What kind of miracle you want pham?

what kind of miracle you want pham?
soulsborne thread

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I want faith buffed

The miracle where I get to wield a Silver Knight Straight Sword or a Silver Knight Spear.

Seriously, why the fuck aren't those weapons available to the players when the SKs wield them?

Why do you guys call it soulsborne? Why not just souls? Bloodborne IS a souls game, I cant understand the special snowflake treatment.

Reflect on your autism for a moment before posting.

It's the best souls game, it deserves some recognition

>be me
>start farming silver k***hts for about 2 hours
>get 5 concord kepts
this aint so bad itll probably be like my pure bladestone farming or sunlight medal farming
i jinxed myself this is gonna take months now

I just did and still cant seem to understand.
Oe of the best yea, its amazing, but I still find it stupid to call that game style soulsborne when it could be just souls.


say no more

das3 is an awful game

It takes everything good about 2 and tosses it aside in favor of a dumbed down version of bloodborne gameplay


post fashion

dlc on ng+4 is impossible. am i bad

fuck yourself

Can I play any "Soul"-likegame except Lords of the Fallen at 100+ FPS yet?

sorry man im normal tier, always going for elite knight set

>Brother begins playing Bloodborne
>Doesn't play as aggresively as he should
>Says dodging is laggy
>Doesn't read descriptions and when he does wants explanations for them instead of just playing and finding them for himself
>Sold the cleaver almost immediately for the spear because "lol more damage"
I want to slap him.

Replace DS 3 for BB and you're set

DaS > BB > DeS > 2 > 3

DaS is my first and I played it the most.
BB controls the best.
DeS has the best concepts and isn't afraid to use them in expense of pure gameplay (giant flying ray boss, maiden and her guardian, hide-and-seek dragon etc.)
3 was nothing new.
2 was a pain and I never adjusted to it to properly enjoy it.

>replace the most unique game in the series with derivative, simplistic poop.

>Look, Silver Knights are back!
>And they've got crazy movesets and weapon arts, wow!
>Oh but you can't get their weapons fuck you

I can top that mate.
>first play through blind offline
>farm the silver knights at the steps of anor londo for their weapons
>sweet balder ss meme repeats with ultra rare weapon drop
>kill 300 knights
>No weapons
>finally ask my friend to look up their drop rates because no spoilers
>"silver knight weapons aren't in the game retard"
Fucking highest tier of retardation on From's part.

Still fucking pissed actually

>All this hours I put in grinding for the proof of concord
>Expecting weapon drops
>Almost done with grinding
>Shit load of armor
>No weapon
From is a hack

at least you dudes are getting armor, anyone want a gorillion titanite shards?

That's basically how I see it though I don't consider 2 a game. I played it on PS3 and wow is it shit. But BB and DeS are always swapping 1st place for me. I love their atmosphere

>this is how i played DS1
>I was steamrolling everything after anor londo
Havel's shield is op especially for manus

Almost forgot
>same story, still running blind
>finally tell silver knight ss to fuck off anyway
>left with 500k-750k souls at level 60
>use them all to level
>become over levelled as fuck and steam roll the rest of the game even with my shitty Jack of all trades build
>Fromsoft successfully ruined my last first play through of a souls game by being a cock tease

>cock tease
>visions of friendship, therefore time for tears

I miss my silver knight straight sword waifu.

Worst of all i always used Straightswords and shield, always.

Now that Straightswords are broken everyone thinks im a cuck who uses them just cuz they are the flavor now.

Reminder that Shield of Want + Holy Lothric Straight Sword is actually really good for PVP.

Sure the sword does low dmg but that weapon art is literally impossible to dodge.

>he playsmore with the
it hurts when i see no one else using this its just katana user98789513 prepares to battle, i'll show them greatness

>Das2 is a shitty game with no redeeming qualities

>Whoa man, that das3 sure is a return to form!

what is wrong with these people

I've seen some absolute madman on YouTube with an extremely aggressive playstyle and this combo, he was fucking amazing

I have to try that shit with Holy Lothric sword.

I used it a lot on my 6th character since i was tired of cheesing early game with a raw astora sword.

It's kinda below average but dem looks man.

Make a blonde character, wear the knight's set without helmet and 2 hand this sword.

Also don't forget to name ur character with "of Astora" at the end.

There, i just made you want to start a new character.


Yeah, it's this guy. Thanks user.

>Shield of Want

Check out his GS of judgement video.

The guy's not only great in PVP, his fashion souls is also too tier.

>invade post-pontiff
>4v1 gankers
>noclip into boss room
>kill boss

Great stability + weapon skill.

>what is wrong with these people
buyer's remorse

I'm so glad i play on consoles.

bk shield is has better stability with weapon skill

good. shit gankers can stay on console.

Maybe just fashion then.

At least on PC you can make backups and anyone with a brain makes them frequently.
If on console you get fucked by a hacker, which does happen, good bye.

Never met a single hacker on 300 hours of coop and PVP.

Also only pcucks get soft banned for playing with a hacker.

Nice try tho.

>host and a phantom
>kill phantom
>host runs around and there's nothing I can do about it unless I have a washing pole
>summons the same phantom again
>repeat three goddamn times
yeah at that point I had to pull out the collector's edition toolkit for the first time because fuck this guy

Except there are no hackers on consoles


exact same happened to me. i ended up deleveling him but keeping the stats so he probably got softbanned.

Now that's rude.

maybe people shouldn't act like cunts. just take the loss or alt+f4.

rollspamming till your passworded buttbuddy gets summoned again is the shittiest of shit tier souls behavior.

Step it up, senpai.

Hollowslayer is simply better in every single way that's why.

Ima let you finish but what are some of the greatest NPCs of all time

I can't let go, it's been with me since DeS


so was it ever confirmed that bb would run better on a ps4pro? thinking about just picking up the $300 one in a week

Why is the bandit's knife so OP? I've never had more of a winning streak with any other weapon. It must be really annoying to play me, hopping around poking till bleed plus kirk's set. If straight/curved swords werent around i'd be unstoppable.

No 60fps because of multiplayer.