You're browsing Sup Forums, the worst board on Sup Forums

You're browsing Sup Forums, the worst board on Sup Forums.

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No that's Sup Forums Sup Forums or /r9k/.

dead meme


but that's wrong

What's my favorite video game? Superman!

No, because those boards stay on topic.


>Sup Forums
>Worst board

Is it that hard to understand for you that there are ppl with a diffrent opinion lilll ege nig?

Grow up.

Sup Forums obviously

we can occasionally get good threads on Sup Forums
the only good threads on Sup Forums are the thing and farscape threads

someday pol will find the secret of life and you will be sorry

poptimists deserve to die violent, slow deaths

Sup Forums was infinitely better when it was mostly off-topic and only trangently related to video games. I miss those days.

>different opinion
>said opinion is spam nigger,mudslime and antisemetic shit

im anti-PC as they come but Sup Forums is nothing but a degenerate hive of retards

>retarded opinions must be respected

Come on Abdul

It's a circlejerk.

and I'm right wing.

It's just a conservative hug-box, no real discussion going on there.

>on topic
man, I miss when this place wasn't reddit

>stop disagreeing with me >:(

Who is this guy and what is his shtick?

Sup Forums is probably the best board friendo

circle jerks are when you ban different opinions. it's not the case on Sup Forums


Fuck Sup Forums its time for /m/ the best Sup Forums board on Sup Forums.

This isnt Sup Forums user

Saying anything slightly left gets one banned for "inciting flame war"

>people unironically don't like the Zep
>people who do are considered hipster fags
Why am I even alive?

The board itself isn't so bad. But the crossposters are. Threads like 'niggers cant into fashion' on /fa/ or 'only white people can be aesthetic' on /fit/ are bad enough. But the derailing in some threads where someone suddenly starts about race-mixing ruins discussions.

>not trash

*tips fedora*
>continues to pretend hes intellegent discussing video games on an image board

So it's retarded lol so randumb and wacky "comedy"?

Yeah exactly that

>people disagree with me
wtf I hate humanity now

.....I'm dying.......

Not true

Sup Forums is the only place still producing OC at this point.

Just to suffer

do you honestly think Sup Forums is worst than Sup Forums or Sup Forums? I mean at least we can generally stay on topic here and mods seem to do their job.

How observant.

post some epic pol oc

nah brah that's /trash/

So? It's not like I have any other way to discuss certain games. /vr/ is cool but it's restricted to older games & is a bit on the slower side and /vg/ is segmented into specific generals about series/consoles, some of which I care about but not nearly enough.

whatever you want to believe buddy.


>he thinks a board full of faggots listening to pop music have a right to disagree with someone

>Not liking Taylor Swift

Shake It Off is this generation's Hey Mickey

one man's trash is another man's treasure

>scrolling down
>see this thread
>Beautiful Disaster starts playing on my Spotify

>You're browsing Sup Forums, the worst board on Sup Forums.
that's not /gif/


>all these insecure white male

>Sup Forums
>On topic
Tell me, what does worshiping a Internet frog have to do with politics?

Hannibal standing next to the guests cracks me up every time, i don't even know why

jesus christ Sup Forums wasn't so bad but after baneposting it never got better

But baneposting is good.

Can't we all more or less unite in the sense that we all enjoy being gay faggots in some form or another? Argument of who's better and who's worse gets us nowhere

What boards do you frequent OP?

Yeah i miss those days. obscure games gets better discussion though

FUCK YOU, dirty nigger asshole.

I frequent /gif/ since 8 years, and it's the only goddamn board that never goes off-topic. You could say the quality dropped enourmly just recently with it's overflowing REKT and YLYL or YGYL threads, that are mainly Sup Forums-tard containment threads by now, but all the porn is great!

Fuck you for saying something like that!

>muh white boi!

your mom and sister

And neither did Sup Forums

That's not a board. Do you have downs?

Are we bane posting nowbig guy?

dude sauce?

>not Sup Forums

And you're posting threads in it. You are the lesser being

>/m/ the best Sup Forums board on Sup Forums.
used to be now it's getting easily bait

Sup Forums is proof that theres something actually worst than sjws and white apologists. Sup Forums was pretty bad with the spike in normies and tumblrinas migrating to Sup Forums pre Sup Forums. But this place became pure shit post Sup Forums creation. God damn moot was such a retard

>creates a board to complain directly to mods
>makes a board for Sup Forums tards to create raids on and spam political memes all day and night
>creates ironic shitposting board
Fucking idiot

Literally what they are doing in the picture autismo. That argument is never a strong one. Stop using it thanks

No, fuck off

Welcome to, since forever.

I have never not been in a thread, someone asking for a sauce, and some goddamn schoolars and gentleman provide them.

What great guys! There is even OC from time to time.

Fuck you.

how is calling everyone nigger faggot an opinion?

Sup Forums is mid tier, but you're gay
get in the oven

Sup Forums is shit but I love what they stand for

they're the only people on the planet who like white people

You are dissagreeing with him. You are just as bad in your eyes

It really, really is.

I only really come to Sup Forums for news, I don't really know how but this place always gets info days before other sites.

/fa/ and Sup Forums are taking way more of my time up now though.

Video games aren't that fun anymore when it's all PC politics

We're not on Sup Forums, so no

Sup Forums was mostly harmless in the beginning, I remember that they spiralled out of control after the Gate shitshow and celebrity nude leaks

Yea I noticed they're all popfags with a tinge of pitchfork but somehow think they are patrician

>le Sup Forums is le bad
>le Sup Forums is racissss
i don't even browse it, but being on it for just 5 minutes dissproves you guys.

It's all about news and politics, and those are by general terms pretty retarded anyway, so what do you expect by a board of it? Being better than the subject itself? News and politcs only thrive on suffering from others.

No, that would be Sup Forums
Although Sup Forums has improved a bit recently.

Stay in denial.

yes but look what it brought to the board full of shitposters i rather take those shitty celebs threads than capeshit threads

>t. triggered manchild

every board knows that Sup Forums is the worst board, even most of the posters on Sup Forums

you guys are easily get triggered. thanks for the (YOU)s cracker

>Sup Forums isn't shit

Remimder Sup Forums will always be the worst board. Nothing comes close in autism to them creating the pony fandom.

fuck off /gif/ used to have quality content now it's full of vanila shits and underage posters who keeps making stupid unfunny puns. /gif/ used to be great now it's full of normies infested bullshits

>Sup Forumsedditors shitting on Sup Forums when a third of the memes/reaction images used on Sup Forums originated on Sup Forums

There are boards like /mlp/, /lgbt/ /vp/ and you want to say Sup Forums is bad? Reddit pls.

>Sup Forums
blah blah blah, something about the jews, blah blah blah muh white genocide, blah blah blah, I'm not a beta I just think that if I save a girl from evil darkies she'll want my microdick

Grow up.

I swear you guys are just a cult of white supremacists that genuinely believe there's a conspiracy against you when all that's going on is that minorities and women are asking for equal rights.

>muh western replacement
Dude the dating market is just free to do what it wants without listening to a bunch of old white dudes and muh purity. There's literally nothing wrong with white girls going for minorities and to say otherwise is just being a bigoted dickhead that wants to control women because you're too much of a beta to get laid if you didn't have your privilege.

>oh no muh pure european wonderland
There was terrorism in europe before the refugees got there, you're just being brainwashed by conservative media to think that muslims are bringing crime into your country. If islam was a terrorist religion, the whole world would be under terrorist attacks 24/7.

I'm glad people like you are going to die out in a few generations. Maybe humanity will finally move forward when we actually are all equal and the west stops shilling for white supremacy. I swear we need to kill all the old white men holding humanity hostage for the benefit of straight white males.

Thanks for generalizing the board, as a racist would generalize, too.

You're not better ONE FUCKING BIT.

>but all the porn is great!
they are not.
webms are mistake

Anyone saying Sup Forums isn't the worst board is objectively incorrect.


Sup Forums and the alt right in general are just the reverse version of SJWs. And now we're hitting a time when SJW shit is largely dying down and not very vocal outside of Sup Forums twitter caps, and alt right types are becoming way WAY more vocal and trying to change things.

So we've come full circle now.

Sup Forums just gets worse every year.

/m/ takes the bait a little too easily, but I'm struggling to come up with many better boards.

Sup Forums is its own separate entity