Horizon Zero Dawn, 1080p 60fps on PS4-Pro


This is looking to be pretty great, it's literally impossible to replicate this for the same price on pc, most pc would probably explode if your cooler isn't perfect, yet consoles are literally perfect in this regard.
-Blog time.

The first pc i built died because the fans we're always shit even the expensive ones screwed me over.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=ps4 overheating problems

That's not 60fps but fuck, this game looks pretty fucking great

Her outfit's color scheme is really nice

screenshot this







>release a console that claims to be able to do 4k 60fps
>far cry primal: women edition runs at 1080p and hits 60fps every so often
A fool and his money are soon parted :^)

shut up pcuck

Too bad the gameplay is boring as fuck. What an abysmal E3 showing.

How is the gameplay boring? It's a third person action game, there's like 40 minutes of gameplay on the ps4, unless you mean this trailer specifically.

You do realize the ps4 is a computer and has a cooler too? A pretty shitty one as well.


No the ps4's cooler actual works, it's optimized perfectly for the parts which is why console run better regularly.

I bought a pc parts and a fan and my shit died

>I bought a pc parts and a fan and my shit died

So you're a retard?

and? dont buy shit coolers. I pay $30 for mine 3 years ago and it still works as good as ever. Just because the ps4s cooler works doesnt mean its good.

This game is the heavenly sword of our generation.

Strong female protagonist in a tech demo of a game. Gameplay looks worse than Heavenly Sword somehow.

>displayed 4k images
>Are just upscaled and not native
>Isn't 60 FPS, but still looks fucking good
Also, a PC can replicate this for cheaper if it wasn't an exclusive, you'd just need specific parts. A $350 PC can run GTA V at max settings 60 FPS with fewer drops than a console and look notably better.

>1080p and 60fps
>Literally all screenshot where taked from PC build.
>yfw ps4 fags are going to get downgraded version

he's a sonycuck so those cucks are used to it

that wasn't even steady 60 fps

Not really. Heavenly sword was super simple.
Honestly the combat looks more interesting than the new Zelda, which is still using the archaic combat system that's boring as fuck.

It's never going on PC being owned by Sony

Is this exclusive to playstation for a year?
When can we expect the steam release?

Nigger that was barely 30FPS never mind 60FPS

Looks cool

Literally never. Sony releases none of its flagship exclusives on PC.
Chances are, the game is gonna be shit anyway, but I hold out hope.

A combo based game with stances and cannons and shit isn't any more simple than a casual TPS. I didn't hate Heavenly Sword and I'd probably enjoy this game too but they're both just rental tech demo crap titles like Ryse but with worse graphics.

And the new Zelda looks way better, it's got those gimmick weapons that thrive in the physics based environment. It's doing things we haven't seen in any game before.

He never said it was

>The first pc i built died because the fans we're always shit even the expensive ones screwed me over.

So how will they keep it up considering the SAME shitty CPU is being used?

TPS-action/adventure game #348

Those are never good or interesting

It's 30FPS and 1080p even on the PS Pro, it just upscales to 4k

The game still looks good though, too bad it's going to be boring

Kek, that gameplay looks western as fuck.

I'm not going to touch this garbage.

The new Zelda looks like shit. Why would you constantly find gimmicks to kill someone [where we only see like one interesting method] where we can simply just slash someone to death with essential spam? That seems unnecessary and tedious. It's not a well designed game if it requires gimmicks to make the encounters interesting. The battles look awfully sparse too.

>It's doing things we haven't seen in any game before.

Sorry, going back to this, what is it doing not seen before? I'm pretty sure I saw tech demo physics in Half Life 2.

>The first pc i built died because the fans we're always shit even the expensive ones screwed me over.

>I don't know what thermal paste is

No one is going to side with you or sympathize with you since the majority of all PC issues come down to user error.

Shut up

That video is very clearly not 60 FPS.

Oh look another PS4 exclusive that gets Sup Forums mad as fuck. It's almost getting boring at this point

Step 1: Hype up game
Step 2: Sony EULA
Step 3: Downgrade the game to survive on a PS4/Pro respectively and make it either run like total dogshit and "fix" it post-release in a few dozen patches or make it look like dogshit and never fix it.
Step 4: Drown in cash and deny all digital returns, physical don't matter, since the stores already bought it from them and won't return.

You're stupid, I know, everyone knows, we get it. You're too dumb to put together something even simpler than LEGOs. You can't manage to put together 6-10 parts that can only go one way, an exercise so simple you don't even need instructions for it. Even the smallest LEGO sets come with instructions. You're telling everyone that you're too stupid to put together LEGOs with these posts of yours.

>It's not a well designed game if it requires gimmicks to make the encounters interesting.
I mean, you can say that, but it doesn't make it true.

Not here to talk about Zelda with drones so I'll just leave.

After the Killzone collection's debut on Steam.

>How is the gameplay boring
>It's a third person action game

It's developed by Guerilla, who were bought by Sony about a decade ago.

>Tomb Raider reboot + Far Cry 4 + Robot
Concept is interesting, just hope that Sony won't pull another Killzone 2

Is 1080p output going to look the same on both PS4s?

>he thinks he can judge framerate based on youtube

Is this how retarded you indiecucks are?

Oh, what part of it is not true?
In the end, most players will take the most efficient routes and not be enthralled by gimmicky executions that require more effort that would otherwise be an easy battle with sword attacks.

>I don't know how to use youtube.

Youtube has had a 60 FPS option for years now, and yes it's pretty easy to see dips and the difference between 30 and 60.

But you all are really buying into the smoke and mirrors that sony showed you.

>Remember remember no mans sky forever.

>all these salty pcucks itt
Smh desu senpai

Because your weapons break often so you'd have to swap them out regularly. Plenty of games have illustrated that clever thinking can be facilitated by limited resources.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Uh, I mainly game on PC, I'm not really interested in this game. I want Spiderman more than anything.



I don't think they're salty when they get to play DDDA at 60fps

How would you know how often weapons break? Why would that matter with sparse encounters?
Knowing Nintendo, getting better weapons, or unbreakable ones, is an easy feat, considering Skyward Sword had a similar system that was easily remedied. Do you really think every system won't be extremely casualized?

I'm really interested to actually get an argument that doesn't just ride the hype of Zelda trying a new concept, and actually being critical towards the already obvious gameplay design flaws and lacking, dead world.

Uh huh. You're a bitch.

You're probably right but it'll still be a fun game.

How the FUCK can you slide down a rope without a hook or a grapple? Bitch would've gotten a severe rope burn.

Fucking dropped.

Best looking open world game right?

This, Nintendo does bullshots and has awful performance for most of their games, I fully expect them to be enjoyable like this will be.

The game is going to look like this in final release but it's going to be funny see how all the old PS4 user are going to loose their shit because the game doesn't look similar to pre-release screenshots.

>Why would that matter with sparse encounters?
How do you know how sparse they are?

Considering we've seen the tiniest bit of gameplay and it's almost all been on overworld territory, I'm not really sure what compels you to say that the world is any more "dead" than what is seen in older Zelda games like OoT or TP.

I would still say Witcher 3 on the PC is my top.


Easily, how it was formatted when displaying encounters. Do you really think the gameplay will somehow expand immensely to what was shown?

With every Zelda game thus far, its been you get what you saw in their first few presentations, with little to no surprises.

If you have a big world, you should fill it, plain and simple. I don't think Nintendo is good when it comes to starting a game concept that they have never done before. It always ends up being underwhelming. It's like watching them learn to use bloom for the first time on the Wii U and making 3D world look washed out and blinding on some levels.

>posting the wrong pic

It will, but the default PS4 won't look like this

but the video is 4k, are they running this on a pc?

Damn, you just rekt that dirty PCuck.

Hahahahha at 0:38 that shadow pop in on the left side of the floor

Okay. And what we saw in footage was that weapons would be picked up commonly and be easily breakable, so I guess if you're the sort to think that the scope doesn't expand beyond what little we've been shown, then it would follow that that would stay that way, as well.

We haven't seen any major towns of any sort, and NPC interaction shown has been kept to a minimum. People liked Skyward Sword quite a bit when it was first shown because the bullshit wasn't really included in those early E3 demos, so I'd say that was certainly a surprise, albeit an unpleasant one.

It sounds more like you've got some sort of damage with the company than anything else, so I don't really have anything to say that'd be worthwhile.

This is basically Enslaved Odyssey to the West but you're playing Trip instead of Monkey

>same price
People who bought a PS4 need to now buy a new PS4 Pro for an additional 400$. Looking up graphics cards on Amazon, you can get a brand new 1070 to upgrade your computer and do 1080p 60fps for most modern games, assuming you have a computer that was built to compete with the PS4 for the same price point from when the PS4 came out.
I'm not saying that 400$ is not a nice price for a gaming machine, but you mustn't forget it's an additional 400$ to the original 400$ people paid for the PS4 when it came out. Console players now practically invested 800$ to play games of this "generation" properly, in the span of 3 years.

It absolutely will not look like this on any Sony console.

All this pc cost/performance to ps cost/performance comparison and the 4k/60fps bullshit is getting ridiculous. You do understand that none of these games actually use textures big enough to take advantage of these resolutions right?

60fps? Great! It should have been the standard 20 years ago. Hell the playstation 1 had plenty of titles that ran at 60fpd.

Look right now the Playstation has great exclusives that run on cheap hardware because the provider eats the production costs. It's a great setup for the casual gamer. Stick to your guns if you're gonna fight about which is better and stop all this catch phrase click bait typing.

This a thousand times over.

You think everyone in the world owns a PS4? And that all those people are forced to buy the new one or else their old PS4 are gonna brick or not play any games? Do you think games from now on simply won't work on the PS4? That is like saying PC owners who bought a 780 back in the day cannot play any games since the 900s and 1000s came out.

you are just bad a build PC
well, that mean play on console is better for you

and consoletards pay for online on top of that

>open world survival game with crafting and "press X to initiate takedown" combat feat. a female protagonist and parkour wallclimbing (but only where you can see clearly labeled climbing surfaces) also it has a bow & arrow gimmick

They did it, they fit every stupid 8th gen fad on the video game industry into one game.

>most pc would probably explode if your cooler isn't perfect

wew, I guess cryengine can only be run on NASA computer then

>I don't know how to build a computer and totally fucked mine upn as a result
>all computers ever are shit

Close, they forgot to stick in a cameo to Her Story/outright steal the plot for a quest chain.

No one thought mirrors edge: footface would be good.

>sliding down the rope with her bare hands

Almost all open-world games are just absolutely tedious and repetitive as fuck, I almost don't bother with them. The SotC style dino-climbing was pretty neat in the latest trailer, but it won't be interesting doing it a hundred times. I doubt the combat will be that special either. I'd rather a linear game with a focused objective with solid combat.
Open world games are a mistake.

>The mist literally stutters in parts
Did they ever fix that?


This was super jarring.
They spent so much time on AMAZING GRPAHICS but shit like that immediately makes me lose immersion and any beleivability of the world.

Her hands aren't organic. The big plot twist is "You are a robot."

Watching her slide down that rope made my hands hurt.

Woah, dude. That's like, what happened in that one Terminator movie that critics hated

don't forget the Division downgrades

Looks pretty good, but I think we need to wait a little for the version without the trailer lies.

Also there's still plenty of time for Guerilla to let us down with lack of story/gameplay in the game.

I'm cautiously optimistic, but doubtful it'll be as good as it looks.

You're pretty good
but that doesn't discredit their other points.
The game is definitely not looking like that on release.

Won't look like this on any pc either :^)
Nor will any other game.

lmgtfy.com/?q=ps4 overheating problems

also git gud fgt.