Tetsuya Nomura

When will they stop letting this man direct and write?

At age 45 he still writes the cringy shit that you would only expect from some pretentious pseudo intellectual student at high school.

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As long as they sell, they won't give a shit. But I'm with you, I can't stand this man.
Just look how the fuck he's dressed or his hairstyle. This alone is already pretty unusual for a man of his age, but doing it while writing all the shit we see in almost every fucking game he works on just make me hate him more.

Why would you dress/do your hair like that as an adult

was he part of some visual kei band in the 90s? it's like he comes straight from those times.

Aiming to be a pretty azn fuccboi but he just doesnt have the face for it


>Nomura hate thread

Holy shit, I found my people.

Why couldn't Matsuno or Kitase have taken the mantle from Sakaguchi over this raging faggot? Only good thing he did was KH1 and that was because he didn't make is all convoluted as hell.

He is a man stuck at an age he no longer is. However, he has found a profession that allows him to pander directly to his mental peers. He may be an idiot, but he does well for himself.

>its ok when Kojima does it
never change, Sup Forumsirgins


I can't wait for the FF7 remake to be 50 hours of this.

Please no.

This is faggotry to the nth degree


Just came to post gbike Cloud. You're all faggots if you don't like it.

Why wouldn't you?
>middle aged
>making lots of money
>people have to answer to you
>still so scared of society's standard that you have to dress as the "norm"
Nah, fuck that shit. When I'm 45, if I'm in his position, I'm going to wear a Hawaiian shirt, shorts and sandals all day, everyday

>Don't like a frail, effeminate man
>Don't like his metrosexual outfit
>Don't like his obviously scrotum like sword
>"You're gay!"

user, I hate to tell you but...

But that's halfway normal, just lazy. Not comparable.

t. faggot

Don't fight me on this user.

What, you just want me to let you stick your shit up my ass, with your leather fetish?

No thanks, user.


I will only submit if it's Tifa busting muh balls.

> the only thing Nomura has actually contributed creatively to in the last 15 years are Kingdom Hearts spin offs
> every single project he's been involved with has changed directors, writers, game scenarios, etc. due to corporate shuffling and president changes
> this time they even changed artists 3/4s through for FFXV
> people will still blame Nomura

Being Nomura is suffering.

>Only thing Nomura has done is KH
>Kingdom Hearts is shit

Why do you people defend him? Also, there might be a reason they keep taking him off of projects.

how did people stomach this shit?

>not best girl Cloud


Even Don Corneo has better taste than you.

Holy shit, is that Lightning?

Matsuno left, and did some freelance work where SE called in the man who they couldn't control for TO LUCT. He couldn't succeed Sakaguchi because he couldn't be controlled

Don't kid yourself. Square need him and he's just the right amount of typical Japanese salaryman that he lets them treat him like a slave.

people like to blame all of SE issues on Nomura when in reality he is the least of our worries

Nojima on the other hand you need to fucking crucify.

Versus 13 was going to be THE game

> there might be a reason they keep taking him off of projects
No shit, there was a changing of the guard at Square. They strong armed the majority of Square's older directors, writers, and artists when Wada was in charge and the new President has been focused on western studios and mobage.

Why do you think Square lost almost all their talent between 2005 to 2009 and then the last batch in 2011 to 2014?


>Matsuno actually took inspiration from the Yugoslav War and Bosnian genocide when creating Tactics Ogre
Brutal, what wars did Toriyama take inspiration from? Waifu Wars?

He really liked that one Poison song about roses but got stabbed by one because he didn't take the song seriously.

>muh convoluted meme
retard with double digit IQ detected. fuck off.

This is true, Matsuno wasn't a team player.

But who gives a shit? Everything the man touched was a masterpiece.

Leave him to his own devices and get rid of that manchild.

No it wasn't. Versus looked like shit. You guys are just rose-colored millennials who thought the trailer looked "cool" when you were young.

Bullshit. It's true but completely unrelated to what I am talking about now. Nomura STILL gets thrown around to this day, even after the shit reshuffling. Why do you think that is? I'll tell you why.

He's shit.


It's funny how wrong you are, but that's fine. The fact of the matter is that he's got brand recognition and that's more than enough to keep him around.

Compared to Matsuno who got kicked out and had to come up with a shitty "I got sick" excuse and fuck up FFXII completely.

Being shit didn't stop Toriyama from getting to shit over the entire Square Enix library either.

Nah, had Versus actually delivered on it's promises it would've been ace.

Are you trying to say that the Kingdom Hearts dialogue makes any kind of sense?

It does if you aren't a total retard

Am I the only one who wishes Kingdom Hearts was just about the Disney characters and had nothing to do with the ridiculous teen angst from FF?


Definitely not, I think it's by far the worst aspect of those games.

If every game delivered on half of what it promised it would be great

Taking a leave of absence because illness is for both the employee and employer to save face and have someone leave on relatively good terms. Matsuno was described as temperamental which made him difficult to work with, instead of outright firing someone who gave them 2 perfect scores from Famitsu they encouraged him to leave.

It worked commercially and I think that's all it was ever supposed to do.

When it stops selling. So do that.

>If every game delivered on half of what it promised it would be great

That's not true. Some games are just shit no matter what.