Is there STILL no fucking info on her?
Is this even an ARG anymore?
Is there STILL no fucking info on her?
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well it better not be another fucking sniper
Blizzard thinks timers are fun.
Look at Legion.
It's okay user it'll be an assault class sniper. Then all we'll need is a tank class sniper and each class can snipe.
Ana shouldn't have been a sniper, so they could have Sombra be a stealth sniper. Sombra is going to need a movement skill, probably grappling hook, to be useful. Stealth in the spammy chokepoints is a mistake
What? I've seen people play her on YouTube
the kit in the OP is basically Ana
>everyone just picks a sniper
>no one is actually doing anything but sitting around trying to get headshots
>the payload or capture point never gets taken or pushed
>"b-but I got all these kills!"
jesus christ snipers are fucking cancer on any form of objective based shooter.
This is Ana. We don't know how Sombra looks like.
Nevermind, fuck me, I'm stupid
The ARG was godawful from the start, it should have been realized earlier.
The clues went nowhere. Simple Spanish phrases at the end of a long, ridiculously hard puzzle aren't rewarding.
Blizzard should have taken notes from Valve's Portal 2 ARG
you guys are dumb if you seriously think it's going to be another sniper.
>doomfist will be the tank sniper
That'd be funny.
her ult could be a kinda scan that lets your team see players through walls.
what happened to scaling the walls?
too many people play like this with any character.
"durr I'm clearing the area"
yeah but everyone is doing that while the point is still being guarded by 3 guys.
Gonna be a chick with an smg that can go invisible
isn't this an Ana skin though?
sombra is a hacker, so she'll probably lay traps or something or give you cloak abilities or wall hacks.
So Widowmaker's...
This is some fanart made from leaked info at a time when Sombra was being hyped more than Ana. They took the model for the Ana shrike skin and called it Sombra.
At this rate she'll be introduced at Blizzcon.
I hope she's a cute, brown Mexican girl with a Dia de los Muertos/Calavera skin
its the little girl from the soldier 76 short I bet.
This whole thread is dumb if these people don't recognize Ana's Shrike skin.
This, im surprised many in this thread can't even recognize the skin. Why the fuck so much people in Sup Forums believe in random pictures so much?
Or, people know that it is outdated information and don't comment on it.
Or would you want me to go OMG THATS NOT SOMBRA YOU GUYS.
i want a Hero with Poison.
HP: 200
Gun: Poison Spewer
>Spews poison that sticks to surfaces and slows enemies, longer an enemy is in the poison the more it ticks. starts off very weak.
Ultimate: Venomous Orb
>Tosses out a globe of Venom that explodes on contact, slowing enemies to a crawl while dealing DoT damage.
Shift: Slip'n'slide
>Slide across the poison you have been placing. the range is as long as the poison placed from Poison Spewer.
E: Sticky Glob
>Shoot a glob of adhesives that attempts to stick the enemy to anything behind the impact for a brief moment. IE, a Wall or other player, enemy or not.
This was fun to write up.
she's just going to be a Spy clone but with some sort of gimmick to replace the stealth aspect
There already is a hero with poisons. Ana.
im talking a legit poison hero, like i just came up with.
though. i haven't really played her, how good are her poisons?
Sorry, I'm not a player, even though I am following a bit the Overwatch story.
I've already seen her skin on youtube. Si she already out or not? They use it with Captain Ana, it seems.
I want Doomfist to be a class that revolves around combos. Each ability is a different punch including lmb/rmb. Fuck, boxing the fuck out of someone sounds like so much fun.
still betting it's the chick on the far right
that little girl probably wouldn't join Talon
The Ana comic tells who she is,
And she doesnt looks mexican/latin american at all
The Ana comic has one reference to Sombra
Also it's the future with robots and a sentient gorilla and hard light technology. Why can't blacks end up living in some hispanic country?
>shift is a dash that gives you a 200 health shield, goes where you're aiming, including upwards
>E is a single target knock back, like a reverse roadhog hook
>left right combos
>Ult is like an Allmight uppercut that sends whoever is in front of it spiraling into the air
Do you think the rest of the Overwatch cast would forgive Reaper if he turned himself in?
I want her to be a mini-edgelord like Reaper
I could see Mercy doing it and trying to fix him
>yet another female sniper
Isn't she the reason he's like this to begin with?
What's the point of this thread? This is Ana's skin, nothing more. The new character will be someone else entirely.
yes. I'm sure she feels bad about it
There is no info because you are using a picture of Ana :^)
I was thinking shift would be a modifier to his punches, turning his lmb/rmb from jabs to hooks which knock characters around depending on the direction in which the punch is thrown. E would be an uppercut which throws the target in the air, allowing them to be air-juggled and manipulated into certain directions easier. A mechanic that would be interesting on him would be a hit multiplier— each landed consecutive hit would increase the damage of his next punch. Or maybe instead, he would have a hit multiplier and one of his abilities would cash in on the multiplier applied on the enemies. Like the ability would discharge an energy blast on the enemy (which can damage enemies around the initial target) and the higher the hit multiplier, the more damage the ability does to the target and the larger the blast radius will be. Maybe this could be his ult instead of a regular ability, so in a way it's like a passive.
Everyone thought this was Sombra before Ana was revealed.
There IS a little info on her. Reaper says something like "I wish Sombra was here" or something like that, meaning she is Talon. This also could mean she was in BlackWatch, and therefore will be older.
My bet is she will be more of a TF2 Spy kinda character, this picture is from one of the animated shorts, I like to think this would be her
>Smol mexican edgelord wannabe
All of my yes.
they're just gonna put in the TF2 Spy, except less skill based
the entire game has classes like that
Another picture of the same/similar character
Also what the fuck is that image
>Not noticing the logo on her forehead
That's Athena
Who is the guy on the far left?
thats an old genji concept
There is no Pyro class yet either
I did not notice that, Athena future character maybe? Super AI is in the comics, as Anubis is a super AI, I like to think Athena would be one of these AIs. Still Sombra could be a personality like a Ultron/Jarvis kinda deal, still I doubt it now
looks similar to hanzo but not sure
Hanzo aint a cyborg nigga
Also this is from the trailer and Genji came up in it, so they are not the same
72% left to go
Ana is legitimately saddened over what happened to Reaper, who she considered a close friend pre-him snapping.
>There is no Pyro class yet either
It's Symmetra.
what? where do you see cyborg nigga
Doomfist, he matches the recall icon and banner outline.
He doesn't match the banner outline at all.
I mean fire has not been used, I mean it can be argued that Mei is also the Pyro class, I am talking in terms of fire not being used in any aspect of the game yet
Obviously not from that picture.
Mcree looks so goddamn anime here.
Probally Liao. He's a founding member who we don't know anything about, he should be in the new comic.
Meant to reply to the guy who wanted to know about the Asian dude.
The lore states that there was another founding member named Liao. Guy looks Asian, I'd be willing to bet it's him.
Obviously Athena is another God AI like Anubis. She's an AI named after a god.
The only thing I want from Doomfist is to make his ult transform the mechanical hand into something.
Like I don't know, make it Space Adventure Cobra-style, with a huge laser gun that shoots in a straight line, penetrating all enemies and give it a decent diameter to cover at least 2 people standing next to each other. Think Reinhardt heatwave, but fatter and faster.
With those abilities FUCK the sniper. Give me dual smgs. Or something that spews out a shit ton of damage very quickly.
Looking at those abilities all I can think of is ambush tactics. Squeeze into some dark corner that people rarely look into then jump on them when they pass by. Oh shit to many fuckers? Use umbral cloak to fuck off fast to your next hideyhole.
>Give me dual smgs
>something that spews out a shit ton of damage very quickly.
Tracer pistols are already a thing.
middle looks like male vi watch him have her moveset
Yeah but tracer reloads way to fast. This would be pure burst. If you dont kill before you have to reload you gotta fuck off. Every other hero should be able to easily kill her if she is reloading.
best guess I think is Liao who is a founding member of Overwatch
It never was an ARG. Blizzard is just retarded and thinks that slowly revealing shit over time = ARG.
Blizzard is retarded, more at 11.
>Each doomfist has a bigger robotic fist than the last one.
Honestly, that last one looks more like an omnic than a man, his head and neck is really angular in places.
>i dont even know you anymore
there was quite a lot of stuff to decrypt but all it did was lead to vague messages and then 2 countdowns. this arg hasn't served any purpose.
its more likely what happened was
>they plan arg
>tell management "were gonna release (content) in early september after the arg is over"
>management says "yeah sure whatever fuck off"
>fast forward to late august, arg starts, management suddenly realizes (content) is going to coincide with the new wow expansion
>theyre forced to put arg on arbitrary timer for a month because nobody double checked whether or not the date would be an issue
>Sombra ARG
>literally just puzzles that lead to more puzzles without revealing anything
>23rd comes around
>countdown timer
>oh shit get hype
Jesus Christ, what were they thinking?
Soo is Liao windows husbando?
>I wan't an OP Tracer
widows husband was gerard not liao
also that isnt liao, someone actually asked them and they flat said it wasnt him
>Shift being the healing move
>E being the mobility move
What dipshit made this? Not to mention that this is obviously just Ana, though I hope it's from before Ana was released.
No, Widowmaker's husband was named Gerard Lacroix.
Blame reddit for being so obsessed with ARGs. If they didn't fuel it with their GameDetectives shit, Blizzard would have spilled the beans already.
I bet that you're retarded
Yeah I love Splatoon too.
>Snarky mexican loli omnic
>Hacked her own frame to store her conciousness somewhere else
>Now pilots "compact" frames because budgetary concerns of chaving to replace them due to working hazards, and probably some stealth benefits I guess
(she's still supposed to be some sort of sneaky character, right?)
>Snarky as fuck because functionally immortal
It's a clone of Ana grown from test tubes
That fucker doesn't even look asian. Besides, the little blue haired asian kid in the graphic novel coming out in december is Liao.
He looks more Asian than D.Va or Mei.
anna isnt really tick damage she doesn't really count as poison , you have no time to counteract annas poison its almost instant its not damage over time
I don't know all the comics and biographies yet, where can I read about that?
Not to mention his name