what is the Sup Forumserdict on gamergate?
What is the Sup Forumserdict on gamergate?
Pointless. At least Vivian is cute.
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reddit cancer for the absolute braindead
Only makes me remember my "participation" in Project Chanology. I don't wan't to remember it so I stay away.
guys at least admit it was a fun time having gamergate threads on Sup Forums
was kinda cool that for a time everyone was fighting for the same thing
though i gotta admit as soon as Sup Forums started donating to this one kickstarter thing to show sjws that "we are not sexist" i was out
useless shlock thats just as bad as feminism
>guys at least admit it was a fun time having gamergate threads on Sup Forums
you mean those threads that were just spam of the same exact post?
there are 3 types of people
1 Gamergate Sheep
2 SJW sheep
3 peopel who dont care
option 3 are intelligent enough to not care
I enjoy getting mad
nu-Sup Forums hates gamergate
not really
It was well known from the beginning that gamergate was a tumblr and reddit thing
i'm not a gator and i'm more or less in group 3 but there is no question about how sjws are pushing their agenda in videogames
i mean just look at bioware, gearbox or fucking watchdogs 2
there are no anti sjw games in the market besides maybe hatred
It's just a personal reason. I am sure gamergate is quite different from Project Chanology in reality. Take it easy.
hello nu-Sup Forums
everyone admitted coming from reddit and tumblr since they were censoring all discussion about zoe quinn and anything bad about kotaku
they stated it in the fucking header information for christ sakes
Sup Forums does not endorse this hate campaign of women harassment
>caring about AAA shit
You are the one flaunting with "epic" new words you learned from your secret club though.
It started on /r9k/, thats where the first thread about it started about Zoe cheating, I remember seeing it, then went to Sup Forums then 8ch.
thats where the threads about 5 guys started there sure but those were joke threads
the actual MUH ETHICS started on other websites
it happened