Lightning Thread

Goddess Edition

Going to continue with the SS dump requested earlier
Feel free to ask for others






So I see you finally left my Tifa thread and started posting that pedo shit here.

Sauce: JackPot doujin










Starting to run low so if any lurkers have more requests then throw them out there like you just don't care










post webms




I've only got 3 I can post
Everything else is unsuitable for a Christian image board











Here's a real goddess you poor bastard.







S-stop it!





Any lurkers?





Such a great design, wasted on such a shitty character


>62 posts
>8 posters
So this is the power of autism. Whoa...

lightning is cute

I wish Hope had his older body in LR. ):

Mildly related.



>Square enix never lets its fans down
















