>Most anti-consumer out of the big three
>Treat their fanbase like complete shit
>Keep making retarded decisions and doesn't stop
Why does anyone defend them now? I just can't understand.
>Most anti-consumer out of the big three
>Treat their fanbase like complete shit
>Keep making retarded decisions and doesn't stop
Why does anyone defend them now? I just can't understand.
Other urls found in this thread:
As an avid nintendrone even I have to admit it's over. Nintendo is pretty much dead now, boss.
>most anti-consumer
Microsoft exists. Paid online exists
>treat their fanbase like shit
Name one (1) big company that doesn't
>keep making retarded decisions
Mario on AppStore will rake them tons of cash. The NES mini will rake in tons of cash. They are playing some of their cards right.
I still like their games, so meh
how many hours it took you to make this picture?
>they even shilled themselves at the end of the Rio Olympics when they have no fuarntee at mascotship
They're dying hard. They need to stick to making handhelds and just start publishing on other platforms. Fucking Hell, they can't even stand their own fans, what got so fucking stuck up their arses that they have to go on a legal crusade against anyone who even mentions the word "Pokémon" in a YouTube video?
>trying to spin free advertisement badly
By the way, it is proven they didn't pay for it
The government approached them
>Physical DLC
>No proper account system (Have to call to recover fucking games)
I take paid online over this shit
>Microsoft exists. Paid online exists
Microsoft actually responded to the fan outrage that came with the Xbox One's reveal, and they've been working on bringing a ton of their games to PC too. Compare that to the "we will MAKE you like Federation Force" response that Nintendo pushed after fans bombed the reveal with downvotes and a fucking petition to cancel the game. Microsoft is easily in better standing than Nintendo right now.
Stop hating on Microsoft you NoKnee fanboy
Some people own stocks or are employed by such companies.
Anyone who does it outside those reason is a braindead retard though.
>physical DLC
Literally the same as non-physical DLC
>region lock
>not hacking your consoles
>no proper account system
You have that
But are you saying having a bit more hassle in recovering games is better than paying $60 for literally no reason? Come on.
I can smell your Sony Playstation from here.
It's always you. Never people who play on PC, never people who play on Xbox, never people who own more entertainment systems.
Only you.
Always you.
The festering cancer of Sup Forums Sony warriors.
PC and Xbox ftw
>implying the PC move isn't anti-consumer
They fucked over the entire Xbone base. I still feel cheated right now. I bought it for Halo 5 (a dissapointment) and Scalebound, and a future Forza, and now I just have a paperweight
>mfw mindless Nintendrones are still this much in denial
fun fact : this word doesn't exist, and describe nothing.
>no argument
>say stupid shit
>get physically rekt
>ololol tooks 10 of you to beat me I win yo drones!
like a clockwork.
Nintendo are making godawful decisions, and sadly the market backlash is going to be positive, as investors know mobile games work. Realistically they have lost something that made them great, innovation in a positive way. Until they get it back Nintendo is as bad as Sony, Microsoft and the rest of the shitty companies
>Defending Physical DLC
>Have to hack your system because nintendo are assholes
>No we don't
How much are they paying to shill?
Pro-consumer capitalism doesn't exist, kid.
I play the good vidya and avoid the shit vidya. Even the worst companies can crank put a title or two worth investing time in.
That said; depriving yourself of some fun games for the sake of elitism on an anonymous image board doesn't make you cool or liked by anyone else.
>get BTFOd
>lemme just p-post more reaction images! Y-yeah that'll show these s-tupid NINTENDRONEs AhahAhAHHa
I wished.
They protect thei property
I would not like to see my property being abused by some amateurs.
Games have always been censored here, just buy them somewhere else or import, fuccboi
>it's nintendo fault if I want to pirate!
haha O WOW. Please be false flag you little bitch.
Name 10 (ten) games that were censored outside of Nintendo consoles.
You can't find a good argument against physical DLC, since they are the same as non-physical DLC in almost every sense, except that you can share them with friends
And did you brick your 3DS?
>Paying a company to bend you over and rape your ass till you bleed.
>I only get assraped by the handsome devs and avoid the shit dicks. Even the most STD riddled dev can crank out a load or two worth investing time in.
>That said; depriving yourself the joy of being ass raped for the sake of elitism on anonymous image board doesn't make you cool or liked by anyone else.
>I would not like to see my property being abused by some amateurs.
These amateurs releasing their games for free do better than the professionals selling their games on the market.
I think the positions need to be switched.
Are you fucking retarded? We are talking about making the systems not have region-lock anymore by hacking them.
I can't handle someone this fucking retarded, go watch adventure time and snuggle up with your amiibo friends you fucking nintenfat.
youre already using faggot memewords so there wont ever be anything that pleases you, faggot.
>Most anti-consumer out of the big three
thats Sony and/or EA
>Treat their fanbase like complete shit
heh, at least not as shit as Sonyggers get treated by Sony
>Keep making retarded decisions and doesn't stop
just like every other company else
Why are you so obviously another buttmad Sonygger? at least try to be a bit more subtle
>Can't find certain content anywhere besides locked behind ugly ass mcdonald toys is fine
Bleach, go drink it.
>Physical DLC
I've never once felt I was missing something for not having any amiibo. I do feel some developers handle it better than others however (IS games and FE amiibos and Animal Crossing I can see being raised, but I haven't played them) and it could just be games that I've played, however. I don't think any experience critical to a game's enjoyment is locked behind them (narrative, etc.) and the actual big stuff is real DLC (Smash, MK8).
>Region Locking
At least one of Iwata and Miyamoto have admitted they regret this and are optimisic about it going into the future. No guarantee, but it was addressed.
>No Account System
Fixed with DeNA stepping in now for all their mobile and future endeavors. But yes, I agree it was ass otherwise and who knows how much longer you can keep downloading Wii and Wii U shop titles into the future.
>playing video games is now akin to being ass-raped
Whoever says this place ever liked video games is out of their fucking mind
I don't see why the ability to hack a system is a bad thing in any way
Fuck off.
Name some good games nintendo made since summer 2015.
I'm waiting.
>implying I buy Nintendo games
>implying I have bought a nintendo system new since N64
too many but dead rising didnt even come out here
and fallout new vegas had no gore
sounds like an opinion, an opinion I would not like if I were some ceo. I would kill that project so people actually buy and invest into my property so it can grow, instead of die like sega or sth. Its a multi billion money industry, what do you people expect?
Well, you can argue that for an DLC pack. I really do not see the difference. At least you can share it with others so you don't actually have to
pay if your friend has one
There's only one word needed to prove that Nintendo is the most anti-consumer company of the big three:
Argument over.
>oh shit he proved me wrong
t. Gamecube owner who bought a Wii circa 2007
>If I was a CEO I'd keep on the teams that are killing franchises left and right with bad releases, instead of scouting out the people who have proved they have the passion and the know-how to make something that doesn't suck.
>People defending Amiibo
I'm happy I don't like N anymore.
I can't believe retards actually fucking enjoy buying that trash.
That's some high level of autism, you might as well admit you buy POP figures.
How is it worse than say, actual dlc?
It's not even in limited supply anymore, you can grab one at the bargain bin for like 5 bucks, if you are really that desperate for costumes
Where do you live? Germany?
>implying i want to buy ugly ass cancer in figure form that ruining modern nintendo
This is how business work. I would give more fuck about money than people. This is why they still produce games and still make money, more and more every year and you succ dicc to be even able to play what they shit out.
This is correct.
>Expecting anything less from nintengaf
I remember those amiibo daily threads....damn this place was once really awful.
>most anticonsumer
>lets you use SD cards and USB drives
>doesnt ban you if you hack your system
>lets you buy second hand games and never planned on locking used sales down unlike the other two
>for the most part gives their diehard fans exactly what they want
>doesnt launch a fucking kickstarter for games that fans really want
>doesnt outsource games that fans really want
>funds games that nobody else will fund like bayo2 and fatal frame
>somehow still the most anticonsumer
>somehow treats their community like shit
>somehow makes retarded decisions
you made a retarded decision by making this post
Because I can buy actual DLC from my house, without having to go out and search a store for a specific fucking figurine to get what I want. It's the opposite of convenience, not to mention limited supply when new ones come out. You have to be a high level Nintendrone to defend that garbage.
>being mad people enjoy things
I never got this mentality. So what if someone likes having autistic shit in their house. As long as it makes them happy, I don't see the problem.
>This is how business work.
Your English sucks and predatory capitalism always fails after the short-term. Go fuck yourself with a rusty spike, Nintoddler.
>doesnt outsource games that fans really want
This already happened with Metroid
>buy actual dlc from my computer
Not when the servers are down. But seriously, why do you even need that? The shit they lock is so trivial it does not even matter
I might be a little biased as I have a GameStop literally 20 meters away. Maybe you just live in the countryside, but then again free shipping is a thing
>people so incompetent they have to steal assets and edit code
This is how you become bioware and have a dozen fat woman with pink hair in charge.
Go fuck youself commie.
No one likes you here. Go back to Russia.
>They are lazy as fuck when it comes to giving a shit about hacking mean they are totally not anti-consumer
Toddlers. are. fucking. adorable.
>if you don't like shitty corporate practices you must be a communist
I'm amazed you can pass the American school system with such a shitty command of English.
Then again, you're probably shitposting before you have to go to school.
>Most anti-consumer out of the big three
Why are people mad about them shutting down the indie games?
Those people were using an IP and characters that didnt belong to them, why should that be allowed?
>minimum of 4 Nintendo hate threads a day
>but Sup Forums is nintendogaf I swear
>being this mad over nothing
Whatever wagememe, get fucked or drink bleach or whatever fits your memester needs.
reminder to report blatant shitposting threads.
I'll never forgive Nintendo for ruining Bravery Default.
>living in America
>being a commie
>all counterpoints are "b-but Sony!"
Like fucking clockwork
Or you could just pirate the uncensored version? Gee that was goddamn hard
>He wasn't here before nintendo went full retarded
Well some companies get away with extremely predatory, but yeah I wish this shit was less common.
>ITT: pic related
Doesn't change the fact I wanted to support Square Enix for it. I really wish Square would had published it themselves, the game would had been fully uncensored if NoA weren't involved.
>cherrypicks one point to negate whole argument
how does it feel to be locked in to proprietary memory cards and controllers?
>Sonyggers still THIS mad
>It's okay when Sony does it!
>implying Sonyggers don't shit talk nintendo daily
....you're still arguing for something that is objectively less convenient.
>"B-but muh free shipping!"
So I have to wait, what, days for it to get to my house?
Oh, right, I don't have a Nintendo, I can literally just click "purchase" and download the DLC without moving from my chair.
Just admit that Amiibos are a shitty practice and stop blindly defending Nintendon't.
cause its not like the sales of Nintendo consoles have dropped.
in before "muh wii"
>Anti consumer
Free advertisement only counts if it's something faggot YouTuber making money off your game or someone stealing your code
That doesn't mean Sup Forums is still nintendogaf you tremendous faggot. stop playing he victim here
>Not Anti-consumer
>b-but Sony!
Thanks for proving me right
Yet, they are the only one having
>free online
>backwards compatibility
So you would be hard-pressed to argue either way
Federation Force and Star Fox Zero are both good games though.
It's still gaf because people are still defending those abominations.
You don't see Sup Forums defending fucking skylanders, but new splatoon amiibo? Please let me hotglue and take my money nintendo-senpai ;w;
Region locking is anti-consumer.
Amiibo are not. They're completely optional.
Because its ok if nintendo does it.
>Anti-consumerism is concerned with the private actions of business corporations in pursuit of financial and economic goals at the expense of the public welfare, especially in matters of environmental protection, social stratification, and ethics in the governing of a society.
Didn't realize amiibos were trying to become Hitler.
Pretty sure certain lock content that you can only get by buying a shitty mcdonald toy is anti-consumer, but k
What are you going to do, play them on your windows 10 PC? Why the fuck would you install windows 10?
Reminder that Sony regionlocks their dlc.
And unlike Sony they don't remove their backwards compatibility