
>implying samson didn't steal his pokemon

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Tanned people aren't black.

Is that Professor Oaks brother, or did Oak just get tanned from lounging in Hawaii

I need an answer

Aether confirmed for human to jellyfish mad scientists,Team Skull confirmed for good guys.


When will the "niggers are actually tanned whites" meme?

I would argue that there's only two African kings and queens in Pokemon as of right now: Lenora in Black and White and Grant in X and Y. Because the art is shit tans come off as really dark, and you can see it's a tan when you look at Aqua Admin Matt and see the symbol on his stomach is a tanline.
Samson is researching the Alolan forms, and is Professor Oak's cousin.


I keep putting this video only for the music, what type of music is it?

When will the what?

It's his Alola form

Sun and Moon's main theme plays around 1:03 so I'm hoping this song in the game.

too late.

>that trailer
It's so good holy shit, I can't stop rewatching it

>grunts for Aether are posing with Hypno, a canonical child abductor, Alolan Meowth, a part Dark type, and the most vile of creatures know to man, Miltank
What do you think, OP?

>recolored Kanto professor
>studying recolored Kanto Pokemon

Is that Wicke's Pokemon?

>Aether are the bad guys, all the grunts think they're doing the right thing but in reality they're just brainwashed and Hypno's are used as wardens for the slaves.

kanto oak is named samuel oak not samson

>no alola form pikachu
no more mascot pandering

Team Skull is like a mischievous gang that acts like a family. According to Japanese story tropes they have to become allies by the end of the story which means Aether must be the bad guys.

thank god.

They'll be bad, but work towards the greater good realizing them selling pokemon to aether lead to all of this.

They try to steal Aether's pokemon to sell them at one point, but you obviously intervene and kick their lv.8 Zubat's ass.

Samson Oak



Wait...does that mean....TANNED NURSE JOY?



I would abandon whatever beliefs I hold to be the bad guy if it meant being with Wicke.

Brock has to come back in the anime to see this.

Please god.


There will be, if there's a Raichu there will be a Pikachu and a Pichu, too. They're saving him for later.


we've seen pikachu evolve into alola raichu in the trailer though

Exeggutor, Marowak and Raichu evolve from their non-alolan forms in the trailer, and they've shown Pichu before as well.

Japcucks nu-male regressives trying to shit on my white heritage again #DontTreadOnMe #WhiteOak

>that music
>those towns
>that scenery
>rent a mon instead of HMs
>boss pokemon
>that fucking wishiwashi
>alola forms
>team skull and YA BOI
>the ultra beasts
>free for all 4 way battle royale
>all those qts
>that z move montage
this game looks amazing, if they don't fuck it up it'll be the best pokemon since gen 2 or 3

Wtf that music is so fucking good

I've seen this around sometimes, what does it mean?

The fact that there isn't a version for Pikachu is because mascot pandering. They don't want to drastically change his appearance.

>that montage
>that music

Why is this so great?

Those were imported Pikachus and Cubones.

>Ash gets off the boat to hawa- I mean alola,
and sees Brock hitting on a beach full of tanned nurse joys from the earlier seasons


the main villan opens with the line
verbatim in his reveal trailer


Trailer looks great. All the news about these games makes me hopeful that they will be good, but I still can't buy them until the hype dies. Gen VI burned me too hard.

It's ya boi Guzma.

Thanks user. I really appreciate it.

Guzma says something along the lines of "ITS YA BOY GUZMA" in one of the trailers


Team Skull looks far too goofy and loveable to be the real bad guys, and unlike the previous games' team bosses, their leader also is goofy as hell.

Did you mean to quote someone?

How can other teams even compete?

Why is nobody talking about this?

What game has the aether?

What is it? Is there something about the costumes? I didn't play X/Y.

because it's just x&y with a few more options. Get over yourself.

>battle pose is a fucking slav squat
ya boi is god tier

no hat no buy

both have both teams, aether are a good refugee camp for pokemon harassed by skull and do super science stuff, skull are like team rocket but slavs displaced to hawaii instead of the yakuza people think aether's gonna be evil, we'll see


That's not a Slavsquat. It's a delinquent thing.

>Alolan Persian
Oh geeze

I want a pet Gumshoo tobh.

>those poses
Yep, best team.

>top right

>Adventuring without a hat

Please don't do this.

oh nice
so the story will be pretty much the same then?

so far the differences are the usual different mons in the wild, but also apparently different events and a 12 hour clock difference.

It's Pokemon.


Looks like a slav squat to me.

it is quite exactly a slav squat
>knees apart
>arms resting on knees
he even has a black outfit with white stripes


>Misty never ever

My roommate is a half jap weeb. It's a Japanese squat.

Slavsquatting is for hanging out. Delinquent squatting is for looking tough.



Mascot pandering is the reason why Pikachu got forms that didn't change it's appearance but just put on clothes. GF doesn't have the balls to make a Pikachu that looks different.


I sure do love all these characters we've seen so far.

So I'm not the only one hype that all trainers are getting 3d models, right?

>youtube.com/watch?v=xRGrfurZaNQ starts playing

>They actually modeled breasts onto a character
You're doing good, Game Freak.

>Lillie's already getting doujins

>hooker heels

Shes evil user


What did he mean by this?

They're gonna pull another Ruby/Sapphire. In Sun Aether will be the bad guys. In Moon Skull will be the bad guys.

as per pokemon tradition, waifu game unreal



But in those games it was pretty clear that both Magma and Aqua were nutbag radicals wanting to reshape the planet.

Both teams are bad. Aether is going to present themselves as the good guys but you'll find out quickly that they aren't, Skull will present themselves as the bad guys from the beginning but they're really just thugs.
It's a similar dynamic to Team Aqua and Team Magma.

awful taste

Yeah, and it's pretty clear that in this game both teams are doing bad things for the right reasons.

I mean, they've shaken the formula up quite a bit already. Who can really say?

>shits on lana
>likes the tumblr whore