Which games have the best dog companions?

Which games have the best dog companions?

Other urls found in this thread:


Haunting Ground

Yoshi Wooly World

Still waiting for that corgi game though.

Valiant Hearts

MGSV. DD was one of the reasons I finished all side missions, he was just too fun to play with.

CoD Ghosts

Fallout new vegas - Dead Money

Real life.

Fallout 4


>think how stupid it is for a dog to spawn a rifle out of nowhere just because of some script
>mfw it's even worse than that
Never underestimate Bethesda's incompetence.

Beagles are so lame.

Could you pick a more boring and shit breed?

That's not hard.

He seems like a dog that shoots lasers

>tfw have long cute striped socks but can't wear them in public
They make my feet look even more feminine

Yorkshire Terrier

>I didn't watch the whole .webm

You dip

Sometimes I forget how stupid your average Sup Forumstard is. Learn to read.

Steam ID? I wanna see pics!

>Being this much of a fag
>Not going full trapmode in public
>Not taking hormones and training your voice to pass flawlessly

You're such a homo, user.

queuing into her was one of the easiest arenas ive ever played. CC her white beta male white knights and trained. Fun times.

But what game has best cat companions?

dwarf fortress


Off topic but what is the little guy who runs with a knife's name?

I want to boop that nose

Sorry user! I can't just give out pictures. I'm at work right now anyways.

But then how would I get hired at any job?

No vidya dog will EVER surpass Missile
This is a fact

You yell discrimination and threaten to take them to a tribunal and if that doesn't work you get on your knees and start sucking

Fallout NV and 4
Resident Evil 4
Call of Duty Ghosts
Ghost Trick


O-Oh. Okay thanks for the advice user. I'll do my best

can i have the full comic

What's the appeal of a pet? I'm not a big fan of animals (I don't hate them or hurt them or anything) and I guess they just seem like smelly, annoying, and loud things that you can't directly communicate with.

Oblivion with LoversBitch mod.

it's pretty mediocre desu

Can I post my qt dog here?


>smelly, annoying, and loud things that you can't directly communicate with.
You're thinking of children

They're a companion that will always be loyal to you.
Or atleast dogs are.

>"What's up you meme loving fuck"

Fuck that game.

>taking hormones
Disgusting. Boys are perfectly beautiful the way they are. They don't need any poison from the inferior and uglier sex to look good. Hormones always make guys look hideous, no exceptions.

You can talk to children, I do that for my job as a caretaker.

I've only ever seen a loyal dog in the movies, in real life I've only seen pets that never shut the hell up or try to attack you. I guess it might be where I live but fuck man it's annoying.



yes please



>in real life I've only seen pets that never shut the hell up or try to attack you
If the owner is a piece of shit and mistreats the dog then the dog might bite back, but a lot of abused dogs don't even fight back against their abuser.

you get a pet if you like having animals around
to hear you describe them, you don't, so you're not missing anything

Posting my dogger.

let me guess.... he gets raped?

Do not listen to that advice under any circumstances. See

he said game autist

In The Bard's Tale you can befriend a dog and then when you level up you can teach it to fight, so its model gets a spiked collar. It's your only friend in the game, besides summons I guess.


> you can't directly communicate with.

Depends on the scope of what you want to communicate. My dog understands all of the following
>shut up
>thief! (did this for fun, he just starts barking aggressively at however I call thief, of course he doesn't understand what a thief actually is but he knows it's a "bad man")
and some other I'm forgetting. I on the other hand recognize the individual barks he uses for when he wants food, for when he wants water, for when he found a small animal in the garden/house(cats,frogs,rats), for when he wants to come inside and for when a stranger is at the door. And I never formally trained him, you'd be surprised what growing up with someone can do.


Its really short

nah just coerced, I love it tho. Otoko-No-ko is the name.

i know i will regret this....

the art is just not very good


I guess it might have something to do with I legit have autsim but I guess I don't like how I can't have a conversation with an animal. I did grow up with a dog and a turtle but I never really was a big fan of them, nor did I want them but I was forced to take care of them all the time and the dog always tried to hurt me like every time, sonuvabitch was mean and the turtle made the whole house smell like shit.

i was right
"My boy pussy"

haha bro xd

that one third person shooter where you could command your dog and at times even play as one.
lookd vilsa

this, DD a best

also my real life pupper Edward

>Another Doggy thread

Unbalanced as shit

Cute puppers, bros.

>the dog always tried to hurt me like every time
what exactly did he do to 'try hurt you'
He could've been trying to play with you maybe, or you were doing something to annoy him.
Or maybe the dog was just an asshole, but there's generally usually a reason behind that behaviour.

Any game based far from China, where they've been boiling greyhounds alive.

A deer wife is better than a dog

>a sperg to the point where even animals are sick of his shit

Theses little faggots are the cutest fucking think on hearth.

Take a look at my lazy fat ass cocker guys

can it woof

Corgis are the best memedogs

And yet you keep coming back every single day

Koksal Baba

OP I believe the game you are looking for is Fallout 4! You meet a very special companion early on, named Dogmeat!

The new Fallout 4 expansion, Nuka World, will make this companionship experience even better!


real life has the best dog companions

That is a happy fellow.


Give him a pat for me, please.

>all these fat dogs

walk them you lazy fatasses

Kute with a capital K

Is that in Nara?

Yep and there are monkeys there too.
>Instructions warning people not to stare at the monkeys
>Me and My brother death stare one of them behind a centimeter pane of glass.
>Does absolutely nothing
Cool though.

>thats what doggies do

ghost trick.

Lmao! 2cat!!1

you did good doggie. you did good.


Nice try, Todd.

>Using wallhack wolf

fallout (dogmeat, mainly in the earlier games) and arcanum (worthless mutt)

A pack of wild doggos