This is your healer for tonight

This is your healer for tonight.

Other urls found in this thread:

I am fine with this.

It better be good at healing my dong

I know exactly why I got this boner
Auroth is hot.

>Auroth is hot.
Objectively false.


>Disable Help
>No longer have to worry about this shitty Peruvian dragon healing me while Zeus, Ogre Magi and Legion Commander are charging up the lane to push my shit in


She looks like she can do a lot more than heal


>google has been shit for the past few months



How can the other doto girls even compete?

even juggernaut is a better healer and that's something


kill yourself

ge/ex hentai has an image search too

I like this healer.

they cant

auroth is objectively the hottest, most sexy voice acting in videogames

prove me wrong protip: you cant

>bashing based BF


god bless senpai

How is that pronounced

Nay-tor-ARE-ayy is my best guess

But user, I'M the healer! And I'm getting "good healer" petting from my carry.

"Neato-rare" is how I pronounce it.

Fuck off degenerate

Where's the porn?


Fuc you

Neh toe RAH ray

Yeah I like it too. Heals a good thread.

Maybe this will be more to your liking?

>She will never read her books to you.

Radical, man: she'll fit in with the rest of the party!

He got fired
Then claimed it was ok because mlp teaches people to get a job and be productive, and therefore he hates having a job and being productive

Hottest, most sexy everything.

You're lying.

Post lewds

I wish I was. Hang on, pretty sure I capped that shit. But even if i didn't I'm sure someone else will post it. Poor Revved, he could've used his autism to get rich, or, or build amazing and impossible materials for the betterment of mankind or some shit.

He may aswell stop breathing oxygen because that's what bronies do too.

Why did they intentionally cripple themselves like this?

Did they forget the internet wouldn't be here without porn?

Trust and Safety Council


i like to personally thank healers after they done their job

They did it to avoid people from accidentally finding porn while using reverse image search.

There's not much and I'm not digging through deverentart to find the good stuff.

Isn't that what safesearch was for?

That's not something.
Jugg's ward is the best heal in the game.

Google thinks it's a shoe.

Can you hear that

What have you done user

he comes


She's a shit hero though.

Still shoes. Still, thanks.

Die Barneyfag

iqdb and saucenao exist for a reason.

Sanzo's art is a gift from God.