ITT: games you wish you had when you were a child, so you could spend hours on it

ITT: games you wish you had when you were a child, so you could spend hours on it.
Pic related: Might and Magic 6 look really intersting, but so deep and I don't have the mind/time anymore to play a such game.

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World of Warcraft
Any MMO really

I hated VI which is weird because I loved IV.

What's wrong with VI?

>but so deep and I don't have the mind/time anymore to play a such game.
It's not so much deep, as it is tedious as all FUCK. I've played the game for years on when I was a kid, but looking back on it, I honestly can't tell you why. It's not actually a very good game.

What should be the Might And Magic to play then?

>What should be the Might And Magic to play then?
I'm not sure. I only played VI and VIII. I liked the latter one, but perhaps only because it was the first one that I played and it was a lot shorter and could be easily broken by the god-damn dragons.
Seriously, looking back at it it wasn't well designed and the balance was all over the place, but as a kid I loved that shit.

If you want to play Migh and Magic, I guess VI is the most "definitive" one in the series - longest, most feature-rich. But the problem is that the game has absolutely no fucking sense of moderation. It just throws shit at you on scale that get's incredibly tedious well before you reach 1/10 of it. I think I have PTSD from some of the dungeons in the swamp locations and those god-damn Egyptian pyramids.
Between the two games, I had suck hundreds and hundreds of hours into the franchise, but I honestly can't say if I can recommend either of them. They are oddly poorly designed and kinda lacking in depth.

M'nM VIII is definitely the "baby's first one" though.

>I'm not sure. I only played VI and VIII.
Not VII? Why? It's like, the midpoint between those two which makes that the best M&M game for me.

I only learned about the series when VIII came out. At the time, the consensus was that VI was by far the best, VII was considered a disappointment that tried to fix what was wrong with VI by going too far to the opposite direction, and VIII was kind of a midpoint between the two.

After having a load of fun with VIII, I wanted the more, so I went and got myself VI since it was supposed to be really long and really content rich. And boy - it was. By the end I finally finished VI was I so god-damn sick of everything Might and Magic I had no desire to play VII.

M&M Thread?

the face always crack me up

Fuck man I go back and binge MM6 every couple years and every single fucking time it days me like three days to get the music working right.

It might legit be my favorite game of all time.

Fuck yeah, Mandate of Heaven. Knight/Paladin/Cleric/Sorcerer master race.


I'm like a turbo begineer. How should I get started with this game? It feel like there is so much shit to know first. For instance, the fact I could use hoove on myself to get skill point.

I suggest you to find the manual because the game doesn't explain much.

Otherwise you'll get frustrated in a moment and quit the game like the most of people do who are trying to experience the old games.

I was always surprised when I read about this game on the internet about how many people liked VI over VII, I always thought VII was better because it added back the missing classes along with missing races the other games had, along with the more fleshed out skill system by adding GM skill.

>no proper budget for X

Everyone should have a bow, but don't train it too much.

Everyone should get lv1 learning. It's a free exp bonus, but don't actually waste skill points on it.

Everyone should also get lv1 merchant, you'll save a lot on training that way. One guy may level merchant above lv1 if you want.

Air and Water magic have the best utility spells in the game.

Don't waste your time on identify item skill, just hire a scholar NPC.

>expecting anything less from jewbisoft
I hope after HoMM VII flopped really hard they're done with the M&M IP for good.

Skill limitations in VII make it feel like there's one true way to build each class, while VI gave you some leeway. VI was also a longer game, dungeons were a tad less gimmicky and its color palette was more vibrant.

The first thing you do is questing.
You search arround the village until you get kill the Spider Queen and rescue the girl from the abbandoned temple.
It's very easy. Just a bunch of Snakes, Spiders and bat, but it gives you enough loot to equip yourself properly.

I guess I should rerun then.

>It's very easy. Just a BUNCH of Snakes, Spiders and bat, but it gives you enough loot to equip yourself properly.

Make sure you've actually equipped the gear that your characters started with. I've made that mistake once or twice.

Chart out in advance which characters are going to have which skills. Diplomacy is completely worthless, don't invest any actual points in it.

>Skill limitations in VII make it feel like there's one true way to build each class
I think giving structure to the classes is good, why would you take a Knight over a Paladin in VI when a Paladin could do more or less everything a Knight can and even master self spells? Why can a Druid master all spells besides Light/Dark, it makes no sense.
>VI was also a longer game
Eh I wouldn't count this in its favor, The three castles where you get the oracle memory crystals along with that pyramid just dragged on far too long.

I loved MM6, but looking back on it Light magic was overpowered boring shit. Trivializes most of the elemental school buffs, just buff yourself up to god mode and faceroll. I don't remember Dark being nearly as good, that Armageddon spell was a meme just good for killing all peasants on a given map and sinking your rep even lower.

I think it's more that 4 and 5 are probably the best franchise has to offer combined.

graphics are a little too shiny for me in IV V.
I actually think the older one are easier on the eyes.

MM6's length is artificial, those long-ass dungeons with hordes of monsters truly contribute to this, but I don't think that this is the way to make the game more fun. MM7 had smaller dungeons, though they felt really diverse and had those puzzles all around.

I didn't know that this game is so broken.

So, how bad really was 9? I know MM10 aka Legacy barely even counts as a MM game because they clearly took after Grimrock.

And this one with the good ending:

>A fantastic game, the issue is you have to suffer through the first 3-4 AWFUL hours in order to start enjoying the game, but once you do it rivals 7 and 6 with the fun it provides

Think of it this way, you know the early access steam cancer? M&M9 is an unfinished early access game that will never be finished and the company that made it went defunct. From what I've read on the subject, 3DO was nearing bankruptcy and had NWC rush this out the door.

Simplified and poorly put together. Technology was simply also not there yet. To be fair, it's kind of a miracle series got to 9 while actually being good basically all the way through.

>1998 saw the end and ruination of Ultima series
>same would happen with M&M in 2002

At least Wizardry 8 didn't disappoint, even if it was the last western-made game for whatever reason.

It was "game released in alpha" bad. Buggy as all hell, unbalanced and empty. And even if it did get finished, transition to full 3D wasn't very kind to it.

>tfw playing this with three friends as little kids
>Each of us makes the decisions for one party member
>One of us uses arrow keys, other mouse, others with keyboard shortcuts

Best vidya experience of my life, really.

I always preferred 6 because it's semi-active system is a lot more fun than the turn based one. Also, flying.


>From what I've read on the subject, 3DO was nearing bankruptcy and had NWC rush this out the door.

That sure sounds familiar.

>Paladin Quest
>Not rescuing a maid or defeat a dragon
This triggered my autism. Wilbur Humphrey would spin in his grave.

Why the fuck do publishers always do this shit?
Fuck those stupid assholes and their greed.

>napoopan guy

Because business will always throw creative under the bus if it'll look good on financial report spreadsheets. Dying publisher especially. You could see that with Interplay and, more recently, THQ.

At least the music for this was on point like the other M&M games.

>Why the fuck do publishers always do this shit?
Because otherwise the publishers would not turn out in profit. Which means there would not be more money to reinvest in other game's development.

As much as we all love to harp on evil publishers, shit simply isn't that black and white.

Thanks Todd.

And really - this is why it's nearly impossible to have a reasonable discussion here anymore, or why the industry is in such a poor state.

People will rather post their shitty fucking memes and moronic accusations than to actually get into grasps with how things actually are.
It's really getting tiresome.

It's always the ninth in series which puts the final nail in the coffin. MMX was just a frankenstein's monster.

X wasn't even that bad of a game beyong its technical issues. Sure, it didn't exactly live up to the series, but that doesn't make it instantly shit.

the issue is the fact it look like it was made with 10$.
What was the engine they used again?

Then explain day 1 DLC, microtransactions and pay2win. Did they make worse games then now when there was just small companies doing their thing? The industry is in such a poor state because greedy corporate asshats kill game development. Most games released today are devoid of details, half-finished or sold in pieces.
But by all means, keep sucking that big corp dick like a good consumer.

I'm not saying that publishers aren't trying to be scummy at times. In fact most of the times. I'm saying that things aren't as black and white, especially when it comes to pushing out unfinished titles. The industry is in poor state for wide array of reasons, greed, incompetence, but also terrible customer behavior all play into it, and it's all related to even wider set of broader social problems.

I was specifically answering the people displaying confusion about why publishers push out unfinished games, especially in case of the studio nearing bankrupcy. And it that case, most of the time it's because the project has been mishandled, and bled a FUCKTON of money. At which point, every further investment is an increasing risk of increasingly high loses for the publisher.

When they come to the conclusion that the studio is not cable of doing their job properly (which happens, more often than you might think), they just decide to minimalize their loses. It's that simple, and frankly anyone fiscally responsible would do the damn same. Otherwise you just not going to make it.

>Everyone should have a bow, but don't train it too much.
bow + 1-2 melee weapon to mastery on everyone

>Everyone should get lv1 learning. It's a free exp bonus, but don't actually waste skill points on it.
Don't underestimate master learning, at least get expert early.

>Air and Water magic have the best utility spells in the game.
get expert air and then master water before anything else on whatever character that has these.

>Don't waste your time on identify item skill, just hire a scholar NPC.
No, master identify is easy and cheap to get in the long run.
Every character should have master repair or else you're going to hate fighting the end game (dragons says hi).
Only get either bonus money or xp followers.

I always run knight, cleric, sorcerer and a hybrid, usually archer.
knight with all utility skills
cleric focus on spirit and body in the start for shared life and power cure
sorcerer with fire, don't bother with earth in the start.
archer with water and air

use as little skill points on cleric and sorcerer and give them all horseshoes; they will need it later for light and dark magic.
Read a guide about how to get light mastery, don't miss out on those saintly moments.

read all the spells; do not underestimate the importance of buff spells.
In particular bless and heroism are important in the early game, both in spirit.

I felt claustrophobic when I played this game.

If they really were suited to be fiscally responsible, then they wouldn't be in that situation to begin with.
Most publishers bleed money because they are incompetent. Pushing out shitty games are not going to fix that.

>I don't have the mind/time anymore to play such a game.
but you have the time to make a thread about it and have a discussion about it?
are you retarded?

>sorcerer with fire, don't bother with earth in the start.
Don't bother with earth at all.

Earth has telekinesis, which can entirely replace disarm trap skill.

>If they really were suited to be fiscally responsible, then they wouldn't be in that situation to begin with.
Do you have ANY idea what the fuck are you talking about? Do you realize that if you invest into a project, you have to rely on the people you have invested into not to screw up? It's an investment, you fucking idiot, there is ALWAYS risk of something going wrong. Even competent people can make mistakes, even a competent studio can fuck up, that is the kind of risk you have to take on.

I'm not saying there isn't a LOT that could be improved about the publishing model. Neither am I say that they don't lose money for their own incompetence.

But that really isn't an answer to why so many projects end up with the studio on the very of bankrupcy and the publisher throwing them overboard.

If the studio takes three times the money it was supposed to take, and still has a broken mess of a game on their hands, THEY fucked up. Which was the case of MM9 by the way, precisely. And at that point, you can't just keep pumping money into them when the project is clearly not going anywhere.

Jesus fucking Christ you people are so naive it's actually scary. You have literally no clue how actual real world works, apparently.

M&M VII has Telekinese.
VI earth has nothing of value that you won't get with Light & Darkness.

Telekinesis is an earth spell in 7, mind in 6.

Any project and any investment has a budget and a projected profit. If a project goes over budget by three times the amount, then it's incompetence. I have several projects under my belt. Some have failed, but I have always minimized losses.
Unless video game development is magically different from other IT projects (rendering some of your earlier arguments invalid), the publisher fucked up.

I think the only legitimate use for Earth in MM6 is Stone to Flesh, but fortunately there aren't too many enemies that cause petrifcation in it.

>Unless video game development is magically different from other IT projects (rendering some of your earlier arguments invalid), the publisher fucked up.
When the studio went over the budget AND did not provide a working game, how has the PUBLISHER screwed up for fuck sake? The fuck are you even talking about? YOU JUST ADMITTED IN THE WORK WHICH I SUSPECT YOU MADE UP THAT SOME OF THE PROJECTS WERE A BUST.

Jesus Christ! Who doesn't follow up on their projects? As soon as the actual project costs exceed the projected cost, something must be done. If I hire some subcontractor to do some work, I make sure to follow up on the work and make sure that they do what they are paid to do.
Would you just throw money at someone and just go jerk off for a couple of years?

>As soon as the actual project costs exceed the projected cost, something must be done.
Yes. Either you extend the investment, or you cancel the project all together. If you trust the people the setback isn't fundamental, or even worse if you fall a victim of some of the human weaknesses and feel - I don't know, compassion with the people working on it, trust them etc... - and you decide to extend the fucking investment. But sometimes, even that backfires - setbacks can be ANYWHERE, sometimes it's just a chain of unfortunate coincidences that could be predicted, sometimes you just misjudge a person etc... and in that case, you have to deal with the loss. If your project is far enough to be sold, though not far enough to be good and there is no forseeable future in which it can be fixed, you are going to sell what you have, because that is still more viable than flat out canceling or trying to pump more money into it and hoping.

Which is what happened with MM9. You act as if the development is always transparent, like if all issues could be forseen, all people can be perfectly judged at all fucking time you god damn idiot, which makes me more and more certain that you have NEVER ACTUALLY MANAGED a production and/or investment venture. You would fucking know all of this.

Also, you are basically contradicting yourself at this point. The publisher was EVIL because they decided to step in when the development was going wrong, but they would be also IDIOTS if they hadn't. So what is it you fucking cretin?

God did I love that game though.

I heard the campaigns were really good, but I just cant get over the fact entire factions were cut and the fact you are limited to 5 tiers of creatures.


Also get one character 6th sense master very early.
You need it at one point anyway and it's better to have it earlier than later.

hu Skyrim exist for a reason, you know?