Want to go back so bad because FF XIV's constant rehash has finally driven you away for good

>Want to go back so bad because FF XIV's constant rehash has finally driven you away for good
>Can't because everyone expects you to be geared as if you never stopped playing and have your Empyrean/Relic
>Nobody will help you with this shit because it's too much work to start at this point

Final Fantasy XI sucks, why would you want to go back?

I never had this problem. Besides much of what people expect you to have these days can be soloed with Trusts

There's a large population of people from /vg/ on Asura server. Even a massive helpful Reddit LS

I see alot of people have nostalgia for this but no one plays it. What did square do to it?

MMO-itch is fucking killing me and it's either going to be this, Legion, or Kronos.
Which should I waste my life on Sup Forums?

>this truly was our Final Fantasy® XI Online: A Crystalline Prophecy™ A Moogle Kupo d'etat™ A Shantotto Ascension™ Rise of the Zilart™ Chains of Promathia™ Treasures of Aht Urhgan™ Wings of the Goddess™
fucking really square?

>What did square do to it?


Just play on a private server?

FFXI was very party based, so, you need a pretty high population, which private servers lack.

I dropped out at Abyssea myself.
Later on raising the level cap, which just made everything you worked for obsolete. It also completely changed the gameplay dynamic, since you suddenly had new spells and abilities from your higher subjob.
It's also kind of dead now.

>tfw every MMO now uses the same formula and there's nothing to cure your itch

FF XI gave me what FF XIV never did, which was a sense of actual world and community.

There's something magical about actually having to go out and meet people rather than just queueing. That and having to travel across the world to accomplish anything, while somewhat tedious massively contributed to a feeling of world.

I understand why people dislike the game but for me it was really something magical while I played it.

>SE has an amazing MMO
>they farm out a new MMO to some chink programers
>the new MMO is set to come out
>SE kills their successful amazing MMO in anticipation of the new MMO, just fucking ruins it with crazy changes, as they assume the new MMO will be better
>new MMO is chink bullshit that everyone hates
>FFXI is now bullshit that everyone hates

Great job!

>can't even have a Final Fantasy thread without memebait
This sub is shit.

I can give you some advice, but you may not like it. All in all it's really not that much work to get started.

The key is starting out as a Geomancer. Level it to 99, get the couple of AF pieces that have +skill on them, and get Dunna. That's it. When you have ~850 skill and Dunna, people will invite you to almost anything. You can run ambuscade and HM Primals for money and do a lot of zitah/sky/reisenjima NMs. You're also highly in demand for JP parties which you'll need to do to get your skill up. It will open a lot of doors for you in terms of gearing other jobs.

From there just do NMs for gear on your GEO until you are geared enough for another job. You might end up liking GEO, get it to 900 skill, and be desired for any content in the game.

Seriously, I spent a couple months as a BLU with no gear running that thing in the forest I can't remember the name of. The rewards were shit gear that I would have to spend millions augmenting to get anywhere. The week I switched to GEO I was running VD ambuscades and rolling in money from VD HM Battle campaigns. At less than 850 skill I could get 3 or 4 pieces of Herculean armor and some weapons from Sky. Now my BLU is still shit but not as shit as before.

I have the same problem user.

What's the LS called? I'll probably join soon. I haven't played since like 2006

Wait for Crestfall, man.

You're making my MMO itch lose it dude. What the cheapest way to get back into the game if I haven't played in about 4 years? Is the game dead or do servers seem populous enough? Why Haven't they just made a single giant/multi-bladed server for everyone that's left? It can't be that many people.

FFXI is fucking dead, FFXIV killed it.

I have no idea why people are having nostalgia goggles for this shit lately, FFXI was pain in the ass timesink grind based around camping NMs bots and autists had under control or doing content everybody hated because of how tedious it was (took 9 months to get 1 relic weapon).

Asura is the Reddit server

Private servers suck ass due to bugs and they will never have a community as big as retail servers back in the day.

The server everyone plays on is Asura. I think they merged some servers a while back but haven't done it more recently. Maybe in the near future?

The game is pretty cheap. I think the Seekers of Adoulin package including all the expansions goes on sale for like 10 or 15 or 20 burgers.

>Playing WoW back in the day like 05/06.
>Poorfag-family so my older brother and I share an account.
>Huge weeb.
>Would salivate over Game Informer or other old magazines with info on FFXI while Mom was grocery shopping.
>Never played it.
I recently played through XIV a year ago and it's a shitty rollercoaster-ride WoW rip-off.
Those are the guys that are creating servers in countries that don't have trade law agreements with the US right?
I remember reading some of their posts and they seem breddy based.

Start anywhere and do the rhapsody missions as you can, they give KIs that give perm boost to skill and experience earned.

Get trusts ASAP

Do your records of eminence for sparks for free gear/skill books

You can get 99 in 3 days easy. They removed the lvl cap on alot of missions so you can solo all but end of RoV and SoA.

Take a melee job up is cheaper than mage since you don't have to spend millions on gil

I don't wanna rub it in, but it was pretty fucking fantastic back in those days. I was a 13 year old weeb who was super into .hack and this was my first MMO. I didn't even hit max level, I think it took me a year to get to 47 because I had to share game time with my 3 other brothers.

Half the time I wouldn't even level or anything I would just chill with my LS and go fishing or just talk or hang around towns. Not role playing, just hanging out and it was amazing.

I played a red mage and sometimes wait times for parties sucked but overall I have good memories

Why don't they just make that game free to play on the pc and all consoles and put a shitload of microtransactions in there?

I never played FFXI. Was it better than WoW?

I think I have a few jobs like thf war drg brd in the 80s or 90s, are any of those jobs still viable?

Crestfall is Nostalrius' spiritual successor. They're focusing on progression content and it's shaping up to be based as fuck (they've also stated they won't get cucked by Blizzard after one cease and desist letter). It won't be out for awhile though so you may want to pass the time with something else.

The RoV KIs also let you spend all day in dynamis or salvage so getting Relic or Mythic is alot easier now.

>FFXI was pain in the ass timesink grind based around camping NMs bots and autists had under control or doing content everybody hated because of how tedious it was (took 9 months to get 1 relic weapon).
Better than grinding like an autist for a relic (Or anything) in FF XIV that is made irrelevant every 3 months

How much easier? I started it several times in OG just to give up due to dynamis LS drama or general apathy

>that chart
So proving once again that FF1 is the best FF.

Solo thf to farm up items for REM and at/relic/emp armor

Brd is still high demand for end game you can get a cheap harp that gives 3 songs until you farm up some REM. There is alot of gear that gives song duration+ you can go like 8 min between songs

I'll sum up FF14 for you

>what's so hard about doing it flawlessly the first time!
I mean shit. Looking up guides to get a basic understanding is one thing, but these fucks will boot you for trying to watch a cut scene

>plays for hours on end, rushing through hundreds of hours of content
There's nothing to do in this game!


Is the game as dead as this thread? I wanna resub but if there's no one there to play with idk...

You can solo with trusts and farm dynamis super easy, they added a proc system were you can get atleast 3 money per mob if you hit its proc, if you go in and select no sub you get a 1% chance at a 100 piece. If your fast you can get atleast 400 money easy a run and then just reenter for free. 1% doesn't sound like much but when your killing a.mob every 6 seconds its worth it.

The RoV KI give a final exp and skill gain boost of well over +100% as well as other bonuses

You motherfucker.
That was the shit.
I could never find a copy Quarantine in my state though so my brother and I were fucked with just playing up to Outbreak. I'm currently emulating them and I'm halfway through Outbreak I think.
Blackrose is besto girl.
.Hack//VRWORLD with high-grade PS2 graphics (think FFXII's cinematic quality) never EVER FUCKING NEVER.

I got similar feels from classic WoW. The computer was my brother's as well so he got a good portion of the game time. My highest level at the time was a level 47 orc hunter. My brother was a huge everyday player and got to 60 easily. He would always get kicked from guilds though for talking shit so he rarely raided. He PvP'ed and got to Rank 12-13 (high enough for the full Warlord's Set).
>Watching him go around naked as a 60 orc warrior and smash niggers in AV with the unstoppable force and PVP trinkets.

I would spend most of the time on my character exploring the world and trying to glitch under Org and shit like that. My brother got our account banned in BC for trading gold to some foreign goldfarmer for gametime though. It was honestly our second account since he got our first one banned for saying "I went to Reno and shot a baby just to watch it die" in general chat in Westfall back when the game first came out.

My brother near instantly got a new account from a friend who quit or something, there was a step-dad of one of the friends my brother knew who would let me play on his account. But I stopped talking to him to try to play on that account since he tried to do some weird kinda shit with me back when I stayed at his place with my brother and his friends one time. Dude's in prison now for bein a chomo.
Holy fucking blogpost Batman

>Progression content
So like Vanilla>BC>WotLK etc?
Neat. I've been wanting something like that or a BC server forever.

>tfw missed the FFXI train

The game looked great too but I was too busy playing PSO. And younger me couldn't afford 2 monthly fees.

>tfw you missed both

Well that too, but I meant the release content progressively by patches. So at launch only MC and Ony are available, and then after that gets cleared like a few months later BWL is released, etc...
They are planning to roll through expansions, with the option to continue playing on the expansion before it with your character if you so choose.

It's ok F.A.M. PSO in its prime was equal to ff11

People still play but it's mostly endgame, join asura I think it had highest pop.

that sucks

I heard many people say the same. PSO was probably the best online experience I had in any online game ever. The pinnacle of co-op dungeon crawler.

>FFXI is fucking dead, FFXIV killed it.
no fucking way

a lot of FFXIV servers have been hemorrhaging players on a lot of servers and FFXI still has a very active and big community.. about 2k player average most of the day on the active ffxi servers, much higher during events or even during peek hours on some days.

playing ffxiv lately and even the server im on, which is one of the most populated, is fucking empty a lot of the time. im in one of the top FC's on the server too and right now there are only 3 people online... FFXIV is dying dude while FFXI lives on.

XIV is just too much like a reskinned wow for people to care considering legion is out, XI is actually a multiplayer final fantasy game on the other hand, so people dont leave that game for wow or XIV

only reason im not on XI is because my friends all left the game years ago and i dont want to make new ones

Your friends all leave but that guy that crossed you back during RotZ Sky still plays and doesn't know why you've always hated him

I've never played this game. I know it can run on a toaster. How much is the software? How much is a subscription?

>about 2k player average
What server? I was on Leviathan maybe 6 months ago and I was lucky to hit 500 people.

I quit long before the lvl cap raise, so wandering through familiar areas is very lonely. No one dying and zoning goblin chains in Valkurm Dunes, no one fishing in Kuftal Tunnel, no one killing Sky or Sea gods.

FFXI when it was legitimately good, aka CoP/ToAU era, revolved around forced spawn mobs that had farmable spawn proc items and really varied instances. The only reason to do autism HNM camping was for pointless "toy" items like ridill/ebody/dalm/d.ring which would were completely unnecessary for clearing any of the legitimate enjoyable content.

trains* not chains

No one dying and zoning goblin chains in Valkurm Dunes

They have deals nearly every month to get all of it for cheap, the subscription is like 13 if you get the wardrobes which you should

PSO and FFXI were both really fucking awful games mechanically speaking, but had remarkably great environments and music that sucked you in hard.
My biggest disappointment in PSO2 was that the music is nowhere near as good as the original.

Those autism NMs are now forced pops...

D.ring is easy to get now because of this and no reason not to have that sweet -10% DT

Solo's the jailers and AV because of Records of eminence, solo'd PW 3 times for my mythic

I agree. I listen to the ff11 OST a lot, it's fucking great. Hell even the play online music was nice

FearTheVoid is the /ffg/ LS. It's not that populated but most are on the Reddit LS.
Also that Reddit LS is called Reddit. SubLS called RedditGold. Have to request one on their post up on there.

>ToAU era
That shit ruined every other MMO for me.
It was a fucking cornucopia of content.

And that was just the shit I remember doing at least twice a week each. There was never a time where I logged into FFXI thinking "man there's nothing to do," since if you were AFKing in the middle of town it was because you chose to.