Is it good?

Is it good?

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It is good. But the combat system sucks

It's a great 40 hour game wrapped up in 30 hours of filler and one of the dullest and most frustrating combat systems you could imagine.

severely overrated, but a good game

Combat system is okay, might get boring though.
Story is good untill the final plot twist which is fucking stupid.
Side quests are MMO tier garbage and if you ignore them you need to grind towards the end.

That that as you will.

Take that*


story s'perfect, leave and dont have it spoiled

>Story is good
Ehhhhhhhhhhh I disagree, honestly. I think it's paced poorly (so much FUCKING filler when you get to new areas and there's always some bullshit that distracts you from the story) but more to the point it's just not fucking interesting. It's all well and good at the start, but then it tanks so fucking harrd.

>2 hours of roaming a cave and a field
>Oh...I-I guess I can take a break from my revenge quest to help out these refugees...
>Oh..I-I guess I can take a break from my revenge quest to help out this little furry thing...
>O-oh..I-I guess I can take a break my...uh...thing to go cuck this chick...Fiora? Who?

The premise itself is good it just does NOTHING to warrant Shulks initial reaction considering he lets himself get distracted at every turn. Every subsequent playthrough pisses me off more that the "main quest" is flanked with all this filler bullshit.

Followup question, is it good enough to play through on the n3ds port? I'm no graphics whore, but giant muddy textures on an itty bitty screen at a godawful resolution is a bit much.

I'd agree on the pacing but this is still a game so filling stuff out with actual exploration and gameplay is expected and usually a good thing. Though Xenoblade Chronicles did very bad job with it's side quests and overall combat.

Personally, I think Xenoblade works better as a handheld game than it does as a console game. The UI is a lot less cluttered on the N3DS, and it looks pretty good all things considered. I played up to Mechonis Field (half way or so) on Wii but managed to finish it on N3DS.


I played it on n3ds so it's fine. Obviously it's better on a console/emulated but it "works" on a handheld.

>this is still a game so filling stuff out with actual exploration and gameplay is expected and usually a good thing
I agree, I just don't like how it was handled. I don't like that I have to play through the refugee arc when it would have made a good side quest. I don't like that I have to play through Riki's arc when it would have made a good side quest. I fucking HATED Melia's temple thing.

It feels like what could have been compelling side content was thrown in to the main quest simply because the designers wanted you to be forced to explore their game, rather than making the exploration organic and fun. If that makes sense. It makes playthroughs after the initial one drag.

Best JRPG from last generation.


Seconding this. It's decent, but massively overrated by die hard Nintendo fans. XBC and Skyward Sword were the only 2 real games in the drought that was the second half of the Wii's life.

As others said, the side quests are a massive pain in the ass. You could just ignore them, but there are a few that have decent rewards tied to them, including character's 4th and 5th skill tress. Of course you have no idea which ones will give these, and most the time you need to increase your reputation with an area to unlock it in the first place. Thus you have to go through the shitty item grind quests.

It's great. And the combat system's awesome.
The sequel is great too.

>massively overrated by die hard Nintendo fans
I am almost certain that the most vocal champions of this game are the ones that emulated it on Dolphin.

Hell, the game sold 200k copies in the west. The most vocal of its fans didn't bloody pay for it.


The 3DS port is seriously one of the most solid console-to-handheld port I've played, but it's ultimately still a console-to-handheld port. I'll admit being able to play it on the go and the game pausing automatically when you close your 3DS, even in the middle of a fight, is pretty fucking comfy. There's nothing ulitmately "wrong" with it, you'll just be playing the game with shittier texture and at a shittier resolution. The only other thing it's lacking compared to the console release is Japanese audio but the English dub is objectively superior anyway so it's no big loss unless you're a MASSIVE weeb



Dunban should have been the main character.

Dunban is the most cliche character in a game full of cliche characters.

If he was the main character the game would lack a lot of its opening appeal.

The environments and music are good, everything else sucks

>it's ok
>the combat system sucks

For the love of God OP.

Don't listen to these people

The music is absolutely glorious.

Where do you kids come from? Also I think this games pacing is one of its strong suits. Everytime a cutscene feels like it's about to go on too long, it ends. Everytime I feel like things are about to start getting boring, you fight a boss.

XBC is not a game you shrug your shoulders at. It's phenomenal.

>cliche character

Fuck off, he's literally the best character in the game.

I agree that he shouldn't have been the main character though. He's much better in the supporting position.


It's a great game but you have to heed one very important rule. DO NOT try to do every sidequest as they become available. There are a fuck ton of them and it will burn you out hard if you feel compelled to finish them before moving on. Only finish the ones with a clock next to them and whatever you enjoy doing after that and then move on with the story.

It ruined my first run for me but once I let that go, the game went from 3/10 to 9/10.

it's good but this is better

come at me

>. Everytime I feel like things are about to start getting boring, you fight a boss.
I don't remember every single side quest having a boss

Dunban and Fiora should've switched ages and roles in the story.
That's right, gay Shulk and robot Dunban.

Metal Face is a genuinely entertaining villain. He acts and sounds like a more intelligent Ork.

It's the only game directed by Takahashi that doesn't have some kind of horribly glaring flaw.

No, that's Xenogears.

>horribly glaring flaw.
How about the horrible side quest system? Why are everyone who praises the game ignoring this. There is no way you can defend it. That's my biggest issue with the game.

Anyone who says this hasn't played Xenogears and endured the absolute suffering that is dealing with the game's massive boner with Citan fucking Uzuki. The fact that Dunban is a supporting character instead of the guy in charge is a blessing.

Because it's entirely optional and not even worth fucking with unless you have serious OCD. It's not like Xenogears being an unfinished mess with shit dungeons and a poorly coordinated plot, or Xenosaga falling apart halfway into the first game, or X straight up giving up on having a plot at all.

The biggest blight on the game is something you never even have to experience. It's hard to fault it on that.

its excellent
i wish i could say the same for the sequel

>Fuck off, he's literally the best character in the game.
He's literally a cliche tho

>vastly inferior story
>vastly inferior characters
>inferior world
>improved comba- oh wait shitty mechs and infinite overdrive
>better side quests
i came

>XBC is not a game you shrug your shoulders at. It's phenomenal.
I played it last year and it didn't leave any strong impressions on me, I could really see its faults.

Maybe it's a nostalgia thing and you only enjoyed it because you played it a few years ago?

>story starts and ends at chapter 12

Also, why did they have to waste a fucking main mission for that meaningless Ryyz fight?

You could call any character a cliche. That phrase is meaningless.

You're retarded. Don't do the side quests then if they're boring to you. Hell, 50% of the side quests are done on your way through the main path of an area and they're automatically turned in for you.

>horribly glaring flaw
The battle system, the pacing, and the entire last 1/3 of the game are all flaws. Also Riki.

>Because it's entirely optional
It's not though. I stopped doing them at some point and because of this, I was heavily underleveled when I entered the final areas of the game which made bosses impossible. And like in every game where this happened, I checked what level I should be. And, surprise surprise, I should have been way higher level to tackle the area.

>Maybe it's a nostalgia thing and you only enjoyed it because you played it a few years ago?
>nostalgia for a game released in 2012 for NA

Yeah, fuck off.

trying this hard

>superior gameplay
>superior combat
>superior exploration
>superior graphics
>superior sidequests
>superior world


>kill god

It's good, but it's grossly overrated. The game NEEDS vehicles or a run button. The truly outrageous gem system is shit (and largely irrelevant for a normal playthrough). Also, becoming overlevelled is easy as fuck in this game. You explored the map and did a sidequest? Boom, you're 7 levels over the enemies and there's no challenge. That sucks.

>nostalgia for a game released in 2012 for NA
Emufags have been playing it for 5 years lad

>Inferior world
This is wrong as fuck.
X has one of the best sandboxes in vidya history, in that they incorporated ACTUAL FUCKING LEVEL DESIGN into it along with taking elevation and natural topography into consideration. Shit's amazing given the size of the team.

The game is extremely lenient on levels and with a strong setup you can basically beat shit you're way, waaaaay underleveled for.

I dunno, I don't think I did too many sidequests because they're boring and I never had any problems with the game. Bah, anecdotal shit is pointless.

You mean the completely optional aspect of the game? You mean the side quest system that automatically turns in your quests and gives you your reward no matter where you are when you complete it? You mean the side quest system that warns you when you pick up future needed items in quests? You mean that "tedious, awful system?" The one that's completely optional yet still goes out of its way to conviemance you.

You mean that side quest system? Right? You meant that?

did you forget about the fact that you need quick step gems to even move at a pace fit for a normal being, oh wait you were just meming "I'm feeling it"

I didn't like how the combat lacked any form of agency. You start a fight, and within the first minute you know if you're going to win or lose. There's nothing you can do in the middle of the fight to turn the odds. If it's going bad, you just have to reload and either change your party and skill setup, or just need to level more.


More likely you just lack taste

Okay, he's a walking cliche in a game full of walking cliches and lacks any kind of original aspects to his character. He's the strong older generation character that's in every game like this. Completely unoriginal.

Yes, I had 0 fun with it. They are literally straight out of MMOs. Just because there are "improvements" don't make them any more fun because the core aspect of them is nothing interesting.

>I was heavily under leveled

Lol. No you weren't. Why just lie like that?


and no ammount of shitposting will change that

>Anyone on Sup Forums
>Playing a game as old and flawed as Xenogears
The couple of people who actually played it love Citan because his stats are unreal. You're in the minority here.

>people that disagree with me are shitposting
Away to the gaf lad

Don't worry the enemy levels are ramped the hell up as soon as you get to the aorta

He's still an improvement over the version of that archetype seen in previous Xeno games, just like Shulk, Reyn and Riki.

Like god damn, way to take some boring ass shit and actually make it LIKABLE for once by giving characters actual chemistry and nuance.

Why would I lie on the internet? If I was at the expected level, I should have just admitted that I suck ass and tried different strategies and setups. But nah, fuck numbers.

Well I enjoyed a lot of them. Especially the ones building up that second economy.

If you don't like them, don't do them. the more you post the more I realize you simply haven't played the game. Especially if your the same guy talking about being under leveled lmfao

I already beat the game and this is a lie, you'll still be overlevelled as fuck just by playing the game normally

The distractions make sense. Shulk is a very empathetic character and he has difficulty ignoring people in need. Even then, he is still taking revenge on the mechon both in colony 6 where he is trying to clear out the mechon staying in the mines and with the high entia where he is following a lead to make the monado strong enough to kill face mechons like the one that kills fiora. Even with makna forest, he is helping melia because he is following the vision the monado gave him.

With the scale of the game, it is like walking from seattle to miami to kill someone. You can stay focused, but you will probably stop a few places along the way and depending on how badly you need it, you will likely have to work a bit to keep going

Lmao, noooo. You weren't under leveled. You haven't played this game

You were doing well but this slip up gave you away

>If you don't like them, don't do them.
Like I said, I did that and it fucked up the end game for me. Why would I criticize a game that I haven't played?

>people that disagree with me are shitposting
yes, that's exactly how Sup Forums has always worked user.

Why are Takahashi's games always so flawed?

Xenogears has a bare-bones combat and the second disc.
Xenosaga has technobabble and hollow symbolism for absolutely everything and it's just a childish anime story in the end. And the gameplay is terrible and it's a slow game.
Xenoblade Chronicles X has terrible characters and terrible plot.

Xenoblade on Wii is the closest to a great game he'll ever get, but why does he always fail on something? Fuck

>some kind of horribly glaring flaw
I loved the game from start to finish, but it has a horrible inventory GUI, with most item icons being the same color.

>someone criticizes a game I like
>oh I know! I just tell them that they haven't played the game!

>lacks any kind of original aspects to his character

This is flat out false. Are you sure that you played the game? Payed attention? Saw the heart-to-hearts? I refuse to believe you did any of this.

No it didn't. You didn't get to endgame

Time stamp picture of your file

>did people forget how overleved you get by even doing 10% of the side quests

>did people forget about the fact that you can't even run or jump when in combat

>did people forget that there is no need for a healing in this entire game

>did people forget that 95% of the sidequests are fetch

>did people forget that all you can explore in the world are blue orbs that serve no purpose other than autism for gems and weapons vastly inferior to drops

>did people forget the the entire plot was point for point kill god

>did people forget what happened to the pacing of the game in ether mine

play the better game

What the fuck do you people want out of an rpg combat system? Chronicles was slow, but that's all I can fault it for.

It's pretty cool how Shulk is essentially the same as Fei and Shion, but instead of being a whiny cunt or outright monster he's just very charismatic. I hope the next game focuses in the writing again because they're so close to finally nailing it.

Something fun. You have played fun RPG combat systems, right?

>XBC and Skyward Sword were the only 2 real games in the drought that was the second half of the Wii's life.
Ah okay, you're an uninformed underage
Got it

The combat is practically automatic. There's very little you can do and level difference plays way too heavily into who wins or loses. It's just really basic.

I stopped between Agrinthia, and spoiler to do all the timed sidequests, the last two places still had fairly challenging regulars, bosses not so much outside the very last one. and the ether river pool party one.

>did people forget that 95% of the sidequests are fetch

You do the sidequest while exploring and doing the main quest. They practically complete themselves. Anyone that went out of their way to slay 10 of X enemy was literally playing the game wrong.

Hes stating something that's simply wrong. No one ever finds themselves under leveled in Xbc unless they truly try.

Of course I'll tell him he hasn't played the game. He hasn't. Anyone else here can see that too.

>you disagree with me so obviously you haven't played the game

What's it like to be 5 years old? The sidequests are entirely garbage. This was never a debate in any thread. The only one that some people debate is rebuilding the colony.

>it's a great 40 hour game
>40 hour game

Yes, it's really good.

But now that the series is starting to gain popularity everyone is going to start acting like it was never good. Like what happens every time a series people liked starts becoming popular.

>90+ posts
>30 posters
>Most of it is shitposting
Is XV-kun in this topic?

one without retarded AI controlled party members?
or at least one where I can set their AI like in FFXII

>did people forget that there is no need for a healing in this entire game


>combat is automatic

Wtf? Ok at this point I'm convinced this shitposter a simply haven't played it. That's just not true. Xbc combat system is very active with positioning and combos being core.

Where do you kids come from? What makes you think you can just say things?

Has it just been long enough? I've never seen xbc get this much blatant shitposting. Is it just time now? It's been out long enough to be subject to contrarian shitposting? I understand criticizing it's flaws but a lot of what's being said in here is demonstratively wrong

Not the guy who originally complained, but I don't like X either.

First off, I think the way the resolution works really sucks. I don't know if that's what you call it, but more accurately: shit's too small to read. It's as if they expect me to have a gigantic fucking TV screen in my bedroom. I get headaches trying to read the dialogue because it's absurdly small and I have to move closer to the TV. Not only that, but compared to Xenoblade Chronicles, X really sucks at letting you know what status effects you've inflicted on the opponent. The most you get for inflicting a status is a little box with an icon and a number on it below the enemy name, and they're small as hell too, and aren't even done in an easy to understand way. How hard would it be for the break status to be its own color?

Also I didn't really understand the point of having each character have both a melee and ranged weapon. I didn't really grasp the usefulness of either. Maybe the game explained it and I just didn't notice, but why should I even use my gun except just to have different arts? I know there's a combo system in place where you do more damage if you chain arts of the same type, but then you have it so that the break move can only be done with melee, and the stumble move can only be done with ranged, so what's even the point?

I was so annoyed by it (mostly being unable to fucking read because everything was tiny) that I didn't even get to the part where you get a skell. Ten hours of this shit and I still haven't gotten the main draw of the game.

Feather pubes y/n?

Seconding this.


Nigga, did YOU play the game? Positioning doesn't do anything in this game. Enemies can attack you from 2km away and you can attack them from wherever. Positioning in this game is not important and it doesn't play any role.

So do you plan on responding to this? (Yes, you are the same person)

It's decent. The combat it serviceable but shallow, the characters are all awful except for Dunban, the story is bad and the game puts a ton of emphasis on it, the world is well designed and fun to explore, the voice acting is well done, the music is solid but generic, and there's a good amount of content.