42 Dollars for a skin in a video game.
What the fuck has become of the world?
42 Dollars for a skin in a video game.
What the fuck has become of the world?
>just cosmetic
>can earn cosmetics by playing the challenge leagues
Literally nothing wrong, idiots will buy it and the company will make money. Stash tabs are p2w though.
What game
>At a discounted price
>You save: 0
m8 you've been able to buy spaceships for $500,000 US for well over a decade now
You could buy a copy of Titan Quest for 4 of your friends with $40.
Pricing is still retarded, even if it's "Only cosmetic".
hasnt LoL done that for ages? those legendary skins or w/e that level up, arent they like $40+?
Path of Exile
Path of Cucks
Or you could get your 4 friends to play PoE for 0€
Seriously, why do you give a shit. If someone likes it enough to buy it let them, it doesn't affect you.
Path of Exile
Path of Exile.
> Play PoE for €0
Unless you want to not look like trash, then it'll be at least $40.
So, basically, the appeal to the game is if you're poor and can't afford a decent dungeon crawler?
Its about not letting the companies prey on the stupid. When we let them it always comes back to bite us in the ass. Letting the stupid be taken advantage of is what got us to this point in the first place.
Path of Borderlands
Path of Exile
>have to pay 42$ to look good
I know this is bait but there are actual retards who browse this board so let me explain
first there are tons of cosmetics available at different prices not JUST 42$
second you can get tons in game for free
third your gear changes how you look so you are always looking different and standing out from other players
fourth the game is FREE and all it's expansions are free the ONLY things that cost money are cosmetics and stash tabs (and I'll agree that's pretty jewy,) Hell I've played the game for 4 years and all I've bought are 3 stash tabs.
420 blaze it tho
path of exile
also forgot to mention everything in their store goes on sale eventually, the sale changes literally every day, so if you did decide to drop money on the game you can jsut wai ttill wahtever you want is half off
Path of Exile.
If you want not too look like trash you should save up 40$ instead of blowing it all on having niggers manhandle you
You do know that you don't have to buy it?
Path of Exile, I think.
Path of Exile
Games being free isn't a selling point anymore user. It's basically a warning.
Also, all the default gear seems to look intentionally bad.
Not even unique have unique models. Which is pretty lazy.
Path of We Want the Old Diablo Audience but Somehow Ended Up with Whales and nuMales
a majority of the uniques have custom models what are you talking about
>Spend £18 on Titan Quest Anniversary.
> Better graphics.
> Tonnes of "FREE" mods.
> Can respec without paying money.
> Can have storage without paying money.
> Hundreds of costumes, all costing £0, rather than 420 jew currency.
You don't have to buy it, but the temptation is there. It's bait to catch the fish that is your wallet, and the only one to blame for falling for it is yourself.
>it's an free2play hate thread
>posts a game which does free2play right
there are like 1000 other free 2 play games which have unhuman systems yet you managed to shit on one of the good guys.
>one of the good guys
>has microtransactions exceeding $10
Path of Exile
Anyone remember when this kind of shit was completely free? The players made all the skins and textures.
I always think about Unreal Tournament when I see this stuff.
They have to use premium skins for armour because all the default models are fucking ugly.
> He thinks there's such a thing as Free2Play done right.
Play grindframe
Unreal Tournament cost money to buy
also mods /= cosmetics
for a mod to work, the server and the players had to have them otherwise you just looked like the default player model
> I care about the price of things I wasn't going to buy anyway!!!
Yeah but they have some redeeming qualities, the last ultimate skin had 3 different pieces of music playing for you by 6 different DJs
>he has to defend his """"free"""" good guy games on the web
If you can influence gameplay at all by spending money then your game goes straight in the trash, no exceptions
the difference being LoL sells a lot of non cosmetic shit as well
like the characters you need to play the fucking game
There is. I played a lot of TF2, constantly ranked high in Private Servers and never spent a dime.
Spy with Icycle and Dead Ringer was my favorite.
This. F2P games do need to make money, I don't mind as long as they don't affect gameplay.
Wouldn't you rather just spend £20-30 and not have to deal with bullshit like this though?
Path of Exile.
Does that mean if I no life a game where skins sell for $10k more or less I can quit my day job?
You can't sell or trade cosmetics in Path of Exile, but yes, if you can manage that in CS;GO/TF2, you can quit your job.
>deal with bullshit
uh, it's not obtrusive in anyway unless you're some nigger with compulsive tendencies
>Most of the armors are overdesigned/gaudy/look bad
It's fine.
Journeyman Set is one of the best.
Path of Exile
Difference being that now you can collect all the skins just by playing through loot boxes and keys that you get by playing well and winning respectively.
> Wouldn't you rather just spend £20-30 and not have to deal with bullshit like this though?
Ideally yes, but not everyone is able to. Some couldn't spare the money for example.
For example, I don't have an international card so I couldn't buy most games. This only changed with Steam (which has a filial here in my country). But many types of games I enjoy aren't sold there, such as something similar to Animal Crossing.
Another thing, I have a peculiar taste that makes me enjoy idle/clicker games. And those games are mostly free with transactions.
Path of Exile.
>What the fuck has become of the world?
people with money is stupid
>can access all the game content
Who let niggers like you post in here?
>being so poor that $42 breaks the bank
>buying cosmetics
It's bad how the unique items still don't have skins in PoE because they're too focused on pumping out MTX though.
>Because I have the money means I can waste it
Grinding Gear Games has always been one of the best F2P companies, but that shit is not worth $42. They overprice everything.
They even tried offering "cheaper" Support Packs ($50+ special packs full of shit), but cut basically everything except 2 items from each pack and the outrage was so insane, they went back and added 2 more things to each pack, moving the pricing from terrible to "Eh, not bad terrible."
>ITT poorfags
So if I buy something I want, and I can, I'm being stupid?
The only way it's a stupid purchase is if you're spending your rent's money or something like that.
have you ever played a mobile game?
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes have like 6 different character packs for one hundred dollars EACH
sets a precedent
path of exile, if i remember correctly
>muh frugalz n shit
Just go play TF2 since you want free shit so bad
I used to play a shitton of Path of Exile, now looking back I regret it so much, fuck that game.
Why? I haven't played in years and I kinda want to now.
> So if I buy something I want, and I can, I'm being stupid?
Well, not one of those anons, but if you spent $5 dollars to get $10000 in game dollars... yes, I do believe that people who use real money to change a virtual variable are pretty stupid.
>Supporting a company that actively supports the RMT markets by supplying them with dev dropped items
Source? Not doubting you but I dont see anything like that in google.
>want free shit
Neither of us said that, you Autismo.
Shit like is a big problem.
>Create all this awesome looking 2D art for various Unique items
>Literally never give them 3D models and have 3D Modellers work on future Microtransactions instead of skinning cool shit
>A pair of gloves, Lochential Caress, have been in the game since Beta, still don't have 3D Art
I've probably spent $300+ on path alone. Maybe if you autists got jobs you could have the money to throw at games like this.
I picked the game up again today, haven't played since talisman. Am I taking crazy pills or did they change some bow animations? My archer feels different somehow.
This new Box shit for the past 2 leagues is icing on the cake.
>We won't release the shit from them until a month into the new League
>So if you don't wanna wait 4 months, buy some boxes and hope you get that one item and not 7 pairs of gloves ;^)
>Or you could get your 4 friends to play PoE for 0€
You have to buy at least the currenct stash tab and a pack of premium tabs for proper trading, that's about 30$. Stopped playing two days ago after they nerfed everything and made the game slow as shit, wouldn't raccomend.
>moving the goalposts to defend wanting free shit
Keep memeing and baiting. You'll get someone eventually.
> I've probably spent $300+ on path alone.
I have just turned on my stove with a $100 dollar bill. Are you jelly?
That's not something to be proud about user.
>Being an idiot that $42 spend on literally nothing actually means something.
I have lost all faith in humanity.
They did change a few basic animations.
Witch's new 2H Sword carrying animation in like the big sword guy from Atziri trio and looks awesome.
I don't see a problem with this, assuming it's cosmetic. It's a way to support the devs while getting something back in return. You might not be able to get it through normal playing, but it's also something that's not needed in terms of gameplay.
Course, if it's buying power, fuck that noise.
Man it doesn't even look good. That shit's like is crystal-shaped tumors grew on a conquistador's armor
They've been adding plenty of 3D art for unique gear since 1.1 and all new uniques get 3D models instantly
All of the cash shop armors in PoE genuinely look bad. You see those people wearing that shit in town and all you can think of is "what a faggot".
It's purely cosmetic, but there is one thing in the store that could be considered "buying power."
>Stash Tabs
You start with four and can buy them single or in packs of 4 as regular or Premium.
Unless you know what you are doing and stay frugal with what you pick up, you will fill those 4 tabs really quickly.
They're mandatory (Premium MUCH preferred) to get anywhere in the Trading Game side of things, and a Currency Tab ($4 on its own) is similarly mandatory if you want to properly autism-grind or trade because it holds massively more Currency than a normal Tab.
might be path of exile, but im not sure.
Not all new Uniques have 3D art last I checked. (Excluding Rings, Flasks, Belts, and Amulets, since those don't show on your model anyway.)
For example, Kondo's Pride doesn't have 3D art.
you jelly that people support the best arpg of all time?
>Diablo 2
If it's isometric it isn't an ARPG
You sure? Because google images (and the internet by extension) thinks otherwise.
what did you exactly search user because two of those images are from poe
There is, private servers.