Why does Shepard look more detailed than male Ryder? Is this the powerful Frostbite engine they can't memeing about?
Why does Shepard look more detailed than male Ryder? Is this the powerful Frostbite engine they can't memeing about?
this ! so much this!
I bet my life that ME trilogy with HD textures and ENB will look 10 times better than Andromeda !
Why the fuck dont they use female ryder for the poster child for the game? I thought bioware were supposed to pander to SJWs?!
mark vanderloo
Male Ryder is based on Tom Cruise.
Once you see this it cannot be unseen.
I don't think they even had a model for him, they just made one, which Bioware is bad at.
He looks a lot better in direct feed, but the main reason is that Shep was a super-model.
This. The previous Mass effect game had a face model for Shepard. In Andromeda, the game is about you creating someone you want instead if having a default face.
Wish Bioware would've stuck with having a default face.
I don't know, he does look like Shepard.
ME3 Male Shep was asthetic as fuck.
There will be a default, but this might not be the final default.
Shepard went through multiple iterations prior to Mass Effect 1's release, and he changed a little bit in each game.
Pic related was one of his designs, but there were a few more macho variations.
shhhhh maybe they are learning...dont make then remember
Implying you will look that handsome when you're 48.
It is him, ya doofus.
yes this game is shit and we all hate bioware why must we continue making these threads?
>talking shit about a pre alpha build
hellloooooooooo reddit haha
Every time I see a picture of Vanderloo I feel this emotional nostalgia for the series.
>We will never see Sheploo come back to life as some kind of bearded hermit recluse and save the Universe again.
Hello Bioware developers, just wanted to let you know that your games are ass.
I'd rather play as that guy in helmet on the left. He doesn't look nearly that whimpy as the guy in center.
That wasnt ryder you faggot
Yeah, you're right. I'll wait for N7 day for the new trailer. Maybe by then they'll have the final face for Ryder and just edit it off that.
Just face it, this is the most promising game Bioware has ever made, you're just busy overhyping Shitcher Pee lol
...that's really the name?
left is a tiny part of a 4k picture and right is a big part of 720p picture. Of course shepard looks more detailed if it is an up close camera shot, you idiot
Continue believing that, Biodrone.
Please don't tell me that wimpy faggot is the main male protag look.
Is this the tone they are going for with the game?
Hello CD projekt developers, I realize you and your fans (or what remains of them) are going to be bashing this game extra hard since Witcher 3 was torn apart like no other game even here at Sup Forums your no. 1 cocksucking fangroup which you somehow managed to turn against you. Really quite amazing how shit your game was, keep making em downgrades and stay polak.
I think it's like The Ryder, like Spectre or something.
>that Hawke "sister" on the top middle
I always suspected Gader of pretending to be gay on Twitter just to win points with their consumers.
>We will never see Sheploo come back to life as some kind of bearded hermit recluse and save the Universe again.
I will forever be sad that Bioware abandoned the brunt of the ME2 Geth plot in favor of Cerberus.
Because Bioware were snatched by SJWs, who are awful at making games
Just change his appearance?
Then post a better picture, faggot.
It's Bioware. They've had pretty decent character creation since DA2.
It's a nod towards our history, Ryder was the first female astronaut on space or something, just like Shepard was the first male.
>Ryder was the first female astronaut on space
That was Valentina Tereshkova you capitalist pig.
There's a couple there that are allright
He looks like a nu-male without glasses
I'll either use Bioware's crappy character creator or just make him wear a helmet 24/7
They write the game with the default protagonist look in mind. So if he looks like a faggot he'll act like one in the dialog choices, no matter how much you change his looks
First male was yuri gagarin you western spy
Clearly the guy on the left has way more polys and way better lighting.
Using a screencap of a stream vs a screenshot of a game is waste of time when you want to compare 2 things.
Look at the size of those fucking ears
one is cinematic, the other is not well potentially not
Have fun with your playing your sjw friendly game
The real plot of ME3 is that you are a galactic fugitive chased by the Alliance after breaking out of their jail.
The reapers arrive about halfway through the game and shut down all travel between systems. Only the Reaper IFF allows you to move through systems and this is why Shepard, who has now cleared his name of the Ceberus Clone whose been running roughshod while Shepard was imprisoned, Shepard aligns the races as best he can from this point. The reapers are not a continuous enemy, but you have to fight the alliance many times and this wears on Shepard deeply as he begins to doubt himself as a war criminal.
(what I typed is true, game needed another year or two in the oven to achieve this, game was slashed and cut, multiple planets gone, ending nerfed to try and hit release)
I hope we can edit the body, don't wanna play as a fucboi
This Ryder guy looks like a beta Numale compared to Shepardloo
said it before and will say again:
they are going for a child friendly cartoony approach. look at the animations and body ratio. More fitting for a 12 yo then adult characters.
Ryder looks EXACTLY like a character out of Dragon Age Inquisition.
I would be $100 right now that you could go into DA:I's character creator and make an exact replica of Ryder. I guarantee it.
Meant to put "american" in there, sorry.
I'm sure Mass Effect 5 you will play as Gagarin.
Bioware trying to rewrite history again.
Rather have Tereshkova than Ryder.
The streaming was 720p, dumb fagot.
Holy shit, you're right. I bet that Andromeda's character creation is exactly like Inquisition too.
Well, to be fair to you, "astronaut" is a Murrican term for space people.
Or maybe next trilogy.
You guys are retarded. Bioware has been trying to go for neutral protagonists since inquisition.
Also the game actually has dual protagonists, female and male Ryder are siblings.
You're saying that Andromeda will be a trilogy?
>this ! so much this!
Poo in the Loo lost though. For all his bitching and whining about including more brown characters, they're still going to use a white dude for the box art. Bioware lets him run his mouth on twitter, but EA won't let him fuck things up when there's money at stake.
Maybe, it's a pretty big galaxy and they can add lots of different stories into. Depending how sales goes,EA will definitely want more of this.
>Dick Ryder, intergalactic gaylord
That'd be interesting if it involves extra gameplay, like the A and B runs from resident Evil 2 or something. But if they are siblings and you just never see the one you didn't choose then that is pretty stupid.
Also I better not ever be forced to play as Female Ryder, Mass Effect felt fucking weird and atonal playing as FemShep, I don't think they'll be able to pull it off here. I will play a female in MP but not in a 100+ hours game.
You know, for all Bioware progressiveness their vision of the future is actually very tame. There are some gays here and there... wow! I remember Forever War, a classic 70s sci-fi novel, where due to overpopulation of Earth homosexuality becomes the norm and hetero people are viewed as perverts. I'm not saying they should copy that, but they certainly could do better then "this guy is gay and we'll make sure you don't miss it by making him point it out in the most obvious manner".
>Also the game actually has dual protagonists, female and male Ryder are siblings
Actually the idea of this I think could be kind of cool. Like how RE2 did it. Like you play as 1 character and finish the campaign A which lets you carry the save over to the sibling to play the new campaign B which will make references to campaign A based off earlier decisions. It could even go so far as to include new bosses or have more or less supplies in areas depending on the decisions of campaign A.
Of course there is no way I could see them actually attempting that
It's actually biowares crappy artists.
They're going the Inquisition route with the box art
>Mass Effect felt fucking weird and atonal playing as FemShep, I don't think they'll be able to pull it off here. I will play a female in MP but not in a 100+ hours game.
There's nothing wrong with preferring to play as one gender over another in vidya but this sounds like actual brain problems
So brother and sister incest confirmed for Andromeda?
>Watch the 4k trailer
>Helm disapears.
FUCK YOU BIOWARE. Make that shit optional. I wanna wear helm when i want, where i want. Give us options for both in and outside dialogue.
what do you mean by this?
Because they actually scanned someone's face for Shepard. I doubt Ryder is a actual real person. But most face scanned characters look better then create a characters.
He looks like sucha gormless faggot, BioWare spoiled us with Shepaloo
Even Star Trek TOS was more progressive than the ME setting. But then that's because Roddenberry was an actual progressive and not a retarded internet crusader that only pretends to care about social issues to score brownie points from other retards.
It's almost certainly the former. The tutorial area might be different, but the role each sibling takes in the story is almost certainly designated to the one you play. I'm guessing the opposite sibling will be kind of like Hawke in inquisition, where they show up as a companion in maybe a cutscene or two.
It means I cannot connect with female bioware characters that were clearly written as men, why not cut out the middleman and play as the man that was written on the paper?
If you don't connect with the character you are playing the story becomes meaningless, like Army of Two or something.
Bioware closed down their official forums. You do most of their loud and vocal female fans gathered there. Facts are that 83% of people that played ME played as a male. Females make up a very small portion of ME fans. There just never shut the fuck up.
>Wish Bioware would've stuck with having a default face.
We got lucky with Vanderloo, look at fucking Geralt in Witcher series, he looks so fucking awful its ridiculous, character creation would have been a life saver for that series
This. I just couldn't get into playing Mass effect as femshep. She just didn't fit the part. I hope can experience the full game just as male Ryder.
on the PS4s defense it's pre-alpha and shepard there is probably max settings on PC. that being said it's also on a PS4 pro.
There are brother and sister in game?
>Awful looking
[Citation needed]
>clearly written as men
How was Shepard written as a man? Are being a huge dweeb and having bad dancing skills traits exclusive to a man?
There's nothing wrong with playing the gender you like and viewing the character as such, but this is quite silly
Shepard was a battle hardened vet by the time ME1 started. Bioware said Ryder is green as fuck, and has little experience. Makes since imo.
Your daddy was the guy in the n7 armor in the first reveal trailer. Female Ryder is the sister of male Ryder. Whichever sibling you pick is consequently the main character of andromeda, while your sibling fucks off and has their own wacky space adventure that affects the story.
I actually like the idea of not starting a role-playing RPG game as a legendary amazing super soldier guy, though that being a Bioware game means it probably won't last more than 5 minutes.
Is it me or does that look like Alexi Stukov from Starcraft Broodwar?
If that's the case, then hopefully we get to see our character develop into a soldier instead of him just picking up a gun and going full Rambo with no experience like in Far Cry 3.
> Its the femshep poster
Just fuck off m8
It's the texturing/lighting style, reminds of old prerendered stuff.
I think the dog was called Ryder
It's odd how the other 2 humans keep their helmets on yet Ryder doesn't. Also the Asari makes no sense. She has no helmet, her stomach is fucking exposed and sleeved rolled up. Who dresses like this in space? Especially in a new universe that you know nothing about.
>Mass Effect felt fucking weird and atonal playing as FemShep
I never could play as Maleshep because of his retarded voice
Its on the ps4 user, they cant afford better textures/anti-aliasing.
>.png (3.93 MB, 1920x1080)
So sibling confirmed as main villain?
Of course it will, AAA will never waste assets. Are you really that new?
>extremely masculine species with intricate customs regarding mating and what being "adult" means
>none of these races make any reference to your gender even though they would take Shepard even less seriously as a woman given their own customs
That scene where Shepard headbutts that Krogan in Mass Effect 2 for example. Absolutely not written as a female in any way, despite your fanfaictions to the contrary.
If I had time I could list dozens of things that point to the characters seeing Shepard as male, but I don;t have time so you'll have to accept that FemShep is a waste of player time and development resources.
You think a Bioware game is gonna have any depth at all in the character creation?
You sex, skin color, and the head.
Playing as anything but a human with a fit but generic body is for losers, apparently.
He looks good with a beard. He does look like shit clean shaven. He looked horrible in the first two Witcher games.