What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Iwata died

His death

every of his decisions can now easly be voided by the new pres.

>not posting the text of the article that shows he never says "never"

>nintendo does ANYTHING
>dozens of "what went wrong?" or "what went right?" and its derivatives

People change into dirt

Remember when Nintendo said that?

Remember "never paying for online"?

Remember we will never go 3rd party?

Nintendo will be on PS4 by 2020


>nintendo making fun games
>what went wrong why isn't nintendo making games about space lesbians in a caravan

>tfw Sony handhelds will finally have games in 2020 when Nintendo stops making Pokemon for their systems.

>Sony or Microsoft changes tune
>People complain
>Nintendo changes tune
>People complain
>Why are you beating up on Nintendo??

>damage control

Really this could be expanded to "Sup Forums after any announcement"

>not already mobile
>not already being mobile before phone games existed


Miyamoto is a traitor

After alienating their core consumer for the quick gimmick buck, they lost their fanbase that kept their systems alive. Now that the newer Nintendo consoles can't keep user's interest to continue selling software, they having been losing tons of money on diminishing returns, without caring to fix the issue.

He died

More like Sup Forums has to be the place with the most entitled shitty opinions i've ever seen in my life

and what makes them shitty is the fact that they say something is good or bad without any context for either

>People complain about Nintendo being totally tone-deaf and not recognizing the way modern players use online or how casuals play games
>Nintendo actually acknowledges modern technology other than themselves.

Complaining about Nintendo going to smartphones is like accusing a restaurant of selling out because they got a website. They're just the last horse to cross the technology finish line, it's not about purity of art.

>going from one cancerous gaming platform to another
When will consoles and mobile shit die?

You should kill yourself for thinking you made a salient point. I'm not going to be around to point out why you're an idiot your whole life, you need to start thinking for yourself. Please study your own post and try to comprehend why you're such a faggot.

>Sony or Microsoft changes tune
>people complain
>fanboys protect the change
>Nintendo changes tune
>people complain
>fanboys protect the change

its like you are a sony/ms fanboy.

>take away resources to make games on a platform saturated with shit, while adding nothing new
>while your own platforms suffer from a severe case of 'there aren't any fucking video games coming out' simply just to make money and ignore the issues your consumers are having with your ecosystem
>the said ecosystem that makes you buy their proprietary hardware to play their exclusive to that platform software

There is a lot of things wrong with Nintendo giving the shaft to their own products.

They made mobile games.

>Nintendobabies on full damage control
Not new

Still holds true today.

>Implying Sup Forums really complained about Nintendo making games for the mobile platform

They actually defended Nintendo and brags about how their stock rose, Then they went hiding when Niantic fuck everything cash it all in when they sold the movement and cartographic data to all sorts of R&D marketing lead firms, which is some straight up Cheetah mobile their move, (not entirely Nintendo's fault)! Now I feel like they are trying to distance themselves from debacle and get more involved with Mario to insure certain qualities are met and give a huge middle finger to Android and app policies.

maybe if that 2nd thing ever happens

Bleeding money from Wiik U, naggy shareholders and the Yamauchi family calling in their debts.

>mobile gaming

Well he is still correct on a technical term. He said NINTENDO would never make mobile games, and they haven't. He never said anything about OTHERS obtaining the rights to use Nintendo INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES to make mobile games.

Who's making that Mario runner then?

Greed and/or desperation.

This is just too funny to me, not the same guy but, did everyone suddenly forgot that Nintendo is a business and they aim to make money?

I hate entitled fucks in this website who think that they should care about games over profit. They are doing what they do to make money!

Don't like what they do?
Here is a secret
don't buy their shit

That's a more powerful message to them than anything you can type with your keyboard

rest in peace

Nintendrones having the "Nintendo can do no wrong" mentality, supporting them at every turn, and always approaching a questionable situation as if Nintendo should be given the benefit of the doubt when no other company is given that anymore and should not be.

So, we can expext The legend of Zelda on ps5.5 on 2020?


>Iwata dies
>Nintendo abandons the WiiU
>Tabata finally gets to make that Metroid game he's been wanting to make since the days of Metroid Prime.
>Zelda gets revamped into something people actually want to play.
>Starfox was nearly salvaged, albeit disappointing.
>Nintendo is able to profit easily off of mobile, while still maintaining their typical business.
>Pikmin 4 in the works, with a side game to try and increase the series's popularity.
>An attempt at reviving Chibi Robo is made.

Looks like Nintendo is trying to get back on their feet. A bit shaky, but they'll recover.

Nintendo's new anthem
>Don't you forget about me starts playing

>Releasing games on another medium will be the death of Nintendo


Nintendo will be fine, nerds.

Cant wait till Nintendo does paid online or w/e cancer they come out with next. They'll instantly rush to defend it and I'll get called Sonygger probably 10 times each thread once again for not wanting Nintendo to continue to decay into gaming degeneracy more, despite the fact that I've been buying Nintendo shit before they were even born, let alone knew how to hold a controller.

I really wish all the drones would die, for each fanbase. It's literally like they gargle a corporations nuts like its their friend or something. Defending a brand you like when it does positive things I can see, we've all done that. Otherwise we wouldn't be here. These drones are on some religion level reality denial though and it's sickening.

I don't understand why people think online should be free.
I once paid for Xbox's online
I once paid for Sony's online
And I will inevitably pay for Nintendo's online.
I have no bias here. I'm just saying from a trading perspective, it only seems reasonable to have to pay for online features. As it cost these companies money to maintain online features.

>someone disagreeing with me must be a Nintendrone

>abandons the wii u
>somehow a good thing

He "died"

Pii Pu was trash.

You're paying for a p2p service, something that's been used since forever on computers. It is not a special network, it is not a super secret secure private thing for your sekrit klub of buyersz only!!111.

It's you connecting to another person using your internet with a special name slapped on it. This is why the PC gamers make fun of us, because most of you don't understand you're FUCKING GETTING RIPPED OFF. You're literally paying a company to use your own internet, that you're already paying for.

But because you drones dont get it already, let me EXPLAIN IT YET AGAIN. There is NOTHING SPECIAL ABOUT PSN, XBL, Or Nintendo network, the only thing that differs is the netcode and messaging services between games/platforms.

You're getting RIPPED OFF.

It's a weak console with a gimmick no one really cares for, and no third party wants to develop for. Continuing with the WiiU is like the captain sinking with the ship. There's no point. Just get on a raft and save yourself.

Iwata ran Nintendo so deep into the ground that they now have to make Smartphone shit.

Steam are bigger jews you drone, stop trying to act like PC is some magic land

I agree. However making this few games for the console is a kick to the balls for the fans that have bought it.

Nintendo had literally no involvement with poke go though, the idea was from Niantic who gave it to TPC.

No one ever mentioned steam, my PC is a toaster that cant play most things. You managed to completely avoid anything I said and go full defense babby mode deflecting to another platform that wasn't a issue in the conversation.

The point made was and stands that you're getting ripped off if you pay for a consoles's p2p service. All it's doing is routing you to other players.

If you really wanna go that way, steam does it for free. You're not paywalled to play any game online so your deflection doesn't work in any way shape or form you insipid childish mentally damaged home schooled shortbus retard.

Yes VALVE* are greedy jews, but it doesnt disprove or add to the conversation in anyway.

not him but you at least don't have to pay to use Steam itself, and a lot of PC gamers don't use steam at all now that alternatives exist.

But I wouldn't know how to connect to other players without their service. If I don't use them as a middle man, then how is it done? I have to forward some ports or some bullshit? Nah, no thanks.

And what about downloading games off their network. They have to pay for storage and bandwidth to deal with millions of downloads of games that are tens of GBs large. And then they offer profiles so that it remembers what games you've bought across hardware. So games that you bought on one console can be downloaded and played on another console. Essentially making them have to pay the bill for maintaining your account and any multiple downloads you require. They even have to maintain your records across generations. The things you do in the previous generation cross over to the new generation.

Steam can get away with this "for free", because they take a 30% cut out of every game purchase, and suckered kids into gambling for hats.

>All it's doing is routing you to other players.
So all it's doing is providing a service that I'm unable to do myself, for thousands of people. And that's worth nothing?

But he's the one who greenlit Nintendo's whole mobile development. Remember?

Yes, fuck the Wii U. It's easily their worst console ever and they should be ashamed of it. I can say that because I own one of those pieces of shit

Most games have a built in connection service that simple routes you to other players through simple lobby systems. There's no "port forwarding" involved unless you played something like early terraria which required you setup everything on your own before the steam integration.

There's no storage they pay for either aside a small database of customer information, which costs as much as a simple hosting service you pay for at a datacenter. They make 5x the cost of storage in a week because most of the information is stored and checked from your consoles.

There's no maintaining, there's no "Special ultra hacker subterfuge" going on at all times. You're paying for a p2p service. It's not premium, it's not special, it's not somehow different than others. You're paying for the same exact shit that other platforms get for free.

Steam gets away with it for "Free" because it operates just the same. You're mentally putting in a "middleman" that's not there. Stop that.

See above, there's no "service" middleman. Each game has a lobby and connection system that simply routes you to another player. PSN and XBL are just paywalls to connect to other players using your console.

I hope you guys are understanding, that it's not special, there's no magical fucking middleman of costs and checks and balances. It's a simple connection service that only routes account information for purchases from 3rd party fucking services that they dont even own or manage.

for gods sake the denial is so deep. READ UP ON THE SHIT YOURSELVES. fucking braindead drones holy shit i hate kids.

>There's no maintaining, there's no "Special ultra hacker subterfuge" going on at all times.
The how did hackers get through PSN and manage to steal information? Clearly there's some form of maintenance involved.

>There's no storage they pay for either aside a small database of customer information
What about all the games that they host? You're saying it costs nothing to have customers download those games?

>You're mentally putting in a "middleman" that's not there.
Perhaps. You're swaying me. But...
No thanks. The idea is that I DON'T want to think about how I'm connecting to other people. I just want it to happen. I'm sorry, but I don't give a shit about learning how networks work, just to play video games. Also, I'm 30.

It was ditched a few months short of their standard console cycle anyway, though it's a shame it didn't end with a big release (unless you count BotW I guess)