Am I the only one who would be much more interested in this game if the dinosaurs weren't robots...

Am I the only one who would be much more interested in this game if the dinosaurs weren't robots? Robot dinosaurs are kinda goofy and hunting them for fuel and climbing them to update your radar/map is less appealing than just being a simple Neanderthal hunting for food, materials for weapons, clothing, shelter,etc.

I like kinda goofy

I think it would be about 10 times worse. Dinosaurs have been done to death. Robot dinosaurs, nope.

Would be kinda boring without robots, the robots tie into the lore and form the very basis of the story.

It would kinda be a female witcher without the robots and would havce had to focus on some kind of medievil story

Then it would be a straight Monster Hunter rip-off. With robots they can at least pretend it isn't.

What exactly is so interesting about yet another shitty post apocalyptic world? You know the lore of this world is just going to be humans build robot weapons that took over. That is done to death more than simple dinosaurs.

I wanna fuck the robodinos.

>Would be kinda boring without robots
see Tell me how many games there are about cavemen.

You probably look for a different game then because it sounds nothing like what the devs of horizon are trying to achieve. Play rusk or something, I don't know.

>What exactly is so interesting about yet another shitty post apocalyptic world?
I think the issue here is you play way too many of them and a jaded view on them. I dont play many games so this is extremely fresh to me and beautiful looking too.

it looks nothing like monster hunter, it looks like a generic action game.

I will straight up jizz in my pants if they let us tame and fly this thing

Game would be much worse, and don't worry the typical "fight the humans who aren't fun to fight and can't deal with your gadget and STEALTH" are in the game too.

WILD > horizon

Just play Monster Hunter then

Wild looks kinda confusing 2bh. But I am interested

I'd be more interested if it were 60fps

Nah robot dinos is the way to go

wow, so dangerous. Especially when it shoots 10ft away from you

that gameplay looks like shit desu

I bet Alloy will be a Robot too



I would rather them go straight /m/

>Create high-tech mechadinosaur.
>Even a cavewoman with a bow can disable it.

She is the chosen one user.

i was excited for this until i saw this webm
gameplay looks like serious garbage

Sasuga lazy writing.

The mechs were programmed by feminists so they go easy on girls to avoid making them look bad.

after watching a few gameplay videos it looks pretty ok, that webm does make it look like boring shit

You're the only one, m80.

There is a severe lack of Caveman\Prehistoric games.

[spoilers]>impling cavemen and dinosaurs existed at the same time
>implying dinosaurs ever actually existed[/spoilers]

Alright, lost all interest.

Good job

This is E3 2015 footage...dont tell me you faggots were hyped for this without doing your homework...

It's a doomed genre.

BC being cancelled, Stomping Land dev running with the money etc.

The endless cycle of disappointment.

I had a robot dinosaur Shadow of the Colossus image in my head.
Yeah, I blame myself.

SotC was boring too, but its japanese and atmospheric so its ok when they do it.

A Dragon's Dogma with robodinos and 60fps wouldve been much better

>why aren't videogames realistic? She would prefer if the game was about accounting and getting in debt to pay for my wife's son education, like a normal mature adult.

Maybe a mix of both, but the robot Dinosaurs are kind of cool.

>SotC was boring
This is the PS4 audience

wow what an epic meme

Anyone else was concerned after yesterday's footage? It looked like those cool giraffes are just FarCry towers that patrol a certain route ad infinitum.

How is he wrong? Only a third Colossi are more or less engaging to fights, the world is barren and is ultimately just a filler to break the fights apart.
Not to mention the game is boring as sin for multiple playthroughs because Colossi become very easy as soon as you figure them out.

>unironically plays farcry games

>unironically shits on games he haven't played

It was just a Sony TV commercial m8. I assume that's near the beginning of the game and GG whipped that footage up in like 5 mins.

I sure hope so, the last thing I want is another Ubisoft open-world game from a different developer. So far game looked a lot like RDR in terms of open world, which got me hooked in the first place.

The robot idea looks sexy as fuck style wise, I really like it. I don't think the game would be as interesting this way

>It looked like those cool giraffes are just FarCry towers that patrol a certain route ad infinitum.
That's what it looked like to me, only I thought of Assassin Creed.

Doesn't look fun.