Recommend a weeaboo game for a non-weeb

Recommend a weeaboo game for a non-weeb.

Other urls found in this thread:

Disgaea 1.

Dark Souls


>Comments are filled the grammer and spelling errors.

Ayy lmao that image.


>proper grammer

Persona 3

it turned me into a weeb tho

Secret of Mana
Fortune Summoners

Weeaboo is just the English slang for Otaku, actual Otaku are just as bad and are generally looked down upon in japan

Why is there so little Etna/Flonne porn. What the fuck Japan

Otaku is the obsessive fanbase.
Weeaboo is an obsessive fanbase for anything Japan.

Same shit except weeaboo is an otaku for Japan.

Now fuck off


Wapanese and otaku are not the same thing at all.

>This is what a retard actually believes.

Being an otaku is not a fucking positive thing.

>Weeaboo is an obsessive fanbase for anything Japan

No that's japanophile. Weeaboos want to be japanese.

Monster Hunter

The Last Remnant

Weaboo's tend to be more ignorant of japanese culture than anything, outside of j pop and anime they probably don't know shit about japanese culture

Noooo you don't know what it means so just stop


Settle down, settle down


Because you said it wrong

There iiiiiis just no waaaay that yoooou can keep gooiiiing

(guitar solo)

Becaaause everything has a tiiiime to stooop...




Stop now stop now







Please stop noooow



You have to stop noooow

It's time to do it noooow

Else we'll go all out


It's time to stoooooop

Do not question iiit



Just do it noow

Don't question me nooow

It's time to stooop



Does weeaboo mean 'anything Japanese' now? Absolutely nothing about MH is weeb

persona 3&4
my friend tells me the snk game is bearable

>will put down other visual media; most western animation
yeah well its not my fault western animation looks like shit with terrible plot.

>calls themself an Otaku and pretends it's somehow a good thing


I thought this was advanced irony, but I can't tell if it's on that level of self-awareness, since the Otaku likes Naruto at all

>Will use proper grammer and spelling
I take it this wasn't made by an otaku then.


Just what is this.

>Does weeaboo mean 'anything Japanese' now?
No, it doesn't mean what you think it means either.

>Someone trying to claim there's a difference between, "otaku" and, "weeaboo"

Not if you're anything but Japanese, there isn't. If you're not Japanese and you have the audacity to call yourself an otaku, you're a fucking weeaboo. Weeabo is a derogatory term making fun of faggots who so that shit.

I know, makes me want to fucking throw something. You know the doujin industry has failed us when there's more western art of two sexy lolis than Jap.

Who cares? Anime and Japanese games are fucking terrible. And is liked by obnoxious and horrible people.

As an otaku who is not a weeaboo, you are wrong, my good sir.

thats some good taste you have there anons

also Etrian Oddyssey and Xenoblade Chronicles if you have a 3DS.
or else the The Trails in the Sky games are also neat and the music is comfy

Weeaboo and Otaku are the same thing. Fucking unlikable people that likes shitty faggot nonsense from Japan. One is not better than the other.

The person who wrote
>Weeaboo is just the English slang for Otaku, actual Otaku are just as bad and are generally looked down upon in japan
cares. And I feel it's necessary to correct him.

i can name you 5(FIVE) japanese games that are actually good


>implying I give a shit about your ultraspecific definition about the word 'weeaboo', and the 25 reasons on how it differentiates from the word 'otaku'
Look buddy I just want to know in what way MH is a weeaboo game

Every self-titled "otaku" I've met meets the symptoms on the right

Disgaea really is great, got it about a week ago and Ive already got 50 hours playtime.

whats your favorite part user, been thinkin of pirating the Disgaea PC. is it worth it?

>taking pride in being called an otaku
you do realise they are known as the absolute scum of japan, right?
According to japan, anime otaku's are defined as fat, unhygienic, dim, anti-social, nihilistic jobless pedophiles, and I am not making any exaggerations.
Otaku's are actually an epidemic in japan, many of these otaku's find it difficult to be attracted to real women and thus a low birth rate in the country.
They are not these "totally mature and rational adults" you call them, they are an actual problem and you should not be comparing yourself to them as if it's a good thing.

Just play it. You'll either love it or be indifferent to it after 20 minutes.

>ultraspecific definition about the word 'weeaboo', and the 25 reasons on how it differentiates from the word 'otaku'
I didn't mention anything of sorts. Weeaboo is just a non-Japanese otaku. Here, one "reason" is all you need.
>in what way MH is a weeaboo game
I didn't say it is.

I think the story hits the right spot between serious and silly demon shenanigans. If you like SRPGs, you will like its gameplay as well, since its a pretty solid system without strange or counter-intuitive stuff.
But there are also some really cool mechanics, which you wont find in similiar SRPG titles, like the Item World, which basically means that your party can enter any item they find and level it up by completing floors in said item or find better loot and so on.
Also, it got loads of content, since the bonus bosses pack quite a punch and you need to level like hell to defeat the last super boss. You wont really need to grind to complete the main story, though.

i will but is it really as grindy as people make it out to be?

ah thanks man, im pirating it right now


Also otaku is a more negative term than weeb. It's pretty similar to hikkikomori. If you call yourself an "otaku" either you're a fucking neet or you don't know shit about the country you idealize.

You know calling yourself a otaku is literally just as bad right?

Christ how hard is it to watch anime and be a normal human being. Most people are closet anime watchers as they don't want people to think they're fags.

No. There is a main quest line where all fun is concentrated, and you are supposed to win that without grinding. If you can't, you can pass a bill that makes enemies weaker.
All that considered, I played Disgaea 1, 2, 3 and 4, and grinded hard in 1, 2 and 4 after main questline because it was fairly fun thing to do.

How do they these people not know that the word literally means to be obsessive to an unhealthy level about pop culture: why would you call yourself an otaku or nerd or geek?

Ok I'll correct it then, one is a basement dwelling social reject that glorifies anime and all the fanservice that comes with it while the other is all of that AND wants to be Japanese and thinks that culture is the second coming of jesus. Better now?

otakus are the japanese equivalent of basementdwelling neckbeards

Tactics Ogre
Final Fantasy Tactics

Gundam Breaker 3

I don't want to consider your post seriously because all I care about at this point is that those two words do not mean the same thing.

>because it was fairly fun thing to do
This. Usually I dont like grinding in games too much, but in Disgaea it was surprisingly fun to do.
I dont think I have the stamina to grind until Baal, though.

An otaku is a weaboo that is also a NEET.

So it's one step worse than weaboo.

If you just occasionally watch anime and never fucking talk about it outside of your inner circle you are normal. Otherwise you're an obnoxious weeb.

>blah blah jerking off into my dictionary
Holy shit who cares

>I didn't say it is
Oh, you were just barging in and assuming what my thoughts on what the word weeaboo meant, not actually related to MH
So you're autistic? That makes sense

That's okay

Otaku and weeaboo are the same fucking thing you delusional autistic fat neckbeards.

So nerds. Literally nothing different from the scum of virgin lives that live in colleges.

explain to us oh wise wizard, how they are the same thing

>you can't prefer japanese medium over western or else you are some retardedly biased person
>that's ofc not the case with prefering western medium over japanese

otaku means nerd

otaku means nerd

that's it, it's not a special kind of people, it has the same stereotypes as it has in the west, some people there also find it "cool" to call themselves one, even some politicians do it

>damage control

>you were just barging in and assuming what my thoughts on what the word weeaboo meant
Yeah, because I'm pretty sure they're wrong. Name me 5 weeaboo games.

>Want to learn japanese but to practice conversation I have to talk to otakus
kill me now

the entire nep franchise

All wrong.

Pic related would be correct.

how are the neps not weebgames, they are literally memespouting weebtropes.
and how is that shitgame a weebgame

See? You literally have no idea what weeaboo means.

if thats true, then how was vallhalla or whatever the fuck its spelled a weebgame

He means weebgames as in games made by weebs and not games that weebs play.

then i stand corrected and educated


> 2007 deviant art meme with a tumblr filename about Otaku vs. Weeaboo
> all of a sudden I remember being a middle school kid downloading naruto scans on the local library computer that was still running windows 95 for some reason

Does anyone else have any early internet weeaboo memories?

Everything else about Japanese culture is fucking boring once you get farther back than ~1970. I guess some of the old movies are cool, though. It's like how American culture is only really interesting once you get to cowboys, and after that it's a vacuum of boring until the 1950s.

Fuck, I only got a memory from 2009.

>play star wars jedi knight 2 multiplayer on pc
>crush sends me dozen of mp3s she likes
>listen to the mp3s while playing the game
>grow to love an mp3 overtime
>it happens to be the opening of Elfen Lied, Lilium
>watch the opening after a few months of listening to the mp3
>love it
>start watching Elfen Lied

Despite how bad Elfen Lied is, there's still something strangely charming about it. I can't tell what, but fuck, do yourself a favour and read the manga for the ENDLESS SUFFERING.

Did she send you the mp3 through msn instant messenger or where you an aim guy?

I feel like that anime perfectly encapsulates that exact weeaboo aesthetic btw. That and Soul Eater.

>Despite how bad Elfen Lied is
I guess I'm a pleb for really getting into it. I love the music and the atmosphere. I used to listen to Lilium 24/7 for weeks

Neither, user. I'm from Poland and she sent it to me through a Polish messenger program, Gadu-Gadu (GG).

Oh, I did too. Absolutely did. Like I said, there's something strangely charming about it that really pulled me in, but any time I examine anything in greater detail or in a vacuum it seems dumb as hell or poorly written, yet I can't quite tell why I keep fucking coming back.

Maybe I'm just attracted to suffering, which might explain why I like Yoko Taro's games.

Fuck off

Atelier and Disgaea

> that one crazy scene girl who was a total weeaboo but also had massive tits and was a complete cocktease

does anyone else remember this

>there's something strangely charming about it
Maybe it's the music? The editing was pretty amazing as well, for example cutting to the old fashioned clock at the perfect moment. It really is outstanding in a way. Very charming.

>but any time I examine anything in greater detail or in a vacuum it seems dumb as hell or poorly written
I got the same problem, I understand it could have been written much better. But I guess it gets to keep its "credentials" mainly thanks to nostalgia and the astonishing music.

Persona 3 or any FF

I still think it's the suffering.
I seriously recommend you check out the manga.

I only checked out the ending of the manga which is very different from the anime. I enjoyed both.

That's an interesting point too. The suffering is kind of what I truly seem to enjoy in most anime, along with the music. I've only seen stuff Sup Forums views as pretty casual (Elfen Lied, Death Note, Mirai Nikki, Vampire Knight) but it's always the combination of suffering and touching music that gets me. For example, if you haven't seen the second ending to Mirai Nikki, here it is:

It gets me because of the suffering Yuno is going through and the music that really amplifies the seriousness of the situation.

The fact that you're calling yourself an "otaku" is already a big sign that you're a weeaboo.

Is that shit really a decent game?

Go watch Shiki. The suffering is through the roof.
Re:Zero also has some surprising despair and suffering.

nice image faggot
it covers your shit taste nicely

As a merchant game, yes. The dungeons are more than a little lacklustre, but the merchant game is real.



Mass Effect 2 and 3 is pretty weeb. Too bad the women are all ugly.

No self-respecting anime fan would refer to themselves as an otaku. That's on the level of identifying as a gamer.

Disgaea 5