Daily reminder this and GTA4 were far superior to GTA5...

Daily reminder this and GTA4 were far superior to GTA5. Daily reminder Rockstar will never make games of that quality again

>Meme multiplayer with microtransactions that didn't function or get heists for years instead of perfectly fine good shit in GTA4/RDR
>Meme character Trevor
>No single player DLC expansions
>Less Technology(TM) than 5 yrs old predecessor
>Isn't a good serious storyline like RDR or a good light one like BoGT
>Highest selling entertainment product ever

Just FUCK my shit up families

Just wait until the next Red Dead sequel comes out, shit's gonna be lit familia.
it's going to be good, right?

what is Rockstar North currently working on

gta 4 is shit

Can this meme end

GTA4's online fucking sucked and it was a sluggish game.

It's been over 6 years. I've given up

>there hasn't been a gta expansion for 7 years.
>tbogt was 7 years ago
>undead nightmare was 6

GTA 6 or next Red Dead game

>and GTA4

why is it praised here? don't tell me >muh online fun on airport

better than gta online. nothing better than unpinning a grenade in a vehicle during a coop getaway from cops and acting as surprised as everyone else


nigga have you tried to play gta5 ever outside of first person mode? its at least as sluggish

Cunning Scubadiving



I legitimately don't understand this boards hate boner for V. It's not literally fucking perfect (especially GTAO), but by almost every standard it's still a fantastic game and is my personal favourite GTA (previous was San Andreas).

GTA SA, IV and V are all among my most played games of all time with multiple hundreds of hours in each of them, and V and RDR are both top 10 contenders for me.

GTA 4 was the low point of the series, I'm glad they don't make games like that anymore


in all serious famiccolo check out the benzies allegations and damage control by rockstar. they're incompetent and going to go down in flames

maybe explain why it's shit faggot. best gameplay alongside san andreas for scope

newfags or b8, i can't tell

>my personal favourite GTA

i think it mostly has to do with being a downgrade from 4. and 4 was in some ways (not others) a downgrade from san andreas.

>best gameplay
>low point

I agree. Playing as Niko is like controlling a tank and Liberty City is kind of boring, especially compared to San Andreas in V. Story is really good, but I can never get over how bad the gameplay is.

>maybe explain why it's shit faggot

>small city and nothing else
>grim as fuck
>no planes
>no customization
>phone calls
>no military
>muh realism
literally no fun allowed

V is literally the worst game of the franchise.

I had more fun with every other entry.

You are the newfag.

Some years back, when you hadn't even heard about this site, GTA IV was despised, and people looked back in Vice City and San Andreas. Now that GTA V has established itself, your generation has come and looks back at GTA IV with the same nostalgia goggles.

What do you think GTA IV does better than GTA V? Multiplayer is a given, but apart from that considering who plays multiplayer in GTA anyway, the game sucked hard. The city was sterile, almost ghostlike at times with empty streets and no pedestrians. The cars handled like shit and the map was cramped.

you got old and jaded

>game about being a criminal is grim (and nevermind bogt everyone)
reminder the gf of a previous gta protagonist dies in a crack orgy with guys twice her age after a gta5 protagonist fucks her, murders her boyfriend, and kills all his friends.

use a helicopter they're more fun anyway

>no customization
ok clothes vs clothes and tattoos in gta5

>phone calls
>phone calls in gta 5 too

>no military
>military deployed in nyc to stop 1 gunman

>muh realism
>muh... whatever the alternative is
gta4 is more exaggerated in ways that count than gta5 anyway like physics

desu driving is more fun in gta3

>being a downgrade from 4
It really isn't though. V had so many things that IV didn't have that were important for me.

The biggest are increased map variety - desert and mountain areas namely. The return of planes and more variety in vehicles also. These two are massively important to what GTA is for me and V certainly beats IV in both regards. They're why IV is simply a game I like a lot but V is one of my all time favourites.

What I think people fail to realise is that people go to the series for different things and depending on what that is, different games deliver it, but all the games are still functionally fucking great.

RDR for example I think has the best atmosphere out of these kinds of games, by a good margin. And I think IVs atmosphere is stronger than Vs even though I like V more overall.


not him but ive been replaying the 3d games (not the side retread shit like stories games) and i agree gta v is probably the least fun

last two weeks:

sa > 3 > vc > 5


I did. Doesn't mean i don't give merits where it's due and still have fun with some games.
Been playing Enderal, Witcher 3 and MGSV. Regarding Rockstar, Red Dead Redemption was great as well.
But V? It's like they upped their turn for "muh deep storytelling" with IV and just went ham with it.
GTA story were always just a background setting to present you new gameplay opportunities, not the reason people played these games. When you end a mission in V it feels completely empty and you're in a corner where you have to start another mission to have a little chance of having fun.

>ok clothes vs clothes and tattoos in gta5
you forgot guns and cars customization
>phone calls in gta 5 too
not as annoying
GTA was never about realism, it was full of fun missions and side stuff to do
i don't remember anything like it being in GTA4
also it had awful optimization

>gta4 is more exaggerated in ways that count than gta5 anyway

except the map
or vehicle customization
or number of available vehicles types (planes of all sizes, giant dump trucks, submarines)
or heists (mission customization)
or forests and wildlife

GTA V took back all the good things from San Andreas. If GTA IV was your first GTA I understand you look back on it with fondness, but for anyone falling in love with San Andreas and receiving GTA IV as it's successor it was simply a downgrade in all but graphics

>and side stuff to do
So you mean GTA SA then

>people hate GTA V's map because of the giant empty desert area
>RDR is literally JUST a giant empty desert area
>considered GOAT

My first GTA was GTA and I prefer IV

>GTA V took back all the good things from San Andreas
Gang Wars? Being a fat or pumped nigga doing nigga stuff in the 90's? Going from a nobody to running your own cassino? Samuel L. Jackson?

i could post the meme video comparison but i take it you've already seen it?

>desert and mountain
basically a whole not of nothing and anytime i get stuck there it's switching time
not really fun, like less fun helicopters
they all handle too easily in gta5 and franklin makes driving a joke with special

driving and shootan being way more enjoyable to me alone make it no contest 4 better than 5. theres also ai/physics/((((new york feel))))/non terribad online/better pacing in the expansion stories

just my opinion famamfmamfmmam

yeah, after SA GTA4 was a massive disappointment
>GTA V took back all the good things from San Andreas

Same with Oblivion. Oblivion was seen as the weakest of the modern Elder Scrolls game here for years even when Skyrim came out. It's just a new generation of literal newfags that were kids when these games came out and now praise them because "muh comfy" and "muh atmosphere". Morrowind always got the most votes in the polls and is now slowly being surpassed by Oblivion here.

The desert was cool, it was the hills of nothing everyone hated.

New York was just so well done

>GTA was never about realism
>GTA SA was never about realism

It's nothing like Oblivion.
Oblivion has that so comically bad it feels good. The game is still praised for it's fun quests. Oblivion was the game that kicked the doors to Elder Scrolls to 100% mainstream.
GTA was mainstream before people in this site learned to walk in two legs. V is simply a negation to fun. Oblivion was at least trying.

>What do you think GTA IV does better than GTA V?
Vehicle handling (90% of the game) and melee.

the true phantom video game
gun customization basically useless outside of silcenrs i feel tho senpai. i treat cars as disposable
three leaf clover was pretty fun. the shootan/drivin is like, intrinsically more fun and less realistic than in gta5
the map isn't very exaggerated in gta5 other making los angeles an island and never addressing it. and how is customization = exagerration? you speak english?

gta san andreas was the first one i finished and i definitely at least played vice city before that. if you think graphics are the only improvement you need to take the dicks out of your eyesockets

well what can you do its a western. at least theres no traffic for the horse to crash into. it is a tad overrated

pretty sad u can't reclaim grove street for the ogs

>James Woods
Damn I miss that game. Oh wait, I have it on my phone

>making los angeles an island and never addressing it.
>never addressing it
did you really just say this?

only in scope e.g. map and planes. gameplay is a massive improvement

gta5 is more realistic than gta4. in style and gameplay

the way enemies react to being shot is goat for an open world game. it also looks hilarious

>Daily reminder
I dare you to do this even 4 days in a row, faggot.

>Vehicle handling
Enjoy cars driving on soap

addressed as in it is never mentioned in the game or made a point of discussion. not as in giving the island a mail box

>black man with train following disability steals WMDs from a train guarded by the military using a jetpack and an uzi at the behest of his government overlord
>black man breaks into secret research base and steals [REDACTED], in the hopes of freeing his brother who was previously arrested for an related crime

Driving on soap is fun and requires a little effort. Franklin can special his way out of damn near anything

>The game is still praised for it's fun quests.
The quests may be good on paper but in reality they get ruined by Oblivion's lackluster gameplay.

An unrelated crime*

Fuck I'm stupid

GTA4: The Ballad of Depressed Slav

you're not forced to use Franklin's special at any point during the game you know

oh fuck

i always liked gta4. vice city was always shit. san andreas was good tho. v is fucking trash for twitch teens, it's like a hypothetical gta universe parody of gta that unsufferable twats play

Morrowind has it's share of strange gameplay features as well. At least hey can be fixed for both games. Skyrim though, no matter how much mods i pump into it, there's just something odd about it.

>use a helicopter they're more fun anyway
Not him but what fucking reasoning is that?
A developer cuts something out of the game and this is your excuse?
Imagine if IV had plains and V didn't you would use this as your number 1 argument to shit on V.

The Ballad of Hetero Niko didn't have a great ring to it
You're not forced to drive in GTA4 either but you are because you don't gimp yourself on purpose like some masochist. Not to say the driving in GTA5 isn't piss easy without Franklin
He actually shows a full range of emotions and this being considered "depressed" says a lot about you you ADD tween

>ice city was always shit.
>best songs
>best atmosphere
>a huge lift from its predecessors


it still works. What if IV had forests and open landscapes, wildlife and smaller rural villages scattered around, and V didn't? Would certainly be one of his excuses

Yes you incredibly dumb faggot. Oh no no Flood in Halo ODST or Reach. Wait... they were better for it

Helicopters >>>>>> planes, especially in a map that isn't truly state-sized. Planes only appeal to people looking for "epicness"

Or people who like planes, but by the logic you're using there shouldn't be any boats in the game either.

>Planes only appeal to people looking for "epicness"
Did i just read this?

>Planes only appeal to people looking for "epicness"
please refrain from saying stupid shit

Planes >>>>>> helicopters, especially in a map that is truly state-sized. Helicopters only appeal to people looking for "epicness"

>nostalgia for worst decade you weren't even alive during
end yourself
no it fucking wouldn't none of that matters (see: mgsv, it's all boring nothing and it's shit) the core gameplay does you dipshit. planes are just kinda worse helicopters you whiny baby.

>you're wrong because i say you WOULD say ___ if it ___ was true
cmon son

Planes are for autists, go build a model kit

in quotes for a reason you second languagers. also lmao at how easy it is to trigger neo v

Yeah, in san andreas where they had a purpose, not gta4 (hypothetically) or 5

But planes have a purpose in V, due to the scale of the map.

>nostalgia for worst decade you weren't even alive during
all the b tv-shows in the mid 90s where from the 80s, as well as several cartoons, cars, furniture, and other stuff.

alot of the 80s carried over into the 90s

The 747 mega planes have a purpose? You can't even land them on that deserted farmers strip

i only use helicopters when possible and feel fine, whenever i have to use a plane i feel restricted and slow. it's like the difference between a motorcycle and a huge truck to me

>Planes are for autists, go build a model kit
if you are going to troll and bait and what not other edgy shit at least put in some effort kiddo

You might have a point about planes being pointless in 4 but in both san andreas and 5 there are multiple airports scattered throughout and if you know how to make a short landing/take off there are other places you can easily get to, also planes climb quicker and usually higher than most helicopters.

Is the only plane in GTA V the 747? I'm pretty sure I said planeS.

>implying the lack of planes had nothing to do with 9/11
postal 2 was 20 years ago. No one does dark current event humor anymore.

Do you think that of the VTOL fighter jets as well?

gta decades better than the 80s:

the 10s
the 00s
the 90s
the 70s
the 60s
maybe not the 50s
the 40s (ww2 in backround)
20s-30s (prohibition)
the 10s (rdr)

GTA 5's map is bigger than San Andreas so yes they had a purpose.

if you're just gonna post your opinions like a retard at least try explaining them a little better

sorry i know someone who does this irl and i laugh that he refuses to admit it's as bad as anime figures

what? or the fact that 4 is one city with planes being cross-city vehicles in SA, not in LCS, or VCS, or Bully or anything else since SA

(((i havent flown once since the original ver came out on 360ps3 aint there yet in the story))) i still just like the way helicopters feel as a concept even irl

It had to do with the map being the tiny and cramped because of the technological restrictions. Rockstar couldn't optimize GTA IV for the current consoles at that time, even though the map was cramped the game was riddled with performance issues.

There literally were no space for planes in GTA IV, if you'd been able to take off you'd been outside of the map in 10 seconds anyway.

The whole city is like 6 or 7 landing strips wide, and that is with the surrounding water areas

>You're not forced to drive in GTA4

>tfw no meme plane like the osprey
>tfw no meme copter like the cheyenne

I love that it's still roughly modeled after the harrier, not the guy you're repying to btw

the point being 80s is literally the worst possible decade to set anything in, unless you love shitty music

sa, it's about the design of the map not the size, with three cities seperated by country not one city with some shit on top of it

>sorry i know someone who does this irl and i laugh that he refuses to admit it's as bad as anime figures
it might be autistic, but it's not that autistic. Building and painting models at least has you producing something artistic, developing and putting skills to use. anime dolls are just an autist buying a doll

GTA 3 and VC were smaller than IV and even those games had planes.
They could have added in a seaplane since there are so many water areas in the game.
It amazes me how fanboys defend a company stripping features out of a game.

>implying plane levels in bully
That would be cool if there's ever a bully 2. Maybe hijacking a biplane for a rich kid.

Not outside of missions. Just walk from one borough to the other to start the next mission to alleviate that soap problem ;)

>it's about the design of the map not the size
You're missing the point. The vast size of the map justifies the usage of aircraft, and it doesn't fucking matter if the only thing between the airfields is a desert.

again, you just state your opinions without giving any type of reasoning

>80s is literally the worst possible decade to set anything in, unless you love shitty music

I wasn't defending it, not intentionally anyway. I tried to argue that the map is too small for the game

daily reminder this game is fucking boring with shit tier mission and retarded story.
>>Highest selling entertainment product ever
what the fuck are you even blabbing about?

>they put an airfield literally on the opposite side of the lake from the desert airfield
>didn't place it on the north side of the mountain

Goddammit, Rockstar.

but why? why fly you faggot if there's nothing to fly to with a plane (to the same extent as san andreas)

but what about gunpla

lol garbage planes. muh stripped features. nevermind how many features were stripped from gta 4 to 5 but you don't care because they aren't "epic" like a shitty seaplane a meth addict could fly

gta 3's map is smaller than IV's and it still had planes

>but why?
To traverse large amounts of land without being held back by horizontality? To admire the scenery? To go to a mountain? To parachute from a really high distance?
The reasons to fly are infinite, just like your stupidity.

how do you explain the "reasoning" behind the qualia a decade generates?


Sorry fastest selling or some shit