What now Sup Forums?

What now Sup Forums?

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now post Sony stocks plummeting after the Sony Meeting.

>Becoming a mobile game company before your very eyes
What now Sup Forums? are you ready for more carbon copies of existing mobile games with Nintendo IPs shoehorned in? Video games amirite?


How are Sony's stocks after ps4 pro announcement?

As profits increase, quality will decrease.

>mobileshit game developer

Why should I care about these guys again?

the entire industry wants a taste of the mobile hole, I'm surprised MS hasn't dipped in.

Sony investors dont really care about the PS division that much


isn't it their most profitable brand with the highest revenue?

Really? The Playstation is like the only thing Sony is remotely doing correctly. All of their other facets seem to be doing shit in comparison.

You know this is a bad sign.
They will asociate: Shitty mobile game => Profit

Yes but investors are all idiots who don't have a single clue about the gaming industry.
They have no clue if the PS4P is good or bad so they just ignore PlayStation stuff and focus on easier things like the finances and film divisions.

insurance is doing great

Now Segata Sanshiro announces the Sega Mark VIII.

then who's investing in Nintendo recently?

The profits of mobile are greater than console by a massive margin and few of the big AAA have seriously tried to tap into it.

I dont fault them for trying to get that pie and who knows, maybe a good mobile game will come out of it.

People are investing into Sony's film division? I find that hard to believe. That's Sony's smelliest shit.

Yeah but it still doesn't move much money. At the end of the day, it's a pretty niche market and SCE is terribly inefficient at actually making money. The PS4 may sell better than the other consoles on the market, making for a large revenue but their income is lower than it could be.

They still have the lowest stock of the Big 3.

Microsoft is worth almost $60 per stock, and Sony is worth around $34 per stock, while Nintendo is only selling and buying stocks in tens at around $270, so they're only really worth $27 per stock.

To be fair, Microsoft's stock isn't tied to the Xbox.

Sony is a massive business, only its gaming division could be said to be doing great, it cant pull the rest together.

"I'm not going to invest in this kiddy shit that I don't understand but is part of a growing industry! I'm gonna invest it in FILM!"

Sounds about right.

Video games are for kids and the industry is fickle and goes through too many fads. Why would a wealthy business man waste his money on shit aimed at kids?

Investing in Nintendo's mobile business makes far more financial sense than the shit show that is Sony's film division.

All this damage control lol

>video games are still seen as for kids
But it's 2016. I thought we were past this.

Pokemon Go makes 1 million dollars revenue PER DAY on just iphones.

Let that sink in, an estimated 365 million dollars of revenue on one device forecasted in a year.

that is the dumbest question I ever heard, a good businessman does not care what he's investing in, they just want money. Also, Nintendo's getting a lot of investment and they're literally kiddie games: the company (a stark contrast from Sony's 'mature gamer' demographic)

Angry Birds did the same and now it's dead. It was a fad.

What is behind the current rally? Did Nintendo announced a new mobile game or something?

Because Nintendo is a video game company and take their business seriously.. Sony makes TVs and movies and just fuck around with video games for fun like Apple.

They should given it's the only profitable division that Sony has left.

Yeah but of that money. 30% goes to Apple, and the rest is divided among 4 companies where Niantic most likely gets more of the money.

While they lost their lustre, their old ass Angry Birds 2 is still making about 30k a DAY on just ios. They also have several games of varying success.

Clash of Clan STILL makes at least 300k a day.

When you make it in the mobile biz, you rake in the dosh

Comparing price per stock is retarded. It's better to compare market cap, and even better to compare enterprise value.

Yes, Apple is king shit robber baron of the mobile world.

But you cant deny that 70% of 300k a day is still far more lucrative than making triple A titles.

Plus you can do it with far less people, time and resources.

probably just NX gamblers

Nintendo goes all mobile, other companies soon follow. The gaming industry becomes nothing but mobileshit.

[spoilerI can't wait.[/spoiler]

>but Pokemon Go was just a fad! Nintendo doesn't even earn much money off of it!

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. What you retards fail to realize however is that it catapulted the Pokemon brand back into mainstream relevance; Sun and Moon are going to sell assloads of copies, even moreso than usual for Pokemon games.

Nintendo's gonna get theirs one way or the other.

I don't own financial or emotional stock in Nintendo, so that graph means nothing to me either way.

t. sonygga

The thing is, why would they buy Sun or Moon when they've already got a Pokemon game?

Sure the vast majority likely won't, but even if one in ten of the normies who downloaded Go decide to pick up Sun and Moon as a result of Go rekindling their interest in Pokemon that's a windfall of several million copies sold.

do you guys think Pokemon Go made Nintendo finally wake up?

Pokemon game sales went up after Pokemon Go was released.

It helps that while the same IP and similar premise they are still very different games. For one thing, Pokemon Go is just a glorified fitness app.