Harassing Female Gamers, why?

I want to state first that this is not an isolated event. I have been gaming hardcore since I was ten years old, and Diablo was first released, and ever since I picked up a microphone, I've been verbally assaulted for simply being a female voice among the men. I've played on most of the consoles out there and of course, PC. I play games that require, for team reasons, a microphone (CS:GO, Rust, League of Legends, Dayz, Dead by Daylight(etc), as well as many MMO's over the years were guild/clan ventrilos/mumbles/etc were required.)

Mainly it is games like CS:GO where I am running into grown men who are constantly harassing me in game, and if I fail to respond after they discover I am of the opposite sex, they will then throw grenades at me, say sexually explicit things, and go so far as to threaten to do me bodily harm outside of the game. I don't understand, why do guys do this? If you are someone who has done this, what is the reasoning? Sure, I can just block your communication, but why should I have to block somewhere every game, or every other game?
Heaven FORBID if someone tries to defend me, because then we're both flamed. I just played a game of CS:GO where a stranger stepped up to defend me, asking this GROWN MAN why he thought it was necessary to speak to me this way. The guy was accused of White Knighting, was shot at, team killed, etc, for simply trying to defend me, because I was doing the best thing I had in defense; silence. I was told I must give this guy great pussy, that my nudes must be smoking for him to care enough to say something.

I don't get it. I wasn't bringing the team down, I'm not a bad player. I just wanted to make a call so you knew there were people rushing A long. I just wanted to be a team player, and all I got in return was a grown man asking about my pussy and the smell and my sex life and... I'm sorry, but that's none of your business. I just want to play the game - I don't want your attention, good or bad.

Get lost bitch

Show us your tits

Simply, people suck. The game world has long been crawling with these degenerative cucks that they have to cling to their games like selfish children.

Unfortunately, its a mess that comes with the territory. Find yourself a good group of players to team up with who dont give a damn whether you're male or female. And the rest can go fuck off.

Take your damn clothes off.

Why don't YOU show us YOUR tits.

This post has been ripped off Reddit.

OP here.

You sound pretty genuine user, nice to know people like you are around here. Heh, maybe we could play sometime?

People are idiots. When people can be anonymous on the internet they turn into even bigger idiots.


>browsing Reddit

Can you fuck off? Thanks.

It's bantz, plus gamers are usually sweaty nerds who wouldn't dare talk to you irl

Bantz back

Putting a skirt on while having a dick doesn't make you a girl, faggot.


Not much for competitive since 343i jumped into the scene, but yeah. That'd be nice.

Just remember we're all human. And that the douchebags who say those things have never had the pleasure of being around a member of the opposite sex.

I agree. Fuck men, and fuck nerds, we own the gaming sphere now. "Bantz" won't be a thing soon, and Overwatch is leading the way, and thats a good thing.

You know damn well you love the attention you fucking dirty slut.

now show dem titties.

Can't take the bantz, exit is to your right.

Because in case you hadn't noticed like 80% of players on voice chat in games are raging faggots regardless of whether there is a female.

Honestly it probably just matters what you play and the community that naturally comes with it. It doesn't mean the single individual represent the majority but you can get a grasp how you're getting treated from there.

Good thing there's rhythm games. No hostility in some Project Diva among other weebs.

god this board is shit

You've been rused, you stupid double-niggers.

Hey OP, I'll play with you. I'm a cute Asian boy :)

And 10% have shit taste in music when they play it in the background, 5% are fuzzy foreigners and the other 5% are annoying children whose parents bought them a rated M game.

If you actually cared you would just play the game and not talk, And don't tell people you're a girl

The truth is you want the attention so you make sure to use voice chat all the time even though 90% of people don't.

If you can't take the the heat, get back to the kitchen.

This is from reddit and so is the reply that seems serious.

Fucking fags won't stop shit posting all day Jesus christ

If they start harassing you, make sure you harass them back. Start learning how to handle the bantz, then start learning how to throw it right back in their dickfaces.

Now post tits.

>Reviews with a Z
LOLZ so randum xP

Fuck off stop replying to reddit bait

People on Xbox are mean? Say it ain't so.

Stop treating adult women like they're babies who will cry at the drop of a hat. Most of them have thick enough skin to deal with retards. Unless, you don't think so.