Overwatch is announced

>Overwatch is announced

>It looks mediocre at best

>But...have no fear! Blizzard's PR department is on the scene!

>Viral market Viral market Viral market

>Viral market Overwatch at literally ever avenue possible

>From billboards to T.V segments to being plastered over ever website

>Constantly have to hear from annoying astro-turfing indians about how this is the GREATEST GAME OF ALL TIME FOREVER AND EVER WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR

>flood Sup Forums with Overwatch for several months constantly

And...this is the result...the big killer APP that's gonna save Blizzard


Jesus fucking christ

Other urls found in this thread:


Activision is alraedy rolling heads and selling shares after that blunder.they expected 30-40M accounts.

>Viral market

Well, that'd explain the free weekend so soon.

I'm glad I didn't fall for this meme, I hope no other anons did either.

Maybe Blizzard will make it's next game a shilling simulator, they'd be excellent at that!

I didn't want to buy it at first, a friend convinced me to. Game itself is fun, and fills the pvp itch without MMO grinds or MOBAs.

Only problem is that he's a 2000 mmr casul while I'm diamond and its pretty impossible to find balanced matches when playing duo.

People even shit on me like "what the fuck are you doing bringing a silver/gold shitter to the match, AFK".



I love Overwatch and play it a lot. I have a lot of friends that love it too but I never heard anyone say it's the best game ever. Who are you quoting? You sound really upset and triggered in this post.


A Billboard is not viral marketing. Go and look up the definition of viral marketing, retard.

>I'm glad I didn't fall for this meme, I hope no other anons did either.

What meme? Buying a fun game, that retards on Sup Forums feel the need to call buzzwords for some reason?

You are a gullibale, easily manipulated faggot if you didn't buy the game because 'shilling' or whatever dumb reason you faggots come up with. If you didn't buy because it didn't seem fun to you, you are okay. But I doubt that's the case with most of you

Hmm, how about...

Wait for it...

Instead of paying ranking...

You can play Quick Play?!?!

Am I a genius or what?

>telling people to look up definitions of words they incorrectly use on Sup Forums

You would have better luck throwing beans on ground until they spell your name


>15 million players
>500 million hours

>You are a gullibale, easily manipulated faggot if you didn't buy the game

Next time, finish reading the sentence before making your reply, idiot

Wow, so Sup Forums was WRONG?

H-how could that happen? Most objective, fair, intelligent and knowledgable group of people on the whole Internet was WRONG for the first time in history?!

A-are we expriencing a birth of new era?!

quickplay is trash, but thanks for the suggestion.

I am playing quickplay all the time but no amount of gold medals can carry the widows and hanzos

>reee why is no one buying stillborn
fuck off randy

>15 million players
counting beta players and korenas who got the game for free and since then have already quit the game to go back to LoL

what an embarassing post

15 millions on all systems is pretty low.

I'm sorry you bought Stillborn, user.

>this article detailing how Overwatch was a success based on actual data is actually wrong, disregard it, trust me because I'm super duper smart!

>You are a gullible easily manipulated faggot if you didn't buy the game
>Because "shilling" or whatever dumb reason you faggot came up with.
You're trying a bit too hard to be offended there buddy

The game is dead as fuck right now average queue time is up to 5 minutes and you literally only play with the same 4 people against the same 5 people. Fuck you shit shills for baiting me into buying this trash. Honestly even Dota 2 is more fun.

>korenas who got the game for free
How did they get the game for free? The cafes still pay blizzard to get the license

>15 mil in 1-2 months
Nigger fucking what
Battlefront got 14 mil sales in 6 months and it was one of, if not the biggest launch of 2015

So anyone else still play no one's sky? All those systems/planets ain't gonna name themselves.

>Blizzard (the creators of fucking World of Warcraft) makes a new IP
>"wooooooow why is this so popular?"
You must be a special kind of moron.

I played more than 5 hours yesterday, the longest I've waited was 2 minutes and only because we were in a team of 5 and they needed to find another team of 5 willing to play at the same time

When I'm alone, queue time around 20 seconds, sometimes less.

>can only win if somebody in your team plays tank and a healer

How fucking trash is this game? Fucking tanks in a fps what the flying fuck?

>Sup Forums's TF2kiddies still eternally butthurt about Overwatch

Don't worry two weeks after you "discover" a planet, all of your observations and discoveries are reset so that you can always be discovering!

it's not getting higher. In fact the active accounts are plumetting already. It entered season spike mode like Diablo 3 already.
Let's face it, it's a miserable failure.


>Implying bean-tossing isn't pure skill.

>all bnet friends play Legion

Yea the game is doomed.

>hurr battleborn
>hurr tf2
do overcucks ever play their game or do all they do is deflect and masturbate to poorly made sfm porn

>it's not getting higher.
Let's assume your asspull is right. So what, it's still a success

>It entered season spike mode like Diablo 3 already
D3 was also a success despite the memes people here told you. You can thank the Chinese for that one

>make a shitty bait thread
>overwatch players destroy you with logic and factual information
>d-d-do you e-even p-play you're s-shitty game?


Well if I were a TF2cuck I'd eventually get bored of selling hats to Brazilian children and bronies.

>tfw all that Sup Forums cares about are numbers anymore, may it be player base, twitch viewers or sales numbers

You have become even worse than investors desu

>D3 was a success
>Battlefront was a success
>Division was a success
if you're a dumb suit shareholder maybe, not if you actually like video games

When it comes to "success" or "failure" sales are the only thing that matters.


>I'm gonna disregard the fact that sales numbers are never actually accurate because they literally can't be.
>I'm gonna ignore the fact that they are counting beta players which has nothing to do with full release sales.

It's exactly the same as that image that claimed LoL had 100 million players yet completely ignores that smurfs are a very real thing. I know two people who play that fucking trash and have 4 accounts each.

reset? no way! you lie! why would you say that!!?

>they seriously expected tf2 clone being a hit nowadays

it only sold solely on the "Blizzard" logo on the box

NO ONE LIKE A BIGOT UNLESS HE'S buying Battleborn.

you wish.

it's funny seeing you faggots so desperate for this game to fail; no amount of shitposting will make it true.

>people here still play that dumbed down moba shooter
really makes you think.

depends on your model. Blizzard release one game every 5 years so they need to bank every time. those meager 15 millions will not allow them to do their usualy stuff. Expect a rushed diablo 3 expansion soon.

We all know Overwatch is a complete success exceeding expectations

But this faggot called OP thought he was being cute looking at Twitch viewers at 8am on a work day

Please read the whole message thread before opening your mouth again

I'm more curious about why anyone would watch Ark. Seems boring as fuck

>guys it's failure proof

Tell that to the Koreans who want SC3 so bad because of the ass fucking they got with SC2.

Blizzard has a cash cow that is still the most popular MMO out there, not to mention RNG based card game that is also extremely popular. Also Blizzard as a financial entity doesn't exist, it's Activision-Blizzard, so CoDs do fund the release of new Blizzard games and vice versa

Exactly, straight up shilling is not viral marketing.

I'll post whatever I want, this isn't your safe space, tumblr.
>message thread
the fuck

>people are excited for game
>talk about it on video game forum


people here even play LoL, they really aren't anywhere above playing Overwatch
that's why Sup Forums is the worst board on the site and everybody else tells retards to go back to

>I'll post whatever I want
>I will continue to make uninformed replies to arguments that weren't made, because this is my right

He was trying to help you so you wouldn't look like a complete retard. Guess his efforts were wasted on you

The number of paid Blizzard shills on here a couple of months ago was painful


Good lord I wonder what you people are like in real life. Who gets this mad over a video game?

2nd largest FPS in history isnt exactly something to scoff at.......................

viral means organic
paid marketing is not viral

>Quick play game in under 10 seconds, 30 if playing when no ones around
>competitive always under a minute
>play on xbox one
The game is doing fine and people enjoy it. I dont know why people keep insisting its dead other than bitter babies mad that blizzard games can still do well

>10 or 15 million copies sold
>I think like 200 million earned from in game transactions
I can count how many times Sup Forums was right on one hand, but I'd need a shit ton more to count how many times they were wrong.

You know Andromeda admitted he was just a shitposter with too much time on his hands right?

>grasping at straws: the post

uh-huh whatever you say bud

>that's why Sup Forums is the worst board on the site

Sup Forums is the worst board on the site because it's full of angry, little manbabbies that only care about shitposting, cherry picking and buzzwords. It's a board with no content, look at this thread for example. A retard made a completly ridicolous, uneducated claim and then it just turned into bickering between people that are actually right and OP and his fellow retards. Not calling us any better, since we did partake in his shitty bait. But we are just reactionists, OP and his bunch of subhumans are initiaros are the main reason this place is such a shithole.

I would like to know exactly how many players are playing the game as well but I can think of tons of reasons why twitch viewership isn't a good indicator of playerbase size.

The number of watchers has already doubled since Randy here has made this thread.

>play on pc
>sit in que for 3+ minutes
>game starts
>team starts to win
>two players leave other team it's now an unbalanced match because nobody fills the empty slots

That's for the free win I guess...


I'm having 3-5min quick play queues on PC

Competitive Overwatch is a joke. Skill floor/ceilings are laughably low, and the meta is trash. The only redeeming quality to Overwatch is playing casually in QP to see if you can backpack scrubs.

"because they literally can't be"
"because i fucking said so"

>this one example proves that every thread where people were excited for the game ever has been made by paid shills

First of, it's a laugh-out-loud concept that some of you fags think Sup Forums is relevant enough for ANYONE to pay people to come and advertise a game here. Sup Forums is a literal nobody. Sup Forums could hate a game with passion of a thousands suns and no dev would even bat an eye or care about that

Second of, cute proof. Reminds me of the time I was pretending to be a Sony shill that was marketing the weeb games sale. Or numerous times I was actually pretending to be retarded, even though nobody obviously believed me. Sup Forums is such a fool-proof board, I say...

Remember that this is your average poster here on Sup Forums, you share a board with literal children.

>judges games quality and success by twitch viewers
>uses Reddit spacing

I bet you think game sales figures are actually shared publicly. I wonder how it will feel to learn. The only way you could even get a rough guess is by going to every single place that sells games from big box to mom and pop shops and even then you're getting inventory figures not store to customer figures.

>Sup Forums is the worst board on the site because it's full of angry, little manbabbies that only care about shitposting, cherry picking and buzzwords
thanks for reiterating what I said
you're no better than anyone else, blizzdrone. why don't you fuck off back to your waifu shitposting thread

>I was pretending to be a Sony shill that was marketing the weeb games

Thats what viral marketing is you retard. We don't need shills when we have people like you here.

Well, you obviously seem to know those figures, based on the fact 2 (two) of your friends have 4 accounts each for some reason...

damn didn't know someone guessed his trip

I think Overwatch is fun

>because they literally can't be.
They can be if you force all your users to sign up with your account service.

>Game is 6th most popular on Twitch instead of 1st
>It's a failure
I think Overwatch is boring as fuck but you morons and your hype culture is ridiculous, just because it isn't the best game in the world doesn't mean it isn't successful

You confused me talking about LoL smurfs with overwatch sales. Fow kys.

That was me having fun, while being excited for an actually great sale.

I barfed in my mouth a little

Sure pal. As long as it makes you happy, you keep telling yourself that.

I literally said later on I'm part of the problem, but not the main reason behind it. Did you get that offended you didn't finish reading my post? Lol!

Also, thanks for Hana's thread. Must have missed it.

misquoted, meant for

Fascinating to know, such a deep insight into this conversation

are you going to apologize or not

What makes it a moba?

casuals gonna casual