Why play games when you can just make them and have others play them for you?

Why play games when you can just make them and have others play them for you?

Other urls found in this thread:

gen.lib.rus.ec/search.php?req=Learning C# programming with unity alex okita

Why make games when I can just write

why be a man when other can just fuck your wife?

Why write when I can fantasize.

There's no skill to imagining things.

Being a gamedev sucks. You get excited over figuring out how to implement something, you send the code to your beta testers and they completely overlook it nitpicking over placeholder things.

t. Guy who has trouble imagining simple concepts

Why play video games when you can browse Sup Forums and shitpost?

Play my game then

Controls are
>Movement: WASD/Arrows
>Fire gun (only does stuff on the boss): Left click/Space bar
>Sprint: Left shift/Right click
>Skip level: “+” key
>Go back a level: “-” key

I'm currently looking for ideaguy suggestions on what to do next. I have some of my own ideas, but I want to see what others have as well.

What it means when game has a "unity look"?

dont be so hard on yourself

Basically, there are tons of Unity games out there, many that are shit because it's been the free tool.

When you get familiarized with Unity enough, you can tell what is being rendered in it.
You can do the same thing for Cryengine and Unreal, but there are less games so it's harder.

To top it off, Unity gets associated with low quality because that look gets associated with all the shitty games.

To be fair though, the only 2 games worth half a damn from it are Hearthstone and Guns of Icarus.

>Dat boi level
Fuck you! I liked it


Has anyone here used LibGDX?

I'm thinking of getting back into Java for a 2D game I've been wanting to make.
I've used Slick2D which uses LWJGL, and I heard LibGDX uses that in the backend for desktop.

I liked "From the Depths", even if the performance is beyond shit.

If you can draw really crappy too then you have all you need to create your own shitty VN

looks like you're ready for steam greenlight


Huh, I really can do it too.

cant model anything human

>learning how to code
>'wasted' a month on shitty tutorial vids that didn't go deep enough
>gave up and now learning the hard way by reading some big-ass text book
I just wanted to learn how to use Unity properly
why this

which text book are you reading?

Head first to C#

there's not "proper" unity way to do things. My biggest problem with their tutorials is that they are specific and unrelated to the actual structure of a real game.
It's like their devs don't know that a game is a global things that require a global structure. instead they make phone shit with no UI and infinite levels and think it's the same as making the witcher.

Try this instead. It's better. gen.lib.rus.ec/search.php?req=Learning C# programming with unity alex okita

It takes you through C# programming while teaching you Unity3D at the same time.

too much PROGRESS



So what you're telling me is you don't even know how to properly set up FBX exporter or what Enlighten is and you're reading a book that has little to none to do with game development. Checks out, bet you got this advice from Sup Forums

>Sup Forums
yeah they told me C# was good for big dumbdumbs like me

>make games

Its like saying you wrote a book after you combined some pre-made chapters.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>look at me namedrop shit against beginners that are the only target I can hope to impress with that empty shitposting
fuck off, nodev.

Nothing that you've learned is a waste, young game dev tadpole.

I'll tell you how I learned. I was just like you and knew nothing about Unity or C#. Now I'm really comfortable using both. Just start by making Pong (with AI). Then move on to something like Breakout and keep on going to more complex stuff. Snake, Asteroids, Space Invaders, Battleship, and make Tetris when you're ready for a challenge.

The good thing about starting small is you can find hundreds of tutorials on how to make Pong or how to make Asteroids. Just try to make it your own and don't copy someone's code to the letter. Once you can say you have all these basic arcade games under your belt you can move on to your own projects.

How is Unity with 2D? I want to mess around with a few ideas while still learning about C# and proper coding.

you're supposed to start making some shitty stuff before making complex games. since their tutorials are really basic and are aimed at an audience of people with basic knowledge they make tutorials of basic games.

>I'm a nodev but I know memes!

Complex things don't magically work just because you want to copy paste a collision tutorial with a UI tutorial.
Unity comunity advocate shitty spaghetti code that is supposed to be good "as long as it works" and this is why 99% of their "games" end up shit. It's like DA for programmers.

>42 fps
>literally nothing at all

I tried to use unity this summer for a small side project and oh man was it boring as fuck. Its hand held all the way and near impossible to adjust thing to your liking.

>want stuff not to update in render? well fuck you

I want to play games, not make them. You can't do both.

Games using standard shaders (poorly) from pre-5.0.0. Unity3D versions.

You're shit at using unity. I don't know what else to tell you.

Why do you want stuff to not update in the render loop? It'd then just not be rendered to the screen. Might as well Visibility=>false to not render it. Unity also exposes the shaders and rendering which is pretty unique.
Either way I think you're trying to do something you shouldn't.

I agree, maybe 3 hours tops
Can you actually change the code or is everything menu based?

As for why I wanted to not render, I wanted to do something similar to 'INK', skipping render on a one color box would use less memory than drawing something behind the object at every frame.


I want GTA game that doesn't play like an ass

I rather test than make games atm. MMO I'm currently testing. We can get up to 1500 players on the screen at once fighting with 30+ FPS on a dual core.

>tfw forget image

No one cares about your code, how optimized and well formatted it is, if something isn't drawn on the screen or blasting through the speakers it might as well not exist.

how do you have that many on screen? I'm trying to make a 3d necromancer game and having 200+ units on screen is starting to lag on a semi-old computer.

that's a 2d game, so it doesn't have tens of thousands of 3d vertices to draw.

No idea man I'm just a demo tester. Its pretty good but the combat is dry as fuck. You press LMB to attack, X for weapon ability and C for armor ability. You can rebind them to Shift and Space and move with WASD without clicking. The hitbox is at the feet instead of the entire body. Feels weird to me. Anyways I'll be spamming testing links soonish once farming and such is fully implemented. And its FREE.

My combat ideas... Took me 1k hours in paint through 10 dimensions.

hows progress? I remember your webms from the older nodev threads.

About your question though; its just a guess but you should see if the lag is related to polycount or AI work.

Because I have no good imagination and ideas for games? I don't want to end like an indie pixel garabage dev nu male.


Anyone ever use this book? Is it good?