High quality screenshots from trailer.
Antikun on suicide watch.
Will it still be released for pc?
Random ass screen in some forest area
Not for a couple years
Now post the regular PS4 in that same area
You serious? Last i heard it was gonna be released on all platforms, steam included, in november.
that screen still looks terrible, this can't be real or atleast can't be called high quality
The devs have outright said they'd want to build up a proper PC version rather than to just do a port and that you shouldn't expect a PC release for quite a long time.
That looks like complete fucking ass.
Weird, the PC version was coming along fine until they began porting to to PS4 a couple of months ago.
>Release a console
>Put no games on it
>Release a slightly better version a couple years down the line
This industry can't crash soon enough.
What for?
Right now I'm pretty happy that I didn't jump the gun buying a PS4 when an improved version with better looking games is right around the corner.
Looks like Oblivion desu
Ur a newfag desu senpai
Looks like early ps3 graphics
No. But saying desu or the fucking faggotry you got censored for saying is just as bad. Consider suicide.
Looks like late PS2 game.
>Showing forest when density is a must
Call me again when they show the screenshot for desert and the cities. I really really want to hype.
No it doesn't. IT doesn't look great but you're just shitposting.
>inb4 emulated ps2 game screenshots
Not how ps2 games looked like on the ps2
Calm down desu senpai
I did not say "desu", wtf, I said "desu"...
It does look like Oblivion.
I think would be more of your liking considering your language and attitude.
Just trying to be helpful here, boy.
>that foliage
Please show me a PS2 game that looked like that.
Never been. Stop shitposting.
>redirects from Sup Forums, the kid containment board
Kill yourself, no joke
Tbh senpai
wow... so that's the power... of the PS4 pro... have video games gone too far?
Never been on this site either, lurk more
You're not being funny or original, you're just embarrassing yourself son. Just stop.
Gothic 3 look better.
The lighting is horrible.
>steam included, in november.
Well, someone seems upset!
Its literally like real life.
This game will sell millions,people will get lost in the world.
I'm anonymous I'm not losing face you social outcast
With a face like yours I'd be happy to lose it.
baka desu senpai
You seem like you'd fit right in at r9k - an autist with no self-awareness.
Wow, it still looks like shit.
Yeah but not as mad as ur dad when he fucked u :^)
Are you being sarcastic? Because that actually looks good
considering the shit you say you're the one unaware of yourself
Ironic desu senpai
It literally looks better than Witcher 3 ever looked on PS4
Care to sauce that good sir?
No it's not Alanis.
Gothic 3 looks worse.
The lighting is some of the best ever seen.
Kill yourself, anything remotely porno and some virgin cock is asking for it
Cut off your dick and the virgin hormones will fall hyou hopeless retard
No. What the fuck's wrong with you?
That looks good, but is the framerate stable, at least?
Someone's mad.
>buy a ps3 in order to play ff15
>no release
>buy a ps4 for ff15, they even have trailers!
>no release
>ff15 is coming out!
>have to buy a ps4 pro to not get the shit version
that hurts
Meme deployed :^=)
No shit
You should just kill yourself you literal piece of poop
>still same shitty downgraded lighting
This and this wasn't me.
Anyway, I'm not sure what's your problem with my sexuality. besides, I liked the look of the image, thought it was sexy, and asked for where it was from since I couldn't find it myself.
What part of this triggers you, exactly?
But that's completely upgraded in every way. You blind?
Both of these shots are taken from the same time of day, the lighting is completely improved now.
No one else to blame bnut themselves, if people buy a console for unreleased games then its their fault
Do not expect the game to run at more than 20 fps if those are the actual graphics. 4.2tflops is not really much power.
They should have left the game looking the same but running at 60 fps.
Also, this explain the delay.
You asking for source which is guaranteed every time someone posts some basic crop
How does that look nice?
they expect to sell the regular version now? It looks like no man's sky in comparison.
it triggers him because he's projecting right now instead of dealing with his problems directly
What does that even mean in this context?
Source fags should just die
>>They should have left the game looking the same but running at 60 fps.
nah, give me visuals and a locked 30 any day.
We still have no proof the bottom shot isn't just another bullshot, no ps4 pro enhanced footage has been released.
Hey ur pic veri hot can u post source Where find cool drawn poorn please :D
Dude, you're overeacting, could've just told me "I don't have it" without triggering so hard.
Why should a person die for asking for where a picture comes from on a butanese picture gallery?
>We still have no proof the bottom shot isn't just another bullshot
We kinda do, on the trailer it specifically stated it was running off the Pro. All the game shown had the disclaimer
no that's just a different area and time of day
see it works both ways right
Because they are annoying as fuck and it angers me
>Be Sony
>Have 40 million costumers that bought your PS4
>Fuck them all in the ass by releasing a better version that renders the old one obsolete
And the sad thing is that people are so retarded they'll buy it again and let Sony get away with it.
Don't you have school to attend? I know you're acting like a retard on purpose, but that's not really funny, sorry.
You're a fucking newfag and you should lurk more or just kill yourself
Source pls?????
It's been 3 years
which trailer?
I've been lurking since late 2006. I don't care if you've been here longer, you sound incredibly insecure.
Even outside of Sup Forums reaction has been cold.
i dont know what youre on about though
damage controlling this hard
>needing to buy a new console just to see what the fuck is happening in your game
Pretty pathetic frankly
Okay Chris, we know sonic's arms aren't blue, calm down.
You're fucking retarded.
Yeah, why not just buy a laptop and see what the fuck is happening in your game on Youtube
Would you happen to know the source of this image?
what dreamcast game is this?
Samefag crying for attention. This was me too.