Name one Flaw.
Name one Flaw
i can't play him for shit
most of them are bad
the really good one are fucking godsend though, probably the most useful teammate you could ever ask for
He's German.
Literally every character in this game is boring as fuck to play
>not busy letting his gf be fucked by '"Syrian"' """refugees"""
>doesn't apologize for the 6 gorillion
Unrealistic character 2bh
Hammer should do 100 damage, not 75.
The game he's in.
People still don't stand behind the fucking rectangle.
>finally unlock competitive
> it's a completely different game and not very fun
t. Bad at junk rat
He's too pure.
found the jew
Hanzo can limp-wrist 2 arrows and kill reinhardt when he goes in for the swing
Metagaming was a mistake.
He's not in a beat-em-up game
Name one flaw.
Rocketboosts himself off cliffs a lot.
But otherwise I like him as a character. He's the quintessential "Tank". Extremely beneficial to his team, but also very reliant on his team.
He blows roadhog at night and doesn't say no homo.
i´m Rein main and i have to say even he´s pretty useles in long range i can destroy almost anything in mid range and absolutly every enemie in close range. A flaw? He has armour intead of shields so there is no way to recober some after taking dammage so healers always have to be aroung to keeping you kicking asses and as good it is for you to have the full enemie team paying full atention to you it´s very bad to put the healer in danger most of the time, many can die for indirect fire, once you die or if the enemie is smart attacking the healer directly
Is it true Blizzard wants to "retire" him?
I wonder why? I imagine it'll be for an inevitable comeback while they introduce a new tank.
Damage is too high for something that require 0 aiming.
Yeah I really liked it until then but meta autism has killed my enthusiasm for this game
Complete shit.
tfw, main
It's pretty great, but it should allow double Winstons IMO... or maybe as a compromise- one character on each team can be chosen twice.
>Blizzard "retiring" any character
Hammer swing needs to do more damage, pretty much most of my kills come from pins because people are good at staying out of his range and the fireball has a slow cooldown.
How do I not get wrecked by Roadhog as Rein? The second my shield goes down for any reason Im hooked and fucked
>2 hit the standart heros
Have a team that shoots at roadhog.
His grenades are easy as fuck to avoid.
Nothing irks me more than watching the killcam of the a Junkrat firing at someone completely different while I die offscreen.
No, Jeff the forum guy said he wanted to keep an open mind in a thread about retiring heros but later said he didn't mean it that way and that they won't be retiring heros.
They said so in last months Game Informer interview. Could just be talking out of their asses though.
And hog can one shot them and Zarya already 2 shots them, difference he has to be close.
The game is essentially built around him
There's no reason to pick any other tank on offense payload
His 100% PURE GERMAN BEEF isn't inside me.
To reliant on his team. If the team is shit Rein gets fucked
The more incompetent your team is the harder it is to get anything going with the guy. Out of all the tanks he relies on support the most.
Hes a spammy fucking asshole and I love him. I do dirty things with that concussion mine. Only complaint I have is Genji can reflect his fucking grenades.
Why post on Sup Forums if you're bad at video games
he's going to die
>missd my chance to get his 100% german power line
What a shame
DESU I feel like overwatch Is a terrible competitive game. There is some balancing issues and it just doesn't feel right. Not saying it's a casual shooter but..
Genji can reflect almost anything, I don't see why that's a complaint. Don't throw your concussion mine directly at Genji, its blast radius is big.
He's actually kind of terrible at area denial, his supposed role.
There is if the the other team is very good at breaking his shield, or is attacking from multiple sides.
he brings the game pace to a grinding halt and makes the rest of the game a hallway spamfest
so he is part of one of the game's biggest faults, along with boring shooting mechanics and shit physics
Probably to make sure no VA will dare ask for a raise or bonus when they need them to make these new lines or had they already recorded all the olympics lines and the ones to come in advance?
>tfw I got it
bait out hooks if the situation allows for it
baiting out an enemy rein's ult with a shield drop wiggle is the best thing in any game ever
Hog is fucking ridiculous, I have no argument for that shit, but Zarya? Yeah she can shit on people if she's charged, but you have to earn that charge, otherwise she tickles people.
What rank are you senpai, I'm diamond and I think it's been mostly fun so far. Almost every one communicates and coordinates in games.
How do any of the other tanks fix that?
Besides D.Va being able to block high dps for longer.
Free energy
Git gud faggot
Junkrat is squishy as hell, has pretty harsh cooldowns, and has to reload every 5 seconds. Not to mention he is hatd countered by Pharah and soft countered by Roadhog and Zarya
t. Junkrat main
Not every match-up is favorable m8.
I use Winston almost exclusively on competitive, I can guarantee a dead Zenyatta, Mercy, Lucio, McCree, Genji, Junkrat, and Widowmaker at the start of any match... but don't ask me to handle tanks or anyone with a shotgun by myself.
Playing a good Winston is literally like playing First-Person Pacman, 50% of the time you're the hunter, 50% you're the hunted.
Of all the characters that have issues with genji junk is one of the lowest on the list. He has splash damage, which means he can just do damage around the deflect anyway.
>soft countered by zarya
More like hard countered because he feeds her energy, allowing Zarya to walk all over his team.
Who the fuck is Zarya?
It really has nothing to do with that. Every multiplayer game from the past few years has been consumed with metagaming.
This desu, if there's a zarya in the enemy team and you play junkrat you're doing more harm than good, no matter how many kills you're getting
I don't have either of his new skins yet.
>Placement matches
>Doing good, Good teams some losses here but close matches
>Last 2 were horrible
>Playing reindhart, Holding the point
>Near death and shield almost down, ask for medic
>No heals, I die
>I see the mercy nearby damage boosting the 76
>We lost horrifically
I never understood why people dont bother to keep the ones holding the line alive.
Pink haired racist girl.
Also, speaking of hard counters. I love deliberately walking into Symmetra's sentry nests with Zarya. It's practically a refueling station for her. hunts flankers and covers flanks quickly
Hog gets a pick so you come out ahead in a chaotic brawl
Zarya +200 anyone line of sight. Most of the time it's bad to focus the bubble so it's basically a free breather/save if your healer is doing anything
what did he mean by this?
I don't play Pharah, Roadhog and Zayra
>shoot randomly in the air to get kill
>when someone get close he throw his mine or bear trap on them
If there is a scummy hero for scummy people it's Junkrat.
And hog.
He's talking about the happy merchants.
I dont his reflect hitbox is fucking huge so shooting next to him still reflects stuff. And Im talking just the nades, I bear trap his ass and then conc mine him.
any ways to get betrer at Junkrat aside from "aim better"?
I'm already trying my best to improve on that
>braindead: the character
not him, but gtfo
It depends. As a Junkrat main fighting a Zarya, you always have to weigh your options. Two grenades removes her sheild and gives you free reign to finish her off, since they usually pop their sheild when they're about to die. But if you decide to do this and you don't secure the kill, you're just feeding her energy. Thats why I love trapping zaryas, they always use their sheild and I can pop it in two hits and proceed to kill her with my remaining 3 grenades/mine.
It feels like his reflect hitbox is as big as a zarya bubble desu
>shoot randomly in the air to get kill
Actually pay attention to your surroundings and you'll never get killed by his grenades.
Brings tears to me eyes.
>walk in view of Torb's turret
>get boosted while teammate gets rid of the annoying shit
Pharah is also hard countered by Winston IMO.
>*bubble shield directly in front of her face*
This really, he is so simple to counter, the only people who butch about him are bad at the game in general, sort of like Mei
Anyone counters an ulting Pharah, even Lucio and Mercy can kill her before she finishes her sentence
Sure it depends but competent Zaryas won't walk into your trap, and majority of the time they're positioned with their team. Meaning where you spam grenades is where the Zarya will usually be.
I do but he's not always alone.
His artillery support is pretty damn annoying when fighting someone else.
He's an area denial character you faggot. And Hanzo is far scummier than Junkrat, at least Junkrat can't 1shot people by hitting them slightly above the waist.
>throw a bear trap in front of Rein
>they always walk into it
Pharah is countered by pretty much everyone except Reaper, Tracer, and Junkrat.
He's kind of a solo character, you want to be off to the side popping shots. Sometimes it's worth letting enemies get close to you so you can kite them off target and/or lure them into a trap.
You can always suicide bomb with him, dying in the middle of doorways is pretty reliable way to take people down with you.
hey ur rite junkrat is not braindead xdddd
You can throw mines and set them off mid-air to get some of the squishier heroes in close range.
Hanzo has zero options up-close. Many times I melee them to death just as an added demoralization.
>what is scatter arrow
Also if you have a trapped player and you know you're going to die, die on top of the trap or as close as you can get, also keep moving a decent amount, the concussion bomb allows for more mobility then a lot of characters with the added bonus of damaging while jumping with it, need to make some distance, don't run. Jump, and deal enough damage to most heroes to make them think twice about following you.
>i can't play him for shit
This. When you first play Overwatch, you say to yourself "Oh, haha yeah, I can play this nigger" but he's way too valuable to waste a tank slot on. I'm forever stuck with picking Roadhog when I'm the one who needs to be a tank.
Sure, I can learn him, but man. Getting perfect with a Rein seems too hard. Maybe I should learn Zarya or D.Va.
Junkrat, Roadhog, Mei and Hanzo would only improve the game if they were removed.
Roadhog is the best defensive tank, though.
>tfw main junkrat and roadhog is my second most used
I know this is entry-level junkrat advice but always aim where they're going to be, not where they are. Do NOT be afraid to spam the fuck out of spawn doors/choke points/areas you even have a feeling enemies may be. You have unlimited ammo and a relatively fast reload speed. Spam that shit. Always always ALWAYS have a trap down. Remember that they sink into the ground for enemies so putting them in grassy areas or dark corners or areas with rubble on the ground work great, don't put them out in the open. Your concussion mine does 120 damage and has tons of uses, it can be a sixth grenade or your panic button. Don't like how an encounter is going? Throw that shit and peace outta there. Aiming up is your weakness, but that doesn't mean you can't do it. With a little work you can still snipe Pharahs out of the air. You may already know this but if you put your mine and trap in the same spot, you can kill combo anyone that isn't bastion or a tank. Also remember, you aren't limited by line of sight. If you think an enemy is waiting in the next room, get an angle on the door and ricochet some grenades in there at different angles. You may get lucky and/or force them to back off.
Maybe because he can one shot 90% of the cast with zero effort on a 6 seconds cooldown?
Not when he dies.
Then the team needs to wait thirty minutes for him to waddle his way back into the fight.
>Reinhardt on team
>every attack teammate is running through his shield into oncoming fire
>Rein lowers his shield and runs+leaps ahead to continue to protect them with his shield
They are few and far between but good Reinhardts are genuine scholars.
>remove easy heroes
>that one friend who's shit at video games is now a heavier burden than ever