Did they convince you not to jump, Sup Forums?

Did they convince you not to jump, Sup Forums?

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No. PC dominates this generation of games. I refuse to buy any consoles ever again.

I haven't even purchased a single Sony system after 2007, and I see zero reasons to do so either.

All the games I was even remotely interested have come to PC.

This entire console gen is fucked and anyone who buys a console this gen is getting cucked.

them being so desperate to stop people from moving to PC makes me want to move to PC even more

or at least if I didn't have a gaming rig, that's how I'd feel.

You sound brainwashed and/or broke desu, only idorts win platform wars.

No. Pc is the way to go.
Ps4 is my last console, after this gen. I'll be pure and exclusively playing on pc.

The ps4 was actually the first Sony console I bought. Hoo boy am I never making that mistake again

Trust us guys our 3200 erm i mean 4k resolution running at 30FPS will really blow your socks off.

>dominates this generation of games
with what? a new hearstone card pack?

>only idorts win platform wars.

This tbqh famalam.

>400 dollars to play games at 4k 60 fps
>2000 dollars to have games crash 5 minutes in
Yeaaaaaaaah I wonder what I'll pick........

"Ecosystem" I hate the buzzword.

>Higher resolutions and framerates.
>Tons of games getting ported to PC.
>Most fun/good games are multiplats anyways.
>Multiplayer FPS

I can't believe you suckers are still in denial.


This. I cant imagine not being an idort and being locked to one platform, dam that must kinda suck

not broke, just not a complete dumbass with my money.

I was an idort til wii released and realized it was the worst console I ever bought. I can list like 1-3 games from this gen I'd want on each console, but its not worth the cost or a whole new system where you will surely buy more games to justify your purchase of the console.

>Pcucks constantly getting terrible multiplat ports

How is JC3 ?

What will you spend your extra $1600 on, user?

Used car?
Shitloads of clothes?
Other useful tech?

The possibilities are endless

Can't jump off of a sinking ship that you were never on.

>Did they convince you not to jump, Sup Forums?
You can play on more then one platform.

PlayStation Plus when it increases next month

Buying a PC for graphics is for daddy's credit card. For everyone else who doesn't miss the point entirely, you buy a PC to play more games.

It runs pretty much maxed out at 60fps on my 290, why?

I still plug in my old consoles that are tried and true. genesis, ps2, gamecube, n64 all still see some love.

>the people who'll end up spending out the ass both in the worst and best times of gaming

Bet its worth being an idort with a decade long backlog.


Hilarious. No.

You literally have no games to list. You have wishes, for sure, but nothing actually real.


yes.. but why would you buy the same game more than once?

Yeah this. Staying loyal to one is a bit stupid, I just want to play games I find fun regardless of platform. If Xbone gets a few more good looking games I may even buy that.

>Sony hopes their new half assed shit console will do anything

Wasn't exactly Sony that pushed me over.
Friend was in PC so I decided to go for it.
Then I got into piracy and emulation. Now PC is my one stop shop for everything entertaining.
I'll buy exclusives here and there on PS4 and Wii U but other than that I'll just get it free on PC.
With new updated consoles turning your original investment obsolete I'm pretty glad I moved over.

as far as im concerned performance and framerates are king and since thats up to the developers and since 9/10 times devs will not give a shit about performance anyway, no the pro means nothing to me.

I just hope there's some kind of trade in program for 1st gen Ps4's because I just bought one like 6 months ago

So how's paying for xbox live and ps online for 5 exclusives going?

>400 dollars to play games at 4k 60 fps
>4k 60 fps
>400 dollars
>60 fps

I don't see why you'd buy a console if graphics are that important to you. If you really want games to look good then PC wins, that's it. They should just focus on getting more exclusives that people need a PS4 to play. I don't have a PS4, but if they get more good exclusives then I'll be forced to buy one. I'm not going to buy one for graphics that aren't even as good as a PC, that's for sure.

was what made me give up on consoles, its all going to come to pc anyway

PC has a huge library.
What do you have?
>muh Bloodborne
>Butchered GoW: Dad of War
>Uncharted: Indiana Jones the movie

Again, why are you people in such denial?

>mfw Nier Automata is already on PC so I no longer have to give the slightest shit about all this consolefag assfucking that is happening around us

>to play games at 4k 60 fps

Why would I buy the same game more then once?

Nope, heading to the nearest bridge right now.

>tfw sony BTFO sega
>tfw sony BTFO nintendo
>tfw sony BTFO xbox
>tfw sony BTFO pee shit

It's not the device, it's the library. Those exclusives are not enough.

I borrowed a PS4, played and enjoyed Bloodborne, then returned it. Got everything a PS4 is worth for 0 dollars.

You choose to buy a game for one platform, not both.
I got MGSV on PC especially after having GZ on ps3 and realizing you can't see shit.


>Consumers might actually be wisening up
Is there hope after all?

>better graphics
>still 30fps cinematic experiences

They just don't fucking get it do they?

Doesn't matter how good the graphics are or how many frames the console can render when there's no fucking games I want to play on it.

What the fuck are you even talking about? God, you're a moron.

That's one thing too. With major devs like SE, Atlus, etc. putting out games on PC with console release, albeit even if it is delayed by a month or so, it's still on PC.

There's also the possibility of mods to make replayability even more diverse.

Convince me not to jump from a high building.

The typical underage excuse thinking that deals don't exist and there's no such thing as disposable income. I got my PS4 and Wii U for $200, my xbone was a gift, and I pirate most games on my PC, vita, 3ds, and wii u. Quit being so stupid.


I use a rental service for my console games for the most part and pick up on sales when applicable.

>Higher resolutions

Yeah, all the high resolution 8-bit indies are really impressive.

I dont realy give a shit about the soul series so I havent had a reason to buy the ps4 yet. Considering that Persona 5 also runs on the ps3 and that I am not a graphic whore, I think me not owning a ps4 will stay like that.
The only good uncharted game was 2 so dont come to me with Uncharted 4

It says a lot about the modern gamer and the gaming market when the selling point of your system is having 420 FPS and 1337p games and not the features it provides. Graphics whores have pretty much ruined mainstream gaming.

>I can only enjoy games if I'm playing online.


>I have no argument so I'll just resort back to shitposting

You consolecunts are insufferable

>better graphics

I don't primarily play on PC (or avoid consoles) because of graphics - for me it's about mod support, online access and m+kb.

And I'm sure consoles have good exclusives but I can't justify spending hundreds of dollars on a console so I can play 2-3 exclusives a year.

What about the 4k TV?
What about paying for online?

Why are pc cucks trying too hard. Most of your pc games are very forgettable, lifeless and boring. The only thing going for pc is 4k 60fps which is soon to standard on consoles.

They convinced them to jump from a bridge.

>owns a PS3
>not a PS4
Sony would be dissapointed with you..

I make like 15k a year its not that much. I waste a lot of my disposable income on PC games. I dont need to play the newest releases. I can wait years before playing something that had my interest.

try next generation a.k.a. in 6 years.

>I'm n-not b-b-broke guys, I s-swear.

My nigga.
Fuck Bloodborne, i want my Nier complete pack on PC.

this newfag cancer on Sup Forums. this isn't even Sup Forums anymore. it hasn't been Sup Forums for five years, but now... this cancer is just different

No it'll be upscaled 1440p at 30 fps at best, not to mention can you name any memorable PS4 exclusives other than Bloodborne?

Sony is still the companion to my PC because they got the weeb exclusives I crave. No other reason.

My only regret was buying my ps4 too early. Even though I got it for half off I probably could've gotten it for cheaper just waiting a bit. Quite literally my only ps4 game is bloodborne.

Daily reminder that ME: Andromeda runs at 30 FPS and will probably have drops.

Daily reminder that 30 FPS is just barely considered playable to most PC bros.

Daily reminder that you can get a good PC for less than the cost of a PS4 + 4k TV.

Name 3 PS4/Xbone exclusives with single-player that make it worth owning both consoles and buying the game full price.

>4k 60fps
>soon to standard on consoles.

Do you really believe that's gonna happen when 60fps should have been the console standard 10 years ago? Games like God of War ran at 60 fps on the PS2.

>Most of your pc games are very forgettable, lifeless and boring
And this is coming from a weebfag. Fuck off mate.

no, i can afford multiple systems because i'm not underaged

I have a PS4 for Persona 5 and an Xbox One for Halo. Currently have a gtx 760, going to upgrade soon.

There has NEVER been a worse time in the history of videogames to be idort.

Its actually legit bad at this point.

>Automata on PC
>already played Bloodborne using the youtube emulator
>have a PS3 my brother bough for P5
>FFXV will be on pc because that's what SE does now

The only thing worth having a ps4 for is Nioh and it's not impossible for that to come out on pc because Koei.

Are you insinuating that he canĀ“t handle their strongest console?

>craigslist and ebay doesn't exist
>price errors for cheap as fuck consoles never happen
>i-i-i'm an oldfag, i swear!
Oh the ironing.

Another argument against consoles is backwards compatibility.

Why give into corporate shills just cuz they want to keep profiting off of old hardware when backwards compatibility can be easily done on a more powerful machine?

Only excuse would be if the console uses cartridges but now everything is either on disc or digital.

>Better graphics
Fuck off with this. I wanted a 1080p60fps machine with the PS4 Pro, not more eye candy that serves little purpose outside of making games play worse.
Oh shit, 4K! That's totally a game changer.

this in all honestly.. I want my world of final fantasy, the last guardian and kingdom hearts 2.8 this year.

Also how can I forget, fucking Gravity Daze 2. best game on Playstation easily.

Spend 400 on console (A shit ton of money more in the rest of the world) and spend 60 dollar per new game.

Spend at least 1000 on a decent rig and spend no more money on games, or 20 USD at most.

Forgot to add the $3000 for the 4k TV

> Most of your pc games are very forgettable, lifeless and boring.
So are console games, compadre.

Daily reminder that pc is outdated garbage with ps3 tier graphics.

Not wit that horrible presentation they didn't. First they need to actually show side by side videos of the games running on different machines so we can actually see differences.

But anyways I'm really not interested in it. I suppose if someone wants to buy a new console right now because he doesn't have any then it might sound good. I payed $400 for the PS4, if I payed another $400 for the Pro with a total of $800 I could have bought a pretty good PC that would probably perform better than the Pro will.

If anything this whole upgrade thing the console industry is pushing is just making me see PCs as a better investment.

honestly? ye

>>If anything this whole upgrade thing the console industry is pushing is just making me see PCs as a better investment.

Kind of "duh", they are doing this exactly because PC is outshining them extremely.

Nah, next generation will focus on stable 1440p 60fps for "precise action experience"

Mark my words. They can't do 60 in most games now so they justify it with muh cinematic experience.
They will be able to in 6 years so they'll push for that.

>jelly peasant cant into capitalism.

Shit nigga I wipe my ass with $600.


thats the issue here and why I bought a PS4 see What pc games? Multiplats? PC games are indie games, point and click adventures, real time strategy games. Multiplats you can play anywhere these days.

Consoles have exclusives and they are worth playing, you can grab a ps4 for like $200 now its not even expensive anymore

They failed. Gabe is getting my money.