How's that backlog coming along, Sup Forums?
Why aren't you using Steam Completionist? It automatically imports all your Stea, shit.
How's that backlog coming along, Sup Forums?
Why aren't you using Steam Completionist? It automatically imports all your Stea, shit.
>Blacklisting Sacred and Runaway
U wot
Are they worth playing? Sacred seems like a shitty dungeon crawler and I don't like point and clicks.
What's Stea?
What is the difference between beaten and completed?
about 30%
I´m trying to not care anymore because if I deliberately try to force myself to finish games it takes all the fun out of vidya for me.
So I just play what ever and try not to think so hard about all the games I bought and haven´t yet played through or even touched. Doesn´t work all the time though.
It's tied to Achievements, they personally mark specific achievements in their System as the "I beat the game" achievement, like Soul of Cinder in Dark Souls 3, and that would get you the Beaten status, where you have to have all achievements (sans time-gated bullshit like "play in the Beta!") to get Completed.
beaten, you made it from the start to the credits, story or campaign.
completed: did everything there´s to do (e.g. all achievements, every side mission...)
Sacred is a very good Diablo game, but yeah if you dont like point and click dont play it.
but if you´re only talking about steam it´s really only the achievements
What should I play today, Sup Forums?
F.E.A.R. or Enslaved I'd say. Dragon Age Origins is excellent as well, as is The Witcher 2.
Also do'nt bother with Shogun, Sonic 4, Takedown or Risen 2. They suck real bad.
I've played FEAR, I'm in the middle of Extraction Point at the moment, but I put the game on hold for a bit. That's Perseus Mandate you see in the screenshot.
How is FEAR 2 and F3AR?
FEAR 2 isn't as good but still worth playing. FEAR 3 is terrible and a completely different game. Worth taking maybe a 1 hour look at if you're curious.
Because my backlog spans multiple systems and decades of PC games, I will likely never finish it
Holy shit!
Enslaved has V sync enabled by default, but the thing is it actually does a real v sync.
Most games just cap the FPS to 60. I have a 144hz monitor, and the game actually recognizes that.
Shame it has no borderless windowed mode though.
alice/age2/doom 2+final doom
Seeing how few games I've beaten honestly makes me feel bad about myself.
I'm using Backloggery and HowLongtoBeat
How legit is that site? Not familiar with it and don't want my steam details hax0red
It uses Steam signin, which gives no actual login details to the site.
Right OP, how do you filter the games like you have? So far it has only split it to Played and Unplayed.
I don't think this site works. There are multiple games I got the game ending achievement on but it still isn't marked as beaten.
Shit site.
You can mark them yourself.
>not writing down your backlog when it surpasses your steam game wishlist
Nah fuck that, defeats the whole purpose of a tracking site if you have to do all the shit manually.
Have you wondered about killing yourself? Give it some thought.
Sorry but your site is shit.
>Waaah! I have to do two mouse clicks! Waaah!
Fuck off, idiot. You never had any intentions of ever using the site.
The thread mentioned that it's automatic and works off achievements. It obviously doesn't.
>How's that backlog coming along, Sup Forums
Pretty well. I started working on it last year and have bought more games than I beat since then but the attempt on my backlog got me to play Dustforce and Ghostbusters so it was worth it already.
>Why aren't you using Steam Completionist
Because I'm not retarded. Moving a game into the 'finished' category after beating it isn't difficult.
Well when it's advertised as being automatic and it doesn't work I'm gonna call it shit retard.
Why treat video games like a chore or job?
Fuck off Felix. Your site is garbage
>already beat every game you ever really cared to beat in the first place.
>Only thing left to do is play multiplayer vidya
>There isn't any good multiplayer vidya anymore
>How's that backlog coming along, Sup Forums?
Not bad.
Backloggery is great
I can't figure out how to use that Btool to import my Steam library into Backloggery ;_;
I did it manually years ago and have kept up.
do it manually you lazy ass
Yeah, not happening.
it might be just me, but I liked adding each game individually. Filling out the information was relaxing. Granted, I had only a fraction of the games that you do.
Why don't you work on it a little bit at a time?
Is it about achievements? I don't really care except for a couple of games, I probably won't complete them but I'm trying.
Maybe. I'll think about it. Problem is my backlog is easily 2000-3000 games once you include non-steam games like skies of arcadia, chrono trigger, deus ex, legend of zelda wind waker, etc.
DA:O is worth a try if you can abolish all knowledge of sequels existing