>game has 3 wikis
Game has 3 wikis
Other urls found in this thread:
>game has 4 wikis
>game has 5 wikis
>game has 6 wikis
>All 3 are fucking garbage
Why the fuck are people so bad at laying things out
>game has no wiki
>game has 7 wikis
>game has spitting mechanics
>Game has 0 wikis
>game has 8 wikis
>game has an official strategy guide on sale at gamestop for $12.99
>Game franchise has numerous entries
>Its covered all by a single wiki
I still don't know what it is. Seems solid and yellow.
>Game has 2 wikis
>One blatantly steals from the other
Why do they still make those?
>game has a wiki
>it tells you practically everything there is about the game
>each page is only like 3 paragraphs max because its a small game with a small following
>game has two wikis
>the good one doesn't show up in search results
>only $13
>game has multiple wikis
>the most popular one is run by SJWs who decide to force gender politics into every page
>Game has two wikis, one is vastly superior to the other, but the other one keeps trying anyways.
>Wiki has a game
>game has 1 wiki
what's a weak key?
list them
>alt-right bab who needs a safe space
>mfw looking at zeldawiki.org now
>eb games
There's your problem.
>game has a wiki
>This page is a stub!
>This page is a stub!
>This page is a stub!
>This page is a stub!
>Game helps kill itself by building a wiki into the game so exploring becomes pointless and you know what everything is and does
>Fanfiction wikis
Click random page and let the ride begin.
At this point, why not just sell a fucking artbook?
the secret world?
>game has a wiki
>literally only has 12 pages or so
>last update was years ago
For what fucking purpose
>MMO has only very outdated or offline wiki/databases
>game has one Wiki
>visit wiki
>Pettibone posters not allowed
Biblical plague or some shit, just ignore and move on, nothing to see here.
Just make a copy of them.
Probably lemon slices.
>game has a decent wiki that hosts datamined content that reveals devs RNG bs
>game dev bribes wiki staff with free cosmetics and ingame currency
>datamined content is banned
>criticism of the game mechanics and devs is banned
>actual weapon stats get skewed or outright removed to avoid people noticing how bad the powercreep is
i don't see anything
>obscure game has very detailed wiki with hundreds of articles
wow this has been an awful experience
I thought it would just be on sheik since it's actually relevant there, but it's on Link's page too.
>go to game wiki
>look at comments
>"You humans have such unrivaled stupidity. These so called 'feelings' you whine about confuse me..."
>wiki article has multiple linkings in text
>most of them are red
>Never really use wikis other than the one for Fallout
>Realize how much you took its details for granted when you see how shit almost every other wiki is
>Oscure game has a wiki
>It has like 2 pages with a few sentences each
Quick, post your favourite wiki sites.
>Game hasnt come out and it already has a wiki
Are we not allowed to ever talk about gender? Even when it's a relevant case of a female dressing as male to shield her identity?
>game is wiki based
literally what the fuck
you know what? You'd have a valid point...
if it was just on sheik's page.
>game has 2 wikis
>someone links the wikia one
>inofficial wiki has more information than official encyclopedia
Thanks TF2.
>it contains incorrect information
Easy money, why not?
You mean TF2Wiki? Wasn't that website riddled with malware and ads?
Also, I can't even access the site anymore.
>game has a wikia instead of a wiki
>the fan wiki is just a copypaste of the wikipedia article
What game?
The purpose of burning cash when someone makes more of a profit off that stuff with youtube walkthroughs
Plus most people are visual learners now
I can only see stupid kids or soccer moms buying that for their kids
I wish people who weren't native english speakers weren't allowed on Sup Forums.
You are literally being triggered by the word "pronouns" as if it's a tumblr creation.
replacing all information on a character's gender with a list of "preferred pronouns" is a tumblr creation
Who is a good little cuck!?
Yes you are!
That's you, a good little cuck ;^)
>I wish people who weren't native english speakers weren't allowed on Sup Forums.
Let me guess, an American?
Also not vidya.
Guy who posted the link in the first place here:
I think injecting gender politics into video games for no reason other than to feel better about yourself because you CARE is fucking stupid.
Now, if it WAS just sheik that had his/her gender/pronouns discussed on the wiki, it would make sense, as his/her sex while using magic to become sheik is up in the air.
But it's not just sheik. The mods took it upon themselves to shove gender politics into the wiki despite the vote results on the poll done for said subject being overwhelmingly against doing so.
I respect people trying to be more open and accepting of trans people, but jesus christ, feigning superiority to defend a stupid decision made by an open SJW?
>different segments of the same boss give different amounts of exp/gil
for what purpose
Defining pronouns is only necessary for characters of ambiguous gender. Maybe they're (whoever wrote the wiki pages) just trying to be consistent, but it's redundant information when it's clear that Link is male.
Good point. You need to kill them all anyway, but then again it's Bradygames, so maybe that stat sheet isn't accurate.
>wiki has 3 games
>Sup Forumscucks are still triggered over this video
>people use weapons that aren't tonkor, synoid simulor, or Sancti Tigris
I admit I used to buy strategy guides as a kid just for the pictures.
maddox usually has really good points but also
>maddox in 2016
>wiki 1 was never really filled because the two other were more popular
>wiki 2 and 3 have adjacent info no one bothered to copy to another
MH wiki and Kiranico
it's hilarious how the actual wiki is nothing but fanfiction and misinformation
>the official wiki is severely out of date
>the unofficial wiki is more up to date but is still missing a lot of information
>fanfiction and misinformation
I used to check it very often until about 2 years ago and it seemed ok, what happened?
>mfw there's a game based on the wiki
Solid genders are VERY triggering to individuals who have been brain damaged by psychiatric drugs.
I actually have run a wiki for 7 years or so now. It's an old but still popular platformer series for the PS2 that gets a thread on Sup Forums every now and then.
We're actually very close to getting all articles up to 'adequate' level of quality, at minimum, most of it is good if not great. I expect we'll have it finished in a year or two. Would like to claim we're the first to ever 'finish' a wiki, but I doubt that's truly the case.
>people who contribute to wikis
>Game has two wikis
>You were using the worst one for years
>a venerable game series has a wiki
>it is flawed and has misinformation or outright fanfiction
>instead of using an internal design document, the game devs use the wiki as their source of lore when making a new game