ITT: Games that made you cry like a little bitch. Bonus points if shameful

ITT: Games that made you cry like a little bitch. Bonus points if shameful.

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I'll start off: This motherfucker right here. Never expected a silly spin-off of friggin' pokémon to make me feel so invested in the story and so connected with my cute Vulpix partner that by the end I was tearing up for real.

The soundtrack didn't help at all.


To the Moon
Ghost Trick
The end of some Ace Attorney chapters

The Walking Dead season 1 ending

keep that hair short

Ending to Sword of Mana when MC walks up to the tree

Valiant hearts


N-no, f-fuck off I didn't cry

>Ghost Trick
Don't get me wrong, that's a fantastic game, but I don't rember any particularly cry-worthy moments.

Yomiel's story? The first timeline?

>that giggle after dad kills his actual daughter

> Sweetie, don't film this.
> You know this has nothing to do with you, right? Even though mom and dad don't love each other anymore, we both love you. And we always will. Now come on.

Don't be afraid

Now that I think about it, nothing really comes to mind. That's strange, because usually books/movies/whatever can pretty easily get me to cry like a bitch.

Maybe I'm just not playing the right games.

Mother 3
TWD season 1

I set my sail...

Name some examples of movies/books that make you cry. Maybe recommend some games that hit some similar notes.


Best dad ever

Boy oh boy... the price of freedom is steep.

Not that user, but Terry Pratchett's "Reaper Man" always has me in tears in the end.

And then Windle Poons died.

Because that's what good doggies do. That and I'm a sucker for happy endings. That and the right music, when concluding a good story can get me.

Maybe not cry like a bitch, but atleast a little teary-eyed

well yeah when he hugs yuna while fading away and jumps off to braska, auron and jecht that can be an emotional moment

My favorite character and right after I finished all of his conversations, too.

Oh right, tears of hapiness are a thing.

Ghost Trick is a game about loving your pets.


the part in final fantasy IX before the battle with the third waltz (if i remember exactly) on the airship when the black mages die protecting Vivi, probably because i was a 7-8 at the time but it always made my cry a lot

I'm susceptible as fuck to emotional manipulation when it taps into personal fears. You know, stuff like sickness, death of loved ones because of your own mistakes, or inevitable extended suffering. That kind of stuff never fails to get me.

On the other hand sacrifices or other kind of emotional drama almost never do anything for me.

I really wanted these two to be together

I think the one that gets me most is Jacobs Ladder. The movie is one hell of a mindfuck but it all comes together and makes me lose it. Being a dad also doesn't help.

I'm going to say MGS3 but I think everyone knows that

This is going nowhere. I'm spelling it out, but you're not listening. Your troubled schooldays, how you're conflicted about marriage... your denial of death, the unfounded guilt, abnormal sexuality...

Eighteen years of denial! A whole universe of fantasy in that thick skull of yours! A skull teaming with agents of repression... Blind children clutching photos in the dark. Pale freaks, goggled eyed from watching home movies on loop.

The term is "complicated grief". But it's simple, isn't it? A young girl... Her parents don't get along. She blames herself as all children do. Then Daddy dies. What's a girl to do? Deny that Daddy died. Deny who Daddy was. What seven-year-old actually knows who their parents are anyway? So she obsesses and obsesses over this fantasy dad, propping up her make believes with scraps, scraps of a happy life that never was. Scraps of a father that never existed! Wake up!

Your dad wasn't a hero, wasn't your knight in shining armour. He was a human being. You never knew him and you never will. The dad walking around your head isn't even a ghost. He never existed. A Frankenstein's monster, a child's fantasy...

But you're alive. Your mother is alive. She's not the monster you make her out to be. You need to live your life.


>How to do a sad ending right: The game

Mother 3

The Fall made me tear the fuck up towards the end.
Probably because I felt guilty for having suicidal thoughts and the movie touched on that.

"Oh bury me not..."

Sniper Wolf's death always gets me for some reason, tear up every single time I've played through it.

And now his daughter writes video game stories including the new Tomb Raider games.

Too bad the stories in them suck. At least her other works are pretty decent.

Ori and the blind forest when mom died

to the moon

In all honesty, Dutch's death and speech were much more the objective "return to your family."

I'm an idiot who can't find an image of it.
True End in Monster Girl Quest 2 with the ribbon.

The first two Layton games made me tear up but I cried like a bitch during the ending of the third one.

Cried like a complete bitch for some reason.

Fuck you user

> You've been with me for so long...
> I always will be.

"And now I know, the only compass that I need...
It's the one, that leads back to you..."
>ywn experience those soundtrack moments for the first time again

Don't you fucking lie, you cried. Admit it

Came here to post this

That moment was kind of ruined for me for the contrivedness of the whole story and the extreme dramatic conviniences, but I still felt real sad for Layton there.

Seeing him lose his composure like that was a hit in the feels

Probably the ending of Final Fantasy Type-0

Wasn't expecting it at all, but the ending to Tales of the Abyss bitch slapped me with emotion. Cried happy tears for like 30 minutes. Only game to ever make me cry.

Journey when I was with a random guy for the majority of the game and we got to the end together. If the guy didn't stick with me to the end, I'd probably get nothing out of the game.


I cried twice in Abyss the first when Arietta bit the dust and the second when everyone was basically telling Luke to kill himself to stop the miasma.

That second one hit too close to home.

Got the best end to the greatest love story ever told. Pic related gets married and everyone else gets a bad end.

Rudy. Every god damned time. There's something about the right kind of orchestral music that sets me off, whether the moment is triumphal for the character or awful.

This fucking movie, dammit.
I was way too old to cry like this, but it caught me completely off-guard. ;_;

I just finished this game a day ago and its honestly been so difficult to stop thinking about it for more than 30 minutes.
I feel so deflated and empty.
Thankfully i didn't have to work today, but i layed in bed today from 10am to 4:30 in the afternoon just thinking about the game and being sad about it. No media has ever affected me like this, im happy with the experience but just so deflated and depressed. I feel like ive been on a life changing experience and watched people i love change and grow as well as myself. It feels so personal and real.
Even if it is just a game.

Join the club.
We love Max and Chloe. For me being a 34 year/old man, the flashbacks that Max have hit me.
It made me think of my childhood. People you loved that later in life moved away or changed. The game can hit home with a lot of people in different ways.

Sob and start watching adventure time to take your mind off things. It was my strategy. Then play Life is Strange again.
Basically when you play LiS, you begin a spiral of depression caused by LiS and distracting yourself only to revert back to thinking about Max and Chloe. It can be really hard.

am i the only one that felt nothing during the ending? Actually I felt annoyed at how dramatic it was while I wasn't feeling sad at all
I never gave a shit about the boss, and never understood why she became a fan character. All she did for the whole game was spew cryptic shit and knock me around. I'm supposed to feel bad for killing this bitch?

Usually the end of most long JRPGs.

I cried at the end of Phantasy Star 2 but not when [spoilers]Nei dies[/spoilers]

I think it's something to do with putting so much fucking time into a game and it's finally over, the music swells and the bitter sweetness of a long journey coming to an end hits me in a strange way.


Oops sorry about spoiling a 25 year old game

It's so weird! Even though I know how unhealthily obsessed I'm becoming, it's like I don't *want* to move on...

Fucking hell that was such a good ending. Very rarely does a game leave me in a state of disbelief just by one simple twist.

Same but for me it was the older one
Might have been a TV movie adaptation?
Well we watched it in class like in 5th grade and pretty much everyone was bawling

I totally get what you mean. I think for a lot of us, this game becomes part of our DNA. Whether we want it to or not haha... I'm of the idea that it is ok to obsess over it a bit, because I do believe it's much more beautiful than it is depressing.

the very first time I cleared mass effect 3 I cried. Mostly due to frustration.

Only time it's acceptable for a man to cry is when a dog dies during a movie. I cried at the end of Marley and Me because my own dog died.

The "cryptic" stuff was supposed to let on that her and Snake kneww eachother very well and had a whole history together before the game took place. You're supposed to identify with Snake and care about the Boss because he does. He talks about her in a larger than life way and holds her to such a high regard that, seeing how much of a badass he is, would imply that she's even better and it shows when she beats him up.

The tragedy of the ending is that she was killed for the government's personal gain and you find that you weren't killing the Boss because she defected. You were only killing her to save everyone else's ass. It's a necessary evil.

I never had tears in my eyes for a game before, until I saw this game's ending. This is a great game, user.

I spilled spot remover on my dog, now he's gone.



I'll never forget you Dallascowboysfan75


TLOU got my eyes red on more than one occasion

Ace Attorney games
Walking Dead game S1/Walking Dead S2 Kenny endings
Having a last drink with Valmiro in Dragon's Dogma
Asura's Wrath
Ghost Trick
Curing Dog/God in Dead Money
Hearing Dr. Borous talk about his dog in Old World Blues
Agent Stone in Twisted Metal: Black

Me and my family , while none of us spoke english that well, back in the 90s finishing abe's odyssey without knowing the importance of saving mudogons was a sad, sad experience.

i just remembered yday the moment when the twins in ffiv save the grp
i think its the only pixelated game that gave me tears

Palom and Porom were built out of feels, user.

Life Is Strange when I picked the Sacrifice Chloe ending


Ragnarok Online - when my e-gf broke up with me

I was a dumb teenager alright ;_;

>joel comforting sarah as she dies
that fucking got me and the game had only started

Strangely, the only game that ever made me cry was Gitaroo Man because of this song.

At times we must purge things from this world because they should not exist, even if it means losing someone that you love.

At least Kate lives.

I mean, you saved her right ?

Endings in Shovel Knight
it was just too sweet


This is the only game that has ever made me cry

N-no, I fucked up ;_;

Surprised this was not mentioned.. T_T
>having to explain to your mates why you closed your DS and eyes are red

>tfw you fail the mission

you didn't even pay attention to the plot

It was you nigger

>Did it shine...?