So since the PS4 Pro is $399

So since the PS4 Pro is $399

Can you build me a $400 gaming PC that can play games at 4k?

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Considering the pro won't even run 4k games why are you asking? It supposedly upscales to 4k.

>implying the PS4 Pro will run any game at 4k
Oh shit, my sides

y-y-y-y-y-y-yes and here it is!!!


no but neither can ps4 pro.

Why must we always compare pc and console gaming

I miss when pc gaming was QUIET

and $400 PCuck machine can't even do that

Face fact. PS4 neo wins

I think you're missing a few parts.


Why are people acting like upscaled 4k at 30fps is something to be proud of?

The 400 dollar sonycuck machine has paid online and no games


You mean one that upscales games to 4K?

Maybe because pc is the only one going forward in tech while you guys are just now getting 1080p.

>Sonyggers actually believe PS4 Pro is able to run at 4k

My sides.


I have a ps4 not pc. I literally see no point in upgrading to a neo since I have no reason to buy a 4k tv. And I'm sure someone is able to make a $400 pc that can upscale to 4k.

Where is the most vital part. You know, the processor

Why would i need to spend another 400$? My pc already did that from the start i didnt bave to buy multiple variations over the years to get this feature now.

We've had 1080p, get your head out of your ass. You shitters make such pointless posts. Go flame Playstation on their Facebook page or something

its the first one called a CPU...

>If I repeat memes enough times it will become true

I take this back, I can't read.

paid online isn't a meme
you've been cucked

it's the AMD FX 6300, it beats PSHIT so badly, fucken delete this fucken thread right NOWW

60fps on your 1080p games. higher quality textures due to downsampling. more intricate/complex scenary.

i'm a pcfag and even I know why the Pro is worthwhile. it's obviously a scam in that it doesnt actually do 4k but for $399 it aint too bad

> really don't care about graphics, will happily play stuff at low on 720p if the framerate is fine
> current build is a bit old but runs stuff fine (3470, 660ti)
> no super new ultra-demanding games appeal
> feel the urge to build a new pc anyway


>Can you build me a $400 gaming PC that can play games at 4k?
But the PS4P upscales games to 4k.

Do you react like this when you see a tampon commercial?


If you don't want to buy it then don't buy it you PCuck nigger.

Can you show me a console that runs games at 2k?

Can you sell me a 400 dollar console that can run games, or even blu rays at 4k?

>Can you build me a $400 gaming PC that can play games at 4k?

Wait.... so you're telling me the current PS4 which can't even do 1080p at 60FPS will double the pixels it rend and perform at 60FPS?

user, I'm not a young shit, I remember.

I remember.

So you admit no games is a meme :^)

I don't even have a PS4. I just like to mock you PCucks who get this salty about the PS4

>I-I don't even own a ps4

The only one salty about pc is you sonycuck

More tears please

Is 1080p60fps confirmed? I haven't seen anything about it.

The only one salty about PS4 is you PCucks

More tears please.

Hello fellow 660ti. I'm pretty sure we're gonna have to upgrade at some point soon.
In addition 8gb of Ram is not gonna suffice anymore.

Cry more sonycuck

It's only confirmed for Rise of the Tomb Raider so far.

>confirmed anything

can you play the PS4 without a TV?


Don't forget to buy that 1000$ TV for 4k HD playing on 30fps.

Can't Sony stop being arrogant for a second? I'm surprised they still haven't shot themselves in the foot this gen, sadly the Pro will still sell based on lies.

Seriously. Why can't we all just enjoy playing games. We fucking play for fun, that's all that matters.

Nigger what? Anything with an HDMI port can do what a PS4 Pro does, its not rendering shit at 4k

No, and neither can Sony.



The console won't be able to play Blu-Rays at 4K, do you honestly believe it will play games at 4K? I have a PS4, but I'm not a shill, or a complete retard.

bloodborne is confirmed 60fps. if that is a solid 60 on a shitty unoptimized engine to begin with then i imagine all current ps4 games will achieve 60. also you will get some 900p>1080p upgrades (its a misconception that ALL ps4 games currently run at 1920x1080).

Personally, I wish 4k would fuck off. It's going to require devs to sacrifice visual fidelity for higher resolution.

Would rather have pic related running at 1080p/60fps than a graphically weak looking game like Mass Effect Andromeda running at upscaled-4k/

>it's a "show me a rig that can get 4k" thread that will cherry picking on "missing parts" while not mentionning the need to buy a new 4k tv at more than 1500$ and will dissregard totally the possibility for pc users to already have a few parts
I hope it will continue, I love watching blind and deaf people bash themselves

You mean upscaled 4k at 15fps?

Well that sucks. Will the 1080p 60fps apply to all games, or games only released after the pro releases?

>do retarded thing
>and $400 PCuck machine can't even do that
Yeah, you might want to improve on your one-upmanship.

Mass Effect: Andromeda top at 30 fps on PS4 pro 1080

Because some people have a superiority complex that makes them feel the need to bash everything they don't agree with.

It's all up to the developers. Some already released games like Uncharted 4 are getting patched to have some sort of Pro funcionality but we don't know if it's just a 4K upscale or increased framerate. Mass Effect will run at 30fps on both PS4 models. Elder Scrolls Online will run at actual native 4K but at 30fps.

bloodborne isn't confirmed for shit you goddamn liar, you have no source, except you ass, fuck you,

no. and by that price the ps4 can only play upscaled games at 4k. and there's a difference between upcaled resolution and Native running at 4k. well. the fact that you retards only care about using pc to the play games and jerking off already tells your level of dumbness

Just wait for autists to test the framerate after neo come out.

I have a ps4 and enjoy it but we don't have 1080p, and when we do we are lucky to chug along at 30fps or less.

>PS4 Pro

Cry more PCuck


>4K 10FPS

You'd need to buy a 4K monitor if you're going to build a 4K PC, user.

That argument is a moot point.

4k is 4 times the amount of pixels.


I thought Sup Forums was smarter than this


Yeah OP. I can build a $400 PC that can run games at 4k...

That is, upscaled 4k with the grafix set to medium and 20fps just like your shitbox is going to do

you mean upscale games you pathetic autist

It's not even 4K, it's 4K upscaling and I'm sure that several aspects of the games such as foliage and texture will get watered down so the PS4 can achieve the 30 FPS.

I'd rather my PC anyway...

>what is downsampling

>pc users have a few parts
>have 7 computers, 3 capable of being gaming PCs
Have a few parts indeed.

Of 1k u flippin dingus

4K content is actually 3840x2160, that's 1920x1080 times 2.

What the fuck are you talking about
Any PC can "do" 4k. A PC outputs any resolution you tell it to. With consoles you have no choice in the matter

By that logic even the PS3 could handle 4k 60fps with Okami HD you mongoloid

4k is a meme

And that's literally 4 times the AMOUNT OF PIXELS.

Instead of making new consoles, companies now have figured out consoleretards will buy small upgrades.

Thanks iPhone and your faggy S-model "upgrade".

I can't understand why people fall for this dumb shit.

Actually any pc with him 2.0 or a display port can have resolutions upscale to 4k

Any moder GPU today comes with those ports

I'm talking about downsampling not upscaling or upsampling you mongoloid.

equals approx 8 million pixels
its a multipication ; 3840 MULTIPLIED BY 2160
1920x1080 is approx 2 million pixels


No it's 1920x1080x4

There's not much more the console industry can do at this point except small upgrades :^)


It's hilarious how the 4k meme is getting it's dick sucked, yet hardly ANYONE owns a 4k tv.

No cause Okami HD had an internal resolution of 4k but downsampled to 1080p you donut puncher

Nevermind, I see what you mean now. Somehow didn't notice you were refering to pixels. My bad.

Even funnier when last gen console-babies used to make fun of PCfags for being "grafix whorezz xD". We've come full circle.

>Falling for the 4K meme

4K won't be standard for a while until the equipment required becomes inexpensive and actually efficient.

Remember when 256MB flash drives were 60 bucks?

Stop falling for marketing shit for fucks sake.

We'll see about that. Remember when Microsoft thought they figured something out about consoletards?

I would've been much happier if they just kept it at 1080p, and just increased the frame rate from that resolution.

Is there any statistic that shows how many people typically own a 4k display? I certainly don't, and neither does any one of my peers.

Nigger, a missing part is a missing part. I have a fucking laptop and would like a gaming PC, alright, so I need a monitor, speakers, keyboard, mouse, OS, etc. Everybody has a fucking TV, not everybody has a desktop. Don't make any god damn assumptions, the parts I listed are very much necessary.

I've never even seen a 4k TV outside if stores.

>the main topic is about the amount of pixels
>"didn't know we were talking about pixels"
do you eat whatever your brand tells you?

can you get me a PS4 Pro that costs less than 800$ considering the online fee

I don´t think is a consolita.
Sadly, using a PC can´t cure everything.

Like how PCucks always buy the newest graphix card because Nvidia and AMD know you PCucks always need a new expensive graphix card to compensate for your tiny dick?

ayy lmao