is a "remake" purely for the underage weeaboos who grew up with Kingdom Hearts and think Advent Children and Crisis Core were anything but complete and utter shit, and all the old fans can just fuck right off apparently. But we've known that for years.

Have fun waiting then.

They cant even use Gackt's likeness anymore so his appearance will be minimal at best.

Nice fucking victim complex
Final Fantasy fans are a fucking joke

They'll probably use Lightning instead then.

I think it's a bit too early to judge but yeah, I'm worried about that.

The "action RPG" combat of FFXV looks dull and unresponsive, and it's clearly what modern Squeenix wants for some reason (see FFXIII). Unless they decide to make a combat system that doesn't suck for the remake I'm probably not gonna like it either.

Pretty sure Square's contract with Gackt expired, so unless they want to renew it probably no Genesis.

>even worse than Nomura

I dunno, I was pretty excited for Versus. Lost all hype when I realized XV was completely different.

>Lost all hype when I realized XV
I know that feeling bro, why the fuck would they just hand it off to some random hack who up to now has only made fucking mobileshit and handheld games?

Muh chocolate colored brother from another mother.

>Those grunting sound effects that sound like they were recorded for a chinese sex cartoon

Fucking brilliant


That's why it looks better than any other open world Action RPG on PS4 on XVs scale.

7R looks like complete shit.

Antikun on suicide watch.

I hope they fuck that one up even worse.

Actually that might be an improvement over the original.

At least Gackt fuck-off but CC Zack though...this shit will be a blunder.

oh god it's XV-kun why the fuck are you here, don't you have a XV thread to shitpost in?


It's OK weeb, no need to cry that Noctis's design improved significantly once he was aged up.

No, XV dropped it because it was counter intuitive to the game design they wanted with Noctis's system. If they wanted they would make everyone an equal field like they did with Type-0, which 7R is doing, no one is going to be special.

With Nomura at helm, I think it will be something similiar to KH or Dissidia.

Ikea kit game = no buy

Nomura-kun when will you stop spouting baseless fanfic headcanon?

seriously fuck off this isn't a XV thread

They've even compared it to the two in interviews

>Lost all hype when I realized XV was completely different.
Other than Insomnia being at the end instead of the start, and Stella replaced with a better character there isn't much difference.

Nomura-kun still on suicide watch huh?

You really don't have to reply to everyone in the thread. Fuck off.

>The "action RPG" combat of FFXV looks dull and unresponsive
Objectively wrong.


Yo, XV thread is still active just go there, buddy.

Why are you crying Nomura-kun? So it's ok for you to shitpost but not for anyone to call out your posts?

I think all the hype died when it was annouced it was going to be an action game and how FF15 is shaping up to be a terrible looking action game.

Should have just actually made an HD remaster or something, unless all the old assets are gone and they can rerender the backgrounds.

What the fuck is Nomura-kun just go back to your containment thread

Extremely excited for the remake. Combat already looks better than XV.

Just ignore him, he's just reply to you if you keep reply to him.

The idea was they didnt want to waste time and resources merely sprucing up the old game when they can do something entirely different with the same spirit.

And honestly I'm glad they did that, the original is a good game in its own right and isnt going anywhere.

>guy says something against XV in a non XV thread
>waah go to the xv thread stop calling people out waah!?

Why so insecure? This isn't a fucking hugbox.

>Seriously trying this hard
I've never seen anyone more pathetic than you on Sup Forums.

The Braver in the trailer looked glorious although they went a little overboard on the smoke.

Hah, easy, this is a thread to shit on 7Remake/Nomura if you wanna lick Tabby/FFXV dick or shit on it then go to XV thread.

>you can only discuss one thing in a thread
>you aren't allowed to call people out on their bullshit
Wow you really are insecure. 7R is going to be shit and Nomura will make sure of that.

Yup and that is what this thread is all about to shit on Nomura and 7 remake, any question left?

How much gallons of Nomura's cum do you guzzle in a day?


>any question left?

Pretty sure he already cut his dick and balls off so none.

The fact that you hold a button to attack, need a big ass prompt to tell you when to block because it's a visual mess and most of the animations feel floaty and don't seem to connect properly is not objectively dull and unresponsive?

Admittedly I haven't played the game yet so it's hard to judge, but it's not like squeenix has designed a really good battle system since X-2.

>>The fact that you hold a button to attack
Does nothing but repeat the input, just like Smash bros does if you hold down A. Irrelevant since you can still tap to attack and you only get the full spectrum of the combat when doing so.

>need a big ass prompt to tell you when to block
You can turn off prompts.

> most of the animations feel floaty and don't seem to connect properly is not objectively dull and unresponsive?
Wrong, the animations feel fluid with some of the best blending I've seen in a game, the hits all have reaction and there is knockback too.

> since X-2.
The fuck does a menu based command system have to do with real time action based system?