You can chose one Monster from Monster hunter to be your pet in the real world.
There are no drawbacks.
Its tame, wont attack people, loves you, is nice to nice strangers, and for we reason you will earn a decent amount of money from donations just by letting people see it, enough to never worry about feeding it and still have some money leftover. Also everyone in the world is magically ok whit you having the monster. You can also ride it like a mount it will let you. Mistreating the monster will make ti disappear back to MH world and it will never come back.
And you cant pick mizutsune because only i may have one
You can chose one Monster from Monster hunter to be your pet in the real world
I wanna BE Gigginox's pet!
>Take a guy's random doodle from Pixiv
>Slap a meme watermark on it
>In addition to the popular franchise’s upcoming 3DS RPG Monster Hunter Stories, Capcom has plans for a new Monster Hunter title and more according to their financial results briefing for the year ended March 31, 2016.
>Keep in mind that two million units isn’t exactly the number Capcom would expect from a main entry Monster Hunter title, but we’ll likely hear about a new spinoff title for the series [for console] in addition to Monster Hunter Stories, based on what was mentioned in the financial results briefing.
>Capcom will stream Tokyo Game Show 2016 live from the show floor on September 15 from 20:00 JST, and September 17 and 18 from 10:00 to 17:00 each day. Expect the latest information on Capcom’s upcoming lineup.
can I fuck it?
I pick....
I live in Canada so the weather is perfect here.
More importantt which one would you take to be your lover?
Conditional love?
You. >w
A small, dog sized Jho.
Lil' pet pickle.
>dog sized Jho.
People have been killed even by dog sized dogs.
>some idiot out there will be dumb enough to keep an Amatsu or Daora
>He doesn't want to cause natural disasters everywhere he goes
What a fag
Amatsumagatsuchi will ensure water.
you should post more
>get a pet nercsylla
>never have to worry about gypercos stepping in my garden any more
>nerc is cute too boot
Truly the best pet
Claiming Sponge Lizard
>psp pad replacements
link to the ones you bought?
Complete my life.
>No Mizutsune
Shit fucking thread m8
Might as well pick Zinogre or Gore Magala so I can smash your pet's face in. If I can't have it, no one can.
So does one need to do some sanding down at the base of the analog cap or something when doing this modification, or does it just magically fit in just fine? Sounds a bit too good to be true, does the system even close properly with it?
>Frenchman joins the room
I just came home from buying a Nu 3DS, MH4U, MHGen and matching plates for the console. If either
1) Capcom announces a MH game for WiiU or NX
2) Nintendo announces that NX is able to play 3DS games with all the N3DS benefits
I will an hero myself.
Why would you buy both Gen and 4 at the same time?
I want a zinogre puppy
They're saying it's MHXG on 3DS. 2 million sales plus release this year made it obvious.
>Gammoth: Stepped on some blangos and put Tigrex in his place
>Mizutsune: Just wants to take a nap
>Glavenus: Got attacked by a Rathian and rightfully defended itself
>Astalos: Killed a bunch of annoying bugs and then ate a velocidrome
Why were they the villains again?
I just want a big ol bunny to cuddle with
Because something in my head told me I wanted to experience the unique things of Gen too.
Yeah, that's a bad scenario as well. I'm fucked any which way. Oh well, I haven't gutted Gen yet so I can return it. I simply wasn't thinking straight.
Lao Shan Lung
>We all have to do the same villager online hub requests again
Ohhhh booooiii
I'd figure there would be a file transfer option like with MH4G in Japan. Hell, saves are on the SD card so it doesn't need to do much.
That would greatly help. It was such a pain hosting rooms and finding non-user friendly randoms in turns.
>Turns room
>See either 3x Hyper Testu, 3x Blangonga, Marshlands Nightmare, or Searching for Secret Baths posted
Every time
What is Sup Forums trying to do next in MH?
Going down the autistic path of crafting all armors, well high rank versions anyway
Checkmarking all HR quests (I've only left some gathering and prowler quests) and leveling all my special permit quests to X.
>make set
>turns out to be shit
Trying to make elemental pierce LBG's and accompanying sets.
Now I can't decide whether I should try soloing DLC Hyper Silver Los or just make something else.
Do felyne count?
>it's difficult for it to breathe outside of the sand
Sand is air
It needs them minerals and nutrients in the sand bro
Ya know, he's a tame design and a boring fight, but for some reason I still like him overall.
He was more fun in Sandy Planes when he had tons of flat land to fight him in. I still love him though because I love gimmick monsters and also enjoy the concept of a massive maw monster
>tfw no mhgenerations on vita
>more fun in Sandy Planes
You might be on to something there...
>been getting a lot of great 3 slot charms like Blunt+6, Reload Speed+6 and Evade Dist+6 but I just want my Artillery talisman so I can kill things slowly with my Wide GL set
Sandy Plains, and all of the 3 maps in general are 10/10 best maps in the series. You can fight the monster in practically every area of those maps, which that alone makes it good
Snowbaron is everything Lagombi should have originally been.
So localization when
Alright cool, though I think I'd just take out the C-Stick by opening up the system
Well get the announcement at least six month after the fact, for a release another six months after the fact, if at all.
how did they go from maps like that to shit like the volcanic hollow that may as well just be area 8 and base camp
Gore magala. Would it eventually turn into a shagaru? No drawbacks should me we wouldn't have to worry about the frenzy right?
>Wrath of Rath
HOW? Fuck this quest
>tried aerial GS tonight
This is fucking broken, who playtested this shit and thought it was balanced?
Royal ludroth, or shaggy maggy
Time to learn gunning.
I just attempted it for the first time with SnS.
I actually managed to call the silver los without dying with 25 remaining but the gold Ian then proceeded to fuck my shit and I triple carted in the next ten minutes. I wanted to cry
You can't really swim or sail on sand either.
MH sand is some magical shit.
>I triple carted
That's pretty bad. Although I almost ran out of time on that quest myself.
If you're gonna use a blademaster weapon, focus on goldian first because she doesn't spend as much time in air. And you will need all the time you can get when the fence is up.
I did a quest with another user a few days ago, hunting the silver los and gold rathian both. They are programmed to follow each other. As in, we would poop bomb rathalos, he would leave and after a minute he would be back. Like 4 times in a row. He also moved away when the rathian moved also. Such bullshit. Don't see how you're supposed to solo that shit, I guess you have to extra cheese with flashbombs or something
Yeah that was a really bad choke
I just kept doing stupid things like getting combos and poison tailed. The massive fireballs were painful too because I kept not being at her side as much as possible
Lessons learned the very hard way. Maybe I'll try again but damn that was seppuku tier choke
Not to mention in an arena but the fence helps immensely
>tethered monsters
Such bullshit, same with infinitely respawning bullfango, pointless artificial difficulty by turning it into a forced 2v1 at all times and just spamming irritating obstacles designed to waste your time and get you hit and thrown out of position.
Small monsters are cancer in this game, they never ever fuck off for even a second
Time to hunt some angels.
Goldian is straight up bullshit, period. All that windpress, christ. The only time I ever managed to beat her solo in 4U without carting, with no other monsters, is when I got evade extender and wind res (hi) and earplugs to deal with all her bullshit.
Is Lance strong in 3U?
How do you play this on an American phone?
>with another user
>follow each other
Wrath of Rath is a solo only arena quest.
Just download the apk and install it in your phone.
wasn't that one, was guild one
Why my non-advanced hub Teostra quest is not showing up?
I need those damn claws.
How do I do that for iPhone? Don't laugh, I bought it second hand from a friend for super cheap when he upgraded
Deviljohs are like fucking dwarf stars that run on food which happens to be anything that moves, what kind of braindead person would own one of those things of any size?
Can't you just make a Japanese iTunes account and install it from the appstore? I remember doing this way back when I had iPhone 4.
Yeah but I can't read Japanese
Lagiacrus or Barroth.
Neither can I but it doesn't stop me from playing this game.
Tiny Uragaan.
>Named beats
I'm down with that
Either it cycled out or you haven't HR breaked and reached HR 35 yet.
Skill set tips for SnS to do gold rathian/silver los solo arena?
Was thinking
Crit boost
Windproof hi
I love my nakarkos lgb blue ver.
It's amazing. I use it as my main weapon. Going through all pierce shots and then full house. Shit's too good
I wanna get generations but I don't have a 3ds, should I buy a normal one, a 2ds or a 3ds xl?
3ds xl and play 4U instead if you don't want to feel regret over paying 50 bucks for an add-on
Always go for XL
I choose Gammoth