>DOOM - CPY.torrent
>DOOM - CPY.torrent
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>56 GB
why the fack is it so big. Its just a fackung corridor shooter
ffs seed faggots
buyfags fuck u all
It's the DRM final boss
Its all free on the pc ;^)
Hey user can I suck your dick for 1 (one) MB/s down?
because optimizing cost time
can't have that in current gaming
or you think the game even have 4gb of content?
It was worth the money. If you won't support a good game, then where's the incentive to make good games?
You sure showed them, i can already hear all the wallets opening for bethesda.
>"""waste""" $30
>get put on suicide watchlist
what you think its worth isn't what others think is worth
if you think its worth nothing then why download it
How do you know what it's worth if you havent' played it?
>console masterrace
>buy it 20% off with $10 coupon from best buy at launch
>38 dollaroos
>resell for $45
>play multiplayer and 100% the game at launch
why have you not played the console masterrace
it costs nothing?
you may like a t-shirt for 60€ and i wouldn't buy it unless it was 2-3€
this the same shit
Wouldn't there be more of a chance of being on suicide watch if you're poor?
>Because stating an opinion is rhetoric
Fuck, you caught me.
> meen
>shilling denuvo daily on Sup Forums
>this shit happens
Yes, whoever would want to buy a game, ever.
Because all the levels are pretty huge and they have ID textures. Also uncompresses audio for that metal goodness during fights.
Like somebody said yesterday though. Doom 4 is heavily influenced by Brutal Doom and the classic RIP AND TEAR Doom comic. So your enjoyment is going to be based on those pieces of media.
>no snapmap
I know what pitching a turd feels like and that shits free too
Yeah, "played", right? I wouldn't play it on console even if I'd get paid for it. Enjoy your inferior experience.
>why the fack is it so big. Its just a fackung corridor shooter
> corridor shooter
>he has that big of a dick up his ass
there are many shooters that work just fine on controllers
Doom is not one of them though
He's right.
I paid to play it when I wanted to play it. Might be a bummer if it was cracked a day or two after I bought it, but 5 months after release I don't see why I should care.
>Seeders 1(140)
No, actually.
Poor people have just as many chances because they have less to lose
>inferior experience
>pc doom has stuttering issues just like deus ex where it was proven you needed a 970 just to match console settings
even on a 750ti it would be superior because playing it with a controller sucks
>bragging about 10MB/s
I'd brag about my 62.5 but I don't give a fuck about NuDoom so I won't waste the time.
Post Speedtest.
Are people this desperate for free games?
Hope you pirarefags can enjoy the best FPS in years. Made me have hope for the new Quake.
Bethesda really butchered the marketing of this game, it's crazy how fucking terrible and ass-backwards they made it look.
What do you mean "desperate"?
I'm on a 970 and I get a solid 60fps. However I do use the recommended settings through NGE.
>he now prefers 720p on pc because of a controller
Get out of my pcmr club faggot, this is not how you shill
Congratulations poorfag, you can play it months after everyone with a job was done with it!
So there's no association whatsoever with my steam account now?
Is is 100% safe?
I don't wanna risk my account over this
>downloading malware and Trojans
Heh nothing persenell
I'm idort with a 1080 actually, I'm just saying I'd rather play it with ps3 grafix than with a controller, its just that bad
I installed it and got to the first "secret" (a marineguy toy) are these the only type of secrets or are there also other kind of secrets? (like stashes of items or optional areas or w/e).
>Usually download even 20 seed shit at 3Mb/s
>DOOM has 733 seeds and can't get above 600 KB/s
How does this even work?
yes its a scene release
I played the initial bulgarian workaround with a secondary account and my main one is fine
Wrong choice of words, drunk.
They have had 5 months now to determine if d44m is worth playing or not. They even have a demo to play (Albeit, it doesn't put the game in shining light by being the first and boring level).
So I came to the conclusion they just want free games.
>PS3 graphics
Please user, you don't know what you're saying right now.
Classic Doom levels, stat and weapon upgrades, access to weapons earlier than if you played in a linear fashion, Doom Guy figures, backstory logs, super armor and health.
yeah so
since I still have 50 buhcks in my wallet and you don't, I think you're the poorfag here
There are recreations of old Doom levels and areas with more weapons, ammo, enemies to fight and suit upgrades etc.
One level also has Super Turkey Puncher you can play.
You can't know if a game is worth playing without trying it yourself, and the demo doesn't tell much.
I have no idea what you're trying to tell me so I'll just stick to my original point that I'd rather play the game with ps3 graphics than play it with a controller, it is just THAT BAD, with a controller.
There are shooters that are fine with a controller, like halo or resistance, but DOOM is not
What about the uncut gameplay people do?
Wow, it's almost like this new and anticipated torrent is going to have more people downloading it or something.
Just played a bit of Doom for the first time. The mouse lag is absolutely fucking atrocious when you are not hitting 60 fps. m_smooth doesn't even do shit. How can anyone play a shooter like this with a floating aim like that?
Watching a game, especially one like Doom, is nothing like playing it.
Doesn't that mean speed should be higher since there's more people sharing the files?
Calm down underage with low income most probably eastern European anons. It's just a cracked game.
its not that I want free games, I just want to play them without paying :^)
thanks man
There is more peopl sharing the files but there is EVEN MORE people downloading them.
made me kek
Nu-Doom is overhyped shit.
Bethfucks deserve nothing.
>wubified metal
Jesus christ
>tent has a Sup Forums flag
Lel. You faggots couldn't crack a game for shit. You're just a poor homo.
>I don't enjoy anything and neither should you
Sup Forums plays the game = Sup Forums fucks the princess
Doesn't matter who cracked Denuvo.
>tfw buyfag because I like having my gameplay tracked on steam
>mfw still enjoy when a denuvo game gets cracked because of the delicious asshurt
Also to be fair I have modded ps3 and 360 that I pirate on but those don't track your time and I don't care about trophies so its all cool :^)
>not optimized to not be 60gb
>better buy it
No, because people seeding are by and large just people on a regular internet connection; they only have so much upload speed.
>game is unracked
Haha serves you right filthy pirates!
>game is cracked
P-please sir do not download this!
Yeah I have no idea why faggots are sperging out about this.
>tfw it's not your turn yet
There isn't an ounce of dubstep in that song. I know Sup Forums is retarded when it comes to electronic music but come the fuck on.
>implying I do any of those things.
Not all anons are the same anons moron.
I just find it stupid the pirates that say they want to "try before they buy" by waiting five months to get the game free. At least the ones that say they want free games, good or bad, are being honest.
I don't care if it's technically dubstep or not the electronic wubbing is fucking awful and shameful for a Doom game.
Don't care about Doom but it's always amusing seeing buyfags mad
>At least the ones that say they want free games, good or bad, are being honest.
Yeah, I wish more admitted this.
You pirate shit because it's free. There's no real need for a demo now that we have a million billion walkthroughs and LPs on Youtube.
Except if you have a toaster and need to see if the game actually works, saving you the hassle of a refund later on if you buy it.
They don't even play the games, they download them and let them rot.
>A game about cyberdemons having electronic metal is disgusting according to some random faggot on the net
Lots of games are free but people pirate only the most marketed ones.
Or maybe... the princess was dressed like a guard.
And the guard dressed like a princess as bait. As a trap.
What you gonna do about it fag?
I do that, but I'm always seeding because sharing is caring.
Anybody got a MEGA link? Torrent is slow as fuck.
Because marketed ones tend to be of higher quality. Meanwhile most F2P games are microtransaction riddled and have day one DLC.
You mean like Deus Ex.
Joking aside there are plenty of cool games that are not triple a.
Pirates behave just like consumers but they don't have money or aren't willing to spend theirs.
They are not smarter, they are equally gullible but they bring no money and that's why they are disliked.
The treatment they get from the companies shows what they really think about their customers.
>not buying the steam key for 10$
Enjoy your account ban.
Angrily disagree and call you names.
Then maybe we can hate fuk.
>Literally worse for the devs than pirating
Fuck off.
It amazes me how Sup Forums hates black people for stealing and then justifies stealing in another form.