Why do certain people think this game is free from criticism?

Why do certain people think this game is free from criticism?

It's not free from criticism, but you can't talk shit if you're bad at the game.
Your opinion doesn't matter unless you're in the top 500 of your region

Eh. Some people just don't have the drive to push rank. I have a friend who I know for a fact is better than a friend I have who is top 500

We don't. But we do think it's a good game and people who say otherwise are just contrarian shitlords

this game definitely isn't free from criticism but that doesn't take it away from being a really well made FPS

Why do certain people do nothing but try to shit on this game 24/7?
Oh wait tf2 and plunderborn players :^)

because blizzdrones are like that about all blizzard games
it's not something new, just the first time blizz made a FPS
I honestly love playing and I'm having a lot of fun with it but this is hardly a great game.
Overwatch just makes me wish TF2 still had a community playing it and that the cosmetics hadn't fucked the game up by being distractions. Good news is Overwatch is heading into that direction extremely fast so soon I'll just have two dead games to play

>well made FPS
The map design is atrocious, competitive players play only a third of the heroes since blizzard is shit a balancing
The vast majority of the ideas behind the heroes are just recycled from tf2.
I love playing this but this is not well made at all.
I guess compared to other 2016 games it is but that doesn't count

not free from criticism its just that there is so much shit "criticism" you have to weed it out

imo it did tf2 better than tf2, the characters felt more diverse and more interesting and I have more fun playing that

Is that logo 2 dicks in circle rubbing into each other?

I mean if you want it to be, sounds like you're pretty gay if you see that in a simple graphic logo

user but they do it all the time

no, it's two docked dicks.

They just took tf2 characters and gimped them out as a way to force your to swap to counter x or y enemy. On TF2 most characters based on skill level of the player could counter any other character. On Overwatch you are forced to switch even when you're playing against a cheater because you just don't have to tools to counter it.

shitter not cheater

>You can't criticize religion unless youbare priest
Sorry, but I wont waste my time in an even more cancerous competitive mode than CS:GO, the game is pure moba garbage with zero deph, a shit easthetic, and a community of zealots that make the USSR look like a bunch of hippies, it didn't took me more than 3 hours to find out

>Unless you have so much time, energy and likely money involved in this game being a massive success you can't criticize it.
Top kek.

The game where everything is looted straight from other franchises right down to the fight-for-the-future subtitle

>more interesting and I have more fun playing that

That's because you're a cusual. (which is okay, just saying)
