Even normies idea of PS4 PRO

Normies hated ps4 pro, everybody complaining about it unlike PS4 reveal. Their facebook page is down voted to hell.

Complaints about

>why i bought ps4 if new was gonna come in 3 years
>no new games, too much price



Other urls found in this thread:


literally who cares about what ESLs think?

click on any profiles i guarantee its some poo in loo



>w.w.who cares sales and games don't count!
what exactly count for you now then? Certainly not games either.

you're screencapping literal ESLs

maybe they should have worked on new games instead of a new machine that plays zero games

Why do they call it the PS4 Sandwich?

Because Scoprio ate it for breakfast!

even normalfags are starting to see sony's bullshit

I don't get it, why can't it play 4K blurays?

>online gratis ya!!!

What's ESL

because it doesn't have a 4K bluray player, you moron

people stream everything these days, so there's no reason to up the price of the console for you

Slim sounds good for that price. Fuck the pro though i'm not rich.

why do normies care about 4k so much

English second language, you filthy ESL fuck

That doesn't explain anything.
Is a BD drive that plays 4k different than a normal one? How? How much more expensive is it?

Well, people who shit in the street and live in a world of shit would know shit when they see it

> He doesn't own a dedicated bluray player
>He uses his console to watch movies

Because 4K is the new format

I haven't bought a PS4 yet. Will for FF15. Now I get a better PS4 and get the better version of FF15.

This is nothing but good news. Feel sorry for your guys who bought a PS4 already though. Bad luck guys.

>That doesn't explain anything.
yes it does
>Is a BD drive that plays 4k different than a normal one?
How? How much more expensive is it?
hunnid dollars

and yet, I bet many of them don't have a 4k tv

I don't even own any blurays or a 4k tv, I just wish to understand.

>people stream everything these days, so there's no reason to up the price of the console for you

So question: does the streaming bit rate even justify 4k? Blocky 4k looks worse than the equivalent bitrate in 1080p.

A decision made by Sony.

This feels like Sega all over again. At least thete aren't Pro/Neo exclusives (for now), but then there are VR and Move exclusives.

You know you don't have to stream everything online, right?
You can play 4K movies on the PS4, just not from a the disk drive

This is nothing but bad news.
I can assure you FFXV will be a mess in Pro or whatever fuck is that too. do you actually think they care you ?
this will only result more unfinished games, terrible ports on OG users. etc

good job modern gaming and their sheeps.

4K isnt that expensive desu, bought a 50" one for 900 a few months ago

how much 4k content have you used?


>I'm upset other people will have a better console than me.

Man. It's okay. Things get old. Upgrades are needed.

Also, what's with the weird English?

>actually looking forward to that train wreck
>or any FF post XII

Then again, I'm probably just getting baited by XV-kun.


4K games are the best. Get on it man.

It comes just in time for actual games other than Bloodborne too, that's convenient.

>bragging about 400$ console

are you fucking retarted?
i have already 1000$ pc that plays 4k in respectable frame rats.

Name them and it sure as hell can't be movie gabes that play themselves like FFXV and Persona

>release ps4/one with hardly any updates other than siglhy graphical update
>everyone hypes it and buy them with hardly games worth playing released
>they do the same now
retards all of you
you are the retards to blame


normies bought the xbox one s and at least it is the slim and not $100 more expensive upgrade

That kinda sucks
No 4k blu-ray and slower as the next XBox as well
The XBox was becoming irrelevant but now it will become the dominant platform instead

>Console fags


Fucking console babbies beeing sad sacks.

Meanwhile mustardrice is getting what little qualit exclusives that exist on Xbone and PS4, basically making them nothing but fodder for the garbage burner.

I don't regret getting a PS4 just yet, but if Playstation Now will end up extending to significant exclusives, I'll likely just sell mine off. This serioulsy is the getn that feels like it's the least worth having a home console in. The fucking 3DS and Vita are the best consoles currently out. I really hope the NX actually will be a handheld and it isn't all just part of the rumor mill. God I want Sony to deliver on a Vita successor, but considering them just bailing on supporting it - even when it eventually became successful - at the start of its lifespan, I don't see that happening.

yeah i'm sure they will change to xbox now OP

>Xbone not even relevant enough to make it into the image

I did just get an inheritance from my great-aunt, so if the Neo turns out significantly better (and I mean SIGNIFICANTLY, with killer apps) I won't be vastly upset.
Just annoyed.


>if Playstation Now will end up extending to significant exclusives
do you even know what PSnow is
people here complain about the slightest input lag
but streaming games with 2 second input lag is perfectly fine

>Eurocuck Xfag on damage control


>Having Ameriburger or UK internet services

>having spider internet
I've heard of websites but that's just getting out of hand.

Calm down there Lovecraft

It looks to me like they're trying out a new setup for console releases, where they release their new console to coincide with what they think will be a major release, so that everyone buys that console for that release. In this case, it's Call of Duty.

Seems like a solid idea.

This might be the most retarded thing I've read all month.

I donno, it appears to someone that doesn't pay attention to the industry that their new "generation" is "coming out first". They have a reason to push out the next cashgrab that much earlier without people screaming that it's a cashgrab if they have another, cheaper option.

>death to those who insult SONY

your shit isn't even HDR.

after the Olympics you are de facto wrong.

m8 not even half the TVs will be 4K 10 years from now or are we collectively forgetting how long the transition took from sub 720p widescreens to 720p and 1080p TVs? Especially since streaming and TV broadcasting doesn't even happen at 4K yet and you have to buy a new bluray player and new blurays it'll take a long while for people to make the transition.

>even normies complain

more like even retards complain. new version of both PS2 and PS3 came out after a few years, it was only given the same will happen to PS4

>new version of both PS2 and PS3 came out after a few years

you mean slim versions that had the same core technical specs outside of power consumption

Normies are dumb as fuck. They also think you need a 4k TV to enjoy the benefits of 4k resolutions at all.

who do you think about at least 35 million of those PS4 consoles m8

Yup. Your point?

You must be honestly retarded to own a designated bluray player.

Do you also carry a giant suitcase filled with flashlight, calculator, calendar, mp3 player, camera, map, radio and a clock, or do you just carry around a mobile phone?

Is the piece of shit Pro even allowing downsampling?
Utterly fucking stupid if it doesn't

who said sales don't care? ps4 pro is #1 on amazon ;^)

who said sales don't count? ps4 pro is #1 on amazon ;^)