Nintendo's next project announced

>nintenfags would actually buy this

what's next ?

Match 3 Rupee game? Doesn't something similar already exist on one of Nintendo's handhelds

put midna in it and I'm game.

I know you're kidding pham, but really, delete this

>Toon Link

Not surprised, he's the face of cancer.

>not just making doctor mario for mobile

too much work, and probably too complicated for the mobile crowd

I'd happily play it.

>posting your million dollar ideas on 4chen
Top kek, I'm on the phone with nintendo right now, thanks for the dollars faggotron!

Nintendo would probably get a huge playerbase for a mobile doctor mario game considering it could have all the old people that played it years ago

>implying Dr Mario is good

It's the worst puzzler ever made. I'd rather play Yoshi's Cookie.

They already did a candy crush ripoff

>>nintenfags would actually buy this
no they wouldn't

>Not Puzzle League
>Not making an actual Panel de Pon
>Not taking advantage of how the mobile market would accept cute girl characters
>Remember what Sega did to Puyo Puyo Quest

Puyo Puyo is gay, where's Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine


if they buy a gay ass generic runner, they will buy anything. they'd buy a bowl of feces if it had a nintendo logo on it

What a brilliant idea, giving people an alternative to buying Dr. Mario on 3DS and Wii U. Genius! That's where the real cash is, undermining your potential console sales!

Good thing that faggot holding the entire company back is dead.

>all this console war threads made by Sonyggers today
the butthurt is pretty strong today, huh?

>anybody who "buys" the infinite runner is a Nintendo fan by default
>therefore "Nintendo fans" will buy any kind of trash
So I guess that since a Little Big Planet infinite runner already exists the same applies to Sony as well.
>inb4 MUH SONY
It's just another example. I would have used other companies, but it's hard to find another candidate who isn't already unquestionably trash.

of course

Why can't you consolefaggots just keep your bickering to yourself?

>implying I'm a console cuck
and butthurt over what ? this mario run shit is fucking comedy gold pham

Yes, Sony are a bunch of faggots aswell. What's the point of your post again ?

That your argument is shitty and doesn't apply to Nintendo alone.
Sorry, I should have spelled it out, I never take into account the needs of the mentally challenged. When you're done throwing your fit tell your social assistant that I'm really sorry.


never said this applied to nintendo only you dumb nigga. they just happen to be the gayest of the bunch.


>TFW a Toon Link main nearly raped a girl in front of her boyfriend, forever tarnishing the character

forgot to mention, this was at EVO 2016; huge fighting game tournament as well.

delete this

What makes this funny? It's just another Mario spinoff. I swear you people lose your shit over the dumbest things.

>It's just another Mario spinoff
It's a huge dump taken on the face of nintenfags
>b-b-but it's a great business decision !
A better business decision would actually be making good games.

Let Panel de Pon rest in peace user. I don't ever want to imagine Neo-Neotendo getting their grubby little hands on it, or even worse, Unintelligent Systems.