So Sup Forums, should I buy a 2nd hand normal ps4, a ps4 slim or go for the ps4 pro...

So Sup Forums, should I buy a 2nd hand normal ps4, a ps4 slim or go for the ps4 pro. I play on PC and I will stick too it for the vast majority of games. I just want one to play some exclusives and some sport games that aren't realesed on PC

What can you even play on PC?


but that game is dead.

get the cheapest one, no reason to spend a lot for an exclusives machine.

Pro is something an Apple sheep idiot would buy.
Don't buy used consoles.
Slim is cheaper than the basic model.

Assuming you play on PC to play the best version of multiplats, might you extend the same idea to consoles makes me think you would want a PS4 Pro. The launch model/slim is still fine though for me anyways but its 30fps.

The benefits slim has over the launch model is a better cooling system, much quiter fan and newer hardware meaning it may last you longer in the long run.

Personally I always buy the latest tech but its really up to you op

It's the most fun game though.


Yeah that´s pretty much it.

I fell for the 970 meme, so I can play most modern games till next year

just get a cheap used ps4 or the slim

I'm an apple user and I'm getting an Xbone S tbdesu.

I just have the feeling that it may happen like with the new3DS, that being just a little bit more powerful made the regular one pointless

I was about to ask the same thing.

I was going to buy a PS4 soon and when I heard of the PS4 Pro a few weeks ago, I thought it was perfect timing because I figured I could get a slightly more powerful PS4, but after that lackluster demo yesterday, I'm not sure anymore.

Is the PS4 Pro any better than the PS4 Slim if I don't have a 4k TV? Will the games have better fps? Or will there be no difference on a HDTV?

some games come with modes now, 1080p 30, 1080 60 and 4k. If games are graphically upgraded like FFXV and first party games like Horizon, you're going to see a difference over the launh model regardless of your tv

The o.g ps4 is 1.2 flops, pro os 4.2, cpu is also 2x faster

Thanks, sounds good enough to me. I guess I lucked out because I hadn't gotten around to buying a PS4 yet. 399$ or 299$ doesn't make a big difference to me. I just want to play Persona 5 and FFXV.

Buy a fat ps4 for when it gets jailbroken

I was going to ask the same thing. I have a 4k tv, would it be worth it to dish out the extra dosh for a psrpo?

I kinda wish I waited to be honest

If you have a 4k tv and haven't bought a ps4 yet, it's a no-brainer.

If you don't have a 4k tv and haven't bought a ps4 yet, it depends on if you're willing to pay 100$ more to get a smoother fps.

If you already have a ps4, you're fucked either way.

I think many of you forget that the pro has a 1TB HDD. if you're planning to buy yourself a HDD the stretch to $399 USD for the whole package isn't that big then.

I'm trying to decide myself what to get (I have a 1080p TV) but the pro seems to be better value, it all comes down to if games are really gonna look better and have increased FPS.

I'm just hoping my OG PS4 won't get utterly shafted in terms of framerate while preference for stability is given to pro mode.

Just the thought of that possibility is giving me actual, literal stomach discomfort. I can't afford a Pro, I got my PS4 used.

>Don't buy used consoles