Get kicked out of town for being single

>get kicked out of town for being single

Is he pretty much calling you a fag and telling you pic related?

No, he's calling you a loner freak and that everyone wants you out.

>Being a lonerfag
>Not having anyone to pass the farm down to because tfw no descendants
It actually makes sense why they'd want you out. Do you think they want to go through the limbo of having the farm be potentially uninhabited again because you have no one to hand it down to?

>even on vidya you're still a creepy weirdo

You sound like my mother.

Just because I'm an ugly loser who can't interact with girls doesn't mean i'm a fudge packer.

>Be friendly and interact with NPCs regularly
>Don't want to fuck any of them
>Lol sorry ur a loner were kicking g you out

>No option to poison the town's water supply or salt the farm before leaving

Yeah ok, let me bring the dog to have a talk with you mayor
Even if this isnt the DS one I sure dont regret that.
Also wonderful life had to many game overs Including your death

>Can't poison water supply
>Can't burn crops
>Can't deliver a plague upon their houses
Shit game

This desu

>Work on a farm you bought/inherited
>Do everything necessary to maintain said farm
>Provide goods for the town
>"whoa hey man you aren't banging anyone you need to go"

I'd fucking salt the earth.

My experience with the game was the exact opposite. I was only focused on my waifu and winning events. Everything else didn't matter, and they never kicked me out.

I didn't even know you could get extra events by making friends until years later.

>Literally your property
>You legally own a huge chunk of the land in the village
>They just tell you to leave like that
>Probably steal your land and crops and house from you

Fucking town should be sued for every penny.

>no option to chase this faggot away with your pitchfork and tell him to never come back

>Just because I'm an ugly gay loser who can't interact with boys doesn't mean i'm a cunt destroyer
i always wonder if some parents say that to their fag kids

My mother is pretty chil about it.

My grandmother who is 90+ always nags when i see her.

I almost feel like telling her how i made my last gf get an abortion.

I had no idea you could get a game over in harvest moon like that.

64 has a bunch of game overs

Your dad can come and determine that you're a shit farmer and drag you home too

You can only marry girls in that game?

This game brings back so many memories

It's a rural town. If they don't get themselves heirs to pass on the torch to, these kinds of towns literally whither away and die.
You act as if this is some kind of super crazy thing. But this isn't the big cities. The pressure of getting married and getting children has historically been super high in rural towns.

>Not fucking Karen
the first 2D crush I had

>Few generations of inbreeding later
>Town is an Innsmouth like place dedicated to the evil goddess

But doesn't it wither even harder if they start kicking people away? It's not like a new couple would magically appear in place of the kicked-off single guy.

>No option for an arranged marriage with a qt submissive farm girl that only exists to pop out sons for you
shit game

>post this same thread every day

Fuck off.

Which is just another reason why no one wants to live in them.

Flower Bud town confirmed for No Singles policy.

Would hate to see a movie there.

If they kick you out then maybe they can bring someone in who will actually leave descendants to take the farm over

as opposed to living in a modern city where no one looks like you and despite living among thousands somehow still feel isolated

at least you won't get kicked out of your home because you didn't feel like fucking

>chase out the only genetic variance that comes to town
> wonder why the kids all have 7 fingers

That's simply evolution at work, user. Who wouldn't want more fingers?

>Kick out current owner
>Doesn't solve the fucking problem

Reminds me of this kino.

He didn't mention that the fingers have flippers.

Well what sort of fag doesn't feel like getting married and having children who will continue his legacy? No wonder cities are full of such shitty, selfish people, they can't think about anyone but themselves and they don't plan more than a week in advance.

>live in town with range 8-10 qt3.14s
>dont want to fuck any of them
they had reason to be concerned user

>simply not wanting to fuck makes you selfish

So someone could be an otherwise contributing member of society, but if they don't want to have kids they aren't worth shit?

This is actually logical.

They don't want to take care of your ass when you're old and weak. Normally your children would do that shit, but if you don't marry you'll have some big problems.

That plot of land could be used for a better person.

Fuck people that don't reproduce.

(Except non-whites, please stop having children)

>More fingers
>Can swim better
>Get to fuck your attractive cousin

Where's the downside?

tell her user.

This reminds me of the time I got kicked out of the theater for going in alone.

pls no bully

>get kicked out of town for being single

That's alright, I'd tell him that it's fine and that there's no hard feelings, and wish him a good life.

Then I'd move to another village, simple.

It doesn't work that way. If they kick you out, they just lose another person in their small ass town. People start moving away the less they have. Sooner or later, they gonna have a ghost town.

Mayor is a dumb fuck.

If you want the opposite, see Grandia's volcano city, where they get kicked out because they're a couple.

What? Do tell.

Sell your land and build a walmart there. That will teach them.

>uh oh this land might not have anyone to take care of it if this guy doesn't have kids
>better kick him out so the land will immediately have no one to work on it

yeah makes sense to me

Is it really that hard to find some young guy to come work on the land every 50 or so years? Do you have to sign a contract that you have to get married to own that land?

>Reading comprehension

Taking care of the old man. Not his land.

Some theaters have a no singles policy because its harder to fill the rows if there are many groups that want to sit together.

Y-yeah hehe, let me just go get the scythe..

My mother once told me that I existed solely to take care of her when she grew old (because she didn't believe that my older sisters would amount to anything that she could profit off of).

Many years after that, I moved 8000 km away to a far away country I knew she would never move to, and when she was wailing over the phone saying how much she had done for me, I told her "you did it all with an aim, to help yourself in the end. I was just all part of the plan. You said as much yourself". Her response wasn't "no, you're wrong, it wasn't like that" it was "yeah of course, I need someone to take care of me when I'm old and your father is dead!"

Your way of thinking if wrong. People are people, not insurance policies. Fuck you, and fuck my mother too.

Why would she make getting caught a part of her plan?

Well, at least you won't kicked out on Sup Forums for being a non virgin. In fact, you get shunned.

You can poison the potluck in the DS game. If you throw a level 99 poison mushroom in, you get a cutscene of everyone getting sick and you get a game over.


She thinks this is the natural discourse of life. This was no big secret, it never was. My refusal to be used as a tool was a huge shock for her, because she always thought I would willingly go along with it.

I don't get this.

Why are you refusing? She fucking made you. She is your creator. She gave you purpose in life.

As long as she treated you well you have absolutely no reason to disobey her. I hate ungrateful shits like you.

>That's alright, I'd tell him that it's fine and that there's no hard feelings, and wish him a good life.

What a fucking cuck.

Good for you man

I hope you die alone

Do you not understand the entire situation, or are you saying if your mother turned to you and said "I only gave birth to you so you could look after me" you'd say yeah sure and just do it.

>That plot of land could be used for a better person.

Fuck off Mao reeeeee

>I birthed you solely so you could take care of me
>b-but I didnt mean it that way!

godamn your mother is a sack of shit.

Might as well kill yourself. You only had one sole purpose in life and you fucked that up. You're a failure.


Fuck off Stefan

I think the dealbreaker here is that she told him that his ONLY reason to live is to serve her once he's able to.

There's no problem in taking care of your parents if you're grateful because they raised you AND gave you the freedom to seek your own happiness.

What part of the world are you from senpai ?

No I didn't. That wasn't me, I just grasp the mother guys situation better than you.

I say your only purpose in life is to not be a faggot. What's that? You're not going to do that? Well you just wasted your entire life then, kill yourself now.

Rural towns typically have more than two children per couple.
The player character looks like he's under 30, the farm IS HIS PROPERTY, and he generates wealth for the whole town. There is absolutely no rush.
Who's going to own this farm now? Either it's closed again and the town suffers, or someone else's children get it which would've happened eventually anyway. The number of children being born remains the same, the problem is not solved. I don't see any fertile couples from out of town lining up to buy land here.
Also, marriage is not a prerequisite for reproduction. If the mayor is that desperate for more children and clearly doesn't care about legal rights, he would force a woman to bear the player character's child with monetary compensation. It's not nice but it's not irrational self-destruction.

>She fucking made you. She is your creator.

So did my father, but he only ever showed me kindness without ever asking for anything in return. With my mother, however, everything she did always had a price tag on it-- with interest.

>She gave you purpose in life.

My purpose was to be her safety net, nothing more. She didn't want to have me because she liked having kids, or she wanted to bring new life in the world. She didn't want to pass on what she had learned. She wanted cash. She wanted a return on investment. So while my sisters were free to make every poor decision in the world because she had nothing riding on them, my fate in her palm for more than 20 years. Especially during my university years that I scrimped and worked and toiled and saved throughout every single year working at both an Olive Garden and 7-Eleven, cleaning toilets and selling cigarettes to pay for it all with my own hands because she wouldn't even lend me a dollar without getting some value back on it.

Is my mother a criminal? No. But that doesn't mean she is good, not by a long shot. And if my "creator" only created me for the purpose to serve them until their demise, then I refuse them.

>implying I'm a faggot
The bleech is on the counter user

I'm not implying, I'm saying.

That and you're not good at trolling.

My mum's an abusive psychopath, so tough shit, I am my own God now, I didn't ask to be created.

>Poison the town water supply
>Game become desolated wasteland with corpses everywhere
>All you can do is walk the empty streets full of decaying corpses and water your farm
>Soon MC realise he cant leave the game
>He is doomed forever to sit on a farm, walk empty streets and enter houses full of skeletons
the real game starts here


My mother didn't even want me and you don't see me bitching about taking care of her. She's your fucking mother, you piece of shit. You were at least planned. I and many others were left off at orphanages to fuck around and not get an education. When I met my mom in my twenties I felt fucking ecstatic even though she's the slut that ruined my life.

"hurr my loving mother only birthed me to take care of her. She doesn't truly love me like Billy's mom does ;(;(;(;(;(;( DX BILLYS MOM KISSES HIM NIGHT NIGHT EVERY NIGHT DX DX "

Just hug your mom and accept her for who she is. Moms are special. Stop being such a cunt.

>played the game as a business minded adult
>make a huge amount of money in the first 3 seasons off 2 or 3 cash crops
>spend the entire winter stripping the town mine of all its precious metals
>extra income from greenhouse i can afford super early
>mfw have enough money 2nd spring to buy five buildings in town to bulldoze and build a mall over

they should've wanted my city slickin' ass outta there ASAP, but i was too cool with everyone

Wow, my mom didn't want me and left, and I don't have the same clear mental issues that you do. Your mom probably made the best decision possible when she left your ass behind


You're right not to feel obligated to her, you owe her nothing. It's a parent's duty to raise their kid, you don't exactly have a say in the matter, do you? So fuck her for trying to guilt you for being born.

I'm all about what you're saying. It's funny since most of the people giving you shit for it probably bitch about women in any other situation but "Muh mom tho".

If your mother treats you like your sole purpose is to care for her, she's not a good mother. I have a mom who feels that way too, but at least she supports me as well so I don't have a reason to outright abandon her.

Seriously parental entitlement is the fucking worst.

>she left you for 20 years
>you feel obligated to take care of her when shes old

Why does this happens exactly anyway?

Generally when game designers can't be arsed to find a proper solution to whatever the problem is they're probably shit or the solution is too big or elaborate. But most probably they're bad.
So they create a quick solution that serves only the purpose of solving the problem in regards to gameplay and mechanics aspect, while establishing no correlation to the real life scenario the game parallels, in this case, managing a farm and living in a rural community.

That is also the reason for many arbitrary limits and weird mechanics that don't make sense in other games.

>I didn't have a mom so all moms are the greatest thing ever
you're a fucking retard
normally I'd feel bad for someone like you but you sound like such a genuinely horrible person to be around.

>genuinely loved you
>even though specifically stated otherwise

>tfw its KS and roof drinking scene all over again.
I dont even know why I love to suffer in vidya.

Your mom isn't god, shes flawed and human just like everyone, that doesn't mean you will forever take her shit.

Don't listen to these cucks/trolls, you are not a slave, you have a right to happiness.

My mom says if I stick around and take care of her and my dad when they retire I get the house.

>a dilapidated and barren farmland
>spend years and devote your life to reviving the earth
>done the impossible by managing acres of crops by yourself in a relatively short amount of time
>yo farmer, you didnt get ur dick wet. Gonna have to evict you and claim your land.
Kill Mayor option when?

And your reading comprehension is shit as well

nah, he's telling you that you're a beta on the girls' behalf

It happens at the end of the second year I think


Women are the head of household and nobody wanted him as a husband, so he has to go and his farm is given to a woman. Woman will take a husband, have family and contribute to society.

This, but I also have shitty high pitched crackly voice to match

>>>Not having anyone to pass the farm down to because tfw no descendants
You mean like the dude that gave you the farm to begin with? At least that's the opening of Mineral Town, I haven't played any of the other games.